thismaterial are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF. ReferencesAgell, L., Soria, V., & Carrió, M. (2015). Using role play to debate animal testing. Journal of Biological Education, 49, 309-321.Basche, A., Genareo, V., Leshem, A., Kissell, A., & Pauley, J. (2016). Engaging middle school students through locally focused environmental science project-based learning. Natural Sciences Education, 45, 1-10.Borrego, M., Foster, M. J., & Froyd, J. E. (2014). Systematic literature reviews in engineering education and other developing interdisciplinary fields. Journal of Engineering Education, 103, 45-76.Buciarelli, L. L. (1994). Designing
aspects are as follows, which are reflected in thesection of maker education. Provide training certificates for students who completed theoretical training and hands- on projects Open to students during daytime hours and free to use Use social media mobile application such as Wechat and QQ to promote image of Makerspace Involve students to participate in daily management and operation Serve as a resource platform, providing projects, training, competition, activities, etc. Closely linked to the engineering curriculum Fig. 1: Makerspace of SCUPIManagement StructureMakerspace management structure is identified as three different models: faculty run, studentrun, or specific support
) 6 b. Each of the concepts were compared and contrasted, similar concepts were combined (ex. positive environment and open input from everyone were combined to be safe, positive, and open environment). c. Each definition’s assignment of codes into concepts was reviewed again to ensure changes in the concepts were reflected. d. Any concepts with less than five codes were reviewed and combined (ex. encourage and empower were combined together)Finally, the last step of the analysis is abstraction, where similar concepts themes are groupedtogether into higher order headings. For example, mentor, set example, and trustworthy /authentic were grouped
improve university diversity through exemplary mentoring, merging students who transition between UTEP and EPCC to improve the graduation rate of students in STEM fields. She also encourages students with disabilities (or as one calls it ”special abilities”) to pursue degrees in STEM as well as break barriers for women in engineering to create a broad spectrum of opportunities and meet the 21st century STEM demands. Although having a passion of helping beyond students learning, Carolina also had advocated and helped students who major in Mechanical Engineering as an exemplary Teachers Assistant in the Mechanical Engineering department laboratory ”Lockheed Martin” to have a reflection of a real-world engineering
“real engineering” project. Figure 1 Student Feedback on Hands-On Learning ActivitiesA few representative student comments from the anonymous end-of-course survey explain whatit was about the hand-on activities that made them valuable to students. From these commentsand several similar ones it shows clearly what the research has told us for years, students want tosee a real world (physical) connection to what they are doing in the classroom and what theyexpect to be doing once they graduate [4, 5]. Sample student responses that reflect this includedthe following from the course survey: ● I think the part that made the activities most beneficial was the fact that they reinforced many of the concepts that we had learned
in the project report. Cycle 1- Assessment Results & Evaluation Actions. In the first cycle, all direct indicators met the target performance of 75%. As for the indirect measure demonstrated by the student survey response, it did not meet the target (69%).The indirect measure reflected the concerns that were received from students regarding the lack of training they received in estimating software. Through their internship experience, they realized most construction firms utilize construction software in their daily operations. The use of hand calculation, which is the main method of estimating in class is hardly used in the industry. Accordingly, faculty made effort to acquire estimating software such as Bluebeam
in implementing these steps also vary, though all havecommon traits that quality instruments share [4], [5], [1], [6], [7]. The procedure outlined byNetemeyer [2] was the basis for several other established instruments, and served as a drivinginfluence for this project.Netemeyer suggests a linear model of instrument development motivated with empiricalevidence. The critical first step, is to clearly define the traits or abilities being measured.Accurate definitions are necessary as they will inform item creation and the overall character ofthe instrument. The definitions should be informed by theory, and accurately reflect the contentdomain being measured. Literature and other appropriate sources should be thoroughly reviewedto best inform
specific evidence-based strategies, topics, and materials providedin the workshops. During the “Introduction to Active Learning and Disciplinary Communities ofPractice” workshop, participants learn about Eric Mazur’s work in this space [8] as well as workwith Chickering’s “7 Principles for Good Practice” [9]. In an activity, participants are asked toselect one or two principles and discuss how they would implement them in the classroom aswell as discuss challenges associated with the seven principles: 1) encourage interaction betweenstudents and faculty, 2) develop engagement and cooperation among students, 3) encouragestudent reflection during active learning, 4) give prompt feedback, 5) effectively managestudent’s time on task, 6) communicate
discusses the following topics: • A graduate course titled, “Health Innovation and Design”, which addresses the challenge of delivering quality healthcare in a resource-limited setting. Through the use of innovation one may, in theory, drive down the cost of medical devices and solutions. • The design process used in the course including an overview of design thinking as well as an introduction to the Phillips Co-Create Four-Phase Model: 1) Discover; 2) Frame; 3) Ideate; 4) Build. • Assessment of student learning in the course. • Reflections on students’ experiences taking the course.Description of Major Grant Deliverables – Medical DevicesMedical Device #1 - Infant WarmerWhat’s the problem?Surgical
therefore two-force. This simplification could be a source of error, particularly if the PASCOconnectors were tightened to restrict small rotations. Two class-periods have been used for grouppeer review and revision of draft sections before final submission.Figure 2: Sample validation data from Roof Truss Experiment showing measured vs. predictedmember forces. Error bars reflect a ±1N measurement error from the load cell. Some measure-ments are (nearly) outside the load cell error. An equal number of points below and above thepredicted=measured line shows no evidence of systemic (or bias) errors.The second part of the module involves the design of a truss to meet a specific set of constraints,and the presentation of this design through a written
and the speed of sound in air, adistance to the nearest object is determined [9]. Figure 11. Vernier Motion DetectorThe sensitivity of the echo detection circuitry automatically increases, in steps, every fewmilliseconds as the ultrasound travels out and back. This is to allow for echoes being weakerfrom distant objects. The motion detector is capable of measuring objects as close as 0.15 m andas far away as 6 m. The short minimum target distance allows objects to get close to the detector;this reduces stray reflections. The MD has a pivoting head which helps the user aim the sensoraccurately. The MD also has a sensitivity switch which is located under the pivoting motiondetector head. The VI requires two
ii) having manyconversations, formal and informal interviews, and other interactions with business leaders,companies’ CEOs and CTOs, other Data Scientists working in the private sector, as well as manyhigh-tech, financial sector and other recruiters (those from individual companies’ HRs as well asexternal “head hunters”) searching for the data analytics talent. Some disclaimers are in orderhere. Thoughts that follow are personal observations and insights based on personal experience(from working in and interacting with industry), and need not reflect an official position orprevalent attitudes towards how to best educate and train the next generation of Data Scientistseither of the author’s most recent prior employer, Washington State
because of thescholarships, there is opportunity for greater promotion of student performance and recognitionas S-STEM scholars.References[1] Gates, A. Q., Thiry, H., & Hug, S. (2016). Reflections: The Computing Alliance of Hispanic- Serving Institutions. ACM Inroads, 7(4), 69-73.[2] Dennis, J. M., Phinney, J. S., & Chuateco, L. I. (2005). The role of motivation, parental support, and peer support in the academic success of ethnic minority first-generation college students. Journal of college student development, 46(3), 223-236.[3] Eagan Jr, M. K., Hurtado, S., Chang, M. J., Garcia, G. A., Herrera, F. A., & Garibay, J. C. (2013). Making a difference in science education: the impact of undergraduate research
, and this would not be reflected in the evaluation.Part III of the final project included the analyses of data collected as part of a full scaleinstrumentation program at an excavation site for a new 10 story hotel in downtown ColoradoSprings, CO. The data was obtained from a colleague specializing in excavation support andmicropile installation. The project involved a retention wall (soil nail wall) and foundationsupport for two buildings adjacent to the excavation. The owners of the property agreed toinstrument the excavation and support structures to ensure the adjacent buildings did not movemore than tolerable limits during the excavation. Students were given all pertinent informationfor the site and instrumentation plans as well as the
, undergraduate engineering students complete a two-semester interdisciplinarysenior design capstone project[1] – EGR 485 (winter term, 1 credit, design phase) andEGR 486 (summer term, 2 credits, build phase). This capstone experience reflects the“gold-standard” in that our students typically work on industry-sponsored projects thatinclude design and build phases, resulting in a working prototype and requiring sponsorsignoff approval prior to completion (and, hence, graduation). Most projects areinterdisciplinary in nature, requiring various combinations of students from our computer,electrical, mechanical and manufacturing degree programs (typically teams of 5-6students), to develop products that incorporate an assorted range of mechanical,electrical
InstitutionsTable 2 presents the mean responses for each scale (community, enjoyment, and value) at eachinstitution; possible values ranging from 0-4. For each scale, a 0 response would indicate theabsence of that scale, e.g. a score of 0 for Enjoyment would indicate that students found noenjoyment in their capstone projects. Similarly, a score of 4 for Community would reflect abelief that community service is extremely important. Scales that showed statistical differencebetween institutions are indicated with a **.Table 2: Overall response for Enjoyment, Value, and Community scales by institution Scale YCP Score Valparaiso Score Community** (p<0.001) M = 2.80±0.78
than women in various areas ofthe industry, academia and business [1, 2]. The female computerscience students make less than 20% of the total undergraduatestudent population [1]. When it comes to graduate school only afraction of these undergraduates is pursuing graduate schoolleading to fewer female students in graduate school are researchingin computer science. This phenomenon is reflected in othercomputer science related fields such as computer engineering aswell [2]. For example only 30% of women are employed incomputer science. The ripple effect can be observed in making thesituation even worst by creating a very small pool of positivefemale role models for women in CS [3, 4, 12]. This results inmaking it harder for women in CS to succeed
even further.AcknowledgementsThis material was supported by the National Science Foundation’s Research Experience forUndergraduate Education (REU) Program (Award no. 1263293). Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.Bibliography[1][2] Brownell, J.E., and Swaner, L.E.. Five High-Impact Practices: Research on Learning, Outcomes, Completion, and Quality; Chapter 4: "Undergraduate Research." Washington, DC: Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2010.[3] Crowe, M., and Brakke, D. "Assessing the Impact of Undergraduate-Research
usabilityassessment method 21. The subscales are defined in SUMI are namely; Efficiency: reflects thedegree to which the software helps the user accomplish their task. Affect: measures theemotional response of the user to the software. Helpfulness: indicates whether system isrelatively self-explanatory, and for which the help system and documentation are good or not.Control: shows the degree to which users feel in control of the software, rather than beingcontrolled by the software. Learn ability: measures how quickly and easily the users felt theycould master the software or a new feature of the software. According to these scales, a systemthat achieves a score in the range of 40-60 is comparable in usability to most of successfulcommercial software
skills. Students also learn to use Excel/Matlab for data analyses, plotting andstatistical methods.3.9 Ethics, Social and Environmental InjusticesOne of highlights of the project is the inclusion of progressive humanities and qualitative socialsciences. Students in teams are required to watch movies and documentaries that reflect onsocial/environmental injustices, breach of ethics along with gender biases in STEM fields, andsocial prejudices. Students also participate in debates that focus on public policy and arerequired to study the discussions and decisions of the Whitehouse Office of Science andTechnology Policy.3.10 WebsiteA website has been created for the Algae Grows the Future project to promote outreach andmake the project’s resource
improvement.AcknowledgementThis material is supported by the National Science Foundation under DUE Grant Numbers 1501952and 1501938. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations presented are those of theauthors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] Wang, J., Fang, A. & Johnson, M., (2008). Enhancing and assessing life long learning skills through capstone projects. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. Pittsburgh, PA, 2008-324.[2] Shuman, L.J., Besterfield-Sacre, M. & Mcgourty, J., (2005). The abet "professional skills" — can they be taught? Can they be assessed? Journal of Engineering Education, 94 (1), 41-55.[3] Earnest, J., (2005). Abet
or agreed that they had the chance toupdate the writing instructional materials for their courses during this workshop. This feelingwas reflected in Figure 2(a) which shows the response to the statement “I had the chance toupdate the writing instructional materials for my courses during today’s sessions”. “I learned how to generate dimensions for my rubric” “I had the chance to update the materials for my own course” Engineering Engineering English English (a) Generating rubric dimensions (b) Updating
modelmanufacturing. In week six, sustainability is introduced with the three dimensions: economy,environment, and society. The product life-cycle perspective is introduced. Furthermore,pollutants, embodied energy, and impacts on workers are discussed. Embodied energy describesthe energy necessary to produce material and products including losses due to materialextraction, manufacturing, transport, process inefficiencies, electricity generation, and more. Theaccompanying homework assignment will have the students calculate material and labor costs ina given scenario and reflect on additional costs and sustainability factors.In the seventh week, product quality is reviewed in detail with regard to part dimension.Measurement frequency varies from 100% control
among university engineering faculty,practicing engineers, and the schools is necessary; it is important to demonstrate to youngpotential STEM professionals the relevance of STEM activities [6]. In addition to interactingwith practicing professionals, authentic experiential learning activities can promote STEMcareers. Experiential learning attempts to rectify what Kolb characterized as the “rejection” ofthe “real-world” by the educational establishment [7]. The key to experiential learning is thecreation of knowledge “through the transformation of experience” [7]. In this project, thisexperience will be the development of connected devices aimed at building automationapplications. This will allow students to experience, reflect, think, and act
through a flipped classroom approach. This result is seeminglycounterintuitive, especially given that the first-year faculty member had no prior exposure toflipped classroom model. Below we suggest a few possible explanations that could explain ourresults.In the faculty member’s reflection of the flipped classroom experience, it was noted that thispedagogical model more resembled that of a lab similar to one where a first year faculty memberhas just emerged from a multi-year research project. In many research labs it is common forsenior students to mentor and train the junior lab members. In that sense, working with smallergroups during instruction time did not seem foreign to the faculty member and put both thefaculty and students more at
(outer layer) and rubble (inner core) at the same time.The proposed construction sequence was also based on the assumption that it was a whollynew construction. Renovation or reconstruction would have different sequences, such asintegrating the old wall into the new wall. In addition, evidence of the key-in feature was onlyshown in eastern Jinshanling; this may or may not apply to all sections of the wall inJinshanling. If evidence is presented that the key-in was not used, the authors will update thedesign to reflect this.There was also an inaccuracy in Google Earth’s satellite images of the terrain and locationsof the Great Wall. When a placemark in Google Earth is placed in the center of the toweraccording to Google’s 2013 satellite image
form. Thequestions are also re-designed in order to attempt to maximize activation related to cryptographyconcepts by maximizing the effort subjects exert to answer the question. We expect that thesechanges to the fMRI methods will add to our understanding of where cryptography concepts areprocessed in the brain.AcknowledgmentsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1500046. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.ReferencesAlvarez, J. A., & Emory, E. (2006). Executive function and the frontal lobes: a meta-analyticreview. Neuropsychology
presented is based upon work supported by the National Science FoundationDivision of Research on Learning under Grant No. DRL 1543175. Any opinions, findings andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation References[1] Wing, J. M. (2006). Computational thinking. Communications of the ACM, 49(3), 33-35.[2] Ginsburg, H. P., Inoue, N., & Seo, K. H. (1999). Young children doing mathematics: Observations of everyday activities. Mathematics in the early years, 1, 88-99.[3] Hutchinson, E., & Pournara, C. (2014). Pre-school children's performance on repeat- pattern tasks
, and reflection. The collaboration between theEngineering Technology Center and the Creative Space enhances services offered by bothentities to ensure that students can fully explore all aspects of innovation by providingopportunities to tinker, explore, brainstorm, and create.AcknowledgmentsThank you to the Engineering Technology Center for all their support through this wholeprocess, including John Kostman, Matt McLaughlin, Tom Barnhart, Doug Eltoft, ChristopherFomon, Daniel Mentzer, and Danny Tang.Thank you to all those at the University of Minnesota (LATIS [Liberal Arts Technologies andInnovation Services], Medical Device Center, Walter Engineering Library, and DigiFabLab[College of Design]), University of Wisconsin – Madison (Wendt
Hispanic – 43%. Over 55% of LaGuardia’s students receivedfinancial aid in 2015 and over 55% of its students who were living with their parentsbelonged to homes with a family income of less than $25,000 while over 75 % of itsstudents who were living away from their parents belong to homes with a family incomeof less than $25,000. The lofty goal of joint/dual degrees is to bridge the gap that dividesthe number of students from underrepresented and underserved populations who canaccess and earn an engineering degree so that more engineering degrees can be earned tobetter reflect the nation's diversity.In the AS/BE program, the student spends two years at the community college, and uponreceiving an AS degree, enters our engineering program as a 3rd