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NationalScience Foundation. The authors would like to acknowledge Dr. Zengjun Chen for assisting withCAT test evaluation. Partial findings from the preliminary studies have been presented in theASEE Annual Conferences in 2016 (Paper #16685) and 2017 (Paper #17913).References: 1. Crawley, E.F., Malmqvist, J., Östlund, S., Brodeur, D.R., and Edström, K., "Historical accounts of engineering education", Rethinking engineering education: Springer, 2014, pp. 231-255. 142. Froyd, J.E., Wankat, P.C., and Smith, K.A.," Five major shifts in 100 years of engineering education", Proceedings of the IEEE Vol. 100, No. Special Centennial Issue, 2012, pp. 1344-1360.3. Graham, R.," Achieving excellence in
Differences on Student Innovation Capabilities,” in ASME International Design and Engineering Technical Conferences, 2014.[3] T. C. Kershaw et al., “A Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Examination of the Development of Innovation Capability in Undergraduate Engineering Students,” in Volume 3: 17th International Conference on Advanced Vehicle Technologies; 12th International Conference on Design Education; 8th Frontiers in Biomedical Devices, 2015, p. V003T04A008.[4] J. Walther, S. E. Miller, and N. W. Sochacka, “A Model of Empathy in Engineering as a Core Skill, Practice Orientation, and Professional Way of Being,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 106, no. 1, pp. 123–148, 2017.[5] M. Kouprie and F. S. Visser, “A framework for empathy
engineering majors.T-SITE: A UMBC COMMUNITY OF TRANSFER SCHOLARS 2T-SITE is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Scholarships in Science, Technology,Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM) program and managed by the Center for Women inTechnology (CWIT) at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). CWIT hasimplemented three S-STEM Scholars programs since 2007. The first, “Scholarships in IT &Engineering (SITE)” (DUE-0630952) served 30 students through spring 2011, 50% of whom werewomen or underrepresented minorities. CWIT’s second and third S-STEM projects are titled, “ACommunity of Transfer Students in Information Technology and Engineering (T-SITE)” (DUE-1154300) and “A
1 = Black/African American Louisiana Residency (State) 0 = Non-Resident 1 = Resident High School Rank (HSRank) 0.2 – 100 High School GPA (HSGPA) 1.59 – 4.0 ACT component scores Science Score (ACT S) 7 – 36 Mathematics Score (ACT M) 14 – 36 English Score (ACT E) 11 – 36 Reading Score (ACT R) 12 – 36ParticipantsThe participants involved in this study include first-time-in-college (FTIC) freshmen whoentered the university in any school year between 2006 and 2015 and declared an engineeringdiscipline as their major. Enrollment in a university seminar class that all FTIC freshmen
effective way for educators to battle this challenge. This paper describes a tool,SHAvisual, which addresses this issue for the secure hash algorithm (SHA). SHA is a family ofcryptographic hash functions that the National Institute of Standards and Technology beganpublishing in the early 1960’s. SHAvisual is designed to help students learn and instructorsteach the SHA-512 algorithm. It consists of three major components: Demo Mode, PracticeMode and Full Mode. A separate global view window helps highlight the current procedure inthe algorithm pipeline. The Demo Mode provides a simplified SHA-512 visualization and isuseful for the instructor to demonstrate important operations in the classroom. The PracticeMode is designed for students to learn the
effectivenessof the project in increasing the graduation rates in CS/CE of Hispanic and low-income students.We have also expanded the scope of the program to include the Electrical Engineering program.In accomplishing the project goals, the key components were designed to provide academic andmotivational support for student participants throughout their enrollment at the State Collegesand FAU.IMPLEMENTATION OF MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTSIn this section, the status and progress related to each of the major project components arereported.a) Curricular refinement of gateway courses in mathematics and computer scienceDuring years 1 and 2, a team of gateway mathematics faculty from each State College incollaboration with faculty from the FAU ‘s Department of
components of critical consciousness as criticalreflection, motivation, and action using Diemer et al.’s (2015) definitions because they providethe clearest explanation of each component and limit the use of alternative descriptors orlanguage that are not directly aligned with Freirean thought.Theoretical Expansion of Critical Consciousness Several scholars have used Freire’s (1970) work as a foundation for their work,highlighting the benefits of his scholarship but also identifying limitations in its theory andpractical application. Literature across fields confirms several ways in which criticalconsciousness is defined and operationalized. This section reviews the work of scholars frompsychology (e.g., Diemer and Montero), social work (i.e
between individual predispositions and thetransformative potential of these programs.AcknowledgmentThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.NSF-EEC #2106229. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions, or recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References[1] R. Vandeveer and M. L. Menefee, “Study abroad, international internship and experiential learning: A world-class adventure in learning,” in Decision Sciences Institute Southwest Region (SWDSI), 2006.[2] S. Shandilya, S. Y. Yoon, G. Raju, and C. A. Kwuimy, “Engineering Students’ Transformative Learning Experiences from A Virtual
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in 2006. Matthew received his doctorate from Clemson University in 2011 in Mechanical Engineering, focused primarily on automotive contDr. Sean Tolman P.E., Utah Valley University Sean S. Tolman is an Associate Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Program at Utah Valley University in Orem, UT. He earned his BSME degree at Brigham Young University in 2002 and a MSME degree from the University of Utah in 2008 before returning toAmanda C Bordelon, Utah Valley University Amanda Bordelon, PhD, P.E. joined Utah Valley University’s faculty in the new Civil Engineering program in August 2018. She has all of her degrees in Civil and Environmental Engineering emphasized in
programs, and mentors. For FGS in engineering majors, many of the studies thatwere conducted looked at the barriers for FGS and posed the research in a deficit model. We aimto reframe this mindset and look at the capital and assets that FGS possess and how they navigatestructures of engineering. We also want to understand what culture and support leads to successin engineering. Martin et al. [13] began the turn in questioning the “deficit” framing of thisgroup. We aim to build on this research with our study. We will use mixed methods tounderstand their experiences and the capital, beyond networks, that they used to persist inengineering. Building off of Martin et al.’s [13], [14], [40] work, this project focuses on identitydevelopment alongside
, University of Dayton Kelly Bohrer is the Executive Director of the ETHOS Center, a community engagement center connecting students, faculty, and staff with NGOˆa C™s around the world for technical projects as part of immersions, teaching, and scholarly activity. She also is thDr. Kellie Schneider, University of Dayton Kellie Schneider is an Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering Management, Systems, and Technology at the University of Dayton. Prior to joining the faculty at UD, she was an instructor in the Freshman Engineering Program at the University of Arkansas. Her research interests are in the areas of engineering education and community-based operations research.Mrs. Marjorie Langston Langston
embedding empathy in graduateengineering education would also lead to impacts on undergraduate students given graduatestudents’ unique role as both learners and teachers.References[1] “Grand Challenges - 14 Grand Challenges for Engineering.” Accessed: Jan. 30, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://www.engineeringchallenges.org/challenges.aspx[2] J. Walther, S. E. Miller, and N. W. Sochacka, “A Model of Empathy in Engineering as a Core Skill, Practice Orientation, and Professional Way of Being,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 106, no. 1, pp. 123–148, 2017, doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/jee.20159.[3] B. Penzenstadler, G. Haller, T. Schlosser, and G. Frenzel, “Soft Skills REquired: A Practical Approach for Empowering Soft Skills in
Construction 4.0.Buildings, 13, 2535. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings13102535.[2] Forcael, E., Ferrari, I., Opazo-Vega, A., & Pulido-Arcas, J. A. (2020). Construction 4.0: A literature review.Sustainability, 12(22), 9755.[3] Karmakar, A., & Delhi, V. S. K. (2021). Construction 4.0: what we know and where we are headed?. Journal ofInformation Technology in Construction, 26.[4] Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) (2023). ABC 2023 Tech Report. Retrieved January 4, 2024 fromhttps://www.abc.org/Portals/1/ABC_2023_TechReport_web.pdf?ver=-r7DJgKWDeTn-BwOBjj3NQ%3d%3d[5] McKinsey & Company (2023). From start-up to scale-up: Accelerating growth in construction technology(webpage). Retrieved January 4, 2024, from https://www.mckinsey.com
differences might seem natural before any formal designtraining occurs. They also inform educators about gaps in expected student performance inparametric tools and suggest that pre-designer education should emphasize multidisciplinaryproblem-solving to avoid narrowing student competency for those interested in designprofessions.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation underGrant #2033332. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.The authors would also like to thank ShapeDiver GmbH for their support in providing theresearch team with access to
wasassigned to a different team. This dyad served as a pilot test for the study, and resulted in severalminor modifications to the protocol for the other participants, including having each participanttell a user story for a concept they did not create.User StoryP1 initially told the user story for her own concept, taking on the perspective of a persona theywere provided in class—“Scarlett.” This persona was used to supply many of the contextualdetails included in the user stories, including Scarlett’s occupation, recent move, and love of theoutdoors. The entire user story took around ten minutes to tell, with P2 taking over telling theuser story after P1’s initial attempt in the first several minutes, suggesting: “Maybe this wouldwork better if we
engage with potential customers, analyzing the market's reception and financialfeasibility of their ideas. EM13’s reflection on the significance of seeing the broader context,beyond mere problem-solving, underscores this point: “I think what gave me confidence ininnovation and entrepreneurship is understanding the bigger picture. It’s not just solving aproblem, but also trying to sell it to someone, having someone pay for it. […] Askingquestions like: what's the problem you're solving? Who are you solving it for? Why are thealternatives inferior, and why is now the right time to solve this? What’s the marketopportunity?”Expanding on this, integrating this big-picture perspective early in the learning process iscrucial for understanding the
division division nal Co-construct Construct rs o Self-authorship Pe knowledge knowledge Discover community al Participate s s ion with guidance Pr of e COP Beginner practice Master & and discourse expertise Belonging LID r
, and what you think a more positive interaction might have looked like.Participants in this study were LAs who consented to have their responses used as part of thisanalysis. Table 2 details the participants involved in this study. Fifty responses were analyzed.Table 2. Participant information. Private Public Number of LAs 24 26 Discipline(s) Chemistry, Biology, Chemical, Biological, and Chemical and Biological Environmental Engineering Engineering, Mechanical
Education, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 340–352, 09 2021. [Online]. Available: https: //www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/s-dude-culture-students-with-minoritized/docview/2348348625/se-2[13] J. Misra, J. H. Lundquist, E. Holmes, S. Agiomavritis et al., “The ivory ceiling of service work,” Academe, vol. 97, no. 1, pp. 22–26, 2011.[14] N. A. Fouad, W.-H. Chang, M. Wan, and R. Singh, “Women’s reasons for leaving the engineering field,” Frontiers in psychology, p. 875, 2017.[15] J. Walther, N. W. Sochacka, and N. N. Kellam, “Quality in interpretive engineering education research: Reflections on an example study,” Journal of engineering education, vol. 102, no. 4, pp. 626–659, 2013.[16] K. J. Cross, S. Farrell, and B. Hughes, Queering STEM
semester reports. There was a total of 23 reports (Semester A – N = 8, Semester B – N = 7, Semester – N – 8) with a maximum of 8 reports per semester. Theme 2, regulation in healthcare had the highest frequency (1.65 text references/report, 38 references,/23 reports). When comparing theme 4, public health perspectives between class cohorts, Semester B had the highest frequency (0.43 text references/report, N=8). atient compliance Degree in which a person adheres to medication or medical advice ase of administration rocess of a person ta ing medication is simplified ood and Drug dminstration .S. regulatory body guiding pharmaceutical development and uality Clinical trials
[23]–[25].The value of fields external to traditional computing are explored through frameworks which canhelp orient one's praxis within computing. This includes frameworks for thinking about activism(i.e. praxis, intersectionality), interactions between technology and society (i.e. sociotechnicalsystems, technological determinism, and technological solutionism, and the New Jim Code [26]),and intervention (i.e. critical participation). By exploring alternative ways of orienting one'spraxis in computing, students are empowered to consider the central question of the module—from where do I want to frame my interventions and what could my conceptual framework(s) tolook like?The second module, titled “Inclusion as Intervention,” explores what it
Education, 2021 Culturally Responsive Engineering Education: Creativity through “Empowered to Change” in the US and “Admonished to Preserve” in Japan Author(s) InformationAbstract:Enhancing creativity is an indispensable goal of many engineering courses. However, withflourishment of global collaboration in various engineering classrooms and best educationalpractices being replicated across cultures, there are not many curriculum interventions thatoriginate from students’ diverse cultural needs. When cultural differences are ignored, studentsmay get culturally biased grades and face confusion and difficulties. For instance, the notion of“disruption” and “breakthrough” in product design innovation is
-test results for pre- and post-CCLP knowledge test, *p < 0.01. Before NILA After NILA 95% CI for Mean Difference M SD M SD n Lower Upper r T df 57.6154 14.21070 91.7769 9.30888 130 -37.09034 -31.23274 0.014 -23.078* 129 Figure 8. Histogram of NILA 2019’s post-CCLP test scores. N = 130, mean = 91.78, and standard deviation = Leadership Self-Efficacy Following the EFA, we created new variables to represent the mean scores for eachsubscale (i.e., factor), as well as the total score for leadership self-efficacy (both pre- and post-NILA experimental conditions) to facilitate
was particularly challenging to think of an activity that would not Incorporating Challenges in only be about the topic but would also ensure that the specific SEP three dimensions NGSS-plus-5E was being met. I also had to research the concepts at a much greater of NGSS implementation detail than I had initially anticipated.” “I was a little afraid of [Facilitator 4]’s lesson plan. It was so detailed How to and wordy. I don’t think I would have the stamina or the attention incorporate 5E’s
demographic characteristics and college experiences across varying levels of parental educational attainment and family income level.A set of mutually exclusive groups was created based on respondents’ answers to questions aboutparental educational attainment. • No College – students for whom parent(s) did not finish high school or graduated high school, but did not attend college or complete any degrees. • Less than Associate’s Degree – students for whom at least one parent attended college, but did not complete a degree. • Less than Bachelor’s Degree – students for whom at least one parent completed an Associate’s degree, but did not complete a Bachelor’s degree. • Bachelor’s or Higher – students for whom at