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serves on the ASEE Board of Directors as Zone IV Chair.Anna WolffMr. Patrick Burnett, Whatcom Community College Pat currently teaches engineering at Whatcom Community College after 13 years of teaching in the En- gineering Department at Edmonds Community College, including holding the chair position. He earned an MS in Physics from Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, and a BS in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois of Urbana-Champaign. Over the past 7 years, Pat has been working with various K-12 organizations to incorporate engineering practices in classrooms as they incorporate Next Genera- tion Science Standards into their curriculum. Pat has served as co-PI on NSF S-STEM and STEP grants. Pat is
documents andoutcomes of the work.AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Racial Equityin STEM grant No. 2140696. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science Foundation.ReferencesAcker, S. (2001). The hidden curriculum of dissertation advising. In E. Margolis (Ed.), Thehidden curriculum in higher education (pp. 61–77). New York: Routledge.Ahearn, L. M. (2001). Language and agency. Annual Review of Anthropology, 30(1), 109–137.https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev.anthro.30.1.109Allen, W. R., Epps, E. G., Guillory, E. A., Suh, S. A., & Bonous-Hammarth, M. (2000
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future recruitment efforts to attract engineering students with a diverse background,particularly the underrepresented populations. This paper reported progress of the first objective.Introduction/BackgroundThe importance of diversity in the U. S. engineering workforce has been recognized. Lack ofworkforce diversity in engineering fields has been related to the poor recruitment and retentionof educationally disadvantaged students or underrepresented groups in engineering [1]. Researchhas identified factors preventing those students from pursuing and completing a STEM degreeand strategies to increase diversity in STEM programs such as summer camps/bridge programs,pipeline programs, pre-college programs, targeted programs, and integrated approach
counts towards their degree requirements. We recommend mentoring students about taking an appropriate course load.References[1] S. R. Gregerman, J. S. Lerner, W. v. Hippel, J. Jonides, and B. A. Nagda, “Undergraduatestudent-faculty research partnerships affect student retention,” The Review of Higher Education,22(1):55–72, 1998.[2] M. Barrow, S. Thomas, and C. Alvarado, “ERSP: A Structured CS Research Program forEarly-College Students”, in Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Innovation andTechnology in Computer Science Education, 2016, pp. 148 – 153.[3] J. Stout, N. Burcin Tamer, C. Alvarado, “Formal Research Experiences for First YearStudents: A Key to Greater Diversity in Computing?”, in Proceedings of the 49th ACM
Paper ID #32880Deanna Craig, Clemson University Civil Engineering Clemson University 2021 graduate American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Implementation of a Guided Mentorship Program in a STEM Community of Practice at a Two-Year CollegeAbstractCommunities of Practice (CoP) have become powerful models for facilitating social learning inhigher education. The Engineering Scholars Program (ESP), funded by an NSF Scholarships inScience, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM) grant, is a CoP designed toenhance the social learning experience of two-year college students preparing to transfer to a four-year university. A key feature of
opportunities in which to remove barriers for womenwithin the engineering and computing discipline by understanding their experiences and participation in the fields.I. INTRODUCTION Recent reports from the National Science Foundation (NSF) have indicated that while the number of women in Science and Engineering (S&E) related jobs continue to grow, the group remains underrepresented in the S&E workforce relative to their overall presence in the population [1]. The lack of women in STEM transcends traditional narratives on the importance of broadening participation and increasing STEM diversity because of the nuanced issues women face in a male dominated field. Issues concerning women feeling unwelcomed in STEM begin at the academic level and
societal ramifications, inclusion of broad user bases, andperspectives of diverse team members? The National Center for Science and EngineeringStatistics [8] reported that in 2017, the Science and Engineering (S&E) workforce consisted ofthe following: 29% women, 5.6% Black or African American, 7.5% Hispanic or Latino, 19.8%Asian, and 65% White. How can representation of the user base be accurately represented whensuch representation is not present in the career fields (see Table 1)? The recruitment, retention,and inclusivity of underrepresented groups within STEM education programs is a problem wecontinue to face, but if the representation in the classroom is skewed, then the demand forenlightenment and acknowledgement of diverse users must
] C. P. Koshland, “Liberal arts and engineering,” in Holistic Engineering Education, Springer,2010, pp. 53–67.[15] V. A. Cicirello, “Experiences with a real projects for real clients course on softwareengineering at a liberal arts institution,” Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, vol. 28, no.6, pp. 50–56, 2013.[16] L. L. Bucciarelli and D. E. Drew, “Liberal studies in engineering–a design plan,”Engineering Studies, vol. 7, no. 2–3, pp. 103–122, 2015.[17] S. Bell, A. Chilvers, L. Jones, and N. Badstuber, “Evaluating engineering thinking inundergraduate engineering and liberal arts students,” European Journal of EngineeringEducation, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 429–444, 2019.[18] S. Bevins, “STEM: Moving the liberal arts education into the 21st
value proposition to the professional mentor, the return on investment for the institution,and the engagement, retention, and success outcomes for the learners. Additional findings will bereported at future ASEE conferences and through supplementary publications in hopes ofproviding greater insights into how ProTAs can be leveraged in large capstone engineeringcourses.References[1] S. Howe, “Where are we now? Statistics on capstone courses nationwide,” Advances in Engineering Education, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 1-27, 2010.[2] T. A. Campbell and D. E. Campbell, "Faculty/student mentor program: Effects on academic performance and retention." Research in Higher Education, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 727-742, 1997.[3] J. M. Cohoon, M
science and engineering (S&E).” [1] The lack of representation and diversityin the science and engineering fields may negatively impact innovation and productivity. [2] Inaddition, the demand for skilled STEM workers is projected to increase. Although many effortshave been taken to increase STEM interest and STEM career pursuit, shortages in the STEMfield continue to exist. STEM fields do not attract and retain enough workers from youngergenerations.[3],[4],[5] As a result, the current and estimated supply to the STEM workforce doesnot meet the growing demand. [6],[7] Additionally, there is a need to address the disparateimpact of race/ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic status on students’ access to andengagement with STEM opportunities
of articles drawn from a wider array ofdatabases. Additionally, the study should evaluate articles cited by those already in the QSR,incorporating those articles that meet the QSR protocol criterion for inclusion in the study.Finally, the revised study should develop and subsequently incorporate a means to assess therelative degree each article reflects each factor identified in the study (i.e., identification,environment, capitals, processes). References[1] L. status and tre Musu-Gillette, J. Robinson, J. McFarland, A. KewalRamani, A. Zhang, and S. Wilkinson-Flicker, "Status and Trends in the Education of Racial and Ethnic Groups 2016," U.S. Department of Education, National Center for
university students’ academic performance: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychol Bull. 2012. http://psycnet.apa.org/journals/bul/138/2/353/. Accessed February 1, 2017.5. Conley D. Redefining College Readiness. Educ Policy Improv Cent. 2007. http://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED539251. Accessed February 1, 2017.6. Geiser S, Santelices M. Validity of High-School Grades in Predicting Student Success beyond the Freshman Year: High-School Record vs. Standardized Tests as Indicators of Four-Year. Cent Stud High Educ. 2007. http://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED502858. Accessed February 1, 2017.7. DesJardins S, Ahlburg D, McCall B. The effects of interrupted enrollment on graduation from college: Racial, income, and ability
WSU STARS faculty and staff want to thank the University of Colorado Boulder’sAssociate Dean of Inclusive Excellence Jacquelyn Sullivan and GoldShirt Program DirectorTanya Ennis for their guidance and encouragement throughout the development of theWashington STARS in Engineering Program.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate 10K+STEP Grant under Grant No. 1317246 and 1317349.Any opinion, finding, and conclusion or recommendations expressed in this material are those ofthe author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.ReferencesAndrade, H. G. (2000). Using Rubrics to Promote Thinking and Learning. Educational Leadership, 57(5), 13-18.Arter, J. A. (2007
: • Heterogeneously grouped students excitedly discussing how to make an earthquake resistant building • s out of spaghetti and marshmallows. • A girl using persuasive rhetoric to convince group members that her idea for a landing pad is the best to keep an egg from breaking. • A boy who hardly rarely participates, drawing his plan for a second iteration of a design and explaining to his group the benefits of his plan.You can hear conversations with a purpose, focused on the task at hand.I lament the lack of time that the elementary curriculum allows to such practical, worthwhile,inquiry-based learning. Neurodiversity and ADHD exist in all classrooms. Elementary students,regardless of their exceptionalities, need to feel that they can
consequences from not following advice (e.g., relating to risks, safety etc.)”12And under competency profile 9, “Recognise the reasonably foreseeable social, cultural andenvironmental effects of professional engineering activities generally” the bullet points are: “Considers long term issues and impact(s) of own engineering activities, such as use of materials, waste during fabrication/construction, energy efficiency during use, obsolescence and end-of-life issues. Considers and takes into account possible social, cultural and environmental impacts and consults where appropriate Considers Treaty of Waitangi implications and consults accordingly Recognises impact and long-term effects of engineering activities on
persistence and retention in the engineering field. Acknowledgements The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the National Science Foundation for supporting this work under grant EEC-1351156. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Also, the authors acknowledge the contributions of Amy Hermundstad Nave to the development and description of the BUILD model. References[1] Chubin, D. E., May, G. S., and Babco, E. L. (2005). Diversifying the engineering workforce. Journal of Engineering Education, 94(1), 73–86. https://doi.org/10.1002/j.2168- 9830.2005.tb00830.x[2
factors that promote student encounters with difference in first-year courses.," Review of Higher Education, vol. 33, pp. 391-414, 2010.[10] H. Smith, R. Parr, R. Woods, B. Bauer, and T. Abraham, "Five years after graduation:  Undergraduate cross-group friendships and multicultural curriculum predict current attitudes and activities," Journal of College Student Development, vol. 51, pp. 385-402, 2010.[11] P. Gurin, "Expert Report. "Gratz et al. v. Bollinger, et al." No. 97-75321 (E.D. Mich.); "Grutter, et al. v. Bollinger, et al." No. 97-75928 (E.D. Mich.)," Equity & Excellence in Education, vol. 32, pp. 36-62, 09/01/ 1999.[12] S. Hurtado, "Linking diversity and educational purpose: how diversity
land in an“unrelated” occupation. Moreover, these data do not give a sense of how many suchgraduates may have been eyeing different (engineering and non-engineering) possibilitiesfrom the get-go.Sheppard et al.’s work on career decision-making among prospective engineeringgraduates suggests that in fact the majority of students are unsure and/or consideringoptions that span engineering and non-engineering work on the “eve” of graduation.4,5About one-third of students were exclusively focused on engineering options, and a muchsmaller fraction of students were exclusively focused on non-engineering work and/orgraduate study options. And while there may be reliable set of characteristics that predictthe likelihood of targeting non-engineering
your REU student(s)? 2. Do you feel that the REU’s emphasis of the creative process impacted the REU student’s experiences? 3. Did the REU’s emphasis of the creative process impact your personal view of the research process?ProceduresThe pre-survey was administered to the students the week prior to the start of the REU, and thepost-survey was administered at the conclusion of the program. Surveys were administeredonline using the Qualtrics program.Student interviews were held within the span of one week towards the end of the program.Interviews of the faculty took place over a two-week period of time following the conclusion ofthe REU. Each interview lasted no longer than one hour. The interviews were conducted by
1) improve individual learning, 2) improve team performance, and 3) would mostbenefit individual members within teams performing at a high level. To explore these hypotheseswe compared student performance across two semesters, one that utilized cooperative groups andthe second that utilized TBL.MethodsThis research was approved by the University of Kansas Human Research Protection Program.In Fall 2014, 59 students enrolled in the course which was taught in a flipped format (Beichner,2008) in an active-learning classroom and utilized cooperative groups. Each class meetingconsisted of: 1) a reading quiz, 2) lecture highlights, 3) example problem(s), and 4) group work.The instructional team consisted of the professor, two graduate teaching
theory. A case study is the study of a specific phenomenon bounded to a system thatcan be analyzed individually to understand the phenomenon under specific circumstances [14,15]. The process of competencies transfer in industrial engineering students was our case ofstudy. According to Merriam [14], some of the characteristics of a case study are: a. Particularistic: referring to the particular situation of the process of professional internships done by industrial engineering students from the [blinded for review] b. Descriptive: the final product of the study is a rich and dense description of the internship phenomenon c. Heuristic: gives rise to new meanings of the process of transfer of competencies in [blinded for review]´s
accurately predict overall graduation rates 15 .A complete major pathway was created for each participant that included up to three prospectivemajors indicated in August of their first-year, the one preferred major indicated in December oftheir first-year, their subsequent declared major(s) as they progressed through the institution, andtheir earned bachelor’s degree (Figure 1). Major pathways of participants were investigated toidentify discernible trends or patterns in the data.Figure 1: Timeline of Major Pathway data collection points. Students were able to list up to threeperspective majors in August and one preferred major in December.ResultsThere were a total of 776 participants over the five cohorts, 693 (89.3%) of whom graduated with
firm, and the director of Missouri’s Dam and Reservoir Safety Program. Since 1993, he has been at the University of Evansville, serving as department chair for the past 21 years. He continues to work as a consultant on projects involving the design and construction of new dams, modifications to existing dams, and the investigation of dam failures.Dr. Matthew Swenty P.E., Virginia Military Institute Matthew (Matt) Swenty obtained his Bachelors and Masters degrees in Civil Engineering from Missouri S&T and then worked as a bridge designer at the Missouri Department of Transportation. He returned to school to obtain his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at Virginia Tech followed by research work at the Turner- Fairbank
among individuals, by gender and prior achievement. This line ofwork aims to explore the mechanisms in which students from heterogeneous populations maycontribute to design decisions and regulate their own and their peers’ efforts.References[1] J. Mills and D. Treagust, “Engineering education—Is problem-based or project-basedlearning the answer,” Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 3-2, pp. 2-16, Apr.2003.[2] Y. Hatamura, Decision-making in Engineering Design: Theory and Practice. London:Springer, 2006.[3] R. A. Crabtree, M. S. Fox and N. K. Fox, “Case studies of coordination activities andproblems in collaborative design,” Research in Engineering Design, vol. 9-2, pp. 70-84, June1997.[4] G. A. Hazelrigg, “A framework for