collect data fordetermining the effectiveness of the approach. This paper provides an updated analysis (N = 50)combining the previously reported data from the 2017 camp and the implementation results of thesummer 2018 camp. Results indicated statistically significant gains in students’ content knowledgeand positive changes in attitudes of mainly female students towards science, technology,engineering and math.KeywordsSTEM, K-12, flight simulation, mathematics, scienceIntroductionThe U. S. K-12 education system is facing several challenges which are of grave concern especiallyin context of the U.S. technological leadership of the world. These challenges include thecontinued global non-competitive performance of U.S. middle school students in
IPv6, the Internet’s migration to the new protocol has beenanything but smooth. Many have expressed doubts, and some still do, that IPv6 will reach fulladoption and replace IPv4 as the Internet’s dominant protocol. However, empirical data suggeststhat Internet IPv6 adoption has entered a phase of rapid acceleration [3]. A recent study by [4]found that the number of IPv6 users on the Internet has reached the early majority level ofadoption and full adoption could occur as early as December 2024. Figure 1 shows the numberof users accessing Google over IPv6 reached 26.31% in January of 2019 [5].Figure 1. The adopter distribution normal curve partitioned into adopter categories overlaid withthe S-shaped diffusion curve [6]. The number of IPv6
interest inSTEM careers and consequently, improve STEM major retention rates.AcknowledgmentThe authors would like to acknowledge that this research was and is supported by the NationalScience Foundation (NSF) Award No. HRD 1911375.References[1] Aikens, M. L., Robertson, M. M., Sadselia, S., Watkins, K., Evans, M., Runyon, C. R., … Dolan, E. L. (2017). Race and gender differences in undergraduate research mentoring structures and research outcomes. CBE Life Sciences Education, 16(2).[2] Carpi, A., Ronan, D. M., Falconer, H. M., & Lents, N. H. (2017). Cultivating minority scientists: Undergraduate research increases self-efficacy and career ambitions for underrepresented
support from peers with similar interests and characteristics. In addition,engineering programs should consider the development of learning communities centered aroundtransfer students that would offer opportunities for mentorship and foster relationship andcommunity building.References[1] S. Olson and D. G. Riordan, "Engage to Excel: Producing One Million Additional College Graduates with Degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Report to the President," Executive Office of the President, 2012.[2] J. Fredrickson, "Today's transfer students: Who are they?," Community College Review, vol. 26, pp. 43-54, 1998.[3] L. E. Malcom, "Charting the pathways to STEM for Latina/o students: The role of
, since the impact of the policy changes in this preliminarystudy differed based on student group. The initial results of this study provide some insight intoinstructional policies that have a positive impact on reducing DFW proportions for Calculus I.These findings support the larger effort of addressing issues causing introductory calculus to be abarrier to success for many STEM majors.ReferencesBeichner, R. J., Saul, J. M., Abbott, D. S., Morse, J. J., Deardorff, D., Allain, R. J., … Risley, J. S. (2007). The student-centered activities for large enrollment undergraduate programs (SCALE-UP) project. Research-Based Reform of University Physics, 1(1), 2–39.Benson, L., Moss, W., Biggers, S., Schiff, S. D., Orr, M. K., & Ohland, M. W
., Falconer, K., Benford, R., Bloom, I., & Judson, E. (2000). Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol (RTOP): Training guide. (ACEPT Technical Report No. IN00-2). Tempe, AZ: Arizona Collaborative for Excellence in the Preparation of Teachers.[3] Judson, E. & Sawada D. (2002). “Tracking Transfer of Reform Methodology from Science and Math College Courses to the Teaching Style of Beginning Teachers of Grades 5-12,” Journal of Mathematics and Science: Collaborative Explorations, vol. 5, pp. 189-207.[4] Ross, L., Judson, E., Krause, S. J., Ankeny, C. J., Culbertson, R. J., & Hjelmstad, K. D. (2017, June). “Relationships between engineering faculty beliefs and classroom practices,” in 2017 Proceedings of the
Grant Nos. 1762436 and1762444. The contents, opinions, and recommendations expressed are those of the authors anddo not represent the views of the National Science Foundation.ReferencesAlexander, B. B., Foertsch, J., & Daffinrud, S. (1998). The spend a summer with a scientist program: An evaluation of program outcomes and the essential elements for success. Madison, WI: Citeseer.Chaplin, S. B., Manske, J. M., & Cruise, J. L. (1998). Introducing freshmen to investigative research--a course for biology majors at Minnesota’s University of St. Thomas: How" investigative labs" change the student from passive direction-follower to analytically critical thinker. Journal of College Science Teaching.Cleary, T. J. (2011). Emergence
the design of learning assistant programs in engineeringdepartments but also for faculty professional development. AcknowledgementsWe are grateful for the efforts of the learning assistants who participated in our pilot program,and we thank Jessica Swenson for her important contributions to the pedagogy seminar.References 1. Knight, J. K., Wise, S. B., Rentsch, J., & Furtak, E. M. (2015). Cues matter: learning assistants influence introductory biology student interactions during clicker-question discussions. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 14(4), ar41.2. Otero, V., Pollock, S., & Finkelstein, N. (2010). A physics department’s role in preparing physics teachers: The Colorado learning assistant model. American Journal
students (PostBac not included) PostBac 2.49 2.00 2.21 2.23 0.36 2.29 students Significance Not Not Not Not significant significant significant significant at 5% at 5% at 5% at 5% We will track dental school graduation rates of the PostBac program students. Furthermore, we intend to investigate the differences in gender and corresponding scores.References1. Bennett, G.K., Seashore, H. G., & Wesman, A. G. (1973). Differential aptitude tests, forms S and T. New York: The Psychological Corporation.2. Gray, S. A
’ lower comfort include: they may have ownedthe device(s) for a shorter period of time and/or they may have only used the device(s) forentertainment purposes and have no comfort with other possible reasons to use the device(s).Comparing pretest ratings with posttest ratings, the 100-level student ratings increased incomfort rating for all devices. Increases in the comfort level with tablets was expected, as allstudents were loaned an iPad tablet for the semester. The increases in comfort level for the othermobile devices may be a result of longer ownership of the device(s) and/or the realization thatskills and comfort with one device readily transfer to other devices. The increase may also be aresult of different students completing the posttest
- Non- STAR Non- STAR STAR STARS STAR S STARS S S S Year-to-year retention in N/A N/A 73% 62% N/A N/A Engineering Year-to-year retention at N/A N/A 77% 73% N/A N/A university Average cumulative GPA 2.26 2.34 2.64 2.80 2.74 2.35 Performance in math courses 1.96 1.68 1.85 2.04 2.68 2.35 Performance in
microfluidic networkof channels, conduits, chambers, filters, and flow control components [9]. Relative to traditionalmacroscale systems, ‘lab on a chip’ systems yield noteworthy advantages including more precisecontrol of reactants faster reaction time, lower consumption of reagents, convenient disposal,effective containment of infectious agents or hazardous substances, portability, and compactness.Lab-on-a-chip applications such as polymerase chain reactions (PCR) to amplify nucleic acids, aswell as cell cultures, need closely regulated heating and cooling with temperature control (often ±0.5 °C) and fast thermal response times (> 5 °C/s) [4]. For such applications, infrared thermalcameras offer non-contact measurement of temperatures and two
Engineering Professionals—Russia, India, AmericaAbstractIn this global world, today’s engineer is likely to have to work in global international teamswith colleagues from other nationalities. The challenge for many engineering curricula is howto include, in a realistic way, this global dimension and increase the student’s awareness ofthe issues that are encountered. However as curricula begins to be developed, it would bebeneficial to study what the differences might be between cultures.To expose the issues that may be encountered for future multidisciplinary teams made up ofstudents from USA, Russia and India, the Miville Guzman Universal Diversity Scale(MGUDS-S) survey and form which assesses cross cultural diversity
collectivistic cultures? A purposive sampling was used to recruit the qualitative participants who met minimumcriteria. Seventeen participants met the criteria (lived experiences of international assignment(s)in MENA) and provided the answers to the interview questions. The study includes a sub-question that give depth and detail in relation to the phenomenological research question. Thepurpose of the qualitative research question (RQ) and sub-research questions (SRQ) was togather participants lived experiences of American global expansion. An open-ended interviewquestions developed from the research questions. SRQ 1: How do business leaders and decision makers working outside the United Statesdescribe the experience of changes in
-miaoulis. [Accessed 11 January 2015].[8] D. Chittenden, "Commentary: Roles, opportunities, and challenges—science museums engaging the public in emerging science and technology," Journal of Nanoparticle Research, vol. 13, pp. 1549-1556, 2011.[9] M. Morentin and J. Guisasola, "The role of science museum field trips in the primary teacher preparation," International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, pp. 1-26, 2014.[10] N. S. Stroud, Teaching and Learning Science in a Museum: Examining the role of attitudes toward science, knowledge of science, and participartory learning in an astronomy internship for high school students, Columbia University, 2008.[11] Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network, "Small Steps, Big
role of self-efficacy and itscorrelation to academic achievement in science and engineering. Self-efficacy is a person’sbelief that s/he has the ability to achieve their goals, such as a career in science or engineering.Self-efficacy is more than self-confidence, as it is situational dependent. Studies have shown thatincreased self-efficacy reporting leads to students being more successful in science andengineering. High self-efficacy can positively influence academic persistence and perseverancein attaining career related goals.6, 7There are four predominant factors that lead to the development of self-efficacy in an individual.Mastery experiences are the most significant factor in developing self-efficacy and occur when aperson masters a
diversity. We developed an instrument for measuringstudents’ latent diversity from a review of the existing literature as well as interviews withundergraduate students. A detailed description of this process can be found in [7]. This surveymeasured students’ epistemic beliefs, innovation self-efficacy beliefs, STEM role identityconstructs, motivation, personality, and background factors such as race/ethnicity, genderidentity, sexual orientation, ZIP code, and parent(s) level of education. Students responded toitems measuring their attitudes and beliefs on a 7-point anchored numeric scale. We administered3,855 paper and pencil surveys to 32 ABET accredited institutions to understand students’ latentdiversity. These schools were recruited from a list
but I think sometimes the joking around or pushing each other around can come in many forms and it’s not always just physically pushing each other around, it can kind of be like a mental push around too. Girls and guys can have different levels of experience or strength in either of those.From this analysis, the spectrum for this dimension is a little more nuanced than the previoustwo. Understanding of systems of power necessitates the identification of the individualisticframework Brett is operating from in the scenario, while examining the scenario itself from asystems framework (such as in S4’s response). Lower levels of understanding would entail anidentification of both frameworks but an inconsistency in which they use those
program than GPA, such as grades in specificcourses.AcknowledgementsThis work was conducted under IRB 2017-011(N) and grew out of work started under the NSFEngage Project, Award #0833076, at Stevens Institute of Technology.References[1] Sorby, S., “Educational Research in Developing 3-D Spatial Skills for Engineering Students,” International Journal of Science Education, vol. 31, no. 3, 2009, pp. 459-480.[2] Norman, K.L., Spatial visualization – A gateway to computer-based technology. Journal of Special Educational Technology, XII(3), 1994, pp. 195–206.[3] Smith, I.M., Spatial ability - Its educational and social significance. London: University of London, 1964.[4] Wai, J., Lubinski, D., and Benbow, C.P., “Spatial ability for STEM
learning by the university, smaller experiencesthat do not last the majority of a semester are still valuable. For example, Attanayake foundthat the incorporation of a three-week service learning project into an introductory mathematicscourse had a measurable impact on students [20]. Construction management students whoparticipated in 10-day service-learning class acknowledged a “responsibility to use their gifts tomake the world a better place” after visiting Ecuador [21]. Our college is currently exploringopportunities to utilize guest speakers with knowledge of needs in the community to developshort-duration, service learning projects.BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. J. S. Eyler, D. E. Giles, C. M. Stenson, and C. J. Gray, “At A Glance: What We Know about
consent of instructor (F, S)CS 161. Introduction to Programming. 3(2,1). An introduction to programming with a structuredlanguage on a standard computer system. Currently, we use C++ language and the UNIX operatingsystem; but the choice of language and operating system depend on availability and currency.Emphasis is on understanding the various programming concepts. Some of the programming conceptsinclude syntax, semantics, declarations, variables, input/output, formatting, selection, loops,subprograms, documentation, software engineering, and scope. Students apply those concepts by writingsimple programs in the given language. This course involves two hours of lecture and one hour ofstructured laboratory each week. Prerequisite: None. (F, S
settings among which are not limited to cultural diversity, student-to-teacher ratio, and STEM curriculum. Given their longstanding dedication to inclusive andengaging education, Historically Black Colleges and Universities have a distinct advantage inspearheading the adoption of active learning.AcknowledgementThis study is part of the work that was supported by the National Science Foundation Grant #1915615, titled “Adapting an Experiment-centric Teaching Approach to Increase StudentAchievement in Multiple STEM Disciplines”. It should be noted that the opinions, results andconclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] S. Freeman et al
]. Available:[2] V. Y. T. Liu, “The Road Less Traveled: Degree Completion and Labor Market Impact of Reverse Transfer on Non-High-Achieving Students,” The Review of Higher Education, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 1–29, 2021, Doi:[3] L. Anderson, “Reverse Transfer: The Path Less Traveled,” May 2015. (accessed Oct. 08, 2023).[4] National Center for Education Statistics, “National Center for Education Statistics,”, Jul. 27, 2020.[5] S. Devilbiss, “DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska –Lincoln: The Transition
application.IV. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.DUE-1832553. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation. This research is part of the research “Building Bridges into Engineering andComputer Science” that is approved by the City Colleges of Chicago District IRB protocolIRB2018007.The researchers would also like to acknowledge Ahmed Sozzer, Dominika Panek, Zhiyi Zhu fortheir contributions.REFERENCES[1] G. Crisp and I. Cruz, “Mentoring College Students: A Critical Review of the Literature Between 1990 and 2007,” Research in Higher
Undergraduate Research Experience Intensity on Measures of Student Success," Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, vol. 23, no. 1, 04/04 2023, doi: 10.14434/josotl.v23i1.32675.[2] S. Russell, M. Hancock, and J. McCullough, "Benefits of Undergraduate Research Experience," Science, vol. 316, pp. 548-549, 2007.[3] R. S. Hathaway, B. A. Nagda, and S. R. Gregerman, "The Relationship of Undergraduate Research to Graduate and Professional Education Pursuit: An Empirical Study," Journal of College Student Development, vol. 43, pp. 614-631, 2002.[4] B. A. Nagda, S. R. Gregerman, J. Jonides, W. von Hippel, and J. S. Lerner, "Undergraduate student-faculty partnerships affect student retention," The
Office of Global Inclusion,Diversity, and Strategic Innovation who have contributed to and co-facilitated training contentand the Office of Inclusive Excellence for their support of our team.References[1] T. Filz and R. A. R. Gurung, "Student Perceptions of Undergraduate Teaching Assistants," vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 48-51, 2013. 7[2] A. Baumann, S. M. Gillespie, and N. Sanchez, "Adding the Extra 5 Percent: Undergraduate TA's Creating Value in the Classroom," in 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2019.[3] L. Mohandas, N. Mentzer, A. Jaiswal, and S. Farrington, "Effectiveness of Undergraduate Teaching Assistants
generate anawareness among faculty of the power they possess and the impact of their work, not only inresearch settings, but in the classroom, too.References[1] S. Ambrose and M. Norman, “Preparing engineering faculty as educators.,” Natl. Acad. Eng., vol. 36, no. 2, p. 25, 2006.[2] S. Baum and M. McPherson, “Improving teaching: Strengthening the college learning experience,” Daedalus, vol. 148, no. 4, pp. 5–13, Oct. 2019, doi: 10.1162/daed_e_01757.[3] D. M. Riley, V. Henry, and L. C. Leighton, “What makes faculty adopt or resist change in engineering education?,” presented at the 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Jun. 2013, p. 23.1367.1-23.1367.20. Accessed: Jan. 16, 2024. [Online]. Available:
with faculty across the United States.” o “I appreciated hearing their stories and learning from them.” o “Seeing other peoples' curriculum work was constructive and helped provide ideas for future projects in various implementation styles.” Summary of ThemesDue to space limitations, only one theme is fully shared. The other themes (and sub-themes) aresummarized in Figure 3. Figure 3. Summary of Themes and Sub-ThemesLessons LearnedThere are three key lessons learned.First, of the six tools, faculty participants found three tools particularly helpful. • Peer Feedback Tuning Protocol ( Tuning-Protocol.pdf): Participants commented on the