think about the length of the survey? Do you have any concerns about the survey design?Our advisory board did not find significant problems with the survey and made severalsuggestions for improvement. We revised our survey to reflect this feedback. See Table 2 forexamples:Table 2: Examples of advisory board feedback Original Version Suggestion Revised VersionStrategies used to reduce concerns Add question about advisor to this Added question about advisor as adid not include a mention of the section source of supportadvisor“Please estimate the average time Measure these based on work week “Please estimate the average timeyou spend on
learning may show the same behavior as retention.We have proposed some modifications to the learning pyramid as shown in figure 2. Various methods likequestioning, reflecting, and experimenting have been incorporated in the Wood’s pyramid. However, no attemptis made to give specific numbers for the effectiveness or retention of learning. The pyramid has the leasteffective method at the bottom which is just passively attending lectures and speeches. That is followed byactively attending lectures - ―actively‖ implying thinking on what is being said and asking questions based onthat. This is superseded by intensely reflecting or experimenting and writing notes. At the next level comessmartly linking the concepts learnt to other related concepts
that is used for measuring theproperties of different specimens with different materials at high Strain Rate (10 10 .Figure 1 shows the main components of a Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar. The main fourcomponents are the Striker, Incident bar, Transmitter bar (Output bar) and Specimen. Thespecimen is placed between the incident and transmitter bar. The striker acts as a projectileapplying a high impact force on one end of the incident bar creating a compressive stress wave.The wave propagates in a uniaxial direction into the incident bar reaching the interface of theincident bar and specimen. A part of the wave reflects back as a tensile wave traveling in theincident bar while the rest continues to propagate into the transmitter bar as a
better able to identify cultural aspects as relevant factors when solving a given design task? 2. How did students reflect upon the re-evaluation of their proposed solutions as compared to their initial approach?MethodsResearch Context and InterventionData for this paper were collected from a skill session titled “Partnering with DevelopingCountries.” This three hour learning module was open to any student enrolled in the EPICSprogram at Purdue University. The skill session was developed by the first author, incollaboration with the second author and three EPICS teaching assistants, in part to fulfill a Page 23.1017.4requirement of a
predictor of retention was the numberof co-ops in which a student participated. Among the demographic variables, a relatively highGPA was found to be an inducement to persist in engineering and in school. It was also found,at the second survey point of the study, that a student’s prior SAT scores had a measurable effecton retention. Finally, those students who were accustomed to work over a relatively long periodof time were especially more inclined to leave the university compared to those who had lesswork experience in their lifetimes.Among the contextual support variables, support from friends and from one’s college was foundto explain retention at the time of the first survey as students reflect on their freshmen yearexperience. In an
-based learning. As shown in Figure 2, the challenge basedlearning process begins with a big idea and cascades to the following: an essential question, achallenge, guiding questions, activities, team projects, determining and articulating the solution,taking action by implementing the solution, reflection, assessment, and presentation. Whenusing this pedagogy, the teacher’s primary role shifts from dispensing information to guiding theconstruction of knowledge by his or her students around initially defined guiding questions.Students refine the problem, develop research questions, investigate the topic, and work out avariety of solutions before finding the most reasonable one. The process demonstrated how theengineering design process, as shown
serves at most 55 participates peryear,5 which is a small fraction of the almost 25,000 tenure-track engineering faculty members.22Travel support to bring participants to a face-to-face workshop, even for a couple of daysbecomes prohibitively expensive when the effort is scaled even to accommodate a modestnumber of engineering faculty members.The inadequacy of existing faculty development models is reflected in the lack of evidence ofchanges in student learning,2 the slow adoption of engaging, active-learning methods that havebeen systematically tested and shown to be effective,1, 23 and the stalling of innovation in STEMeducation.29 A recent systematic and fairly extensive observational study provided dataindicating a reliance on the
arealso influenced by gender roles and social schemas, which is often a strong deterrent fromengineering for girls, as they view engineering as a predominantly male field. So, indicators thathave the potential to have positive implications for girls to make decisions about engineering areincorrectly perceived as barriers, and many times, girls do not give STEM a chance. BeyondBlackboards reaches out to students early with goals to change their perceptions aboutengineering (Eccles et all, 2005; Watt, 2005). Page 23.641.6Beyond Blackboards Page 6 of 25 Figure 2. Eccles Expectancy Value Model with emphasis added to reflect most important
knowledge to prepare their students for the next level.B. Evaluations of TPDMany studies have assessed the quality of TPD with the purpose of improving the effectivenessof TPD for teachers. Indicators to assess the quality of TPD can be professional developmentdesign, delivery, content, context, and outcomes11. For example, Kwakman (2003)12 investigatedthe factors that influenced teachers’ participation in TPD by using surveys and reformulating theTPD activities in response to a qualitative study. Duncan, Diefes-Dux, and Gentry (2011)4focused on the content of engineering TPD on teachers’ recognition and understanding of thenature of engineering by coding teachers’ reflective pre- and post-journal responses. Bredeson(2000)13 assessed the content
comments were tabulated below by each dimension. The dimensions were rated by theparticipants on the rating scale of five (1- not helpful at all; 2-not helpful; 3-somewhat helpful; 4-helpful;5-very helpful). All the users emphasized the content quality (see Table 2).Table 2 Students’ reflections on the content quality of the modules Themes Average Supportive Comments RatingsThe 1). I notice that they (the modules) do teach us.modules 4.8have higheducational 2). Step by step instruction, interactive, user-friendly, keeps you engaged.value 3). The videos are really boring, but the info is good. With my
individualfaces many obstacles along the way. Accurate self-knowledge is threatened by self-serving1,2and confirmation3,4 biases, by dissociation between implicit and explicit cognitive processes,5and by our tendency to misconstrue self-relevant information.6 Unfortunately for us, self-understanding may be more important than ever. The complexities of modern social life demandan accordingly complex sense of self,7 and there is evidence to suggest that such complexity isbest complemented by emphasis on acquiring accurate self-knowledge.8,9 Self-reflection andintrospection may provide added insight,10, 11, 12 but essential aspects of one’s own character areoften inaccessible to introspection,13,14 or vulnerable to a host of interpretation biases.15,16, 17
− Centered Centered Reflection− Centered Community Figure 1: HPL Framework for Learning EnvironmentsAccording to HPL, the learning environment and activities should be designed to be: 1. Learner-centered: Account for the knowledge, skills, preconceptions, and common miscon- ceptions of the learners; 2. Knowledge-centered: Help students learn with understanding by thinking qualitatively and Page 23.1391.3 organizing their knowledge around key concepts; 3. Reflection
. Additionally, they areexpected to plan and teach a short lesson that includes active learning to a small cohort of theirpeers. During this practice teaching session, a trained facilitator helps the TA and his/hercolleagues reflect on the strengths of the lesson and any areas of improvement. Although a one-day orientation with a follow-up training module may not be as extensive of training as a week-long orientation or a semester long course, the strategic emphasis on active learning during thisorientation warrants a close review. This paper investigates the following research questionsfocused on TAs and active learning: How do graduate student instructors describe ‘active learning’ and use these teaching methods in their classes? What
., “What’swho’s your favorite pop singer?” Messing around is the term used to describe interactions withtechnology for the purpose of informally seeking information of interest to the individual. In thechat logs, this was represented by quotes such as “What do you know about penguins?” Finally,geeking out describes interactions with technology that are specifically directed towardsincreasing individual expertise and knowledge of a particular subject area of interest. This wouldbe reflected in the chat logs by quotes such as “Our penguin (-shaped ice cube) did better whenwe used cotton balls to insulate.” The HOMAGO framework is descriptive in nature; thus, its usewas analytical in nature as we looked for learning as driven by the appropriation of
. 748, emphasis ours)14. If engineering students view the users of theirdesigned technology as social constraints rather than core to the design itself, they may onlyrecognize how these users provide “information, assistance, and/or support” rather thanconsidering how their “needs should be reflected in the design”15. We might reasonably posit,then, that what students do in design tends to reflect how they perceive design itself.Frameworks from Studies on Engineering DesignWithin the engineering education community, there are several studies that investigate activitiesthat engineering students and professionals do as part of design. For example, Atman and hercolleagues have published a number of articles on the processes enacted by students
theory of self-authorship3 will be introduced as the theoreticalframework for looking at the individual through the lenses of context and institution, as well asthe larger cultural paradigm. Next, the methodological framework informing the research designand the research design and methods used throughout this study will be offered. Finally, theresearch findings of identity development and formation of females who have persisted inundergraduate engineering programs and how this impacts their professional choices will bediscussed.Literature ReviewResearch reflects increased enrollments of females in STEM majors; for example, women makeup the majority of those studying the physical and life sciences (57%). Yet the proportion ofSTEM major females
. Instead, Newsweek summarized the findings bluntly: “Sex differencesin achievement in and attitude toward mathematics result from superior male mathematicalability.”4 The discrepancy between the two articles raises interesting ethical questions aboutstrength of claim, which I will return to later.The second thing that happens in the shift from forensic to epideictic rhetoric, according toFahnestock, is that that popular science writing tends to “leap to results,” or jump from reportingthe data to speculating on the broad possible implications of the data—again, arguably withoutsufficient qualification. This finding is further reflected in a more recent study on medical newsreporting that demonstrates the “tendency for press releases and the
. Page 23.695.51. Defining Risk Engineering Aside from usage in the finance and insurance industryiii, “Risk Engineering” remainsundefined. However, both risk and engineering have well established definitions as describedbelow. The Department of Defense (DOD) Risk Management guide iv in Section one defines riskas: “…a measure of future uncertainties in achieving program performance goals and objectiveswithin defined cost, schedule and performance constraints.” What are noteworthy of the DODdefinition are its core concepts of: “Measure of risk” as developed elsewhere, any statement on risk reflects the speaker’s knowledge of risk in general and in particular on this project, expressed in either a
of service as amotivating factor for students to choose engineering and how perspectives differ alongdisciplinary lines are examined. The ways in which students talk about these topics, includingthe examples they use to highlight their views, shows directly and indirectly what studentsbelieve the role of the engineer in society is and is reflective of the view of the profession thatthey have formed through their college experiences. This paper examines different perspectivesof engineering students.MethodsThe data for this study were obtained in 25 interviews conducted with engineering students at alarge public university. The interviews lasted 30-60 minutes and were non-incentivized.Students’ names were solicited from professors in Civil
and a utility sink. This allowed us to have both a “wet” and “dry” workspacefor the project. While funding and lab space/environment did not end up being significantchallenges for us, both should be taken into consideration by other institutions who wish toparticipate in the competition.While the lab space problem was easily solved for us, it did pose one significant challenge thatwe had to overcome. The ceiling height was not large enough to use the lights provided with theplatform. We initially attempted to use the overhead fluorescent lights in the room; however, wefound that the reflected light from these caused some difficulties in the image capturing that mustbe noted. The robotic fish platform includes an adaptive underlay algorithm
College created a pilot job shadow program for women in engineering. Job shadowing is aworkplace-based learning experience that introduces students to career areas and provides theopportunity to spend a day or two observing a professional in the field. The overarching goal ofthe project was to explore the effectiveness of job shadowing by undergraduate womenengineering students as a means of improving interest and persistence in engineering. Shadowparticipants created reflective interest statements, spent a day observing engineeringprofessionals, and reported on their experiences at a panel presentation for their engineeringclassmates. A mixed methods research plan was developed and implemented in order to assessthe impact of the job shadow
of traditional disciplinary structures withinuniversities in the context of broader social, technological and economic contexts, arguing for amode of knowledge production that is context-driven, problem-focused and interdisciplinary.3They argue that this newly emerging mode reflects the need to accomplish tasks at theboundaries and in the spaces between different communities.4 This new mode has brought abouta need for increased collaboration, integrative problem solving, and the development of newhybrid fields. The Association of American Colleges and Universities have argued thatuniversities need to change their practices to develop students as “...integrative thinkers who cansee connections in seemingly disparate information and draw on a
’ Page 23.326.8 and is expected to graduate in one year’s time. Research publications will result. 7Reflective PieceThe reflective piece was obtained from two graduate students that have transitioned from theclinic work and three international graduate students were collected. They are presented in“italics” below.Rowan graduate studentsGraduate student A“The jr./sr. engineering clinics at Rowan University prepared me for graduate school byproviding a comprehensive approach to learning. The clinics bridge the material presented in alecture to the application of the material, as well as, furthered my knowledge with thedevelopment of new techniques
officials included comments on the cost effectiveness ofideas, fulfilling needs and requirements and a general consensus that the quality of workexceeded expectations. Figure 7: Student presentation to city officials Page 23.335.9EvaluationThere were three forms of evaluation for the project: the faculty evaluation of the individualstudents work during the course of the semester, the community-partner evaluated the studentswork during the final presentations that the students made at the conclusion of the project and thestudents also self-evaluated their work through reflections that they completed in the final weekof
observations. This report represents the research team’s second phase of exploration of active learning strategies in an hybrid and online environment and using emerging technologies. Phase one piloted the initial design of strategies that were untested and untried. The piloting of these activities allowed the team to identify weaknesses in the available technology for collaboratively developing digital technical graphics as well as the instructional presentation and implementation strategies employed when using them. Introduction Active Learning is “The process of having students engage in some activity that forcesthem to reflect upon ideas and how they are using those
environmentsUndergraduate Students Ranged from 1 month - 1 Interviews 11 year abroadUndergraduate Students Ranged from 1 month - 1 Reflection Statements 36 year abroadThe MIT faculty interviewed represented all the schools at MIT (engineering, science,architecture, and humanities and social sciences) and various departments. In addition torepresenting several disciplines, the faculty were leaders of MIT international initiatives ineducation and for a program that provides international study abroad opportunities forundergraduate students. This program partners with corporations to provide students with global
several activities that appeal to all learning styles 11. The course was designed around an inquiry-based learning process that follows four basic steps: (i) concrete experience using a real-world example; Page 23.422.2 (ii) abstract conceptualization with “just-in-time” analytical theory; (iii) reflective obser- vation via a team assignment; and (iv) active experimentation in the laboratory. • At Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden, an experiment has been devised to engage graduate-level (MS) students in designing a power electronic flyback converter 12. The experiment is based on the
50-minute periods which is twice that for a lecture-based course, reflecting the studio nature of EDSGN 100.The first project is more structured and provides the students with an opportunity to learn andapply a design process while developing their teamwork, communication, and ethics skills. Thesecond project is industry-sponsored and more open-ended, and typically all teams in all sectionswork on the same project. Students apply stakeholder needs assessment, ideation, research,analysis, testing, concept selection, detailed design, prototyping, and reporting.In the Zero Energy Home (ZEH) project, students work in four person teams to design the homeof their dreams with the main constraint being that it must produce as much energy as it
processparticularly appropriate for this setting. First drafts of units used the EDP as a backdrop anddirected educators and kids to return to the EDP during reflection portions of each activity. Thispassive use of the EDP was not particularly effective. More recent versions of units employ theEDP in nearly all sections of a given activity, including the kick-off audio message from theDuo—a brother and sister pair who introduce each adventure. In the Hop to It unit, the video Page 23.464.6used to set the context for the problem presented in the unit also reinforces the engineering design process steps. Repetition of the EDP has proven to help underscore the
a formula sheet, calculator, and two hours to completethis comprehensive exam, which contains 35 questions that reflect both theoretical and practicalcourse topics, with an emphasis on the former. In addition to tightly controlling the final exambooklet and answer sheets, the ordering of final exam questions and answers are regularlychanged to help ensure exam integrity from semester to semester. Table 1 provides a sample ofsix questions taken from the exam: questions 1 and 2 reflect more practical- and hardware-oriented topics, while questions 3 through 6 reflect more theoretical-oriented topics. As one cansee from Table 1, question level and difficulty varies. For paper clarity, correct answers arehighlighted in gray