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Displaying results 751 - 780 of 1101 in total
Conference Session
Curricular Innovations
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Maura Borrego, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Interdisciplinary Collaboration," The Hybrid Vigor Institute, San Francisco 2003.[15] Borrego, M., "Discipline-Based Views of Collaboration in Engineering Education Research Partnerships," Proceedings, 2006 Frontiers in Education.[16] National Center for Education Statistics, "Digest of Education Statistics," U.S. Department of Education 2005. Page 12.714.10[17] West, M. and J. Curtis, AAUP Faculty Gender Equity Indicators 2006, Vol. . Washington, DC: American Association of University Professors, 2006.[18] Guba, E. G. and Y. S. Lincoln, "Competing Paradigms in Qualitative Research," in Handbook of Qualitative
Conference Session
Student Teams and Project-Based Learning
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alan Cheville, Oklahoma State University; Christine Co, Oklahoma State University; Bear Turner, Oklahoma State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
the ten questions, three questions covered the firstand fourth quadrants with two questions in each of the second and third quadrants. Page 12.373.6Questions were also ranked on two separate but related scales to measure the focus of a student’stechnical work as shown in Figure 2, below. One scale was formed by level of specificity ordetail the question asked for. A high level of specificity (S) or detail required detailed technicalknowledge of the system. At the other end of this scale general (G) questions asked for anoverview of the system’s function. One would expect a student who played the role of a projectmanager to have more general
Conference Session
Intersdisciplinary Courses and Environmental Undergraduate Research
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Braun, California Polytechnic State University; Emmit B. Evans, California Polytechnic State University; Randall Knight, California Polytechnic State University; Thomas Ruehr, California Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
, where he is also Director of the Minor in Environmental Studies. He received his Ph.D. from U.C. Berkeley and has also been a faculty member at Ohio State University.Thomas Ruehr, California Polytechnic State University Tom Ruehr is a professor in the Earth and Soil Science Department at Cal Poly State University in San Luis Obispo. He has a Ph. D. from Colorado State University. He has received the University Distinguished Teacher award, served the U.S. Department of Agriculture as national co-chairman of the committee for Agricultural Ethics and Public Policy Curriculum Development, and helped lead the U. S. Agency for International Development world conference on Agricultural Systems
Conference Session
Innovation in Construction Engineering Education I
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Tulio Sulbaran, University of Southern Mississippi; David Marchman, University of Southern Mississippi
Tagged Divisions
:30pm (M-F) ANYTIME (S-S) Figure 15. Sample of a Construction Drawing Table 5 Brief Description Of The Construction Sequence Of ActivitiesTimeframe Description02-16-01 - 2-22-01 Placed median barriers southbound02-23-01 - 03-13-01 Placed median barriers northbound03-20-01 Closed Natchez Trace Parkway (NTP) Bridge & West ramps of NTP10-03-01 - 10-12-01 Placed median barriers southbound to put traffic on newly constructed inside lane (becomes shoulder when complete)11-01-01 - 11-09-01 Placed median barriers northbound to put traffic to the newly constructed inside lane
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Course Innovation
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jason Yao, East Carolina University; Loren Limberis, East Carolina University; Paul Kauffmann, East Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
, electronics, digital circuits, power, and facilitate understandingof electrical systems such as sensors and industrial instruments. The book should balance therequirement of math, theory, and engineering applications.VI. SUMMARY Page 12.205.12The article describes the experience of developing and teaching an electrical engineering coursein a general engineering program. It examines coverage of the electrical topics, discussesteaching approaches and encountered difficulties, and presents possible improvementopportunities. The authors believe that offering electrical engineering course(s) in a generalengineering curriculum is important. Successful
Conference Session
Engaging Uses of Course Management Systems, Blogs, and Open Source and a Database as Tools for Library Instruction
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Megan Sapp Nelson; Michael Fosmire; Amy Van Epps, Purdue University; Bruce Harding, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
.) as furnished by the mill?• When using lock wires to secure bolted connections, what are the recommended type and diameter(s) of the wire?• What is a gathering operation in forging?• In 2002, when did Daylight Saving Time begin in Europe? Answer to be date and GMT.Expert systemsExpert systems are used in many applications, particularly in business, to simulate theknowledge of an expert in a field and respond to the input of a user with suggestions based onthis expert knowledge within a narrow, well-defined domain. A system is designed to provide an Page 12.1106.4inexperienced user with information and assistance with a problem
Conference Session
Improving ME Education: Trends in Mechanical Engineering II
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Amir Jokar, Washington State University-Vancouver; Hakan Gurocak, Washington State University-Vancouver; Dave Kim, Washington State University-Vancouver; Xiaolin Chen, Washington State University-Vancouver; Hamid Rad, Washington State University-Vancouver
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
sections: presentation and competition. For presentation, allteam members had to participate in giving a 10-min. oral presentation to the class. Three facultymembers judged all the presentations in one day and gave their individual scores to each team.An average was then taken as for the presentation score.For competition, each team ran their vehicle twice in the main hallway of the engineeringbuilding. Scores were given to the vehicles for each run and later averaged using:SCORE=15L+10V-5D-10C+20Pwhere: L: distance, measured from the start point to the end point in one direction, inch (0.1” increments) V: velocity, measured distance over the recorded time in one direction, inch/s (1 sec increments) D: deviation, lateral distance
Conference Session
MIND - Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Atin Sinha, Albany State University
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
Program (2+2) started in the mid-80’s, with a handful of universitiesparticipating, provides students from all over the state to complete the first two years closer tohome before transferring to the junior level at Georgia Tech. Currently 14 colleges anduniversities throughout the state of Georgia participate in this program. Students also canparticipate in the Dual Degree Program (3+2), where they have to spend an extra year at ASU toobtain an additional degree in a science major upon completion of the engineering degree atGeorgia Tech. Over 90% students of ASU belong to the African American community as well asthe entire group of engineering students which currently stands at around 50. Though theprogram was primarily designed for transfer to
Conference Session
Global Engineering in an Interconnected World
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alexis Powe, Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
whichstudents were grouped according to major—or as closely as possible—and required to provide aminimum of six full, double-spaced pages conforming to the Journal of Engineering Education’smanuscript requirements20 and a simplified version of IEEE style.21 For paper 2, studentsanalyzed the ethics and communication of engineers and managers involved in the Challengeraccident and another ethically problematic disaster related to the group’s major(s). The secondpaper assignment remained largely unmodified. However, instructional methods pertaining topaper 2 were modified to accommodate student needs. In GE 3513, I and the other instructorsprovide students reading packets on the Challenger shuttle disaster and show them videodocumentaries related to the
Conference Session
Climate Issues for Women Students
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Yong Zeng, University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign; John R. Duncan, Clemson University
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
category, four emergent themes were identified. Besides familyinfluence, the other three are Faculty/TA support, teaching quality, and department environment.Faculty/T.A. SupportThe vast majority of the participants cited their positive experience with both faculty membersand T.A.’s. One industrial engineering persister had regularly attended the professor’s officehours in the reliability engineering class, and found that he would “stay extra just to help” her. Page 12.1614.14And consequently, she “did well on the homework,” understood it conceptually, and “did well onthe test as well.” There are, however, several students who didn’t feel they
Conference Session
New Models for Teaching and Learning
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Llewellyn Mann, University of Queensland; Gloria Dall'Alba, University of Queensland; David Radcliffe, University of Queensland
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
PhenomenographyPhenomenography is the empirical study of the qualitatively different ways in which aspects ofthe world are experienced. That is, it involves mapping phenomena, or the relations betweenpersons and aspects of their world31. It is a qualitative research approach first used in the originalwork of the Swedish researchers Ference Marton32-34, Roger Säljö35, 36, Lennart Svensson37 andLars-Öwe Dahlgren38 in the mid-70s. Phenomenography was initially developed to investigatelearning among university students, leading to identifying the ‘surface’ and ‘deep’ approachesthat are widely known in education circles today32. Phenomenography appeared in its own rightas a research approach for describing people’s experiences during the early 1980’s (see forexample
Conference Session
Educational Research and the New Engineering Educator
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Malcolm Drewery, National Academy of Engineering; Norman Fortenberry, National Academy of Engineering; Stefani A. Bjorklund
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
, P. D., and Fortenberry, N.L. “Linking Student Learning Outcomes to Instructional Practices – Phase 1.” 2004 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT, Session 1630. Washington, DC: American Society for Engineering Education, 2004.[4] Moore, P. D., Cupp, S. M. and Fortenberry, N.L. “Linking Student Learning Outcomes to Instructional Practices – Phase II.” Annual Frontiers in Education Conference, Boulder, CO: ASEE/IEEE, 2003.[5] Bjorklund, S. A., and Fortenberry, N. L.. "Linking Student Learning Outcomes to Instructional Practices -- Phase III." 2005 ASEE Annual Meeting and Exposition, Portland, OR,, Session 3630. Washington, DC: American Society for Engineering Education, 2005.[6] Ouimet, J.A., Bunnage, J.B
Conference Session
Student Diversity: attracting and retaining a diverse population of students
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Deborah Kilgore, University of Washington; Debbie Chachra, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Heidi Loshbaugh, Colorado School of Mines; Janice McCain, Howard University; Marcus Jones, Howard University; Ken Yasuhara, University of Washington
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
design technical detail w ba w su at al rro nk er l un di ng s
Conference Session
Gender and Accessibility Issues in K-12 Engineering Education
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Glenda Kelly, Duke University; Paul Klenk, Duke University; Gary Ybarra, Duke University; Lee Anne Cox, Duke University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Norb Delatte, Cleveland State University; Rosemary Sutton, Cleveland State University; William Beasley, Cleveland State University; Joshua Bagaka's, Cleveland State University
Academy (USMA) while teaching two coursesin engineering mechanics: Statics and Dynamics and Mechanics of Materials. Subsequently,case studies have been integrated into courses at the University of Alabama at Birmingham(UAB) and Cleveland State University (CSU). Some of the ways to use case studies and a suggested format were reviewed in Delatteand Rens11. These include: • Introductions to topics – use the case to illustrate why a particular failure mode isimportant. Often the importance of a particular mode of failure only became widely known aftera failure – examples include the wind-induced oscillations of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge andthe failure of Air Force warehouses in the mid-1950’s that pointed out the need for
Conference Session
ECE Pedagogy and Assessment
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Fadi Kurdahi, University of California, Irvine; Judy Shoemaker, University of California, Irvine; John LaRue, University of California-Irvine
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
the program outcomes, where I = Introduced, R = Reinforced, and A =Assessed.The curriculum map was developed from our individual course outlines, recently updated by the Page 12.448.4faculty coordinators of each required course. An example of a course outline is included in theAppendix. Course outlines include both the course outcomes (CO’s) and the program outcomes 3(POs) associated with that course. Each faculty coordinator rated the degree of relationshipbetween CO’s and POs using the following rating scale: S = Strong, M = Medium, or L = Low.The collected information matrix
Conference Session
Capstone Design & Project Courses
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Wayne Walter, Rochester Institute of Technology; Jeffrey Webb, Rochester Institute of Technology; Mark Smith, Rochester Institute of Technology; Elizabeth DeBartolo, Rochester Institute of Technology; Margaret Bailey, Rochester Institute of Technology; George Slack, Rochester Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
Conference Session
How to Effectively Teach Using Teams
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph Hanus, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Jeffrey Russell
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
AC 2007-983: INTEGRATING THE DEVELOPMENT OF TEAMWORK,DIVERSITY, LEADERSHIP, AND COMMUNICATION SKILLS INTO ACAPSTONE DESIGN COURSEJoseph Hanus, University of Wisconsin-MadisonJeffrey S. Russell, University of Wisconsin-Madison Page 12.929.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2007 Integrating the Development of Teamwork, Diversity, Leadership, and Communication Skills into a Capstone Design CourseAbstractThe development of teamwork, diversity, leadership, and communications (TDLC) skills in ourprofessional domain is critical to our engineering education program and profession. We solveproblems in teams which are
Conference Session
Engineering Education in the Arab World / Mid-East Region
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Waddah Akili, Iowa State University
Tagged Divisions
teaching.Facilitate and Support Faculty in Acquiring Relevant Practical Experience: Encouragefaculty members, particularly the young, to get involved with the practice in their locale, anddevise equitable system(s) that allow faculty to gain the engineering experience they desperatelyneed, in order to keep up with new developments in their areas of specialization. Thus assertingthe view that engineering faculty “with practical experience under their belt” would, in general,make better teachers. Administrator (deans, chairs, and decision makers in general) shouldinvestigate ways for helping new faculty members gain industrial experience by spending asemester on-site at a cooperating industry, using summer release time to work within industry, or
Conference Session
Capstone Design III
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Karim Muci-Küchler, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology; Jonathan Weaver, University of Detroit Mercy; Daniel Dolan, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
Conference Session
Assessing Design Coursework II
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Olga Pierrakos, Virginia Tech; Maura Borrego, Virginia Tech; Jenny Lo, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
of the design throughout the various stages of the process, leading to a product that is validated against design requirements 2. Design systems in a team environment where multiple disciplines or ME specialty areas are used. 3. Understand the ethical responsibilities associated with the mechanical engineering profession. 4. Prepare formal written design documentation (e.g. memos and technical reports) and present effective oral presentations. 5. Utilize a variety of sources in researching the field(s) and concepts appropriate to the design and benchmarking (e.g: US Patent and Trademark Office, vendor catalogs, Thomas Register, library, and Internet). 6. Utilize modern engineering
Conference Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary Jo Wellenstein, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Sandra Courter, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Susannah Sandrin, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh; Karen Showers, Wisconsin Technical College System; Leslie Wilkins, Maui Economic Development Board; Jennifer Chou-Green, MentorNet; Carol Muller, MentorNet; Laurie Mayberry, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Ann Bloor, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Isla Yap, Maui Economic Development Board
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
Conference Session
Professional Development and Scholarship
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ahmed Khan, DeVry University; Amin Karim, DeVry University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
AC 2007-1883: FACULTY SCHOLARSHIP AND TECHNICAL CURRENCY: 2007STATUS REPORT ON A NATIONAL SURVEY OF ENGINEERINGTECHNOLOGY FACULTYAhmed Khan, DeVry University Dr. Ahmed S. Khan is a senior Professor in the EET dept. at DeVry University, Addison, Illinois. He received his M.Sc (applied physics) from University of Karachi, an MSEE from Michigan Technological University, an MBA from Keller Graduate School of Management., and his Ph.D. from Colorado State University. His research interests are in the areas of Fiber Optic Communications, Faculty Development, Outcomes Assessment, and Application of Telecommunications Technologies in Distance Education. He teaches Wireless Engineering, Network Engineering
Conference Session
Best of the NEE
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Wendy James, Oklahoma State University; Stacee Harmon, Oklahoma State University; Richard Bryant, Oklahoma State University
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
, it is not about the technique, it is about understanding the theories from thesciences of learning and teaching that will allow the technique to be powerful. Engineeringeducators could greatly help each other by discovering the overarching characteristics that canguide instructors in their artful choices of implementing these new methods.Works Cited1. Greeno, J. G., Collins, A. M., & Resnick, L. B. (1996). Cognition and Learning. In D.C. Berliner & R. C. Calfee (Eds.), Handbook of Educational Psychology (15-29). New York: Macmillan Library Reference.2. Krantz, S. G. (1999). How to teach mathematics (2nd ed.). Providence, RI: American mathematical Society.3. National Research Council. (2000). How people learn: Brain, mind
Conference Session
Service-Learning in Developing Communities
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Frank Giannelli, Lafayette College; Sharon Jones, Lafayette College
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robi Polikar, Rowan University; Ravi Ramachandran, Rowan University; Linda Head, Rowan University; Maria Tahamont, Rowan University
agility: while we have used BME and ECE as novel and existing areas,respectively, the approach can easily be modified and implemented by any engineering program,on any novel content – and then be updated for other emerging areas as they appear – simply bysuitable choice of experiments. 4. Implementation Our proof-of-concept implementation of the proposed approach includes a total of eightexperiments to be incorporated into the ECE core curriculum, along with a new technicalelective with its own project(s). Depending on the specific class and the complexity of theparticular laboratory exercise, the experiments can take anywhere from 1 week to an entiresemester of 15 weeks. We should re-emphasize that an important objective of our effort
Conference Session
Assessment and Evaluation in Engineering Education I
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kelley Racicot, Washington State University; Charles Pezeshki, Washington State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Curriculum Innovation
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Marcos Esterman, Rochester Institute of Technology; Dorin Patru, Rochester Institute of Technology; Vincent Amuso, Rochester Institute of Technology; Edward Hensel, Rochester Institute of Technology; Mark Smith, Rochester Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
, n.1, January, 2005, pp. 103-119.2. Stiebitz, P., et al., “Multidisciplinary Engineering Design at RIT,” Proceedings of the 2004 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, session 1387.3. Walter, W., et al., “Redesigning a College-Wide Multidisciplinary Senior Design Program at RIT,” Proceedings of the 2007 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, session 1382.4. Bailey, M., and DeBartolo, E., “Using the Experiential Learning Model to Transform a Multidisciplinary Capstone Design Course,” Proceedings of the 2007 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.5. Howe, S., and Wilbarger, J., “2005 National Survey of Engineering Capstone Design Courses,” Proceedings of the 2006 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, #1781.6. Amon, C., et
Conference Session
K-12 Engineering Outreach Programs
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Leo McAfee, University of Michigan; Andrew Kim, Michigan State University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
modules, starting with the heat module (with electronic thermometer),and then working closely with teachers to use the modules in their every-day “in-school”classes. Another goal will be to provide “take-home-to-study” materials for students.Similarly, teacher education programs will help teachers learn about microsystems so they can“spread the word” to their students each day. Teacher education initiatives will include timefor teachers to modify modules to fit their individual teaching styles and classrooms, perhapsthrough Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) supplements. WIMS-based curriculumdeliverables will include numerous educational modules that when combined should lead totextbook(s).Evaluations of Pre-College Summer ProgramsFor most
Conference Session
New Tools in Teaching and Learning Biomedical Engineering Concepts
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathy Schmidt, University of Texas-Austin; Mia Markey, University of Texas-Austin; Thomas Milner, University of Texas-Austin
Tagged Divisions
teacher and student(s) are separated by physical distance, and technology(i.e., voice, video, data, and print), often in concert with face-to-facecommunication, is used to bridge the instructional gap.”2With the growth of distance learning programs, many question its appropriatenessand effectiveness. Research indicates that it can be as effective as traditional face-to-face instruction when the principles of good instruction are applied. That is, DEcourses are effective when technology and methods are aligned appropriately,when there is student-to-student interaction, and when students receive timelyfeedback.3 It is, however, the unprecedented range of technologies that causesmany institutions to select the technology first thus resulting in