: Offers a structured methodology for organizing a class with emphasis on constructing an outline, board notes, and out-of-class activities.6,7 (See Fig. 2)VI Writing: Covers fundamentals of making written presentations using the chalk board, vu-graphs, and Powerpoint slides.8VII Speaking: Illustrates effective use of the voice and demonstrates how to stimulate positive emotion using drama, music, humor, and spontaneity in the classroom.9VIII Questioning: Illustrates different student questioning techniques and discusses effective strategies for their use.10IX Teaching Assessment: Covers student, peer and self-assessments and separates myth from fact regarding their usefulness. Introduces
DepoliticizationA number of authors have argued for the value of understanding the discipline andprofession of engineering as a culture4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Cech,2 expressing this perspective,writes: Engineering, like other professions, is not just a collection of knowledge, skills, and practices grouped into a set of jobs. Professions have rich and historically- rooted cultures that are built into and around their knowledge, skills, and practices. Professional cultures are the sets of beliefs, myths, and rituals that give meaning to the intellectual content and practices of a profession. (p. 69)Cech goes on to argue that integral to engineering culture are its “cultural ideologies,”that is, “ways of understanding society and
question proved to be the leastcomprehensive, with 6 respondents (21%) indicating “other”. Two of these write-in options maybe added to the revised survey before national dissemination (do not assess; in-class discussions).No individuals in this survey were using an individual standardized assessment method; the lackof use of these instruments may point to the fact that many instructors may not be aware of theseinstruments, perhaps due to lack of formal training in ethics instruction. Alternatively, it mayreflect the difficulty of creating standardized instruments that measure students’ knowledgeand/or attitudes toward macroethical issues and/or a lack of faculty confidence in suchinstruments. These results related to assessment merit a deeper
global accreditation community has affirmedthe importance of educational breadth, in multiple agreements including the Washington Accord,the Sydney Accord, and the Dublin Accord.14 Engineering historian Bruce Seely has noted thecyclical nature of these calls. 15An ABET-funded study on the impact of EC 2000 by Lisa Lattuca and colleagues at the Centerfor the Study of Higher Education at Penn State16 found that 75% of the approximately 150chairs surveyed reported “some” or “significant” increases in emphasis on communication,teamwork, use of modern engineering tools, technical writing, lifelong learning, and engineeringdesign, without significantly impacting technical outcomes. More than half the faculty reportedsimilar gains in these areas in
better understanding of their early career work. Drawing from the PEARS data,Brunhaver4 showed that engineering graduates who were non-engineering focused four yearsafter earning their degree were different from their engineering focused peers in terms of certainundergraduate experiences (e.g., they were less likely to have participated in an internship or co-op) and level of technical interests. Moreover, while women and men graduates in this samplewere not different in terms of their current position (engineering or non-engineering), they weredifferent in terms of future plans. Women tended to have lower technical self-efficacy andinterests than did men, which helped to explain why they were more non-engineering focused intheir
understanding thetheory and concepts guiding their research projects, t(12) = 2.856, p = .014 (see Table 1). In theinterviews, participants reported acquiring or improving several research skills includingmanaging data (70%; “You know, you have your own data and learning how to correlate andanalyze your own data is definitely something I got from this”), time management (46%),creating a poster (54%; “I learned a lot about…creating posters…about how to compile a posterand how…to analyze data”), writing scientific papers (54%), and oral presentations (46%).Table 1. Self-Evaluation of Research Skills: Test of Hypothesis 1b How would you rate yourself on the Mpre (SD) Mpost (SD) following skills? Ask pertinent insightful questions about
Paper ID #31031Equity, Inclusion and Ethics: Adapting a Mentoring Curriculum to Developan Ethics Workshop for Engineering StudentsDr. Katy Luchini-Colbry, Michigan State University Katy Luchini-Colbry is the Assistant Dean for Graduate Student Services at the College of Engineering at Michigan State University, where she completed degrees in political theory and computer science. A recipient of a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, she earned Ph.D. and M.S.E. in computer science and engineering from the University of Michigan. She has published more than two dozen peer-reviewed works related to her interests in educational
(e.g., Paul, Parker).Theme 1: From expressing individual abilities to serving a broader purposeAs demonstrated in their reflective writings, the students shifted in their understandings of theiridentities as engineers. At the beginning of the term, students described their choice to major inan engineering degree field as an expression of their individual abilities or interests. Forexample, Hector initially reflected how he had entered engineering based on a childhood wherehe would “take things apart and put them back together.” His interest in working directly withtechnology was further galvanized through participation in a series of high school roboticscourses. Generally, several other students identified with Hector’s trajectory. Many
pursuing a B.S. degree in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineer- ing at Oklahoma State University. She has been associated with the OSU Industrial Assessment Center since 2019. Her areas of interest include manufacturing, energy systems, and renewable energy.Dr. Michael L McCombs, Oklahoma State University Dr. Michael L. McCombs Dr. McCombs is Associate Professor of Professional Practice in the Division of Engineering Technology at Oklahoma State University (OSU). He earned a PhD in technical rhetoric at OSU in 2018 and an MA degree in technical writing at Minnesota State University in 2005. Dr. McCombs is the assistant director of the OSU Industrial Assessment Center (IAC), where he has worked in various positions since
withacademic learning but also an integration of learning from both domains (Zegwaard & Coll,2011). WIL internships offer students a foundation to expand their discipline knowledge andutilize skills with guidance from a supervisor and peers (Patrick et al., 2008) In the Frenchengineering curriculum, students delve deeply into mathematics and physics, a characteristicnot commonly found in other systems (Chatzis, 2010; Lemaître, 2017) The rigorous nature ofthese courses often posed challenges for students. However, through internships, studentscame to realize that their scientific studies had laid a strong foundation for their training,providing them with a broad base from which to explore various fields of study. 'It was atraining of the mind and
main content is divided into three modules: “EngineeringEthics”, “Information Retrieval and Technology Writing”, and “Psychological Health”. Eachmodule is independent of each other, but the content of each module is helpful for improvingstudents’ basic qualities and engineering ethics literacy. The Activities to Increase Student’s Interests Compulsory courses can enhance students’ awareness of engineering ethics, whilepractical activities in engineering ethics can enhance their subjective initiative and fullymobilize the enthusiasm of each student. Beijing Institute of Technology organizes a debate competition with the theme of“engineering ethics” to stimulate students’ engineering ethics thinking. By simulating realengineering
-specific needs as they worked the project (as ofthis writing, a third and fourth cohort, each consisting of 7 states, are engaging in the CMP).States vary in data capacity and in policy structure (see Tab. 1). For example, most of the cohort1 states have a decentralized model where curricular and course decisions are made at the districtor school level with little influence from the state. In cohort 2, most of the states operate within atop-down approach where curriculum and graduation requirements are set at the state level.Table 1: State data capacity at baselineState features (at baseline) Cohort 1 Cohort 2 (n=6
the fact that I haven’t had an interview yet with another woman who’s inmy field. All of them have been guys.”Several of the females also noted being the only one in their department, and that they may havebeen talked down to, or given different tasks than their peers. While they did not often directlylabel the sexism or racism they encountered, they also did not always feel that the field wasinclusive. Many were uncertain what could be done to improve the situation, however, studentssuch as Deanna (a Black female) suggested companies take the time to ask: I think it would, what’s one thing that could be really insightful is just...the very few that are in computing that are from diverse groups, I think if communication was with
. Astin’s Inputs-Environment-Outcome (IEO) conceptual framework [80] examines how inputs(characteristics and attributes (Learner Profile), i.e., prior experiences, socioeconomic background,race, gender, etc.) and the learning environment (formal and informal elements of the institution,i.e., curriculum, teaching pedagogical approaches, extracurricular activities, and prior learningexperiences such as internships, and interactions with peers and faculty) influence studentoutcomes. Outcomes are defined as the changes that occur in the student because of theireducational experiences, such as learning and developmental outcomes. The majority of theliterature that uses the IEO conceptual model has focused on the examination of student success asa
• the sharing of best practices in the content, teaching, certifications, articulation and career pathways for renewable energy technicians among participants and with their international peers • the use of an online learning collaborative site for knowledge-building activities and to share and disseminate curricula and other learning materialsGermany in particular presented an interesting case. The German Energiewende – or “energytransition” – is an on-going, nationally coordinated, comprehensive undertaking that has twofundamental drivers: the development and deployment of renewable energy sources and anincreased and widespread implementation of energy efficiency measures, all of which isoccurring in a relatively
. Additionally, Iron Range Engineering had allmajors undertake entrepreneurial projects, resulting in the development of a business plan[12].Beyond the confines of specific majors, Loh et al. [13] discuss a second-major option forundergraduates at the National University of Singapore (NUS). This initiative allows studentsfrom any major to participate in multidisciplinary project work aimed at cultivating aninnovative and entrepreneurial mindset. At the master's level, the University of Duisburg-Essen offers a Master of Arts in Innopreneurship, designed to equip students with the skillsneeded for self-employment or innovative roles within established companies [14].Whereas the focus of our writing up to now has been on the form of innovation
have been intended by the educator and looking to what is experienced by students.Brookfield further suggests that the accumulated result of such analyses can be the uncovering ofassumptions about teaching and students that may be limiting an effective stance on power in theclassroom. An emphasis is placed on the value of viewing practice from different perspectives inorder to become more aware of one’s own assumptions. Value is given to (1) usingautobiography in general and techniques such as peer review, videotaping, and ideologicalcritique; (2) having conversations; and (3) looking at activity through theory. Brookfieldemphasizes across these techniques the responsibility of educators to generate from his or herown teaching practice the
, which explored the impact of student-leddiscussion groups [12]. A positive correlation was revealed between student-led discussions andenhanced academic performance, suggesting the potential efficacy of collaborative learning inuniversity settings. Moreover, student feedback validated the value of student-led approaches,emphasizing their role not only in academic growth but also in fostering profound interpersonalconnections and collaborative friendships among peers [12]. Similarly, the implementation ofstudent-led seminars for first-year undergraduate medical students further validated theeffectiveness of such seminars in fostering self-directed, active, and peer-driven learningexperiences, concurrently nurturing attributes like teamwork and
analysis. Most students expressed a positive outlook towards learning new concepts ingeneral. However, they also noted a decrease in engagement, interest, and positive feelings whendealing with material taught in an unclear manner, unbalanced demands in a class's structures, anddealing with unengaging closed off teachers or teaching assistants. When responding to a newconcept, participants said they will evaluate what they do and do not understand, see whatquestions or thoughts other students have, review notes, and practice. As students interacted withothers, they also felt positive towards a topic that they understood and had a chance to explain toa peer that was struggling with the same topic. Whether students felt positively or
or deviant (i.e., outlier) cases, the participants expressed markedly differentperceptions than their peers about mentorship. Each called into question or doubted whether theirexperiences should be labeled as mentorship. These were not anticipated responses fromparticipants choosing to participate in a study about effective mentorship [7], [8]. While otherparticipants shared negative stories or gave examples of ineffective mentorship, none expressedreluctance or refusal to label their support relationships as mentorship. The seeminglycontradictory combination of providing mentorship while questioning or invalidating one’s ownmentorship experiences motivated a closer examination of these faculty members’ stories todetermine what lessons could
Education, 2023 Work In Progress: A Novel Approach to Understanding Perceptions of Race Among Computing UndergraduatesINTRODUCTIONBlack, Native American, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, and Latinx undergraduates remainseverely underrepresented in computing [i.e., computer science (CS), engineering, andinformation systems] [1]. This is often attributed to student-centered, deficit-based factors suchas a lack of access to K-12 computing courses, culturally relevant role models and curricula, andsense of belonging. However, research notes how racial “othering” in university courses,departments, and cultures from peers, faculty, and staff negatively impact them [2]–[4].Shifting national conversations around race, racism, and anti
necessary to obtain their preferred FPAG. Example Acted on opportunities Knew that resume Knew of potential Behaviors such as internships/co- systems can be resources but chose not ops. automated but does not to use them. No clear Began the process change their approach in decision on preferred early, including writing. FPAG. sophomore year. Asked questions of key socializers such as career counselors and faculty. 2) High
., classenvironment, course sequence) is vital to improve student learning and persistence in CS.B. CS Curriculum Design There have been great strides in determining potential areas of improvement among CScourses and programs [e.g., 26, 27, 28]. One area of literature focuses on college students nothaving the necessary skills and knowledge to work in the industry [29, 30, 31, 32]. In regard totheir soft skills, graduates tend to struggle with their verbal [31, 33] and writing [28, 30, 34]skills, in particular, clearly articulating their problems when they need help [29]. In regard totechnical skills, graduates often lack the ability to use a number of industry software tools, suchas configuration management and database tools [29, 32, 35]. Another
M Chinese Singapore 096 G16 F Chinese SingaporeData CollectionParticipants were divided into six or seven design teams and guided by academics andindustry mentors to brainstorm, prototype, and assess solutions to industrial challenges. At acertain point in the course, participants were requested to write down their reflections basedon specific questions, such as “What is your approach to identifying the problem statementand problem?”, “How did design thinking and negotiations with your group influence yourapproach to the process?” Each of the reflective questions was answered with over 200words. Five self-reflections by the students were used to compile
question in front ofthe class. While not all students are excited about doing engineering problems in front of theclass, they can all benefit from being called down to the board. Explaining an answer buildshigher-level skills. Having students discuss questions on the board is much more than just whatthey write. Describing how they found an answer requires higher-level thinking skills and helpsstudents better grasp the concept. Half of the class activities in Wireless Communications course were designed to beproject-based learning (PBL). PBL can help students to apply their knowledge and skills in real-world scenarios, making learning more relevant and enjoyable. PBL encourages students to takean active role in their learning. By working on
. Thechair needed to demonstrate experience and interest in championing inclusive excellence and acompelling reputation among peers across the college. After identifying a Chair and an“Assistant to the Chair/Vice Chair,” the Dean requested committee member nominations fromdepartment chairs and program directors to comprise the college-level search representativesfrom each tenure home and academic program in the CEAS. Although the number of positions tobe hired had not yet been set by the Provost, the Dean had requested six funded positions andproposed to match each of those with college-level funding. Therefore, although DepartmentChairs were not promised any specific outcomes, there was a general sense that mostdepartments would end up with at
; Clark et al., 1999; Mercer et al., 2011;Torres et al., 2010; Bair & Steele, 2010; Salvatore & Shelton, 2007). In addition to the adverseeffects on cognition, students of color who are the targets of repeated microaggressions struggleto persist in STEM majors at higher rates than White peers due to a lack of belonging (Johnson etal., 2007; Reid & Radhakrishnan, 2003). Critical race theory (CRT), therefore, is an appropriatetheoretical lens to examine the effects of racial microaggressions. CRT posits that racism isendemic and pervasive throughout American institutions, and education is no exception (DuBois,1920; DuBois, 2004; Gillborn, 2008; Solorzano, 2020). Using a CRT framework in this study,we hope to illuminate how racism may
15 mins of operation followed by 15 mins break. The pumpsare powered by a 1-kW solar PV system connected to a 3-kW inverter and 2 12-V batteriesoperating at 200 Amp.MeasurementsMeasurements are taken via a local weather station installed at the same height as the wind pump’sturbine, a water counter on the pipe leading from the wind pump to the fishpond, handheld devicesmeasuring pH, water temperature, oxygen, and salinity of the water in the fishpond on a regularbasis (every 1-5 days), as well as a field spectrophotometer used to sporadically measureAmmonia, Phosphate, Nitrate, and Iron levels in the fishpond’s water. At the time of writing, datacollection is ongoing and what is presented here is merely a first batch of data that shows how
alumni more likely to be employed full time in non-engineeringareas than white alumni. Gender differences were minimal in the first ten years aftergraduation, but became pronounced after ten years at which point salaries were 25%higher for men than for women with similar experience. Men were also 25% more likely,at the ten-year mark, to be promoted to senior managerial roles than their female peers.Finally, white men expressed the highest levels of job satisfaction and Black and femalegraduates leaned more toward pursuing graduate education than their peers. Morerecently, Sheri Sheppard’s large-scale school to work transition surveys have put careerpath analysis on the engineering education research map.11 Briefly, Sheppard and herteam used two
, industry tours, tutoring, and internship preparation assistance,chosen to address the expected needs of the student population. To select students to enter theprogram, an application with four essays and demographic information was developed. In orderto select applicants from this pool, the team needed a method for analyzing these applications.Rubrics are often used to rate the quality of a submission, whether graded work submitted by astudent, a report or performance for a competition, a paper presented to a journal or conference,or myriad other situations. Faculty are often trying to improve rubrics, and engineering educatorsare no exception – there are 3869 results for the term “rubric” in ASEE’s PEER repository [8],ranging from apps to help