both subtle and overt discrimination[6] - [10]. Several strategies have been implemented to improve this culture, for example byestablishing peer mentoring programs [11] - [15] or creating more inclusive classroomenvironments [16] - [20]. In contrast to undergraduate engineering students who predominantlytake classes, however, senior doctoral and post-doctoral engineering students spend the majorityof their time in a “lab” environment—i.e., the environment of the research group, whethercomputational or experimental. Therefore, to create a warmer climate for these students andmitigate the drastic drop-off of women from doctoral programs to faculty positions, here wefocus on promoting a more inclusive lab culture.The pervasiveness of sexual
, persistence, and has beenlinked to a boost in students’ motivation to learn (Ditta, Strickland-Hughes, Cheung, & Wu,2020). Undergraduate research experience was also found to better equip students for graduateschool or careers (Sell, Naginey, & Stanton, 2017; Altman, et al., 2019). Through undergraduateresearch, students learn professional skills such as maintaining notes, identifying researchproblems, reading scientific literature, collaborating with peers in a research setting, and writingand presenting findings to an audience in their field of discipline (Carpenter & Pappenfus, 2009).Undergraduate research is said to be one of ten high impact practices shown to enhance andimprove college student performance and success (Kuh, 2008). A
Engagers: Show hesitation or uncertainty, need additional support to engage moreactively.'Z' (Assessment Wants) explored are: - Direct Submission Assessment: For submission assignments that involve submitting workdirectly, such as assignments, projects, or exams. - Indirect Submission Assessment: For submission assignments that involve feedback orevaluation from others, like peer reviews or self-evaluations. - Qualitative Submission Assessment: For submission assignments that involve non-numericalevaluation, focusing on quality of writing, understanding, or creativity. - Quantitative Submission Assessment: For submission assignments that involve numericalevaluation, such as grades or scores. - Direct Formative Assessment: Assignments
. The ROLE program at the HSI supports engineeringsophomore, junior, and senior-level students in developing research skills needed in technicalfields; interpersonal skills needed to be successful employees; and academic and professionalskills that are transferable in their decisions to enter graduate studies or the professional world.ROLE students learn technical skills through hands-on activities in a laboratory setting; receivenear-peer and faculty mentorship from individuals with similar cultural and linguisticbackgrounds; attend culturally relevant workshops that support academic, interpersonal, andprofessional growth; and participate in outreach events within the local community and K-12school environments. This study will work
youth.Our project’s focus on strengthening belonging through the use of youth participatory actionresearch (YPAR) in technology-rich spaces to develop deliverables iteratively, cater to theserecommendations. As shown technology and makerspaces provide opportunities to create physical artifactsthat build personal connections with engineering and technology [10], [11], [12], [13]. Howeverthere have been unequitable uses of said spaces and resources for youth from underservedcommunities that place youth at a disadvantage compared to their more privileged peers [1],[14], [15], [16]. Therefore the use of YPAR in technology rich spaces, youth may use researchmethods to make sense of and address social problems impacting their communities [17
populations (e.g., Black, Latinx, first-generation students,community college transfer students) [5]. Some of these students enter the university withexisting mental health concerns; others develop mental health challenges during college. Awide range of backgrounds and factors can influence a students’ mental health and wellbeing:living and financial conditions [6], academic preparation [7], student-faculty interactions [8],food insecurity, and family responsibilities [3], and peer relationships [9]. These stressorshave wider impacts on student success [3]: a decrease in a student’s wellbeing can negativelyimpact their educational experiences, leading to academic dissatisfaction, resulting indecreased academic performance or attrition [10]. A
and bored in the classroom where the entire learning mode is passive listening. They learn by doing or through tactile activities. An overwhelming majority of our learning systems are set up to be used as a passive learning resource. This effectively excludes students who are not good at working in that mode.Inclusive systems seek to remove barriers and provide the means for educating ALLstudents with high quality instruction, interventions, and support such that all studentshave the opportunity to be successful. Inclusive schools have a collaborative andrespectful culture where all students are presumed to be competent. They encourageand develop positive social relationships between peers and recognize all students as
viewsocial responsibilities related to the engineering profession and perceive negative feelings fromtheir peers related to the ethics of military service? (3) How do engineering students with ahistory of military service view social responsibilities related to the engineering profession andperceive negative feelings from others related to the ethics of military service? The first RQ wasexamined using the results from two large surveys of engineering students attending 17institutions with about 3300 respondents, including 222 students attending one of the U.S.military academies. The professional connectedness element of social responsibility wasmeasured using 19 Likert-type items with a 7-point response scale. It was found that the
(TableC3 in the Appendix). Survey results indicate a majority of teachers (64%) continue to use thecurriculum units they designed as part of their RET program. Almost all respondents felt thatthe curriculum units were useful teaching resources (91.7%). One hundred percent of teacherswho enacted these units found them to: attain their learning objectives; be effectivelypresented through engaging, real life contexts; presented at an appropriate age level; includeadequate resources to support student learning; and be well aligned to the NGSS. Teacherresponded that they have made changes to the curricula after piloting to ensure the best fit intheir classrooms. Survey results confirm that teachers are disseminating the curriculum unitsto their peers
experiential learning [19]. The keywordsfrom this cycle are shown within parentheses in Figure 1. FIGURE 1. KOLB EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING CYCLE WITH GREENWAY’S KEYWORDSThe concrete experience stage is used to engage students in performing some sort of activitywhere they apply their ideas and skills. Experiences from activities generate facts – the events,moments, and details associated with the activity. Next, the reflective observation stageencourages students to reflect on their experiences through mechanisms such as self-evaluation,peer discussion, and instructor feedback. Reflections generate feelings, an assessment of theexperience from various modes of input. During the abstract conceptualization stage, studentsintegrate their
alpha (α)EFFECTS OF STEM CLIMATE ON MENTAL HEALTH 4 Lack of interpersonal Participant describes feeling 0.796 0.006 support in academic unsupported by their professors, setting mentors/advisors, peers/friends, colleagues, or general program climate within the academic setting Difficult interpersonal Participant describes difficult 0.885 0.003 interactions with peers, interpersonal interactions with staff, post-doc, etc. program staff
&I intheir everyday teaching.In this research paper, we present the journeys of 12 college level educators who have beenidentified by peers in the engineering education community as individuals practicing inclusiveteaching. These stories are intended to complement a) research that identifies issues of Diversityand Inclusion in engineering and b) research that documents efforts to address these issues.Although there are many studies that seek to understand the issues and explore potentialsolutions to different D&I concerns, these open-ended interviews highlight stories from the threesub-themes. These sub-themes show that doing work to support D&I requires communitysupport, requires learning from experiences, either one’s own or from
, yielding findings that suggest thatwomen and non-white students who received the letter-grade C in an introductory STEM courseare less likely to complete a STEM degree than white male counterparts. Despite Black andHispanic students declaring STEM majors at the same rate as their white peers, they are pushedout of STEM at disproportionate rates regardless of academic preparation, intellectual ability, ortheir affinity for STEM [8], [17],[18]. Additionally, they are often depicted as being without ormore so, at a deficit to be academically successful in STEM.Meritocratic ideologies or the belief that individuals are successful because of their own merit asopposed to historical, social and institutional barriers in place underscore STEM culture for
140 paired with PHYS 211, andPHYS 212 paired with EE210. This approach is designed to foster a sense of community amongstudents and provide them with a more meaningful education, where abstract mathematicalconcepts gain practical significance in physics, and challenging physics concepts are elucidatedthrough applications in engineering. Moreover, students enrolled in this program receive supportthrough peer tutors, dedicated academic advisers and faculty mentors, and tailored mentorshipfrom alumni engineers possessing industry experience. These additional resources aim to furtherbolster the academic and career success of the students involved.The program aims to offer valuable insights to faculty and institutions currently engaged in
language patterns, nuances,and complexities. The training corpus includes various sources, such as books, articles, reviews,online conversations, and human-generated data, allowing the model to engage in non-trivialdialogues and provide accurate information on diverse topics [2].Within the field of computer sciences, we have seen that many students have integrated rapidlyinto Chat GPT to assist in writing programming code. This has now forced the academiccommunity to assess how such AI systems will impact students and, by extension, how aseducator’s aspects of their critical thinking skills are being impacted by the availability of such apowerful tool. Students can engage with the AI to seek information, solve problems, and engagein idea creation
in 2005 from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering. His main research focus is on advanced multi-scale and smart manufacturing processes and technologies for various applications. His sound-based smart machine monitoring technology led to a start-up company on smart sensing. He has authored over 150 peer-reviewed journal publications. He is an ASME fellow and Area Editor of Journal of Manufacturing Processes. He is also the recipient of the 2011 SME Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award, 2012 Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineers I.W. Smith Award for Outstanding Achievements, and 2015 Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers
rules are listed below: 1. No Squelching – With just one single statement your own creativity or that of another can be destroyed. 2. Take Risks – Give yourself permission to try something new. 3. Write Every Idea Down – Do not self-edit. 4. No Say “no” or “But” – Reframe that with “yes and.” 5. No Analysis – Do not worry about the implementation of ideas. 6. Everyone is an Expert – Everyone gets to speak their mind. 7. Have Fun – Get loud, get animated, move around.The workshop process document helped students understand how negative brainstorming will beaccomplished and how to use the process worksheet. The main premise of negative ideageneration is that it is “both easier and more
. Learn table/dining etiquette Financial Security 1. Can meet living expenses. 2. Can meet academic expenses Engineering Self- 1. Believe they belong in an engineering/engineering technology Efficacy program. 2. Believe they will be successful engineers in the futureFigure 1: Targeted and Self-Directed Learning Based on Research Variables and Knowles et al.'s (2015) Andragogical Concepts (Bullington et al., 2021)The next six sections break down findings by each of the project variables.CamaraderieParticipants responded that having opportunities to meet people like themselves, other SVMS,was extremely important. They explained that meeting like-minded peers helped
Multilingual Board GameIntroductionSerious games are a category of games that are often used in education to provide access tocomplex systems. In past research and curriculum development, engineering teachers haveimplemented curriculum around STEM-focused games [1], such as for urban planning [2],transportation engineering [1], chemistry education [3] and computational thinking [4]. Due tothe increased interactive engagement of games compared to lecture [5], [6], [7], engineeringeducators have utilized games to positively impact students' learning. However, theseeducational games are often only available in English. Students whose first language (L1) is notEnglish may be limited in how they present their ideas to peers in these playful spaces
of hands-onactivities and experiments in the classroom, as well as the use of digital resources (Azumio - InstantHeart Rate App) to complement the Traditional lecture-based instruction of the course. Thestudents were shown in class how to download Azumio app on the cellphone and use it to correctlymeasure their heart rate and it was explained to them the reason for the difference in resultsobserved in each set (especially after performing a 5-minute exercise) which included 6measurements of heart rate. Students were later given the assignment to work on 5 more sets ofthis experiment and were taught how to analyze and interpret the data collected - this data wouldbe later used by them to write a Lab report.1.3 Post-Test: A second survey was
students. He is an advocate for DEI&B as well as graduate student well-being.Dr. Grace Gowdy Dr. Gowdy is an Assistant Professor at North Carolina A&Tˆa C™s Department of Social Work & Soci- ology. Dr. Gowdy currently works on multiple studies examining how formal and informal mentoring relationships can support educational outcomes for histoShea Bigsby, Dr. Shea Bigsby is the Coordinator of Graduate Writing Services in the Graduate College at North Car- olina A&T State University. In this position, he develops resources and conducts workshops to help graduate students improve their writing skills and complete thesis/dissertation formatting and submission requirements. He also develops programming
mentoring, such as peer mentoring and mentorship between early-career andsenior faculty, considerably influence professional advancement of African-American womenfaculty [6].We anticipate that the establishment of such mentorship opportunities and supportnetworks at a cross-campus level for early-career women engineering faculty will help to retainthese faculty and provide them with opportunities to develop and disseminate research, findcollaborators, and enhance their educational abilities. It is our hypothesis that establishing amentoring program will improve women, particularly URM women, faculty’s career satisfactionand enrich the level of their academic skills and scholarly achievements, and eventually facilitateinstitutional transformations
) feminism of their day, the Combahee River Collectivehighlighted intersectional politics and activism within a framework of solidarity. Through the1980s, writers such as Audre Lorde and Patricia Hill Collins highlighted the multitude of waysthat intersecting identities gave rise to unique, interlocking, and intersectional forms ofoppression [14], [15]. These writings brought intersectionality to the center of activist thought,challenging the previously single-issue politics of groups such as the civil rights movement, thegay/lesbian liberation movement, and second-wave feminism. Since its roots in activist politics and articulation by Crenshaw, intersectionality has madeits way into a wide array of disciplines. Packaged as a tenet in
these sessions and instructor andresearcher fieldnotes. The first author of this manuscript was the primary instructor, the secondauthor was a teaching and research assistant. Written artifacts from the TCs include theexplanations of Quick, Draw! [13] and a conceptual draft of one lesson plan using one of fourAI-related resources that we had introduced during the workshops. The TCs were also asked torespond to short reflective writing prompts regarding the reason why they chose a specificactivity in the lesson plan, how the activity they described in the lesson plan allows students toaccess the learning goals, and how TCs perceive applications of science and technology asimportant or relevant to students’ lives or to TCs’ work as
powder production for additive manufacturing, and characterization of metal powders for spreadability and flow modeling. Dr. Abu-Lebdeh has published over 70 papers and 25 peer-reviewed proceeding papers related to struc- tures, structural mechanics, and powder characterization for AM. He holds a Ph.D. in Civil Engineer- ing/Structural Mechanics from Louisiana State University. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Teaching Advanced Manufacturing Online to STEM Early-College and High-School Students Ahmed Cherif Megri, Sameer Hamoush, Taher Abu-Lebdeh North Carolina A&T State
both in and out of the classroom. In 2020, this activitywas conducted as a virtual webinar and student questions were asked in the Q&A feature whichwas monitored by the meeting host.After listening to the dean’s interview, students are asked to write a one-page reflection paper inwhich they are asked to describe what they learned from the interview: (1) what is needed to besuccessful in the engineering profession; (2) the expectations of, or norms for, engineeringstudents; and (3) the lessons learned from the examples provided regarding the differencebetween successful and unsuccessful engineering teams. These reflections play an important rolein helping students understand the importance of valuing diversity in engineering teams
collection ofliterature articles in a systematic way. Borrego, Foster, and Froyd (2014) identified eight steps towriting an SLR [11]: 1) Decide to do a systematic review 2) Identify scope and research questions 3) Define inclusion criteria 4) Find and catalogue sources 5) Critique and appraise 6) Synthesize 7) Identify limitations and validity concerns 8) Write the reviewThree databases were accessed: Academic Search Complete, Education Resources InformationCenter (ERIC), and Scopus. A search string using Boolean logic operators was developed togather all articles relating to TAs in STEM education courses from the three databases. The finalsearch string was:("teaching assistant*" OR "teaching associate*" OR “UTA*” OR
averages. This suggests that there may be other factors that promote student success inengineering that merits further investigation. The Rising Scholars program was developed toexplore these additional predictive success factors. Initial data from the program appears to showthat RS are performing at a statistically enhanced level in retention and GPA compared with theirengineering direct-admit and exploratory studies peers [5]. The value of experiential experienceswithin the RS program is presented in [6]. This paper concentrates on the cultural aspects of theprogram borrowed from the close-knit, supportive culture of Biological & AgriculturalEngineering departments.II. Background on the Rising Scholars ProgramAdmissions processes at top
was doing a lot of the things I shouldn’t be doing and how I can change them. • Having the opportunity to discuss what I read and think more about how they play into my life was benefitial [sic]. • All the book chapters had great ideas on how to reframe thinking or be nicer to yourself (?) in order to achieve goals. I would like to grow into someone who is able to do that. • Ways to let it be easy – I constantly think that I have to do stuff myself and it makes it hard to [sic] me to really think long term about anything else. I also like the writing activities during meets [sic] to get my thinking cap on. • It was awesome to connect to a professor and my peer on topics relevant to all of us, and
in engineering education for their students. One way to address such challenges isto team up with peer MSIs or larger R1 institutions in mutually beneficial collaborative researchand educational programs.IEC is developing the infrastructure and programs to facilitate collaborations between faculty,students and staff in its member departments, based largely on lessons learned from the successfulECP educational program. It is also addressing how best to build a different type of team with R1schools, industry, and other external constituencies. For each type of partner, a process is beingdefined and tools, such as evaluation rubrics to assess the quality and productivity ofcollaborations, are being addressed. A pilot process and rubric now