]. Founded in 2013, the focus of this capstoneprogram is to develop innovative technical solutions to pressing clinical and translational healthchallenges. Undergraduate and graduate students across engineering disciplines (e.g.,mechanical, electrical, biomedical, chemical, and materials science) are partnered with healthprofessionals (e.g., physicians, nurses, dentists, therapists, pharmacists) to solve unmet healthchallenges. In the first quarter, teams of 3–5 students work closely with the health professional(s)who originally proposed the unmet health challenge to develop a deep understanding of theunmet health need, including potential markets, stakeholder psychologies, prior solutions,intellectual property considerations, regulatory
collection. Through GORP, the observer can select codes forobserved classroom activity for both the instructor(s) and students. Observations are coded in 2-minute intervals until the class session is over. If the observer makes a mistake, they can note itduring the next interval, and adjust the data accordingly by hand, after class. Data isautomatically analyzed in GORP and can be exported to a spreadsheet for further analysis.The COPUS evaluation process was also part of the development of this Work-in-Progress. Wefollowed the clustering convention put forth by Stains et al. [86] in order to better capture thebroader types of instructor and student behaviors that we were interested in at this stage in thestudy -- who's talking, who's working, who's
informstheir presentation.Acknowledgement: This material is based upon work supported by the National ScienceFoundation under Grant #s 1758317 and 1339951.Disclaimer: Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References[1] R. W. Bybee, Case for STEM Education: Challenges and Opportunities, Arlington, VA, USA: National Science Teachers Association, 2013.[2] United States Department of Education, Fundamental Change: Innovation in America’s Schools Under Race to the Top, Washington, DC, USA, Nov. 2015. Available: https://www2.ed.gov/programs/racetothetop/rttfinalrptfull.pdf[3] United
information about the program and its successes at a wide variety ofconferences and meetings. A list of such presentations is given in Appendix B for the readerwho would like more detailed information about a particular aspect of STEER. The reader isalso encouraged to contact members of the leadership team directly.AcknowledgementThis project was supported in part by National Science Foundation IUSE grant No. DUE-1525574. We are grateful to the Office of Decision Support at the University of South Floridafor the permission to publish the course and institutional data presented here.References[1] G. Meisels, R. Potter, P. Stiling, J. Wysong, and S. Campbell, “Systemic transformation ofevidence-based education reform (STEER),” 2019 ASEE Annual
the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect theviews of the National Science Foundation.References[1] I. A. Toldson, I, “Why historically black colleges and universities are successful with graduating black baccalaureate students who subsequently earn doctorates in STEM (editor’s commentary),” J. Negro Educ., vol. 87, no. 2, pp. 95–98, 2018.[2] R. Winkle-Wagner and D. L. McCoy, “Feeling like an “Alien” or “Family”? Comparing students and faculty experiences of diversity in STEM disciplines at a PWI and an HBCU,” Race Ethn. Educ., vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 593-606, 2018.[3] R. T. Palmer, R. J. Davis, and T. Thompson, “Theory meets practice: HBCU initiatives that promote academic success among African Americans
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. One possibility is to have multiple stations. Another is to write or display results in real time and make it a competition.Readers are encouraged to contact the authors if they would like further details about the project,including assignments, PCB files, and bill of materials.References [1] J. W. Dally and G. M. Zhang, “A freshman engineering design course,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 82, Apr. 1993. [2] J. Kellar, W. Hovey, M. Langerman, S. Howard, L. Simonson, L. Kjerengtroen, L. Sttler, H. Heilhecker, L. Ameson-Meyer, and S. Kellogg, “A problem based learning approach for freshman engineering,” in 30th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Feb. 2000. [3] H. Lei, F. Ganjeizadeh, D. Nordmeyer, and J
) -90 -135 -180 1 2 3 10 10 10 Frequency (rad/s) 1 Invivo=onalivesubject,asopposedtousingexcisedskinfortesting. 2 Boyeretal.,“Dynamicindentationonhumanskininvivo:ageingeffects.”Skin.Res.Tech.15(2009) AppendixB
the excitement and energy generated by this extracurricular project to amplifytechnical skill development. Project outcomes and perspectives from students and faculty arepresented.IntroductionPersons with malformed upper extremities have significant variation with some havingfunctional wrist joints while other are limited to only elbow joint(s). Therefore, personalizing thefit of any prosthetic type device often requires significant modifications even if a proven designsuch as the UnLimbited Arm 2.0 - Alfie Edition [1] is available. These modifications are oftendone after parts have been fabricated and are an accepted part of the fitting process. It’s a generaltenet of engineering that the sooner in the engineering process a change can be
te Scho ol Cour se 2References[1] A. R. Carberry and A. F. McKenna, "Exploring student conceptions of modeling and modeling uses in engineering design," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 103, no. 1, pp. 77-91, 2014.[2] A. McKenna, R. Linsenmeier, and M. Glucksberg, "Characterizing computational adaptive expertise," in 2008 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2008.[3] J. S. Zawojewski, H. A. Diefes-Dux, and K. J. Bowman, Models and modeling in engineering education: Designing experiences for all students. Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Sense Publishers, 2008.[4] J. Gainsburg, "Learning to model in engineering," Mathematical Thinking and Learning, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 259-290, 2013.[5
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Missouri Polytech Hopkins Georgia Caltech Purdue AFIT Tech S&T
involved pilot testing and refining concise, generalized measures of the variables ofinterest. The leadership role confidence and risk orientation measures presented in this sectionwere designed based on the literature, tested in advance with a smaller sample of 99 respondents,and then refined based on pilot test respondent feedback about clarity. We believe this approachaligns with this paper’s scope of testing unifying hypotheses that support and generalize uponprior findings.In conceptualizing a leadership confidence variable, we utilize a “role confidence” approachsimilar to Cech et al.’s measurement of confidence toward achieving professional outcomes [40].We designed our measure as a means of differentiating among students who felt they were
Paper ID #23107MAKER: Identifying Practices of Inclusion in Maker and Hacker Spaceswith Diverse ParticipationAdam Stark Masters, Virginia Tech Adam S. Masters is a doctoral student and Graduate Research Assistant at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. They received a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from University of Delaware and are currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Engineering Education at Virginia Tech. Adam’s research interests include access, equity and social justice in engineering with particular attention to the experiences of women & LGBTQ+ engineering students.Dr. Lisa D. McNair, Virginia Tech
Example Topic(s) Aligned Measurement Human-Centered Creative Self-Efficacy and Creative Role-Identity; Creativity Design Thinking Design in Engineering Design (Artifacts) Design Elements and Engineering Design Ideation Capacity; Creativity in Engineering Design Principles Process (Artifacts) Ideation Capacity; Creativity in Engineering Design Spatial Thinking (Artifacts) Design Skill Development Technical Capacity Creativity in Engineering Design (Artifacts) Tinkering
the students if they value it, and if theyvalue it with respect to how it is being used. Certainly, there is literature backing both sides ofthe coin; for and against, online systems and traditional homework methods [3], [4], [7]–[9],[11]. Students however, are clearly asking for both, and indicate that both will probably behelpful. Similar hybrid approaches have proven to be successful in other disciplines [14]. Maybewe should ask them to eat their vegetables alongside their ice cream!References[1] M. F. Schar, A. M. Harris, R. J. Witt, R. Rice, and S. D. Sheppard, “Connecting for Success; The Impact of Student-to-Other Closeness on Performance in Large-Scale Engineering Classes,” p. 23, 2016.[2] J. L. Davis and T. McDonald, “Can
become reflective engineers who usetheir phronesis to take conflicts and dilemmas more seriously in order to meet the ultimate goalof engineering: to find ways to make the world a better place.Reflection in Engineering Education Literature Various forms of reflection have surely been practiced and promoted by engineeringeducators around the world for centuries. However, considering that “engineering educationresearch (EER) generally lacked definition as a discipline until the late 1990s and early 2000s”(Johri & Olds, 2014) relevant literature on graduate-level engineering education prior to the1990’s can be difficult to find. This review will focus primarily on literature of the past decadebecause it is both more readily available
Reformulate 3 Generating Documentation and Data Management Controlling Storing DistributingAs mentioned, the need analysis stage is regarded as the most important part of the designprocess. It is a process of problem finding and representing as opposed to problem solving. It isdivided into three (3) phases: identification, representation and communication. These divisionsare based on Karuppoor et al.27’s design philosophy, emphasizing the
. Infact, other disciplines such as large-scale systems theory may need to be applied to addressthe management of large data when it comes to real-time control of complex systems.References 1. Guide to the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SEBoK). Retrieved December 31, 2015, from http://sebokwiki.org/wiki/Guide_to_the_Systems_Engineering_Body_of_Knowledge_(SEBoK) 2. Blanchard, B. S., & Fabrycky, W. J. (2010). Systems Engineering and Analysis (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. 3. Banks, J., Carson, J. S. II, Nelson, B. L., & Nicol, D. M. (2009). Discrete-Event System Simulation (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. 4. Buede, D. M., &
to write this off as an historical relic, statements such as these have gone un-critiqued in the last 20 years. It should also be noted that another kind of study exists: thosethat compare and contrast male and female department heads or examine women in academicleadership positions12,64,68-71. While presenting another important approach to studyingrelationships between gender and department heads, such studies are not central to theanalysis at hand.Fourth, a discourse of fairness permeates the literature. As the following quotationsdemonstrate, many publications emphasize that the head has an obligation to act ‘fairly’ andthat (s)he will be most successful if (s)he makes ‘fair’ decisions. Several of the numerousexamples include
Engineering Teacher, pp. 30-35, May 2014.[2] International Technology Education Association, “Standards for Technological Literacy: Content for the Study of Technology,” 3rd ed., 2007. [Online]. Available: http://www.iteea.org/TAA/PDFs/xstnd.pdf. [Accessed: 01- Apr-2015].[3] D. Sianez, M. Fugere, and C. Lennon, “Technology and Engineering Education Students’ Perceptions of Hands-On and Hands-Off Activities,” Research in Science & Technological Education, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 291- 299, Nov. 2010.[4] M. Milojkovic, M. Milovanovic, D. Mitic, S. Peric, M. Spasic, and S. Nikolic, “Laboratory CNC Machine for Education of Students on Control Systems Engineering,” Facta Universitatis, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 117-125, 2014.[5] D. Rijmenants