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Displaying results 1831 - 1860 of 8077 in total
Conference Session
Enhancing K-12 Mathematics Education with Engineering
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Donna Diaz, Clemson University; Pam King, Clemson University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
) respect for students at all levels of development—are embedded throughout each lesson.In each Math Out of the Box K-5 lesson, students are: 1) given variety and choice in learningtasks; 2) expected to communicate their thinking both verbally and in writing; 3) providedopportunities to model and practice with other students, with the expectation of constructivefeed-back from peers and the teacher; 4) given tasks that are student-centered in nature; and 5)expected to work cooperatively in various group configurations to accomplish tasks. Whatfollows are excerpts from each phase of the learning cycle from a fifth grade lesson, Lesson 6:Creating a Growing Pattern11 with commentary explaining how the lesson components satisfythe Felder/Brent
Conference Session
ET Capstone Courses
2002 Annual Conference
Hamid Khan
learning must be identified at the very outset of theprogram design. This will consist of: 1. The student will identify an engineering problem 2. The student will write the goals and objectives of the project or investigation 3. The student will develop completion and performance criteria of the project 4. The student will demonstrate knowledge of theories to best apply to the project 5. The student will write the specification of assessment methods for each phase of the project Page 7.1107.2Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition Copyright © 2002
Conference Session
Engrng Edu;An International Perspective
2002 Annual Conference
Hamid Khan
to the project 5. The student will write the specification of assessment methods for each phase of the project 6. The student will conduct and manage proper peer evaluation of the project in class with the help of the instructor 7. The student will collect feedback of evaluation from the peer and instructor to continuously improve the project till completion 8. Finally, the student will publish for the class the final evaluation resulting in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor outcomes as suggested by the following instrument.The outcomes in the higher-level cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains are to bewritten by the student after the completion of each phase of the project using the
2000 Annual Conference
David R. Haws
Session 1453 Freshman Mentoring: Creating a Baseline for Faculty Involvement David R. Haws Boise State UniversityAbstractMentoring may have become a lost art in higher education. Even at its best, faculty mentoringwas typically limited to the paternal protection of a promising young colleague. Occasionally,this involved a gifted undergraduate. Seldom was such benevolence exhibited toward those “at-risk” freshmen most in need of developing a connection with the university.In more recent years the mentor function has been transferred to peers. While this may be lessstressful
Conference Session
Design Thinking and Creativity
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Catherine T. Amelink, Virginia Tech; Kirsten A. Davis, Virginia Tech; Barbara G. Ryder, Virginia Tech; Margaret O'Neil Ellis, Virginia Tech
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Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
environments in different ways thantheir male peers altering their continued interest in computer science.Personal FactorsPersonal factors such as motivation, sense of belonging, personal fulfillment, and identity caninfluence persistence to degree. Research shows that while these personal factors are unique toeach student, educational environments can be structured or altered to influence some personalattributes in ways that positively impact retention.Motivation can impact how students face and persevere through challenging concepts and coursework. Research using project based computer game development has shown that assignmentscan be structured to facilitate student motivation and encourage them to work through difficultmaterial [13]. Motivational
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Monday Cornucopia (Classroom Innovations)
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jenn Stroud Rossmann, Lafayette College; Hannah Stewart-Gambino, Lafayette College
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
College Writing Program which provides a student Writing Associate toprovide additional guidance to students, and by the College Library which assigns a researchlibrarian to work with each section to develop research skills.The FYS was a promising context for our foundational interdisciplinary project-basedlearning experience for the same reasons such seminars are effective pedagogically and“high-impact” [14]. They engage students with faculty and with their peers in formal andinformal conversations “about substantive matters, typically over an extended period of time”[15].To our College’s standard FYS learning outcomes related to writing and information literacy,we added three additional learning outcomes: that after completing this class
Conference Session
Biological & Agricultural Division Technical Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tammara Ramírez Apud L., Universidad de las Americas Puebla; Judith Virginia Gutierrez Cuba; Nelly Ramirez-Corona, Universidad de las Americas Puebla; Aurelio Lopez-Malo, Universidad de las Americas Puebla; Enrique Palou, Universidad de las Americas Puebla
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Tagged Divisions
Biological & Agricultural
Américas Puebla (UDLAP).Problems vary in different ways, so different kinds of problems call on different conceptions andskills 2-4. Based on those differences among problems, different kinds of food engineeringproblems were developed such as decision-making, troubleshooting/diagnosis, and designproblems. For seven PSLEs' assignments an Argumentation Rubric (adapted from Jonassen2),was utilized to assess students' (n=81) argumentation skills, particularly adequacy of premises,credibility of premises, organization of arguments, quality of conclusions (claims), and writing(content/ideas). Four evaluators assessed student papers and videos. Furthermore, the mostcommon method for assessing argumentation, protocol analysis of student essays or
Conference Session
FPD2 - First-Year Advising and Transition
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jean Kampe, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Whitney Edmister, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Christi Boone, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Bevlee Watford, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
offered to replace both semesters of the freshman program fortransfer students. This new course, along with a peer-mentoring program for transfer studentsthat had been initiated the prior year, seemed to offer a much needed support system for thetransfer students. The synergistic impact of the fall 2006 course and the concurrent mentoringprogram led to slating the course for transfers as a summer 2007 offering with the mentoringeffort integrated into the course. This paper provides details on course design andadministration, and on the integration of the peer-mentoring program. Student evaluations of thecourse and the mentoring are provided, as are insights from the summer mentors. This program,tailored for transfer students, is also suitable for
Conference Session
Mentoring Graduate Students
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Tershia Pinder-Grover, University of Michigan; Sarah Root, University of Arkansas; Emine Cagin, University of Michigan
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
critical resource upon whichmany large research institutions rely. The GSI position also provides a pivotal opportunity fordeveloping the next generation of engineering faculty and industry leaders through training andmentoring. A centrally organized peer mentor program1 is one approach that can positivelyimpact not only the GSIs’ teaching experiences, but the peer mentors’ experiences as well.2 Thispaper evaluates the Engineering GSI Mentor (EGSM) program at the University of Michigan,which is designed to train and empower selected graduate students to provide teaching-relatedservices to their fellow GSIs. EGSMs’ duties range from consultations on a variety ofpedagogical topics to in-classroom services, such as observing a GSI’s teaching and
Conference Session
NSF Grantees' Poster Session
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathleen L. Kitto, Western Washington University; Debra S. Jusak, Western Washington University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
element is the change in the course form fromdeductive to inductive practice. The second element of our project tests ICT devices(iPod Touches) to facilitate collaborative, conceptual, and peer learning, along with basicknowledge acquisition for individual learners.In the new class format, students complete conceptually targeted problem sets each classmeeting and term-long research papers in collaborative groups. Additionally, there areample opportunities for concept questions, peer learning, case studies, and low stakesquizzes. MSE education applications for the iPod Touch have been built to supportcollaborative as well as peer learning and self-evaluation quizzing. In-class conceptquizzes, mini-lectures, and just-in-time reading assignments are
Conference Session
Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY) Technical Session 4
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephanie Masta, Purdue University, West Lafayette ; Janelle Grant, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Cara Margherio, University of Washington; Darryl Dickerson, Florida International University; Matthew W. Ohland, Purdue University, West Lafayette ; Alice L. Pawley, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Tagged Divisions
Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY), Equity
students.BackgroundIt is well established that teaching undergraduate students, particularly engineering students, howto work in teams is important [7], [8], difficult [9], and worth doing because students canimprove [10]. Teamwork assessment tools like CATME (a web-based peer evaluation tool foundat can help instructors identify teaming problems amongst students [11], [12].Challenges remain, however, for instructors of large courses who want to address such problemsin getting enough of the right kind of information to effectively intervene to help studentsimprove their teamwork skills, and then knowing how best to coach teams exhibiting evidence ofdysfunction.Researchers have established the outsized burden that minoritized teammates carry
Conference Session
Teaching Problem Solving in a Multidisciplinary Context
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Luciana C. El Debs, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Rich Dionne, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Marisa Exter, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Mark Shaurette, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
. Observations were made duringclass time, in the last months of the students’ first semester in the program. Using Jonassen’s9seven steps of ill-defined problem solutions to classify the observations and analyze howsuccessfully peer contributions are made by each student, researchers are able to follow howstudents collaborate, organize themselves, and share experiences to conduct their design tasks.Also, one of the authors of this study, who was one of the course instructors, shares his thoughtson the experience of teaching this course for students with varying backgrounds and interests.This paper approaches multidisciplinary problem solving through the lens of socialconstructivism. In this sense researchers assumed that students learn from sharing
Conference Session
Tips and Tricks for Actively Engaging Students
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Clifton B. Farnsworth, Brigham Young University; Donna Harp Ziegenfuss, University of Utah; Matthew W. Roberts, Southern Utah University
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Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
using the Fink Model of Backwards Design10 we focused on helping faculty tothink differently about course design and instruction by going to the end of instruction, settingoutcomes, and working backwards to design the course. This faculty development workshop alsoincluded the component of social aspect of learning with other faculty in a learning community,21where they learned new content and strategies, observed demonstrations of new strategies andthen integrated what they learned, and taught a brief excerpt of a lesson to their peers andreceived feedback from the community of learners. Also used as an assessment tool for thisworkshop is an instrument called the Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM),22,23 to measurehow workshop participants
Conference Session
Building Diversity in Engineering Graduate Programs
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ashley Johnson, Georgia Institute of Technology; Jill Auerbach, Georgia Institute of Technology; Adrianne Prysock, Georgia Institute of Technology; Leyla Conrad, Georgia Institute of Technology; Gary May, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
literature reviews andannotated bibliographies.During the workshops students were divided into groups based on their major to focus their talksto their research interests. During the first workshop, group discussions focused on how tosynthesize many texts to follow a particular research theme and how to then describe andevaluate the text for an annotated bibliography. The students discussed potential problems withtheir literature reviews and ways to overcome the pitfalls. By organizing the students by major,the group dynamics allowed the participants to have more detailed conversations regarding theirspecific research projects. Participants were given materials from Writing at the University ofToronto5 and the Purdue OnLine Writing Lab (OWL) 6 on
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 2
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Isaac L. Howard P.E., Mississippi State University; Braden T. Smith, Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
LaboratoryAbstractThis paper describes a construction materials laboratory that interfaces what are often lessdesirable activities for engineering students (i.e., writing, presenting) with physical experimentsand calculations. The paper’s primary objective is to present the recent incorporation of panelevaluations to expose students to presenting and to emphasize competition. Writing exerciseshave been part of the laboratory for years, and are described in some detail. Emphasis is on oralcommunication. As might be expected, student responses to these panels have varied widely,though overall assessments to date seem to indicate value added to the laboratory experience.1.0 Introduction and BackgroundTechnical communication (oral and written) is a formidable
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Poster Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Douglas G Schmucker, University of Utah; Steven J. Burian, University of Utah
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
.) • Writing Consultant (CLEAR) 4910 15 to 30 3 • Oral Presentation Consultant (CLEAR)Original Instructor Team Model within the Professional Skills SpineAs initially conceived, each of the three courses utilized an instructional team to organize,facilitate and delivery instruction, and provide feedback to the students. Table 2 shows typicalclass sizes, the number of times that the class has been offered in an academic year, and theinstructor team in each of the courses. The instructor teams and the courses were specificallydesigned to integrate with the Communications, Leadership, Ethics, and Research (CLEAR)Program in the College of Engineering at University of Utah.In the original model, the lead instructor was a
AEE Journal
Diana Bairaktarova; Michele Eodice
videography, and fine art or folk pieces” (p. 95). Findings were positive for im-proving writing skills, increasing interest in the field, and fostering critical thinking. The potentialfor transformative learning seems inherent in teaching creatively as well (Coate and Boulos 2012). Specific to engineering instruction, comparative results showed improved performance andsatisfaction in a thermodynamics class following pedagogical changes such as including “activelearning” (students designed a mock television game show, for example) and using multimedia topresent information (Byerly 2001). In her thermodynamics course, Dillon’s (2014) students created“poems, videos, collages, songs, sculptures, devices, and photographs . . . [which led to
Conference Session
History, Program Design, and even a Journal Club
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Smitesh Bakrania, Rowan University
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
transform materialscience.3,4 In order to expose undergraduates to the fast growing field of nanotechnology, a newcourse was developed as an elective for seniors and graduate students at Rowan University.There have been numerous similar courses developed to address this topic in a multitude ofways, therefore this effort is in no way a novel endeavor. There are nanotechnology courses thatinvolve students writing research summaries 5 and courses that incorporate various hands-onactivities6,7, among others.8-11 This course in particular was designed with two goals in mind; onewas to expose students to nanotechnology and the other to familiarize them to literaturereviewing skills. Therefore, the primary learning objective of the course was to enable
Conference Session
Experiences in Engineering Community Engagement
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary Cardenas, Harvey Mudd College
Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division
Berkes9 write, “Co-management of specific areas and resources is carried out withthe participation of different actors that typically try to find ways to learn from their actions andadapt the behavior to the consequences of their own, and others’, actions, otherwise they cannotform any collaborative arrangement.” Interestingly, they further state that the ecological area orresource itself can be seen as an actor, reacting unpredictably and non-linearly to its own“management,” and that the adaptive quality of co-management is well-suited to handling thisuncertainty.In particular, co-management scenarios can be viewed “…as a means to create the political spacewithin which communities and other groups can develop the knowledge and skills to solve
Conference Session
Diversity: Women and Minorities in Engineering Technology
2004 Annual Conference
Stephen Kuyath
also want those whoare not involved in the writing, speaking, and research to learn more about engineering andengineering technology, so we have the students present their papers to the other club members.Teachers will then submit the papers to professors at the university for assessment. The authorsof the seven best papers will be invited to the university to present their papers. In this way,many more students will hear speeches by their peers – one of the groups they listen to whendeciding what kind of career they will pursue8.According to Campbell, et. Al8, parents are one of the sources to which students will listen whentrying to make career and college decisions. So, we are organizing and conducting communityseminars for parents. If
Conference Session
Track 2 - Curriculum and Laboratory Development
2012 ASEE International Forum
Yongming Tang, Southeast University; Susan M Lord, University of San Diego
Tagged Topics
Track 2 - Curriculum and Laboratory Development
inengineering in China take 4 years. At SEU, 150 credits are required for graduation. More than90% of students graduate on time at the end of their 4th year at SEU.There are three semesters per year at SEU as shown in Table 1. Many practical training coursesare arranged in the short semester, such as advanced C++ programming, fundamental Electricand Electronic practice, fundamental of Mechanical fabrication, printed circuit board computeraided design (CAD), introduction to scientific writing, fundamentals of innovation and patentapplication, etc. Table 1. Time schedule for academic year at SEU Short Semester Autumn Semester Spring Semester Semester Name (1st
Conference Session
Innovative Teaching Techniques in the Classroom
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James L. Klosky P.E., U.S. Military Academy; Scott M. Katalenich, U.S. Military Academy; Berndt Spittka P.E., U.S. Military Academy; Seamus F. Freyne, Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
-class, student presentations are an effective way to inspire student engagement whilesimultaneously improving communication skills. As part of three different civil engineeringcourses including infrastructure, structures, and sustainability at West Point and MississippiState, the authors have introduced a student presentation concept dubbed “Two-Minute Follies.”This paper discusses and demonstrates with supporting data that Two-Minute Follies are simpleto execute, consume a small amount of time, and engage students more directly in their owneducation while at the same time building the student’s presentation confidence and style. Byengaging the student in a direct way that provides an opportunity to share with their peers, thestudent is
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division Technical Session 12
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Amy Wilson-Lopez, Utah State University; Jorge Americo Acosta Feliz
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
also affirming the imperative for educators to recognize thediversity of Latinx communities and to develop partnerships that foreground local communityknowledges and resources. Funds of Knowledge and TranslanguagingAlthough the aforementioned previous descriptions of funds of knowledge did not addressmultilingualism, other writings by Moll foregrounded the role of bilingualism as a vital resourcein learning for many Latinx youth.16 If schools and educators embrace the ethical imperative tosustain rather than erase minoritized students’ home cultures, then sustaining home languages isvital to education in a democracy.17 Accordingly, translanguaging has gained prominence as animportant approach across academic
Conference Session
2-Year College Division: Transferring and Smoothing Transitions
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Cynthia Kay Pickering, Science Foundation Arizona; Caroline Vaningen-Dunn, SFAz Center for STEM, Arizona State University; Anita Grierson, SFAz Center for STEM at Arizona State University; Anna Tanguma- Gallegos Gallegos
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Two-Year College
has also architected SFAz’s enhanced Community College STEM Pathways Guide that has received the national STEMx seal of approval for STEM tools. She integrated the STEM Pathways Guide with the KickStarter processes for improving competitive proposal writing of Community College Hispanic Serving Institutions. Throughout her career, Ms. Pickering has written robotics software, diagnostic expert systems for space station, manufacturing equipment models, and architected complex IT systems for global collaboration that included engagement analytics. She holds a US Patent # 7904323, Multi-Team Immersive Integrated Collaboration Workspace awarded 3/8/2011. She also has twenty-five peer-reviewed publications. She has
Conference Session
Faculty Unite! Effective Ways for Educators to Collaborate Successfully
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gouranga Banik, Oklahoma State University
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Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
specific problem, such as writing a paper for ajournal with a high rejection rate, approaching a tight proposal deadline, dealing with anunproductive graduate student or a rebellious undergraduate class, find out which colleaguesare likely to be helpful and seek them out.Working without clear goals and plans and accepting too many commitments that don’thelp achieve long-term goals. Faculty need to make commitments wisely and develop cleargoals and specific milestones for reaching them. Periodic feedback from the department headand peers can also be helpful.Others SuggestionsFind one or more research mentors and one or more teaching mentors, and work closely withthem until you become successful. Most faculties have professors who excel at research
Conference Session
Enviromental Engineering Division Poster Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephanie Butler Velegol, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
their responseswith their peers in a group setting and write down their responses.The instructor then shows the students a framework using an additional scenario (odorsemanating from a sewer). The instructor explains how the solution would involve not only atechnical solution but also a consideration of the 4 Ps. The students are then asked to re-writetheir questions with the 4 Ps in mind. After the activity the students were asked to write downwhat they learned and what surprised them about this activity. These three scenarios are thenrevisited by the students at the end of the semester after they have learned the technicalsolutions.In this presentation, I will discuss the students’ responses before and after the framework wasdiscussed and at
2000 Annual Conference
Robin H. Lovgren; Michael J. Racer; Anna P. Phillips
received her B.A. in English from Memphis State University, an M.A. in English from TheUniversity of Memphis and is completing her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology, with a concentration on cognitivepsychology. She has been an Instructor of composition, technical and professional writing and an inter-disciplinaryinstructor with the Department of Civil Engineering. Her research interests include: team teaching, learningcommunities and academic success; peer editing/peer feedback in composition, and underrepresentation of girls inscience and engineering fields. Page 5.311.13
1999 Annual Conference
Walthea V. Yarbrough; Sarah J. Rajala; Richard L. Porter; Hugh Fuller; Laura Bottomley; Mary Clare Robbins
first year writing and composition course 3,4; and ECE 292D, ahands-on team based design course offered to upper class students as well 5,6. All were offeredas an alternative to the introductory course (E100) that had little academic content, noengineering problem solving, and consisted of a large lecture room format with informationdissemination as the major goal. Although the alternate courses were excellent and wellreceived by the students, none could be easily scaled up to accommodate 1100+ freshmenengineering students. In 1996 and again in 1997, a new version of freshmen engineering(E497F) was offered that incorporated many of the elements of the alternative courses 7. Thiswas offered to 250-350 engineering freshmen randomly selected each
Conference Session
Construction Engineering Division (CONST) Technical Session 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Raissa Seichi Marchiori, University of Alabama; Siyuan Song, The University of Alabama; Sepehr Khorshid, University of Alabama
Tagged Divisions
Construction Engineering Division (CONST)
development, and engineering education. Through these research topics, Raissa has been publishing papers for peer-reviewed journal and conference pro- ceedings. Also, she is part of Dr. Siyuan Song’s research lab, the Safety Automation and Visualization Environment (SAVE) Laboratory, which integrates technologies and education themes to improve build- ing performance and safety engineering.Dr. Siyuan Song, The University of Alabama Dr. Siyuan Song is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental engineering at the University of Alabama. Her research interests include Occupational Safety and Health, Training and Workforce Development, Engineering Education, Building Information Modeling
Conference Session
Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies Division Technical Session 1: Experiential Learning in Fluids, Structures, and Course/Lab Design
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jim Sizemore, Mesa Community College
side. Finally, the student “Evaluates” the final equations and calculates the unknown quantities.Also, as part of the “Evaluation” step, the student inquires if the answers make sense and are consistentwith initial estimates of reasonable answers.The author acknowledges Dr. Robert Abel of Olympic Community College, who used the 5-Step problem-solving method, which the author modified to be the SOLVE method.C. Instructions for Writing Lab ReportsGeneral instructions for all labsConducting experiments, tests, measurements, and other studies and writing reports about them is animportant part of the engineering profession and something you need to learn and practice. We haverules and conventions for reporting information so that peers and