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Displaying results 8311 - 8340 of 34727 in total
Conference Session
Engineering Management Division Technical Session 1: Programs, Pedagogies, and Practices
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ulises Daniel Techera, University of Colorado, Boulder; Christy Bozic, University of Colorado, Boulder; Seth Murray, University of Colorado, Boulder
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
.Brown, R. E. (2001). The process of community-building in distance learning classes. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 5(2), 18–35.Bullen, M. (2007). Participation and critical thinking in online university distance education. International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education, 13(2), 1–32.Candy, P. C., Crebert, G., and O’leary, J. (1994). Developing lifelong learners through undergraduate education. AGPS Canberra.Carini, R. M., Kuh, G. D., and Klein, S. P. (2006). Student engagement and student learning: Testing the linkages. Research in Higher Education, 47(1), 1–32.Collins, M. (2000). Comparing Web, Correspondence and Lecture versions of a second-year non-major Biology course. British
Conference Session
Motivation and Engagement
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Allyson Jo Barlow, Oregon State University; Nicole P. Pitterson, Oregon State University; Shane A. Brown P.E., Oregon State University; Kathleen Quardokus Fisher, Florida International University; Sean Lyle Gestson, Oregon State University; Denise Rutledge Simmons P.E., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Olusola Adesope, Washington State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
survey were brought to the attention ofthe faculty including the survey’s skip function when particular questions were answerednegatively and items requiring free response. The format of the interview followed that ofcognitive interviewing in which faculty were encouraged to explain their understanding of eachitem. Cognitive interviewing is an important step in survey development as this type ofinterviewing helps researchers to evaluate participants’ interpretation of the quality of surveyitems and their ability to measure the intended construct(s). In keeping with the sensemakingframework, this phase of interviewing was aimed at validating the items on the survey from theperspective of faculty who would be future implementers of the instrument
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session 6
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jessica Ohanian Perez, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
Underserved Students in the CSU Moving Beyond Race and Economic Status to Close Equity Gaps. Rethinking the Gap. [online] Long Beach, CA: CSU, pp.1-12. Available at: Factor-Model.pdf [Accessed 30 Jan. 2019].[4] French, B. F., Immekus, J. C., & Oakes, W. (2003, November). A structural model of engineering students’ success and persistence. In Frontiers in Education, 2003. FIE 2003 33rd Annual (Vol. 1, pp. T2A-19). IEEE.[5] Lichtenstein, G., McCormick, A. C., Sheppard, S. D., & Puma, J. (2010). Comparing the undergraduate experience of engineers to all other majors: Significant differences are programmatic. Journal of Engineering
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division: Design Teams
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hadi Ali, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Micah Lande, South Dakota School of Mines & Technology
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
prototypes created by the users.One view of technological development assumes that new ideas present themselves with apredictable, self-determining trajectory—the ideology of technological determinism. However,the new trends of empathy and human-centeredness of design convince us that human choice,not technology, moves history. Lo-fi prototypes, therefore, should be built with an explicitemphasis on having an element of understanding the impact on human users, both directly andindirectly.Consider the impact of automation trends in the 1970’s on the labor market [37]. Theintroduction of numerically-controlled machines, for example, has had social impacts onworkshops floor workers, who viewed the new technology as a threat to their jobs
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division: Design Methodology
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Waddah Akili, Iowa State University
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Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
,  Be familiar with relevant background and technical knowledge that lead to successful design.The starting point of any design project, irrespective of the object or nature of the project, is theproblem definition phase characterized by: asking relevant questions and attempting to findplausible/realistic answers. No sooner has a client or professor defined a series of objectives for adesign project than the designer- whether in a consulting office or in a classroom- want to findout what the customer really wants. Questions such as: what is an economic project? How doyou define the best design? What is a safe design? What are the factor(s) that will affect thedesign the most? Phrasing it differently, knowledge resides in the questions
Conference Session
Student Learning Assessment Methods
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Lisa Jo Elliott, Pennsylvania State University, Erie; Faisal Aqlan, Pennsylvania State University, Erie; Richard Zhao, Pennsylvania State University, Erie; Morgan Scott Janney, Pennsylvania State University, Erie
Tagged Divisions
],and several other metacognitive measures (see Section 1).In both simulation activities, students build the car toy according to a set of customer requirementsshown in Table 1. The simulation activities also require that all the tasks are performed by onestudent for the individual activity (craft production) and by four students for the group activity(mass production). The student(s) need to minimize the total cost of producing the car toy whilesatisfying the requirements of the customer. Hence, there are four main functions: design, sourcing,manufacturing, and inspection. The simulation also involves a customer and a supplier (see Figure2). The descriptions of the four jobs are as follows: (1) Design Engineer: the design engineer
Conference Session
Perceptions, Reflections, Collaborations, and Student Support in Chemical Engineering
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Yu Xia, Pennsylvania State University; Stephanie Cutler, Pennsylvania State University; Dawn McFadden, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
like to acknowledge the support from Leonhard Center for Enhancement ofEngineering Education at College of Engineering in Penn State.References[1] Ohland, M. W., Giurintano, D., Novoselich, B., Brackin, P., & Sangelkar, S. (2015). Supporting capstone teams: Lessons from research on motivation. International Journal of Engineering Education, 31(6), 1748-1759.[2] Edmondson, A. (1999). Psychological safety and learning behavior in work teams. Administrative science quarterly, 44(2), 350-383.[3] Passow, H. J. (2012). Which ABET competencies do engineering graduates find most important in their work?. Journal of Engineering Education, 101(1), 95-118.[4] ABET, “Criteria for accrediting engineering programs,” 2018
Conference Session
ENT Division Technical Session: Assessment Tools and Practices
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Cheryl A. Bodnar, Rowan University; Siddharthsinh Jadeja, Rowan University; Elise Barrella P.E., Wake Forest University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
students’ weaknesses and strengths in domain knowledge [16].Instructors can assess students at earlier time points in a course, to identify potential areas ofweakness that can be addressed throughout the remainder of the instruction. In order toassess student learning, either formatively or summatively, an instructor needs to select anappropriate scoring method(s) for the concept maps. Several quantitative and qualitativescoring methods have been developed and applied to engineering students’ concept maps,with each taking a different approach to capturing a map’s complexity. Concept map scoringmethods typically include measures of conceptual depth, breadth, and connectedness [19].A concept map can be used before the start of a course to assist
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Metacognition, Self-Efficacy, and Motivation #2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Peter M. Ostafichuk, University of British Columbia, Vancouver; Susan Nesbit, University of British Columbia, Vancouver; Naoko Ellis P.Eng., University of British Columbia, Vancouver; Gerald Tembrevilla, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
average score earned). All statistical analyses were conducted usingIBM SPSS 25.The inter-rater reliability between the coders measured using Cohen’s kappa and is shown inTable 3. The two values in each cell of the table represent the reliability for the pre-interviews(left) and post-interviews (right). Agreement between Coders 1, 2, and 4 ranges from roughly“moderate” to “strong,” while agreement with Coder 3 is “minimal” to “weak” [32]. However,unless otherwise noted, Coder 3’s ratings are included in the aggregate results that follow as theeffect of removing Coder 3 is inconsequential, as will be shown.Table 3. Inter-rater reliability: Cohen's kappa for the four coders for pre / post interviews Coder 2
Conference Session
Student Approaches to Problem Solving
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Vanessa Svihla, University of New Mexico; Amber Gallup, University of New Mexico; Sung "Pil" Kang, University of New Mexico
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
mechanicalengineers. Future research will expand this to other engineering disciplines.AcknowledgmentsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.EEC 1751369. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References[1] J. F. Hair, W. C. Black, B. J. Babin, R. E. Anderson, and R. L. Tatham, Multivariate data analysis. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006.[2] Z. S. Roth, H. Zhuang, V. Ungvichian, and A. Zilouchian, "Integrating Design into the Entire Electrical Engineering Four Year Experience."[3] B. I. Hyman, "From capstone to cornerstone
Conference Session
Research in Faculty Development
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Benjamin David Lutz, Oregon State University; Allyson Jo Barlow, Oregon State University; Shane A. Brown P.E., Oregon State University; Dominga Sanchez, Oregon State University
Tagged Topics
Faculty Development Constituency Committee
surrounding the usefulness of faculty evaluation measures—studentevaluation in particular. We argue that in order to improve faculty perceptions of teachingevaluation practices, future work should explore the potential of AOE questions for moremeaningful approaches to faculty evaluation. Such approaches might provide faculty withconcrete, useful suggestions, and empower them to make positive pedagogical changes. ReferencesAlbanese, M. A., Schuldt, S. S., Case, D. E., & Brown, D. (1991). The validity of lecturer ratings by students and trained observers. Academic medicine, 66(1), 26-28. 11Aleamoni, L. M. (1999). Student rating myths versus research facts
Conference Session
Cooperative and Project-based Global Learning
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Karim Altaii, James Madison University; Shannon N. Conley, James Madison University ; Samy El-Tawab, James Madison University
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Tagged Divisions
with theirinternational team-members [9].Recently, a study abroad framework has been proposed in which faculty develop “proactivelearning interventions” wherein students are intentionally challenged and supported in engagingin, and reflecting on, cross-cultural experiences [10] (originally from Berg [11]). Demetry et al.[10] provide one example of such a framework, or “paradigm change,” that shifts thepedagogical approach from one of lassez-faire to one that provides intentional interventions“intended to foster intercultural learning among engineering and science undergraduates.”Demetry et al.’s [10] approach focused on developing two different types of project teams –mixed teams comprised of Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) students and
Conference Session
Alternative Teaching Methods
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emel Cevik, Texas A&M University; Michael Johnson, Texas A&M University; Bugrahan Yalvac, Texas A&M University; Jennifer G. Whitfield, Texas A&M University; Mathew Kuttolamadom, Texas A&M University; Jay R. Porter, Texas A&M University; Joseph A. Morgan, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
and Extent," Journal of Engineering Education, Article vol. 101, no. 3, pp. 539-564, 07// 2012.[8] S. Pruitt, "The Next Generation Science Standards: The Features and Challenges," (in English), Journal of Science Teacher Education, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 145-156, 2014/03/01 2014.[9] P. A. S. Ralston, J. L. Hieb, and G. Rivoli, "Partnerships and experience in building STEM pipelines," Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, vol. 139, no. 2, pp. 156-162, // 2013.[10] J. Strobel, J. Wang, N. R. Weber, and M. Dyehouse, "The role of authenticity in design-based learning environments: The case of engineering education," Computers & Education, vol. 64, no. 0, pp. 143-152, 5
Conference Session
Mentoring Practices and Project Teams
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ying Cao, Oregon State University; Christina Smith, Brown University; Benjamin David Lutz, Oregon State University; Milo Koretsky, Oregon State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
(i.e., undergraduate students in the class, other LAs,graduate TAs and faculty on the instructional team), the LAs develop a broad set of socio-technical competencies that may help better prepare them for engineering practice.AcknowledgementThe authors are grateful for support provided by the National Science Foundation grant DUE1347817. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References[1] S. Olson, and D. G. Riorda, "Engage to Excel: Producing One Million Additional College Graduates with Degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Report to the President," Executive Office of
Conference Session
DEED Postcard Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ang Liu, University of New South Wales; Yuchen Wang, University of New South Wales; Yun Dai, University of Southern California
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
(design parameter), and DC (design constraint), as well as the designrelationships such as CN-FP, FR-FR, FR-DP, etc. If the Function-Behavior-Structure (FBS)framework is taught, then designers should assign the codes such as R (requirement), F(function), Be (expected behavior), Bs (actual behavior), and S (structure), as well as thedesign operations such as formulation, synthesis, analysis, and evaluation.The candidate functions abstracted from the peer products can be represented in differentformats. Two commonly used representations are “verb+noun” pairs and “input-outputtransformations” of energy, material, and signal.Step (3): Calculate similarity between peer product and target productStudent designers are guided to calculate the similarity
Conference Session
IED Technical Session: Preparing Programs for the Future
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Houshang Darabi, University of Illinois, Chicago; Fazle Shahnawaz Muhibul Karim, University of Illinois, Chicago; Samuel Thomas Harford; Elnaz Douzali, University of Illinois, Chicago; Peter C. Nelson, University of Illinois, Chicago
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
research are available indicating the importance of integrating various skillsfrom the job market into the engineering curriculum. Chikumba, S. et al. discusses the benefit ofintegrating hard technical skills and technologies with the soft skills required by IndustrialEngineers to satisfy the marketplace [3]. The University of Florida produced a study on the“talent paradox” in which students cannot find jobs because they do not possess the skillsrequired by companies and companies cannot find the right employees because of the lack ofskills in applicants [4]. One article outlines a course for engineering students in their lastsemester. This course aims to bridge the skills gap from school to real life situations [5],[6]. TheU.S. Department of
Conference Session
Professional Development for Teachers and Counselors
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard A. Gearns, Stony Brook University; Angela M. Kelly, Stony Brook University; Monica Bugallo, Stony Brook University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
the earliest ages standthe best chance of continuing on career paths that will bring them greater economic prosperity.By increasing the opportunities for a greater and more diverse population of students to haveaccessibility to these subjects, the greater the number of curious, scientifically literate studentswill be prepared to learn and pursue engineering careers.AcknowledgmentsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (under GrantNo. 1647405) and National Grid. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of thefunding partners.References[1] J. P. Holdren, M. Cora, and S. Suresh. Federal STEM
Conference Session
Construction Division Technical Session 2: K-12 through Adult Learning
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert B. Austin, Bowling Green State University
Tagged Divisions
Construction Engineering
Construction Management Education. American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of Construction Education, 82. Arnett, J. J. (2000) Emerging adulthood: A theory of development from the late teens through the twenties. American Psychologist, 55, 469-480.3. Austin, R. B. (2017) Reengineering BGSU’s Construction Management Capstone, 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Columbus, OH4. Berg, D., Manib, H.S., Marinakis, Y., Tierneyc, R. and Walsh, S. (2015) An introduction to Management of Technology pedagogy (andragogy). Technological Forecasting & Social Change 100 1–45. Berg, T., Erichsen, M. and Hokstad, L.F. (2016) Stuck at the Threshold, Which strategies do students choose when facing liminality with certain
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 6
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sandra Furnbach Clavijo P.E., Stevens Institute of Technology; Leslie R. Brunell, Stevens Institute of Technology; Keith G. Sheppard, Stevens Institute of Technology; Kishore V. Pochiraju, Stevens Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
instructors work with their technical counterpart(s) toensure the classes are in unison, and that any concerns can be quickly addressed.To implement this course, we worked with the individual senior design course coordinators foreach program and have created and implemented a synchronized timeline and milestones planthat is used across all majors – see Table 4. We have designated sections of our innovationcourses that the students can conveniently fit into their schedules. This current design andinnovation pedagogy has now been implemented across all engineering programs in the Schoolof Engineering & Science and is comprised of biomedical, mechanical, civil, environmental,naval, chemical, electrical, and computer engineering, as well as the
Conference Session
Elementary Engineering
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Teresa Porter, Ohio State University; Meg E. West, Ohio State University; Rachel Louis Kajfez, Ohio State University; Kathy Lea Malone, Nazarbayev University; Karen E. Irving, Ohio State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
elementary level. Furtherinvestigations are needed to increase supported collaboration and resources available to K-12teachers to ensure effective and efficient engineering lessons that help prepare the nextgeneration of engineers.AcknowledgementsFunded by a grant under the federally funded Improving Teacher Quality (ITQ) State GrantsProgram, administered by the Ohio Board of Regents. Any opinions, findings, and conclusionsor recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the funding organizations.References[1] C. Cunningham and G. J. Kelly, “Framing engineering practices in elementary school classrooms | Engineering is Elementary,” Int. J. Eng. Educ. , vol. 33, no. 1B, pp
Conference Session
Division for Experimentation & Lab-oriented Studies Technical Session 5
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sulakshana Lal, Curtin University; Anthony Denis Lucey, Curtin University; Euan Lindsay, Charles Sturt University; David Franklin Treagust, Curtin University; Mauro Mocerino, Curtin University; John Matthew Long, Deakin University; Marjan G. Zadnik, Curtin University of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies
students are ableto experience quality laboratory learning and also be prepared for modern industry demandsand a globally-connected workplace culture.AcknowledgmentThe work reported in this article contributes to a larger research project on laboratorylearning in Science and Engineering that is supported by the Australia Research Councilthrough grant DP140104189 for which Human Research Ethics approval has been obtainedfrom Curtin University (Approval Number: RDSE-61-15). The authors wish to express theirgratitude to both institutions.The authors also wish to acknowledge the contribution of the University of Technology,Sydney for allowing the use of their remote laboratory rigs for the purpose of this study.References[1] D. Lowe, S. Murray, D
Conference Session
Faculty Development Medley
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lindy Hamilton Mayled, Arizona State University; Lydia Ross, Arizona State University; James Collofello, Arizona State University; Stephen J. Krause, Arizona State University; Keith D. Hjelmstad, Arizona State University; Brent James Sebold, Arizona State University; Sarah Hoyt, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
Faculty Development Constituent Committee
institutionalizing the entrepreneurial mindset (EM),improving and expanding evidence-based pedagogical strategies in capstone courses, andcreating a faculty Community of Practice. To effectively institutionalize the entrepreneurialmindset and expand evidence-based pedagogical practices in capstone courses, professionaldevelopment was provided in conjunction with coaching sessions. This format aimed to provideaccountability for faculty participants, offer opportunities to strategize how the innovation(s)would be implemented in a contextualized setting, and shift the attitudes and practices of thecapstone faculty.Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) outlines an individual change model that describes thefive stages individuals follow towards adoption of an
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 6
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yanjie Xie, Zhejiang University; Wei Zhang, Zhejiang University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
ecosystem.Reference[1] Acs, Z. J., Autio, E., & Szerb, L. (2014). National systems of entrepreneurship: Measurement issues and policy implications. Research Policy, 43(3), 476-494.[2] Zimmer, C. (1986). Entrepreneurship through social networks. The art and science of entrepreneurship. Ballinger, Cambridge, MA, 3-23.[3] Arruda, C., Nogueira, V. S., Cozzi, A., & Costa, V. (2015). The Brazilian entrepreneurial ecosystem of startups: an analysis of entrepreneurship determinants in Brazil and the perceptions around the Brazilian regulatory framework. In Entrepreneurship in BRICS (pp. 9-26). Springer, Cham.[4] Clark, B. K., & Bruno-Jofre, R. D. (2000). Creating entrepreneurial universities: organisational pathways of transformation
Conference Session
Construction Engineering Division Technical Session 6 - Technology & Simulation
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Fadi Castronovo, California State University, East Bay; Dragana Nikolic, University of Reading; Silvia Mastrolembo Ventura, Politecnico di Milano & University of Brescia; Vrinda Shroff, California State University, East Bay; Anh Nguyen; Nguyen H.P. Dinh, Mission College; Semih Yilmaz, California State University, East Bay; Reza Akhavian, California State University East Bay; Cristian Gaedicke, California State University East Bay
Tagged Divisions
Construction Engineering
-Rached H, Furness TA. Effects of field of view on presence, enjoyment, memory, and simulator sickness in a virtual environment. Virtual Reality, 2002. Proceedings. IEEE, IEEE; 2002, p. 164–71.[5] Cavazza M, Charles F, Mead SJ. Developing re-usable interactive storytelling technologies. Building the Information Society, Springer; 2004, p. 39–44.[6] Computer Integrated Construction Research Program. BIM Project Execution Planning Guide - Version 2.0. University Park, PA, USA: The Pennsylvania State University; 2010.[7] Kumar S. Procedures to incorporate interactivity in virtual prototypes using a game engine environment. International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality, 2011, Weimar, Germany: 2011.[8
Conference Session
Best Practices in Research & Assessment Tools for Pre-College Engineering Education
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Susheela Shanta, Governor's STEM Academy @ the Burton Center for Arts and Technology - Center for Engineering
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
integration andcollaboration.Further research needs to be conducted to follow up with developing better classroom-readyinstruments for classroom assessments in authentic problem solving challenges. In addition, alarger study that includes follow up of students’ performance post-graduation (from high school)to seek an understanding of the impact on their pursuit of STEM education (speciallyengineering) and careers would be recommended.References[1] Partnership for 21st Century Learning (2015). P21 Framework Definitions. P21: Washington, DC.[2] S. Haag, N. Hubele, A. Garcia, & K. McBeath, “Engineering undergraduate attrition and contributing factors,” International Journal of Engineering Education, vol 23, no. 5, pp. 929- 940, 2007.[3] T
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Division Technical Session 11
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James A. Mynderse, Lawrence Technological University; Liping Liu, Lawrence Technological University; Andrew L. Gerhart, Lawrence Technological University; Robert W. Fletcher, Lawrence Technological University; Hamid Vejdani, Lawrence Technological University; Wuming Jing, Lawrence Technological University; Kingman E. Yee, Lawrence Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
with CDS alumni and current students may reinforce these observations of the advisors.Nonetheless, continual improvement is being sought with regards to the entrepreneurial mindsetof the students, and improvement to assessment techniques will be sought to ultimately producebetter graduating engineers.AcknowledgmentsThe authors thank Dr. Arslan and Dr. Xie for their contributions as project advisors during thecourse of the work described. The authors also acknowledge support of this work at all levels ofadministration by Dr. Jawad, Dr. Grace, and Dr. Vaz.References [1] J. Mynderse, S. Arslan and L. Liu, "Using A Funded Capstone Project To Teach Fluid Power," ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 2014.[2] J
Conference Session
Technical Session 12: Teaching and Learning
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nina Schiffeler, IMA - RWTH Aachen University; Valerie Stehling, RWTH Aachen University; Frank Hees, Cybernetics Lab IMA & IfU; Ingrid Isenhardt
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
effect of AR on these aspects. The focus of this paper, however, isthe examination of the effect(s) of the collaborative AR app developed on the process of theteamwork in terms of communication and interaction. It aims at understanding to whichextent AR changes the way people communicate in collaborative settings, i.e. when theypursue a common goal. Moreover, the results of the study aim at identifyingrecommendations for action (e.g. for university teachers) in terms of the design ofcollaborative (learning) processes that will be enriched by AR.Tags: collaboration, Augmented Reality, communication, interaction, team1. Augmented Reality in collaborative learning1.1. Augmented RealityIn higher education, modern technological trends often find
Conference Session
ERM Technical Session 3: Working in Teams
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Saira Anwar, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Muhsin Menekse, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Asefeh Kardgar, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are thoseof the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of IES.References[1] X. Fan, W. Luo, M. Menekse, D. Litman, and J. Wang, “CourseMIRROR: Enhancing large classroom instructor-student interactions via mobile interfaces and natural language processing.” in Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2015), Seoul, Korea, 2015. pp. 1473–1478.[2] W. Luo and D. J. Litman, “Summarizing student responses to reflection prompts.,” in Proceedings of Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), Lisbon, Portugal, 2015. pp. 1955–1960.[3] W. Luo, X. Fan, M. Menekse, J. Wang, and D. J. Litman
Conference Session
ERM Technical Session 16: Faculty Development and Teaching Contexts
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cassandra Sue Ellen Woodcock, University of Michigan; Nicole Erin Friend, University of Michigan; Aileen Huang-Saad, University of Michigan
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
traditional disciplines, including engineering and physical sciences,to perform research focused on the micro to macro-level fabrication and regeneration of tissues.While this field has continued to grow since the 1970’s [6], it faces challenges shared by otherinterdisciplinary fields when trying to develop and implement curriculum for interdisciplinaryprograms.Rapid growth in interdisciplinary fields and subsequently interdisciplinary academic programshas created programs with ill-defined disciplinary skills for students graduating from thoseprograms [7]. As a result, interdisciplinary engineering program graduates regularly pursuecareers outside of traditional engineering jobs [8], often making career trajectories unclear aftergraduation [9]. In an
Conference Session
Technical Session 3: The Best of Computers in Education
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alexander James Tuttle, University of Georgia; Siddharth Savadatti, University of Georgia; Kyle Johnsen, University of Georgia
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
bematched. As a result, this added another dimension to the study (collaborative vs. alone).Two similar (and typical) engineering staticsproblems were chosen for this study. Termedthe ‘hinge’ and ‘anvil’ problems (Figure 8),they each involved determining the momentproduced by a force about a specified axis ona 3D structure. Each of the 11 sessions (8collaborative, 3 individual) involved solvingboth problems. For each session, one of thetwo problems had its measurements visible,while the other had them hidden to force theparticipant(s) to make use of the virtualmeasurement tool. Between the order ofsolving the problems (first and second) andthe availability of measurements (visible andhidden), there were four possiblepermutations for any given