general knowledge of the aspects of Industrial Automation, and an understanding of logistical math, but not as in depth as I deem necessary for having an expert level understanding.” o Student F: “I understand how the industrial robot[s] operate, but [am] still having problem[s] grasping how it fully automate[s].” There was a diverse set of feedback regarding which aspects they felt most comfortable. Some students preferred the RARs along with programming, while others enjoyed the textbook assignments. Examples include: o Student G: “Coming out of the first robotics class I felt that I had a decent understanding of what
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their teacher’simplementation of the e4usa curriculum caused their interest in science to grow, whichdemonstrates that, in addition to the engineering design curriculum itself, a teacher’simplementation of the curriculum is also important for increasing students’ science interest. InHill et al.’s meta-analysis of 89 professional learning programs for STEM teachers, theresearchers found that programs that focused on training teachers to use curriculum materials andstrengthening teachers’ content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and knowledge ofstudent learning were associated with better achievement outcomes when compared to programsthat did not emphasize these goals [5]. Our findings suggest that e4usa’s professional learningprogram
-immersive summer camps at our home institution. Beyond the first year, we continue tocontact IDEA teams to share resources and opportunities for their students and families to use. During the second year of CISTEME365’s three-year, multi-layered programming, theCOVID-19 global pandemic significantly changed everyday life. These changes required greateruse and reliance on technological tools to address STEM inequalities and inequities. Despitemany of our programming interventions being planned for in-person contact, we adjusted ourexpectations and content delivery to carry on despite the pandemic, shifting our professionaldevelopment training to 100% virtual, as well as supporting schools in planning andimplementation of virtual informal-STEM
Figure 1. A disk rotates about its centerStudents’ initial responses are shown in Fig. 2. As can see from Fig. 2, only 57% of the studentschose correct answer D. In other words, 43% of the students chose wrong answers. Figure 2. Students’ initial responsesTherefore, the instructor provided further instruction on the difference between scalars andvectors, emphasizing the parallel but opposite directions of normal acceleration vector an andposition vector r. Moreover, students were asked to use numerical numbers (r = 5 m and ω = 3rad/s) shown in Fig. 1 to calculate the values of an and r and then determine the relationshipbetween an and r.After the above activities, the instructor posed the exactly same multiple
Science Foundation under grant No. 1725674 forsupporting this work. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References[1] M. Ashley, K. M. Cooper, J. M. Cala, and S. E. Brownell, “Building better bridges intoSTEM: A synthesis of 25 years of literature on STEM summer bridge programs” CBE—LifeSciences Education, vol. 16(4), pp. es3, 2017.[2] D. L. Tomasko, J. S. Ridgway, S. V. Olesik, R. J. Waller, M. M. McGee, L. A. Barclay, andJ. Upton, “Impact of summer bridge programs on STEM retention at the Ohio State University”In Proceedings of the 2013 ASEE North-Central Section Conference, Washington, DC:American
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B6 1/42 B8 -1/30 B10 5/66 B12 -691/2730 B14 7/6 etc.To illustrate the usefulness of his formula, Bernoulli computed the value of s 10(1000) with littleeffort in less than “half a quarter of an hour” [Smith]. He computed s10(1000) = 91409924241424243424241924242500To achieve this end, he needed to find B0 up to B10. One can observe that the Bernoullinumbers were at one time of great value because they shortened calculations of severalmathematical functions when lengthy computations were done by
SummariesFull portraits of each PSTs’ experiences are currently being composed. Because data analysis iscurrently underway, and the generation of the final portraits is a substantive task, portraitsummaries are provided below. Again, given the extensive nature of the data analysis necessaryto compose a complete portrait, the following summaries are only brief snapshots of the fullportraits we are currently developing to more completely detail each PSTs’ experiences.KristinaKristina, a senior elementary education major also working toward a science education option,was a strong student both in Author 1’s educational technology course and Author 3’s sciencemethods course. She brought enthusiasm and energy to her coursework and was often seen as aleader
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,” The Journal of Academic Librarianship, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 25– 30, Jan. 2008, doi: 10.1016/j.acalib.2007.11.007.[5] J. D. Eldredge, D. G. Bear, S. J. Wayne, and P. P. Perea, “Student peer assessment in evidence-based medicine (EBM) searching skills training: an experiment,” Journal of the Medical Library Association, vol. 101, no. 4, pp. 244–251, Oct. 2013, doi: 10.3163/1536.[6] A. J. Carroll, S. J. Hallman, K. A. Umstead, J. McCall, and A. J. DiMeo, “Using information literacy to teach medical entrepreneurship and health care economics,” Journal of the Medical Library Association, vol. 107, no. 2, pp. 163–171, Apr. 2019, doi: 10.5195/jmla.2019.577.[7] K. M. Klipfel, “Authentic engagement: Assessing the effects of
.,traditional, project-based, etc.). To see the value of combining SBG and reflection the coursewould need to allow for multiple assessments of each learning objective; students need theopportunity to identify learning objectives in which they are weak, make a plan to improve, timeto execute that plan, and ultimately see if they have improved upon or mastered that learningobjective as the course progresses.References[1] S. A. Ambrose, "Undergraduate Engineering Curriculum: The Ultimate Design Challenge," The Bridge - National Academy of Engineers, vol. 42, no. 2, 2013.[2] R. Bary and M. Rees, "Is (self-directed) learning the key skill for tomorrow's engineers?," European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 73-81
course in detail so that other instructors can attempt to reform their own courses to teach students betterproblem-solving.Course Description:The course in question is a semester-long junior-level course in chemical kinetics and reaction engineeringat a highly selective public university in the western U. S. This was the first year of teaching for theinstructor and TAs of the course. The course covers reaction stoichiometry and homogenous kinetics,steady-state and time-dependent reactor design with material and energy balances, deriving reactionmechanisms and rate laws, and understanding transport limitations for heterogeneous catalysis. The coursegrade was comprised of graded homework sets (15%) and 3 midterm exams (16%, 17%, 17
initial finding aswell as conduct additional tests to statistically analyze the motivation and engagement throughMotivational Strategies for Learning Questionnaire.ReferencesAkçayır, M., Akçayır, G., Pektaş, H. M., & Ocak, M. A. (2016). Augmented reality in science laboratories: The effects of augmented reality on university students’ laboratory skills and attitudes toward science laboratories. Computers in Human Behavior, 57, 334–342., S. E., Kholodilin, I. Y., Nesterov, A. S., & Sokhina, A. V. (2017). Applying Augmented Reality in practical classes for engineering students. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 87, 032004.
computing.Podcast project checkpoints and rubric: Since students were learning computing concepts inC for the remainder of the semester, weekly project checkpoints were included to help studentsmanage their time on the project as well as course homework assignments. Students hadapproximately six weeks to complete the assignment. The checkpoints were assigned as follows:Podcast Project CheckpointsWeek 1: Submit list of group membersWeek 2: Podcast Planning: 1. General Ethical Principle(s) Selected for Discussion 2. Podcast Format(s) Selected: Single vs. Group Conversation Scripted vs. Casual Interviews Read vs. “Live Interview”Week 3: Submit draft podcast storyboard or
assessed using a larger sample that is representative of the constructionstudents’ population body to establish the generalizability of the study’s findings.References[1] Schwartz, J. L. (2018). The Spanish flu, epidemics, and the turn to biomedical responses. American Journal of Public Health, 108(11), 1455-1458.[2] Hays, J. (1908). "The School and Its Part in the Prevention of Tuberculosis." The Lancet, 171(4419), 1327-330.[3] Kinney, L., Liu, M., and Thornton, M. (2012). Faculty and Student Perceptions of Online Learning in Engineering Education. Paper presented at 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, Texas.[4] Viswanathan, S., & Wyne, M. F. (2013
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Kong Airport Installs Full-Body Disinfecting Booths. AFAR., M. S., & Rowan, B. G. (2020). Hypochlorous Acid: A Review. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 78(9), 1461–1466., D. (2020, August 4). Denver Broncos install “misting booth” to disinfect players amid coronavirus pandemics. Fox News. misting-booth-coronavirusCDC. (2020). Chemical Disinfectants | Disinfection & Sterilization Guidelines | Guidelines Library | Infection Control | CDC. https
did not experience changes during their internships during the summerof 2020. Although from an economic perspective, PPE might appear to be non-consequential, forconstruction, the additional PPE is an additional cost. More importantly, the difficulty in findingwork that was identified is quite essential. This finding indicates that internships during times ofeconomic change, whether sudden or due to an ongoing recession, affect students. Additionalresearch is required to determine if all recessions affect internships, as they are often required aspart of graduation requirements.References[1] Barr, A., Turner, S.E. and Danziger, S.(2013). "Expanding Enrollments and Contracting State Budgets: The Effect of the Great Recession on Higher
modalities as possible, we open access and allow for a diverse groupof educators to learn about how to better support the metacognitive development of their students.ReferencesWiggins, G. P., & McTighe, J. (2005). Understanding By Design: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.Cunningham, P., Matusovich, H., Carrico, C., Ellestad, R.M., Tantum, S., Santillan, S., & Simmmons, R. (Under Review). Supporting Students Skillful Learning: Lessons Learned From a FacultyDevelopment Workshop. Presented at the 2021 ASEE Annual COnference & Exposition. LongBeach, CA.Table 2: Backward design plan for the flipped workshops in the Skillful Learning Institute short course W0 Before W1
innovation in STEM education. Retrieved from: 2026-Vision-for-Innovation-September-2016.pdf 2. Elam, M., Donham, B. & Solomon, S. (2012). An engineering summer program for underrepresented students from rural school districts. Journal of STEM Education, 13(2), 35-43. 3. Goodpaster, K. P., Adedokun, O. A., & Weaver, G. C. (2012). Teachers' perceptions of rural STEM teaching: Implications for rural teacher retention. The Rural Educator, 33(3). 4. Harris, R. S., & Hodges, C. B. (2018). STEM Education in Rural Schools: Implications of Untapped Potential. National Youth-At-Risk Journal, 3(1). 5. Hartman, S., Hines-Bergmeier, J. & Klein, R. (2017
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) and engineering (E) in science (S) instruction (ETS) can also supportgreater science achievement; especially among elementary-aged students (Becker & Park, 2011).Therefore, elementary teachers should include a range of technologies to support studentunderstandings about engineering and science and to develop technology-related competencies.However, research indicates teachers may not be doing so (Gonczi et al., 2016; Maeng et al.,2017; Wang, Moore, Roehrig, & Park, 2011). For example, of 52 elementary teachers in Virginiawho included an engineering challenge in their science instruction, only 15 (28.8%) incorporateddigital technology to support engineering. Of these 15 teachers, 9 (60%) used a video and noneused a computer simulation
mover - the horse - with the object to be moved, be ita wagon, plow, or horse gin. It did the job - a certain amount of powercould be developed and a task accomplished. Whereas it should have beentaken to task, it was never questioned that it developed what certainlycould be called a "small horse power". 75F-ig. 1. Ancient harness pressing on animal I s windpipe. Yet, what a simple change was required to develop a "larger horsepower"! As much as 300 to 400 percent more power in fact. The change,which evolved during the 10th century is shown in Fig. 2. The thrustwas removed from the horse's neck and distributed over the horse's shoulders.A change from a cantilevered force to a direct application in the
their constructive comments that helped us improve the paper.References [1] R. L. S. De Oliveira, C. M. Schweitzer, A. A. Shinoda, and L. R. Prete, “Using mininet for emulation and prototyping software-defined networks,” in 2014 IEEE Colombian Conference on Communications and Computing (COLCOM). IEEE, 2014, pp. 1–6. [2] R. R. Fontes, S. Afzal, S. H. Brito, M. A. Santos, and C. E. Rothenberg, “Mininet-wifi: Emulating software-defined wireless networks,” in 2015 11th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM). IEEE, 2015, pp. 384–389. [3] R. Ruslan, M. F. M. Fuzi, N. Ghazali et al., “Scalability analysis in mininet on software defined network using onos,” in 2020 Emerging Technology in Computing