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2009 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Ti Lin Liu
) which is a first-order differential equation forthe velocity of the car. Set m=1100-kg, c=40-N-S/m, F=1000-N. Determine the velocity of carafter 120-s. After 120-s, the driver brake and stop the car with -500-N braking force. Simulink isa Matlab add-in that allows one to simulate a variety of engineering system. Simulink is adifferent tool, which is much more graphical and visual for complex system. (Appendix E)5. Helical compression spring design with user defined functions in Simulink. A spring is madefrom music wire, ASTM A228 steel, where the free length of spring is 1.75-in, Outer diameter is0.561-in, and the wire diameter is 0.055-in. The total number of coils is 10.0. The ends aresquared and ground. The operating load of spring is 14-lb
Conference Session
Educational Research
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kenneth Reid, Ohio Northern University; P.K. Imbrie, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
collected prior to the beginning ofthe first year of study to answer the following research questions:- To what extent do the data collected for this study support the Gender Similarity Hypothesis?- For characteristics which show a difference, is there evidence that these differences are decreasing over this four year period?Background:Prior to the 1980’s, theories that male students were superior to female students in mathematicalability were widely accepted. For example, in 1974, Maccoby and Jacklin5 wrote “Boys excel inmathematical ability” under the heading “Sex Differences That Are Fairly Well Established.” Page 14.612.2They state that
Conference Session
Project-Based Student Learning: Part II
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Dale Litwhiler, Pennsylvania State University, Berks; Frances Jallu, Pennsylvania State University, Berks
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
temperature sensor produces an output voltage of 10mV/°F. Figure 6. Data sample after analysis.Figure 6 shows a sample of actual student analyzed data corresponding to the same intervalshown previously in the raw data of Figure 5. Student analyzed data for the full daylight periodis plotted in Figure 7. The electrical engineering technology students were asked to determinethe time(s) of the maximum solar panel and battery voltage and current as well as the maximumsolar panel output power. Figure 7 also shows this tabulated information. The students werealso required to write a summary of the events that are detectible in the data. Events such aswhen the audio system was used, time of sunrise, sunset, cloudy periods, etc
Conference Session
Implementation of Experiments in Manufacturing Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Christopher Pung, Grand Valley State University
Tagged Divisions
view the inside of the boxes the students werepleased and somewhat surprised.The question of whether a fractional factorial design could have been used was aunanimous ‘yes’. A one half or even one quarter design would have yielded verysimilar results.This opinion was validated by comparing the main effect plots for the fullfactorial and ½ fractions DOE’s. The main effects for the full factorial and ½fraction are shown below in figures 3 and 4. Main Effects Plot (data means) for S/M/E Blue Green 60 Mean of Stephanie/Mark/Erynne 50
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Tzu-Liang Tseng; Thompson Sarkodie-Gyan, University of Texas, El Paso; Jianmei Zhang, University of Texas, El Paso
Module Module Course Development AA-0001 (Module 1; S) AA-0002 (Module 2; S+H) AA-0003 (Module 3,4,5 and 8; S + H) AA-0004/BB-0001(Module 3, 4 and 6; S+H) BB-0002 (Module 6, 7; S) BB-0003 (Module 6, 7; S) Note: S (Software); H(Hardware) Quasi Web Based Delivery Mechanism 1. Synchronized: Face to Face Lectures (p%) 2. Asynchronized: Audio/Video Embedded in Power Point Slides (1-P)% Summer workshop/Seminar At the e-Manufacturing
Conference Session
Innovations in Manufacturing Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ning Fang, Utah State University
Tagged Divisions
., Barnes, S., Coe, S., Reinhard, C., and Subramania, K., “Globalization and the Undergraduate Manufacturing Engineering Curriculum,” 2002, ASEE Journal of Engineering Education 91, pp. 255-261.[2] National Association of Manufacturing, “Keeping America Competitive: How A Talent Shortage Threats U.S. Manufacturing,” a white paper on, accessed October 6, 2008.[3] Bee, D., and Meyer, B., “Opportunities and Challenges for Manufacturing Engineering,” 2007, Proceedings of the 2007 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, June 24-27, 2007, Honolulu, HI.[4] Waldorf, D., Alptekin, S., and Bjurman, R., “Plotting a Bright Future for Manufacturing
Conference Session
Investigating Alternative-energy Concepts
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Faruk Yildiz, Sam Houston State University; Keith Coogler, Sam Houston State University; Dominick Fazarro, Sam Houston State University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
ambient energysource to storage device is needed to avoid voltage drops in the wires. For the purpose of placingstorage devices closer to every energy source, a detailed routing investigation will be conducted.References[1] Hinrics A. R., Kleinbach M. (2002). Energy: Its Use and the Environment. 3rd Edition,Orlando, Florida: Harcourt, Inc.[2] Yildiz, F., Zhu, J., & Pecen, R., Guo, L. (2007). Energy Scavenging for Wireless Sensor Page 14.1050.12Nodes with a Focus on Rotation to Electricity Conversion, American Society of EngineeringEducation, AC 2007-2254:[3] Rabaey, J. M., Ammer, M. J., Da Silva Jr, J. L., Patel, D., & Roundy, S. (2000
Conference Session
Innovations in ECE Education II
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jan Machotka, University of South Australia; Zorica Nedic, University of South Australia; Andrew Nafalski, University of South Australia; Ozdemir Gol, University of South Australia
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
shown in Figure 6. Page 14.98.9 Figure 6. PSpice schematics for the simulation.The second model is based on the calculated system transfer function shown below and used forthe MATLAB simulation. 1 s 2 ∗L3 − L2 + − s ∗R2 − R3 + −H (s) ? C  L
Conference Session
Design in the ECE Curriculum
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alan Cheville, Oklahoma State University; Charles Bunting, Oklahoma State University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
was video-taped. Students were asked to verbalize what theywere doing as they took the practical examination and, if necessary, were prompted by the TA.Coding is currently being developed to analyze these videos.The second technician aspect students were trained in was analyzing and graphing acquired data.Students were shown how to upload data from the test instrumentation to LabView then exportthis data to Matlab. Data was presented in the form of Smith charts, and graphs of S parameters.Students were also shown how to distinguish theoretical from measured data. The measurementsperformed by students and data presentation assignments were designed to illustrate limitationsof the measurement instrumentation. Specific data analysis tasks
Conference Session
Integrating Computer-based Technology in the Civil Engineering Classroom
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Vinod Lohani, Virginia Tech; Parhum Delgoshaei, Virginia Tech; Chelsea Green, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
temperature probe provides an exponential curve (Newton’s law of cooling), the displacement of a falling ball onto the motion detector provides a power (quadratic) function and the force sensor can be exited linearly.Three sensors (i.e., temperature, force, and motion detection) are used to develop this activity.The system setup and LabVIEW output are shown in Figures 3 and 4, respectively.Figure 3. DAQ activity setup. The analog signals from temperature and force sensors are filteredout from noise, amplified and converted to digital (0’s and 1’s) in the Vernier SensorDAQ(middle). The Motion Detector implements these conversions internally
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Design Constituents
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
James Farison, Baylor University; Zhuocheng Yang, Baylor University
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
developed to administer this new responsibility, 2) the experiences of the first three years of program evaluator visits, 3) the institutions with ABET EAC-accredited multidisciplinary engineering programs, 4) the number and names of the multidisciplinary engineering program(s) at each institution, 5) the ABET EAC accreditation history of these programs, 6) a look ahead at the projected future evaluator workload, and 7) other issues related to this new accreditation role and to recent changes in the process.IntroductionOne of the significant distinctions of a substantial number of baccalaureate engineering programsis that they intentionally do not align naturally with a currently so-called “traditional discipline”(such as
Conference Session
Best Practices in IE Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew Elam, Texas A&M University, Commerce; E. Delbert Horton, Texas A&M University, Commerce; Sukwon Kim, Texas A&M University, Commerce; Bob Wilkins, Texas A&M University, Commerce
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
, engineering economy, discretemathematics, and probability and statistics. Using the brief description that Industrial Engineersimprove processes, students were taught to think of equations as models for processes. Theindependent variable(s) is (are) the input(s) to the process and the dependent variable(s) is (are)the output(s) from the process.Systems of linear equations, matrices, and truth tables from discrete mathematics were taught tohelp prepare students for the computer programming courses and the linear algebra course taughtby the Mathematics department. Both of these courses were prerequisites for the first operationsresearch course taught in the Industrial Engineering degree program. It was emphasized thatlinear programming was mathematical
Conference Session
History of Aerospace Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Scott Eberhardt, Boeing Company; Narayanan Komerath, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Technology. Georgia Tech’s record of training Armyengineers and aviators since WWI was probably the deciding factor, and it was with theinitiative of Army officers deputed to the Guggenheim Foundation, that the final schoolselection was madex. A grant of $300,000 was used to construct a building around anine-foot wind tunnel and invest in bonds for the future. In the following sections moredetails on the evolution of each of the seven schools to their present state will bepresented.New York University As mentioned in the introduction New York University (NYU) was the firstGuggenheim School, and the recipient of the largest grant. NYU developed excellentfacilities and was a renowned center for years. In the 1940’s it was joined by its cross-town
Conference Session
Concluding Thoughts in Engineering Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Harry Petersen, Minnesota State University, Mankato; William Peterson, Minnesota State University, Mankato
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
of the internet and supporting programs, many institutions of higher learning areexamining the possibility of offering at least some classes over the internet. Whilecorrespondence courses by mail have been offered for many decades, the immediate responseand information bandwidth of the internet offer the possibility of real-time remote interaction,electronic homework and exams, and instant streaming video and audio not available by mail.With proper support, web-based instruction computer programs such as Desire2Learn (D2L) 1, acommercial classroom management system (similar to Blackboard, etc.), allows remote studentsto password-access materials on their own schedule while requiring online discussions atspecified times, at the instructor‟s
Conference Session
Curriculum in Civil Engineering Technology
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Cottrell, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Chung-Suk Cho, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
AC 2009-1779: INTEGRATING GREEN ENGINEERING INTO AMULTIDISCIPLINARY SEMINAR COURSEDavid Cottrell, University of North Carolina, Charlotte DR. DAVID S. COTTRELL is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering Technology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1978 and retired in 2000 after more than 22 years of service with the US Army Corps of Engineers. Studies at Texas A&M University resulted in an MS Degree in Civil Engineering in 1987 and a PhD in 1995. He is a registered Professional Engineer and has taught courses in statics, dynamics, mechanics of materials, graphic communications, engineering economy, and
Conference Session
Assessment and Continuous Improvement in Electronics and Electrical ET Programs
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Nasser Alaraje, Michigan Technological University; John Irwin, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
, analogOutcome 12 and digital electronics, and microcomputers to the building, testing, operation and maintenance of electrical/electronic(s) systems. (ABET 8.a) The application of physics or chemistry to electrical/electronic(s) circuits in a rigorousOutcome 13 mathematical environment at or above the level of algebra and trigonometry. (ABET 8.b) The ability to analyze, design and implement control systems, instrumentation systems,Outcome 14 communication systems or power systems. (ABET 8.c)Outcome 15 The ability to apply project management techniques to electrical/electronic(s) systems. (ABET 8.d) The ability to utilize statistics/ probability, transform methods
Conference Session
History of Aerospace Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathy Schmidt, University of Texas, Austin; Mark Maughmer, Penn State University
Tagged Divisions
Mean Score Score 60 50 40 30 Low Score 20 10 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 YearFigure 4 Student Final Exams Results in Theoretical Aerodynamics T h e o re tic a l A e ro d y n a m ic s 100 H ig h S c o re 90 80 70 M e a n S c o re S c o re 60 50 40
Conference Session
Pedagogy and Assessment I
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Shanmugalingam Easwaran, Pacific Lutheran University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
tomention a few.3.3 The Lookup Table and Intensity TransformationAll the above intensity transformation (point-processing) operations can be viewed as directly orindirectly performing a lookup table (LUT) based mapping on the input pixel intensities of animage to produce a new set of output pixel intensities for the corresponding pixels, and therebyproducing a modified image. It should be noted that as the name implies, a lookup table is atable that contains a set of all possible (full range) input intensity values arranged in increasingorder R = { r0=0, r1=1 r2=2 …, rk=k …, rL-1=L-1}, and a corresponding set of output (mapped,reassigned) intensity values S = {s0, s1, s2, …, sk, …, sL-1} into which the input intensity valuesare correspondingly
Conference Session
Laboratories in Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Grant Richards, Purdue University; John Denton, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
presentations.BackgroundThis laboratory is designed to be completed in a two-hour laboratory session for thosesuccessfully completing pre-laboratory exercises. While a number of RF simulation packagesmay be used to perform the listed simulations, the real-time tuning capabilities of Microwave Page 14.38.2Office provide for a high degree of interactivity which is a primary component of thisexperiment. Minimal equipment requirements include a RF frequency generator and a spectrumanalyzer; however, the use of a vector network analyzer with s-parameter capabilities providesadditional opportunities to reinforce concepts demonstrated in the design and simulation phasesof this
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Kadlowec, Rowan University; Howard Pearlman, Drexel University; Ali Navvab, Gloucester County College
-sectionalarea (A) to determine the lift (cL) and drag (cD) coefficients, i.e., L D cL 2 and c D 2 1 2 1 2 1V A 1V A 2 2These nondimensional coefficients are then tabulated as a function of Reynold's number and anondimensional parameter known as a 'Spin Parameter' (S), which is the ratio of the tangentialvelocity of the sportsball relative to its translational speed (V), i.e., S = R4/V; note that typicalvalues of S range from 0 (no rotation) to 0.5 [5]. Interestingly, drag coefficients are
Conference Session
ERM Potpourri
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michele Miller, Michigan Technological University; Leonard Bohmann, Michigan Technological University; William Helton, Michigan Technological University; Anna Pereira, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
development of this ability, and determine theeffect of this ability on self-efficacy and attitude toward engineering.AcknowledgmentsThis work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. EEC-0835987.References1. The National Academy of Engineering, The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century, The National Academies Press, 2004.2. The National Academy of Engineering, Educating the Engineer of 2020: Adapting Engineering Education to the Next Century, The National Academies Press, 2005.3. The National Academies, Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future, The National Academies Press, 2006.4. Sheppard, S. D., K. Macatangay, A
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary and Project-based Experiences in Manufacturing
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Wayne Hung, Texas A&M University; Sriharsha Sundarram, Texas A&M University; Fatih Ozkeskin, University of Michigan; Mike Powers, Agilent Technologies; Juan Manriquez, Cideteq; Venkata Vasiraju, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
is used to micromachining an alloy comprisingof different elements, the material removal rate (MRR) in micro ECM has been derived to be 13: τ 1 100 EAdt MRR = ∫ (1) τ 0 ⎛ xi zi ⎞ ∑i ⎜⎜ A ⎟⎟ρFgr ⎝ i ⎠Where MRR : material removal rate (µm3/s) E : applied voltage (V) A : surface area of electrode (mm2) : pulse duration (s) xi : weight fraction of the ith element
Conference Session
Trends in Mechanical Engineering I
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Charles Forsberg, Hofstra University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
AC 2009-815: USE OF THE KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL BUILDER (KSB)FORMAT IN A SENIOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORYCharles Forsberg, Hofstra University Charles H. Forsberg is an Associate Professor of Engineering at Hofstra University, where he teaches courses in computer programming and the thermal/fluids area of mechanical engineering. He received a B. S. in Mechanical Engineering from the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn (now Polytechnic Institute of NYU), and an M. S. in Mechanical Engineering and Ph. D. from Columbia University. He is a Licensed Professional Engineer in New York State. Page
Conference Session
Structural Education Methods
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Hector Estrada, University of the Pacific; Luke Lee, University of the Pacific
Tagged Divisions
EngineeringEducation: A Modern Approach,” Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Educators Conference, St.Louis, Missouri, June 2000.3 Dyke, S.J., Truman, K.Z., and Gould, P.L. (2000), “Current Directions in Earthquake Engineering Education: TheUniversity Consortium on Instructional Shake Tables,” Proceedings of the American Society of EngineeringEducators Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, June 2000.4 Williams, A., PE Exam Preparation: Civil & Structural Engineering Seismic Design of Buildings and Bridges.Kaplan AEC Education, Chicago, IL, 2007.5 Hiner, S. T., Seismic Design Review Workbook: for Californian Civil P.E. Examination. Can be obtained ASCE, ASCE 7 Standard: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other
Conference Session
Attitudes, Self-Confidence, and Self-Efficacy of Women Engineering Students
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Carmen Villa, Texas A&M University; Carolyn Clark, Texas A&M University; Jennifer Sandlin, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
). Talking about leaving: Why undergraduates leave the sciences. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.10. Tobias, S. (1990). They're Not Dumb, They're Different: Stalking the Second Tier : Tucson, AZ:Research Corporation11. Bean, J.P. (2005). Nine themes of college student retention. In A. Seidman. (Ed.),. (2005). College student retention. Formula for student success (pp. 215-244). American Council on Education CT:Praeger.12. Pascarella, E., & Terrenzini, P. (1991). How college affects students: Findings and insights from twenty years of research. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.13. Tinto, V. (1993). Leaving college: Rethinking the causes and cures of student attrition. (2nd Ed.) Chicago: University of Chicago Press.14
Conference Session
Student Learning
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jay Martin, University of Wisconsin, Madison; John Mitchell, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Jennifer Welter, Wiley; Sandra Courter, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
confidence using theseinventories, although efforts should be made to improve the reliability. Page 14.1260.5 Table 1 Statistics for Concept Inventories Class No. Mean Score Standard Reliability Std Error Students Deviation Coefficient, of Meas. Score % alpha Thermo S 06 116 21.0 65 4.2 0.69 2.3 F 05 110 19.4 61 3.9 0.66 2.3 Fluids S 06 114 14.9 50 4.1 0.69 2.3 F 05
Conference Session
DEED Poster Session
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Marie-Pierre Huguet, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Frank Wright, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
the course being taught? (level of blend, delivery mode, teaching style, …) • And most importantly, Why? Why use the technology or the tool? Why teach the course? Why select this specific objective? … Trying to answer the “why?” of everything is often the most effective, albeit challenging, tool in course design.At the heart of the constructivist instructional design is the instructor, the “i" in our formula. Ourresearch showed us that s/he is the most critical, integral part of effective instruction, just as thestudent is the most critical, integral part of constructivist instruction. The instructors mustconsider their teaching style29 and teaching methods, and as they do, map them against theirstudents’ learning styles.Create a design
Conference Session
Innovations in the CHE Laboratory
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Heather Gappa-Fahlenkamp, Oklahoma State University; Mark Wilkins, Oklahoma State University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
substrate-enzyme reaction can be expressed as S + E ←⎯→ k1 ES (1) k2 ES ⎯⎯→ k3 P+E (2) S = Substrate E = Enzyme ES = Enzyme-Substrate Complex P = ProductThe Michaelis-Menten approach was used to derive the rate equation. For this approach, it isassumed that the product-releasing step is much slower than the reversible reaction. Thereversible reaction involves the formation of an enzyme-substrate complex, which is based on avery weak interaction
Conference Session
The Best of Design in Engineering Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Oenardi Lawanto, Utah State University; Scott Johnson, University of Illinois
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
students’ design performance. Although there arenumerous existing studies that investigate how metacognition impacts performance, similarstudies may focus on the investigation about how each of the components of the self-appraisaland self-management from various groups of engineering students relate to design performance.A standard method of assessing students’ design performance needs to be formulated to increasethe validity of the data.References1. Chan, L. K. S., and Moore, P. J. 2006. Development of attributional beliefs and strategic knowledge in years 5 to 9: A longitudinal analysis. Educational Psychology 26(2): 161-185.2. Graves, D. H. 1983. Writing: Teachers and children at work. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Educational Books.3
Conference Session
Panel: Forming an Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Julie Mills, University of South Australia; Judith Gill, University of South Australia; Suzanne Franzway, University of South Australia; Rhonda Sharp, University of South Australia
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
. Page 14.1111.2Here we should briefly note that there are several different definitions of multidisciplinaryresearch [4], [5], [6]. The terms multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary are often usedinterchangeably, but Borrego & Newswander [3] have provided an excellent discussion of theseterms in the context of engineering education research. They define multidisciplinarycollaborations as those where “collaborators come together to work on a problem, each bringinghis or her own expertise and unique contribution. There is limited exchange of information inthis approach … collaborators leave the project without having learned much about the otherdiscipline(s)” (p.124). On the other hand interdisciplinary collaborations are defined as