machining, and casting. The students design a part, rapid prototype it,and make it by casting and CNC machining. 5 Page 7.785.4“Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyrightã 2002, American Society for Engineering Education.1 Richard B. Griffin, Terry S. Creasy The Development of a Combined Materials/Manufacturing Processes Courseat Texas A&M University, ASEE 2001, Albuquerque, NM, Session 2464, June 2001.2 R. B. Griffin, K. T. Hartwig, R. Barber, T. New, and I. Karaman, “Development of a Deformation Processinglaboratory,” National Educators Workshop New: Update 2001
✂✁☎✄✆✄✆✝✟✞✡✠☞☛✌✞✎✍✑✏✓✒✕✔✗✖ ✘ ✙ ✚✜✛✣✢✥✤✧✦ ★✩✤✫✪✭✬✭✚✯✮✫✚✱✰✲✤✫✳✵✴ ✚✱✶✷✛✸✤✹★✻✺✽✼✿✾✆✪✣✚✱✦ ❀❁✤✫✰✆✰✲✼✿❂❃✤✫✪❄✼❅✛✣✾❆✮✫✚ ❇❈✚❉✼❊✪❄✶✵✾✆✶✥❋ ✾✆✶ ✼ ●❍✚✱■❏✢✵✶✵✾✆■❑✼❊✰ ▲ ✾✲❋✫✢ ▼✧■◆✢✥✤❖✤✰ ◗❙❘❯❚❲❱❨❳ ✝✟❩❬✞❍ ❳ ✝❭✠❫❪❴✝❭❵✗✁☎❛✲❜❞❝❡✝✟❩❢✞✓✄ ❳ ✝❣☛ ❘ ❵ ❘✕❤ ✝❭✠✐✁☎❛❥❛ ❘ ✠✐❦❧☛✌✞✗♠ ❱ ✞♥ ❘ ✠✐✠✐✞ ❤ ✝♣♦ ❘ ❛ ❛ ◗ ♦✡✞✕qr✞❃s❆✠❨✄tq❢✝✟q ❱ qr✁❙✞✗✉✇✈❏✁☎① ❳ ✠✐✞✡②✟✞✗③✗♦✗❜⑤④ ❘ ① ❱ ②♣q
include solar photovoltaicsources to produce three-phase power. 3. SELF -EXCITATION IN A WOUND ROTOR INDUCTION MACHINE An induction machine connected to the mains driven below synchronous speed by aprime mover will experience a counter rotation between the rotor bars and the stator flux.Concomitantly, reversal of voltage and current from the machine windings to the mains occurs.Thus power is generated to the mains network and is governed by the following power limitequation of the induction machine, E 2t [X m + X s - X eq - 2rs ] (1) Pl = 2 (rs2 + (X m + X s )X eq )where Et is the terminal
Session 1712 NSF Combined Research and Curriculum Development on Multiphase Transport Phenomena M. J. Amey 2, A. Bénard 2, G. G. Chase 1, E. A. Evans1, K. Jayaraman 2, R. S. Mohan3, S. M. Parks2, C. A. Petty 2 (presenter), O. Shoham3, S. A. Shirazi3, K. D. Wisecarver3, M. Zhuang 2 1 The University of Akron/2Michigan State University/ 3The University of TulsaSummaryThis curriculum development project on multiphase transport phenomena draws on the researchexperiences from nine research laboratories at The University of Akron, Michigan State
X X X X CLO5 X X X X X X X X X X X CLO6 X X XIn connection with and elaboration on EC2000’s outcomes, the project-based, design- integratedteaching approach fortifies the following five key ABET issues: (1) Students must have the ability to function in multidisciplinary teams. Development of the project-based Thermodynamics course will enhance students’ learning in interdisciplinary (multi- functional) team environment
assemblies such as an arbor press anda rack mounted stereo system; an independent study team project to develop a Battlebot™ robot;experimental mechanics team projects to develop indestructible football goal posts and to rapidlydesign, analyze, and visualize stresses in a combined stress experiment; industrial internshipprojects; a project involving metalcasting design optimization involving metal stream shrouding inpouring large high-alloy steel castings. Two additional courses have had students utilize solidmodeling as a result of this effort and these efforts are summarized.Introduction:The process of CAD integration was begun at the freshman level with a second semester courseentitled MET 102, Production design & Specifications (PD&S
need to develop a GeneralEngineering Technology (GET) program to provide educational opportunities to students with awide variety of educational and work backgrounds. The availability of this program andcommunications with the U. S. Department of the Navy resulted in the formulation of anasynchronous CD-ROM based General Engineering Technology program under the auspices ofthe Navy College Rating Partnership program. ODU is partnered with other institutions toprovide the program to personnel located aboard ships and at other facilities. Naval experienceand schooling are used extensively to satisfy some of the lower-division technical credits. Theupper-division courses will be offered on CD-ROM, with both audio and video. The program hasan
). Efficient communication of this information isfacilitated by drawing a rectangle and labeling it model. One then draws a series oflabeled input and output arrows.What is (are) your system model(s)? This is the most challenging question because itrequires writing relationships (mathematical formulations) that indicate how the systemoutputs are functions of the system inputs. However, this step is most definitelyfacilitated by examining the answer to the previous question.What are your assumptions? This question is important because whenever one writes amathematical relation for an engineering system there are usually accompanyingassumptions, e.g., steady state, V-L equilibrium, Newtonian fluid, etc. If one changes theassumption(s) then the model(s
Present Worth, Annual Worth,Benefit-Cost Ratio and Rate of Return analyses.Provided the cash flow diagram of a project opportunity is available, its present worth may bedetermined by solving the following equation: PW[i] = S [ St /(1 + i)t ] (1)Here “i” is an appropriate interest rate, the S t are cash vectors (some positive, some negative) attime t, and the summation extends over the life of the project, i.e., for t = 0, 1, … N. Page 7.966.1 Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition
their previous experiencewith teams. The average of the responses (1.89) indicates that the respondents have effectivelyused teams to improve student learning in their courses. Table 1. Faculty Attitude Questions 13. I believe that working in a team prepares students for the workplace. 14. I think teams are an effective way to teach engineering. 15. I believe that teaming experiences in the engineering curriculum will contribute to my students’ career success. 16. I believe teaming activities will assist my students in attaining the goals of the course(s). 17. The use of teams requires far too much work. 18. Assigning students to teams is an effective way to
simple systemsconstructed out of LEGO ®s that are controlled by small computers. In addition, severaldesign experiments immerse the teachers in the world of engineering design, problemsolving, and optimizing their “product” through calculated trade-offs. These laboratoryexperiences are designed to lead participants by hands-on experimentation through theuse of technology in support of many everyday activities. The lab experiences are simpleenough to isolate and illuminate the underlying basic principles and complex enough torepresent real-world examples. Another engineering experience provides for the use of anexpensive piece of equipment, not usually available to K-12 classrooms. A scanningelectron microscope (SEM), accessible on the web, is
feels the reaction force and moment necessary to prevent the rod from moving. Bothof these experiments are designed to improve students' ability to sense reaction forces andmoments intuitively. The major component of this work is the second set of tools: the Visual Simply SupportedBeam (VSSB) and the Visual Cantilever Beam (VCB). These beams involve hands-on experienceand visualization of reaction forces and moments, as well as deformations and stresses. Bothbeams are instrumented with load cells, which measure force and moment reactions that occur atthe support(s). In order for students to analyze a variety of configurations, beams of differentcross-sections can be interchanged in both the Cantilever and Simply Supported set-ups, and
). TheStates calculator will indicate the option for unit system and even within a selected unit systemall kinds of unit conversions are possible with a touch of a key. Single-Flow, Generic, Open System: H2O Steady-State Daemon HOME. TEST. Daemons. Systems. Open. SteadyState. Generic. SingleFlow. H2O Fig. 1 Thread of selections of a thermodynamic system in TEST™ softwareSample ProblemSteam at 5 MPa and 600 C enters an insulated turbine operating at steady state and exits assaturated vapor at 50 kPa. Take the mass flow rate as 0.1 kg/s. Neglecting potential and kineticenergy changes, determine work developed by the turbine. Repeat the problem a) if the turbineis not well-insulated turbine and there is heat loss at a rate of 10 kW
importance, we envision someexpansion of this topic in the course in coming offerings and fine-tuning of the instructionalmaterials.Education in process control – typical courses in the U.S.In the mid-1980’s, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) modified the criteriafor accreditation used by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) toinclude a required component in the undergraduate program in process dynamics and control. Page 7.1166.1 Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright ©2002, American Society for Engineering
Freshman HRS SEM HRS SEMENG 1302 Composition II 3 ALL ENGR 1400 PC Applications in Engineering 4 F,SENGR 1401 Engineering Graphics 4 F,S PHYS 1307 General Physics I 3 ALLHIST 1305 US History to 1877 3 ALL PHYS 1107 General Physics Lab I 1 ALLPSY 1303 General Psychology 3 ALL HIST 1306 US History after 1877 3 ALLMATH 2401 Calculus I 4 ALL EET 1411 Circuits 4 F 17
Vishay Measurement Group 7 be added tothe traditional two each P3500’s, as shown below in Figure 3. Compressive Strain Gage Output on P3500 #3 Tensile Strain Gage Output on P3500 #2 Load Cell Output on P3500 #1 Figure 3: Three transducers matched up with three P3500™’s Page 7.509.3 Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright Ó 2002
Session 1432 MS in Photonics – Recrafting a Curriculum Michael Ruane Electrical & Computer Engineering, Boston UniversityAbstractThe Master of Science in Photonics has been created as a new graduate offering in theDepartment of Electrical & Computer Engineering. This degree program has evolved slowly; acore of courses in the late 1980’s initially presented advanced electrical engineering topics likefiber optic communications and lasers. A university commitment to building a Photonics Center,and NSF Combined Research and Curriculum Development support allowed
demonstrating engineering principles byreverse engineering the human body. The chocolate experiment was designed to fit intothis curriculum and generalize some of the topics being covered in each section. In thebeer brewing modules, student teams discuss packaging, marketing, and GMPs. In thehuman body modules, student teams study metabolism, work, and mass transferprinciples as they relate to the human body. Students found the chocolate experiment a“fun and exciting” introduction to food processing. The discussion of chocolateprocessing was lively and focused, and students showed a genuine interest in how food ismanufactured.References[1] S. Farrell, R. Hesketh, and C. S. Slater, "A laboratory project to design and implement a process for the
based development programs. Holisticapplication programs deal with product development in networks, supply chain management, andstrategic manufacturing development, for example. This industrial focus is balanced withtheory-based development programs dealing with holistic production concepts, the extendedenterprise, intelligent manufacturing, and human resources in manufacturing. Reality-basedresearch is paramount in the CIP and the Center has enjoyed strong industrial support. Some ofthe partner companies include Bang & Olufsen A/S, LEGO System A/S, Christian Hansen A/S,Danfoss A/S, Grundfos A/S, Martin Group A/S, among others.One of the central CIP research themes is “Strategic Manufacturing Development”. This CIPapplication program
the derivation of the equations, and their application does not requireany understanding of their origin. However, in our approach to graphical analysis studentsessentially derive the constant acceleration equations each time they solve a problem. A simpleone-dimensional word problem will illustrate the thought process that our students learn tofollow when solving all kinematics problems. A car is moving at 25 m/s when the rider applies the brakes, giving the car a constant deceleration. During braking the car travels 80 meters while reducing its speed to 15 m/s. Find the acceleration of the car and the time required for braking.The solution to this problem is illustrated in Figure 5. Of particular importance to this solutionprocedure
Initial Propellant Type Impulse Thrust Duration Delay Mass Mass (N-s) (N) (s) (s) (gm) (gm) 1/2A6-2 1.25 6.23 0.2 2 15.0 1.56 A8-3 2.50 7.79 0.32 3 16.2 3.12 B4-4 5.00 4.15 1.1 4 21.0 8.33 In the engine type designations, for example A8-3, the letter denotes the total impulseproduced by the engine: 1/2A engines produce an impulse between 0.626 and 1.25 N-s,A engines produce between 1.26 and 2.50 N-s, and
Session 2793. Graduate Spacecraft Education in the AFIT Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics M. E. Franke and S. G. Tragesser Air Force Institute of Technology Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-7765Abstract Admission requirements, degree requirements, and the graduate programs at the Air ForceInstitute of Technology (AFIT) in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics related tospace science and engineering are described. The Department of Aeronautics and Astronauticshas three graduate programs related to
outcomes L-S based onprofessional societies input and departmental requirements. In preparing for this new curriculumand related assessment practices, the senior-level M. E. capstone design course “Plant andFacilities Design” was selected in October 2000 as a pilot course, for the development of thestudent capstone portfolio concept and the capstone outcomes assessment process.In particular, the M. E. Department wished to determine best methods of demonstratingachievement of seven “difficult” or “non-traditional” program educational outcomes which havenot classically been “taught” as part of the M. E. curriculum. These include: 1) an ability tofunction on multidisciplinary teams; 2) an understanding of professional and ethicalresponsibility; 3
development system. The few that duplicate the original set have beenindicated by italicized names. These few have been duplicated for pedagogical reasons and mayhave different nuances from those in LabVIEW’s set.Name Inputs (type) Outputs (type) x (DBL) b (Boolean array) Converts the decimal number x to binary R (DBL) (2’s complement) with the given range R B (integer) and the number of bits Input Array (DBL Output Array Pads the input array by n 0’s. array) (DBL array
(Eq. 1)For any other angle of spring deflection, the cord forms side, S, of a triangle, which isshown in Figure 2b. Using law of cosines to find S gives S = L2 + B 2 - 2 LB cos(180 - q ) (Eq. 2) Page 7.870.3 “Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright ã 2002, American Society for Engineering Education”The total pulled distance of the cord, Lpulled, is the difference of these two lengths. Lpulled = S - So (Eq. 3)At the rear axle, this pull length causes the axle
Session 1408 The problem of fluid viscosity management: An interdisciplinary approach to a community-based problem emphasizing undergraduate engineering research Terra L. Smith, Aaron Haga, William S. Janna College of Education, The University of Memphis/ The Herff College of Engineering, The University of Memphis Medical errors are on-going concerns due to their relationship with patient safety. 10 Toheighten patient safety and medical errors concerns in the American health care community, theInstitute of Medicine (IOM) published the report on entitled
velocity of 450m/s (about 1475 ft./sec.) and a Machnumber of about 0.8.The instrumentation provided with theSR-30 engine includes temperature andpressure sensors at the followinglocations: compressor inlet, combustor Figure 6. Drawing of the SR-30 Turbojet Engine,inlet, turbine inlet, exhaust nozzle inlet Reference 1.and exhaust nozzle exit. The temperaturesensors are Type-K thermocouples and the pressure sensors are piezoresitive pressuretransducers. The engine speed sensor is a 2-pole generator driven by the engine. Fuel massflowrate is determined using a pressure transducer system that monitors the fuel injector returnflow pressure. Engine thrust is measured using a strain gage type load cell. The load
coordinated the project schedule, logistics, reports,and presentations. The team participated in the TCFFHRC 2000 and shared places 12 to16 (among 48 in the junior division).As a result of the project evaluation study, several improvements were made in thecurriculum of 2000-2001. The team included 8 students divided into 2 groups ofequivalent amount of project work and responsibilities: structure and fire extinction(S&FE), and sensors and software (S&S). The S&FE group examines a number ofalternative variants of the robot structure and fire extinction by means of physical andmathematical modeling, and CAD. The S&S group deals with robot XY kinematics,application of shaft encoders for the position control, and algorithms and software
Session 1447 DEVELOPMENT OF AN APPARATUS FOR TESTING INJECTION VALVES FOR LIQUID MOLDING APPLICATIONS Vladimir Sheyman, Mulchand S. Rathod, Christopher P. Karas Division of Engineering Technology Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan Tel: (313) 577-0800, Fax: (313) 577-1781 E-mail: rathod@et.eng.wayne.eduSUMMARY switch was added to the system. A twenty-four