appear in IEEE Trans. on Education.[8] J. P. Perlin, D.J. Pack, B.E. Mullins, and R.E. Speakman, “Senior Capstone Design Experience: HoveringRobot,” Proc. of the 2003 ASEE Conference, Nashville, TN, June, 2003.[9] D.J. Pack and B.E. Mullins, “Toward Finding an Universal Search Algorithm for Swarm Robots,” Proceedings2003 IEEE/RJS Conference on Intelligent Robotic Systems (IROS), Las Vegas, Nevada, October 2003.[10] T. Hsiu, S. Richards, A. Bhave, A. Perez-Bergquist, I. Nourbakhsh. "Designing a Low-cost, ExpressiveEducational Robot." In Proceedings of IROS 2003, Las Vegas.AppendixThis syllabus is used in the first semester senior design course at the United States Air ForceAcademy. Lesson Topic Meet In Class
engineering majors, two femalesand four males), asking each of them to answer three or four questions, explaining theirthought processes out loud as they did so. The students were volunteers who wereselected on a first-come basis and compensated for their time. We followed a protocolduring the sessions: first we gave the student a written copy of each question and thenread it aloud. We asked the student to tell us what concept s/he thought the questionaddressed and then asked him or her to solve the problem thinking aloud and usingsketches, notes, etc., if desired. We asked questions intended to probe the students’thought processes as they solved the problems and tape-recorded the sessions for latertranscription and analysis. We also collected all
: The Mars Society Of CaltechHuman Exploration Of Mars Endeavor, 2000.4 S. J Hoffman,., and D. L Kaplan, ed., Human Exploration of Mar: The Reference Mission of the NASA MarsExploration Study Team,, 1997.5 R. Zubrin and R. Wagner, The Case for Mars: The Plan to Settle the Red Planet and Why We Must, 1996.6 T. Kammash and M.-J.Lee, “Gasdynamic Fusion Propulsion System for Space Exploration”, Journal of Propulsionand Power, 3, pp. 544-53, 1995.7 Zubrin, ibid.8JOHN W. NORTON, JR.John W. Norton, Jr. ( is working on his doctorate at the University of Michigan in civilinfrastructure systems with a focus on optimal drinking water technology implementation under the direction
. W. (2001). ‘Construction Contracts,’ McGraw Hill, New York.9. Hinze, J. W. (2001). ‘Construction Safety,’ Prentice Hall, New Jersey.10. Huband, F.L. (ed.) (1998), How Do You Measure Success? Designing Effective Processes for Assessing Engineering Education, ASEE Professional Books, Washington, D.C.11. Koehn, E. (1997), "Engineering Perceptions of ABET Accreditation Criteria," Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice 123(2), 66-70.12. Online Ethics Center for Engineering & Science, National Science Foundation (1999), http:// Pfatteicher, S.K.A. (1999), "EC2000 and the Engineering Ethics Dilemma," Roland, S., and Martin, M
agreements and the establishment of foreign universities in the country• Trans-national education• Modernizing the curriculum• Learning to learn• ICT`s and the pedagogical viewpoints• Higher education and the workforce (unemployment vs. making go-getters)In recent times, the way that universities, and therefore higher education in general, has becomea part of an increasingly globalized world, has changed. In this new scenario it is possible tosingle out the processes that tend towards the internationalization of higher learning. Theconstant and growing amount of exchanges amongst researchers and scholars, the many jointprojects undertaken by international groups and the mobility, real and virtual, that undergraduateand graduate students
Engineering Departments, Saginaw Valley State University, May 1999. 5. K. Scales, C. Owen, S. Shiohare, M. Leonard. Preparing for Program Accreditation Review Under ABET Engineering Criteria 2000: Choosing Outcome Indicators, Journal of Engineering Education, July 1998, pp. 207-210. 6. Joint Task Force on Engineering Education Assessment. A General Assessment Framework, in How Do You Measure Success?: Designing Effective Processes for Assessing Engineering Education, ASEE Professional Books, 1998, pp. 17-26. Page
& Exposition Copyright © 2004, American Society for Engineering Education12. M.S. Zwyno, Engineering Faculty Teaching Styles and Attitudes toward Student-Centered and Teaching- Enabled Teaching Strategies, Proceedings of 2003 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Session 1122, Nashville, Tennessee (2003).13. M.S. Zywno, A contribution to Validation of Score Meaning for Felder-Soloman’s Index of Learning Styles, Proceedings of 2003 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Session 2351, Nashville, Tennessee (2003).14. D. Elger, J. Beller, S. Beyerlein, B. Williams, Performance Criteria for Quality in Problem Solving, Proceedings of 2003 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Session 2230
Florida Tech. She is also the Co-Director of Florida TechStart, the Florida Institute of Technology’sbusiness accelerator. Prior to joining the university, she was a practicing CPA for 25 years and founder of CarolynJ. Fausnaugh Associates, CPA’s. In the early 1990’s she was a member of the founding team of InternetU, the firstInternet Service Provider in Brevard County, Florida. Page 9.1152.15 Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition Copyright © 2004, American Society for Engineering Education
Excellent 8 6 Numbe r of Re sponse s 4 2 0 a Excellent b Very Good c d Good e Fair g ABET Obje ctiv e Poor
Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics,v 7, 2002, p 420-425.17 Langan-Fox, J; Wirth, A.; Code, S.; Langfield-Smith, K.; Wirth, A., “Analyzing shared and team mentalmodels,” International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, v 28, n 2, 2001, p 99-112.18 Carlson , W. Bernard, “Toward a Philosophy of Engineering: The Role of Representation,” Proceedings of the2003 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, June, 2003.19 Thatcher, Andrew, Greyling, Mike, “Mental models of the Internet,” International Journal of IndustrialErgonomics, v 22, n 4-5, Nov, 1998, p 299-305.20 Thatcher and Greyling, p. 300.21 Thatcher and Greyling, p. 300.22 Pacey, p. 13.23 Busby, J. A. and Lloyd, P. A., “Influences on
damage pattern of the earthquakethroughout Mexico. Once the technical analysis is completed, students then research and write apaper on the effect that the tragedy (and the engineer’ s role in it) had on Mexican society.Topics arising in these papers include discussions of political unrest, unification of a dividedlower class, government re-organization, tourism and other economic effects, exposure ofcorruption, the response of citizens to the president’s actions after the quake, and the tremendoussuffering of the victims. For example, one student wrote the following: …The losses incurred as a result of the earthquake and below-par building standards provided good timing for an already cynical people to demand changes in their government’s
A Novel Collaborative Program in Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering Thamire, C., Ainane*, S., Hoffman, J., Pertmer, G.A.* Frostburg State University/University of Maryland, College Park*AbstractOver the past few years, the University of Maryland (UM) and Frostburg State University (FSU)have collaborated to develop a novel undergraduate mechanical engineering degree program inwestern Maryland. Designed to serve the students in the region and provide engineeringgraduates and further engineering educational opportunities for local industries, the programutilizes both live-instruction and distance-education as the delivery modes. Students in theprogram
of the hospital. Mentoring & The faculty mentor was a Civil PE with extensive industrial experience. An EMI Teaching project manager also provided guidance. An industrial consultant provided end-of- semester reviews.Institution II: Dordt College Engineering ProgramDordt College is a fifty-year old Christian liberal arts college located in Iowa. The engineeringprogram was first implemented in the early 1980's with general engineering. This generalengineering major offers mechanical and electrical emphases to an engineering student body ofabout 90 individuals across all levels (freshman to senior). About 20 seniors complete theprogram each year. Design projects play a role in many