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technology can impact andenhance student learning. Further, this paper will provide information about how to getstudents more involved and be responsible for their education thru the case studyapproach. IntroductionIn the 1980’s, a series of experiments was done on the effectiveness of several teachingmethods in higher education as well as in engineering education. Research shows thattraditional instructor-centered teaching is less effective than student–centered learning inpreparing engineering students. (Buchanan,1991; Khurfiss, 1988; McKeachie et al.,1986;National Research Counsel, 1996; Raju & Sankar 1999; Sankar and Raju, 2003;Tribus, 1992;). Research has also shown that active student based learning
give rise to the observed phenomenon (p. 175).In summary, Russ et al.’s (2008) framework foregrounds the distinct elements of a mechanisticaccount - what learners say about the phenomenon’s entities and their characteristics and actions,and Krist et al.’s (2019) framework foregrounds scalar levels - how learners describe what ishappening at a scale other than the observed phenomenon. Previously, we conducted a study ofthe mechanistic reasoning expressed spontaneously in elementary students’ discourse whilebuilding and testing prototypes (Authors, in Preperation). In that study, we found that a subset ofRuss et al.’s seven levels and a subset of Krist et al.’s three heuristics fully described the waysthat students used mechanistic reasoning as
experimental results are shown as smallcircles on the figure. In this experiment, the initial temperature of the pre-heated plate was 357K (84°C) and the final temperature after 2,000 s (33.3 min) was 318 K (45°C). Thus, the wholeexperiment could be carried out in 1 ½ hr, excluding the time to preheat the oven. Figure 3. Typical Results from the Cooling of the Flat Plate by Free Convection © American Society for Engineering Education, 2022 2022 ASEE Midwest Section ConferenceData ReductionThe development of equations for the modeling of the experiment was previously presented byClausen and Penney [5] and is only shown here for the convenience of the reader.A heat balance on the center
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from teachers across West Virginia.Data Collection For this research, in-person interviews will be performed with seven K-12 teachers in WV.The participants (i.e., teachers) would be selected based on simple random sampling. Eachparticipant was chosen independently with no correlation to the preceding or proceeding subject.A total of seven participants were ultimately chosen. A qualitative study will be implementedbased on teachers’ shared experiences, training, and activities provided by The NEED Project. PartI of the survey contains demographic questions about the teacher’s gender, age, years ofexperience, education attainment, teaching grade(s) level and subject(s), etc. Part II of the surveyincluded issues/challenges questions
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implementation of the solution(s); 3)Collection of data on the feasibility of implementing the solution(s) in typical delivery settingsby intended users; and 4) Conducting a pilot study to examine the promise of generating theintended outcomes [12].Description of Study Site and ParticipantsThe data presented in this paper were collected from five regional community college partnerswhose primary emphasis is on 2-year degrees and workforce certificates, in addition to limitedBachelor’s degrees in nursing, secondary education, and business. The missions of these statecolleges is to support the needs of the local community and prepare students for workplacesuccess.Pre-Research ActivitiesThe research team conducted a comprehensive literature review in the