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Displaying results 2161 - 2190 of 34727 in total
Conference Session
Pedagogy in Chemical Engineering Education
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sidney Stone, The University of Toledo; Breanne Crockett; Kevin Xu, The University of Toledo; Matthew Liberatore, The University of Toledo
Paper ID #37546Animation Analytics in an Interactive Textbook for Materialand Energy BalancesSidney StoneBreanne CrockettKevin Xu Kevin S. Xu received the B.A.Sc. degree from the University of Waterloo in 2007 and the M.S.E. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Michigan in 2009 and 2012, respectively. He is a recipient of the NSF CAREER award, and his research has been supported by several NSF and NIH grants. He is currently an assistant professor in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at the University of Toledo where he leads the Interdisciplinary Data Engineering and Science (IDEAS
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering: Poster Session
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sheldon Jeter, Georgia Institute of Technology
.    Table of Nomenclature E, U, V, S and Extensive Energy, Internal Energy, Volume and Entropy in the CV and UFDS, VFDS, SFDS, GFDS  corresponding properties and Gibbs property in the Frozen DS, the FDS e, u, h, s, and Specific Properties in the CV or at the CS and in the FDS (the FDS uFDS, hFDS, sFDS properties are indicated by subscript-0) eK and eP ; and EK and EP Kinetic and Potential Energies per mass and the extensive cases ESYS Extensive System Exergy, see Equation Error! Reference source not found
Conference Session
Studies of Student Teams and Student Interactions
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Darryl A. Dickerson, Florida International University; Stephanie Masta, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Matthew W. Ohland, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Alice L. Pawley, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
one sability to contribute to the level of their talent is an ethical and professional responsibility to thefield.This paper shares some early results from our broader NSF-funded project, titled Identif ingMarginalization and Allying Tendencies to Transform Engineering Relationships, or I-MATTER. The project s research questions are: 1. What does marginalization look like within engineering classrooms where teamwork is a primary feature? 2. How is marginalization legible (or not) to instructors at the classroom level? 3. What are the different ways that instructors respond to incidents of peer-to-peer marginalization? 4. How might the lessons of this work be implemented to systematically alert instructors when
Conference Session
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM) Best Paper Finalists
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Andrew Forney, Loyola Marymount University; Sunai Kim, Loyola Marymount University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
formulatedinterventions to aid these populations (e.g., [5]–[7]), few have adequately questioned the metric ofsuccess itself: retention. To be specific, “retention” tracks only the percentage of students whobegin their undergraduate career in a chosen major and successfully matriculate, which may be toocoarse of a measure for several reasons: 1. It counts students who switch out of a STEM major and flourish within a new major as failures (cell “L+” in Figure 1). 2. It counts students who remain within their originally declared STEM major but flounder academically, dislike the material, or do not envision themselves pursuing a career in the field after graduation as successes (cell “S-” in Figure 1). 3. It ignores students who transfer into a
Conference Session
Student Advancement in Mechanics of Materials
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Xiaobin Le P.E., Wentworth Institute of Technology; Masoud Olia P.E., Wentworth Institute of Technology; Ali Moazed, Wentworth Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
engineering program is that students canconduct mechanical system designs including mechanical component design. To design beam-like components such as beams and shafts, we must analyze the loading conditions on thecomponents, that is, the Shear force and Bending moment diagrams (the S/B diagrams). So, theability to draw the S/B diagrams on beam-like components is an important skill for mechanicalengineering students. In our mechanical engineering program, the S/B diagrams of a beam wereintroduced during Engineering Statics by using the method of sections in the first semester oftheir sophomore year. In the second semester of their sophomore year in the course Mechanicsof Materials, the S/B diagrams were discussed again by using both the method of
Conference Session
Biomedical Engineering Division: Supporting and Evaluating Student Learning in BioE/BME Courses
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Vibhavari Vempala, University of Michigan; Aileen Huang-Saad, Northeastern University
' understanding of career opportunities inBME, we developed a series of 1-credit (4-week) BME-In-Practice Modules that exposedbiomedical learners to biomedical engineering practice. Each 1-credit module in the series wasdesigned to run for four weeks and focused on different areas in BME such as Tissueengineering, Computational Modeling, Medical Device Development, Drug Development,Regulations, and Neural Engineering. Learners' enrolled in one or multiple modules and engagedin experiential learning for 4-weeks to gain knowledge and skills relevant to the BME area offocus in the module(s). Following the conclusion of the BME-In-Practice series, we collectedsurvey data from learners who participated in the modules to address the following researchquestions
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anna-Lena Dicke, University of California, Irvine; Kameryn Denaro; Analia E. Rao; David A. Copp, University of California, Irvine; Hye Rin Lee, University of Delaware; Gregory Diggs-Yang, University of California, Irvine; Lorenzo Valdevit
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
Scholarship ProgramIntroductionThere is a lack of low-income community college students who successfully transfer to four-year-institutions, graduate with an engineering baccalaureate degree, and enter the STEMworkforce/graduate school [1,2,3]. To remedy this situation, the current project, funded throughan NSF S-STEM grant, developed the “UC Irvine Pathways to Engineering Collaborative” tohelp low-income students from diverse backgrounds to successfully transfer to and persist in theengineering program of a four-year university. The designed program targets the population ofstudents who have the ambition to pursue engineering degrees, but often lack the resources orexposure to engineering opportunities. The aim of the project is to a) increase the
Conference Session
Panel 1: New Opportunities – Creating Corporate/University Partnerships
2017 ERC
Keith Marmer
New Opportunities - CreatingCorporate/University PartnershipsKnow What You Have to Offer• What is the stage of development of the research• What products or services does the research relate to• Do you understand the industry(s) this product or service will fit into• What is the cost of commercialization; by phase of development• What is the current state of the market• Will your invention create incremental or disruptive change• Is there strategic value for industry to your researchKnow What You Want• Are you trying to fund basic science, translational science or something else• Are you trying to create a product or service• Do you ultimately intend to license the technology• Do you ultimately intend to launch a start-upWhat Unique
2015 Public Policy Colloquium
Joseph Helble
-TomCole(R-OK)Agriculture-RobertAderholt(R-AL)HomelandSecurity-JohnCarter(R-TX) Sequestra(on•  Itcouldhappenagain.•  GOPfiscalhawksfavoritasaformofdiscipline.•  Defensehawks,Democratswanttoendit,butdisagreeonincreasingdomes(cspending. Legisla(on inthe114thCongressInprocessnow:•  Immigra(on•  ElementaryandSecondaryEduca(onAct•  HigherEduca(onAct•  Cybersecurity•  Manufacturing•  PrecisionMedicineUnderdiscussion:•  COMPETESReauthoriza(on? Immigra(on•  S.98-STEMJobsActof2015.Sponsor:David Vifer(R-La.)–Providesupto55,000visasa yeartoimmigrantswhohaveorarenear comple(onofaSTEMdoctoratefromaU.S. university.•  S.153-Immigra(onInnova(on(I-Squared)Act of2015.Sponsor:OrrinHatch(R-Utah
2021 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Meeting
Ashley Lytle, Stevens Institute of Technology; Alexander John De Rosa, Stevens Institute of Technology (School of Engineering and Science); Frank T Fisher, Stevens Institute of Technology (School of Engineering and Science)
Tagged Topics
students in pursuing their undergraduate studies.AcknowledgementsPartial support for this work was provided by the National Science Foundation Scholarships inScience, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S STEM) program under Award No.2130428. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.ReferencesApriceno, M., Levy, S. R., & London, B. (2020). Mentorship during college transition predicts academic self-efficacy and sense of belonging among STEM students. Journal of College Student Development, 61(5), 643-648.ès, C., & Martinot, D. (2011
1997 Annual Conference
Sub Ramakrishnan; Mohammad B. Dadfar
: System View of the Project3. Implementation Issues and ExtensionsAs shown in Figure 1, there are four programs, X1, X2, Y1, and Y2 that work together but arelaunched separately to create the illusion required in the assignment. The students quicklyrealize that one needs multiple clients and servers. Program X2 has two subprograms, a BSDserver component (X2bsd-s) and a TCP/IP client component (X2tcp-c). Similarly, program Y1has two subprograms, a TCP/IP server part (Y1tcp-s) and a BSD client (Y1bsd-c). Module X1 isa BSD stack client for BSD stack server X2bsd-s while module Y2 is a BSD stack server forBSD stack client Y1bsd-c. Further, X2tcp-c is a client of the TCP stack server Y1tcp-s. Themodules are launched from right to left. Server Y2 is
Conference Session
Issues in Digital Signal Processing
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Murat Tanyel, Geneva College
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
where he helped set up an innovative introductory engineering curriculum. Dr. Tanyel received his B. S. degree in electrical engineering from Bogaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey in 1981, his M. S. degree in electrical engineering from Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA in 1985 and his Ph. D. in biomedical engineering from Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA in 1990. Page 11.1434.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2006 Communication Systems Toolkit As a Tool for InnovationAbstractIn previous publications, we have discussed the preparation1, the utilization2 and theeffectiveness3 of a
Conference Session
Explorations in Mechanics Pedagogy
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Devlin Montfort, Oregon State University; Shane A. Brown P.E., Oregon State University; Charles E. Riley, Oregon Institute of Technology; Luciana R. Barroso, Texas A&M University; David G. Pollock P.E., George Fox University; Jennifer Light, Lewis & Clark College; Adam Lenz, Oregon State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
ignored the significantdifferences-in-kind between researchers’ and instructors’ knowledge. Upon reflection it is asmall leap from the constructivism we hope to apply in our classrooms to a more collaborativemodel of curricular innovation and adoption.References1. Brown, S. A. & Montfort, D. B. Curricular Materials and Methods for Student Conceptual Understanding in Mechanics of Materials. in Annu. Conf. Am. Soc. Eng. Educ. (2013). Page 26.1085.62. Brown, S. A., Findley, K. & Montfort, D. B. Student Understanding of States of Stress in Mechanics of Materials. in Proc. Am. Soc. Eng. Educ. Annu. Conf. (2007). at 3
Conference Session
K-12 and Pre-College Engineering Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joyce Allen, National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
Properties of Mitten Challenge Nanotechnology: AWorkshop Pre-survey Properties PowerPoint the Gecko Foot discussion of EthicsNanotechnology Fact or NanoDays Balloon ScSh8, SPS8, SP1 How Can We See what We S(6,7,8)CS1, S7L4, SB4Fiction Smelling Activity cannot SeeS(6,7,8)CS7 S8P1, S7L2 ScSh4,S(6,7,8)SCS4,Intro to Nano and the Big NanoSense UV Lab Big Ideas at a Very Small S(6,7,8)CS5, S(6,7,8)CS9 Aerogel and ConsumerIdeas PowerPoint Sunblock Scale
Conference Session
ABET Issues and Capstone Design
2005 Annual Conference
Cathy Qian; Ruben Rojas-Oviedo; Zhengtao Deng
accreditationcriteria 3(a-k) requirements, the Mechanical Engineering (ME) program at Alabama A&MUniversity (AAMU) was designed to meet additional requirements by the American Society ofMechanical Engineers, such as (l) an ability to apply advanced mathematics throughmultivariable calculus, and differential equations; (m) a familiarity with statics, linear algebraand reliability; (n) an ability to work professionally in both thermal and mechanical systemsareas including the design and analysis of such systems; (o) a knowledge of contemporaryanalytical, computational, and experimental practices; (p) a competence in experimental design,data collection, and data analysis; (q) a competence in the use of computational tools; (r) aknowledge of chemistry; and (s
2001 Annual Conference
George Karady; Khaled Nigim
) Etest E( n ) := Kmot⋅ 2⋅ π⋅ n⋅ E( n) = 5.312V Kmot := V⋅ s Rf ωtest⋅ If_test Kmot = A Vm1( n ) − E( n
1997 Annual Conference
James C. Wood
. Problem based learning must employ industrial examples. Introductory modules must support broad-based advanced ET majors. In te g r a te d C u r r ic u lu m M o d e l F a ll S p r in g Sum m er F a ll S p r in g Requirements of accreditation agencies In t e g r In t e g r In t e g r E T C o re E T C o re E T C o re must be met
15th Annual First-Year Engineering Experience Conference (FYEE)
Cory Budischak, Temple University; Shawn Fagan, Temple University
and design thinking, he also co-founded the STEPS program (funded through NSF S-STEM) to support low-income, high-achieving engineering students. Budischak holds a Doctorate in Electrical Engineering and enjoys outdoor activities with his family.Dr. Shawn Fagan, Temple University Dr. Shawn Fagan is the Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Studies in the College of Engineering at Temple University. He received his Doctor of Education in Higher Education Administration from Temple University. 15th Annual First-Year Engineering Experience Conference (FYEE): Boston, Massachusetts Jul 28 WIP: How the STEPS Program Enhances the First-Year Experience for Engineering StudentsIntroductionThe
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Allen Fort Gwinn Jr., Lipscomb University; Justin A. Myrick Sr., Lipscomb University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
at Lipscomb University in Nashville, TN. Prior to Lipscomb, Dr. Myrick was the Director of the Health Systems Research Center in the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technol- ogy. He also was a former faculty member at the University of Central Florida and a project engineer at Sikorsky Aircraft in Stratford, CT. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Enhancing Engineering Talent in Tennessee NSF S-STEM Grant 1458735AbstractA summary of work in progress regarding the Enhancing Engineering Talent in Tennessee, NationalScience Foundation S-STEM Grant #1458735 sponsored by the Directorate for
Conference Session
Learning about Electric Energy Conversion
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Timothy Skvarenina, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
the smallest size drive, rated at230 volts and 1 hp. The current price for these drives is $235,which meant we could buy drives for all eight workstations forless than the price of a single “name brand” drive. The drives arepulse-width-modulated, IGBT drives and are fully-featuredincluding simple volts/hz control, sensorless vector control withautotune, and adjustable acceleration/deceleration ramps withlinear and S-curves, among others. The drive has an RS485 portfor communications that can be configured for ethernetcommunication with an optional interface. The drive is relativelycompact, measuring less than 5" wide, 7" tall, and 6.5" deep.The drive can be configured using the human interface module(HIM), which is mounted at the top, right
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Major Choice
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Michelle E. Jarvie-Eggart, Michigan Technological University; Amanda Marie Singer, Michigan Technological University; Jason Mathews, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
child plays with, what books their child reads, and where their childgoes to school. As a result, a student’s exposure and perception of different career disciplinesand professional roles is highly influenced by the introductory actions of parents.Parents themselves can serve as role models for engineering if they themselves are engineers [4].Studies have found that children are often more literate in the professions of their parents and asa result occupational inheritance may occur. This phenomenon has been found to occur infamilies in which a parent, sibling, or other relative(s) are engineers as well as in families withmedical professionals and lawyers. [15]Parents also provide support for their children when selecting majors [4]. In fact
Conference Session
Programming for Engineering Students
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Lusth, University of Arkansas
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
 ✂✁☎✄✆✄✞✝✠✟☛✡✌☞✍✄✏✎ ✑✒✡✌✓✕✔✖✝✗✄✘✡✚✙✂✡✛✁ ✜✣✢✤✁✥✎✒✢✧✦✩★ ★ ✪☞ ✄✫✎ ✜✣✢✤✁✭✬✮✝✠✟☛✡✚✙✰✯ ✱ ✓✕✔✆☞✲✁✴✳✶✵✷✦✸✙✛✝✗✔ ✜✹✢✺✁✸✬✤✝✠✟☛✡✚✙✼✻✽✁☎✢✿✾❀✦❁✡❂✦ ✑✒✌✡ ✢❃✓✞✟☛✡✌✓✆✢✺✝❄✙ ❇❅ ❆✌❈❊❉❂❋●❅●❍■❉ ❏✼❑✪▲◆▼❖▼✒▲◆◗❑❘▲◆▼❖❙❯❚❲❱❨❳❩❊❬✭▲✽❭✗❪❫❬❵❴❜❛❯❝❘❊❬❵❪✘❳❞◗❬❵❡❜❝✫❝❢❱✽❣❫❚❞❤❥✐❇▲◆▼❖❙❯❴❜❬❵❝✪❣☎❦❧❑✪❳❩❝❘❜❑❘❝✫❑✪▲◆❴❯❣♠❪❫❝❘❪✘❳❞❪ ❱♥❚❲❱✽❑♣♦❥▲❨❭q❑✪▲◆❯❯❝✪❑✪❬❵❳❞▲◆srt❝✍❬✈✉❇❝✪❝❘①✇◆❳③②◆❝✪④❙❯❣❫▲◆✇◆❣❵❱❨▼✒▼❖❳❩❯✇✕❙❯❣♠▲⑥⑤❫❝✪❑✪❬♠❪⑦❱✽❜❛s❬♠❡❯❝✖▲◆❴❜❬❵❪❫❳❩❛❯❝✏✉☛▲◆❣♠❚❞❛✤⑧④⑨❁❭⑩❬♠❝❘✤❶❬❵❡❜❳❩❪❷❑❘❱✽❯❯▲✽❬☎r❸❝✏❡❯❝✪❚❩❙❸❝❘❛❹❪♠❳❞❯❑❘❝✏❪❺❬❵❴❯❛❯❝✪❊❬❵❪✒❱❨❬✘❬❵❡❻❱⑥❬✘❚❩❝✍②◆❝❘❚✠❛❜▲✷❯▲✽❬✘❤◆❝✍❬❖❡❻❱❢②◆❝✞❱✷❛❯❝❘❝✪❙s❝✪❯▲◆❴❯✇✽❡❼❴❯❜❛❯❝❘❣❾❽ ❪❫❬❵❱✽❯❛❯❳❞❯✇❖▲◆❣✠✉❿❳❩❛❯❝✭❝❘❯▲✽❴❯✇◆❡✕❝✲➀❧❙t❝✪❣♠❳❩❝✪❯❑❘❝✸❬❵▲✒r❯❴❯❳❞❚❩❛✖❪♠▲◆❙❜❡❯❳❩❪❺❬❵❳❩❑❘❱❨❬❵❝✪❛✆❪❺❤➁❪❫❬❵❝✪▼✒❪✪⑧✠➂✠❡➃❴❯❪❘❶❸❳❩❯❪❺❬❵❣❫❴❯❑✪❬♠▲◆❣♠❪✗▲✽❭⑩❬❵❝✪ ❑❘▲✽❯❑❘❝✪➃❬♠❣❵❱❨❬♠❝❷▲◆✆❑❘❣♠❳③❬❵❳❞❑❢❱✽❚✺❳③❬❵❝❘▼❖❪✗❑❘▲◆▼❖▼✒▲✽✞❬♠▲⑦▼✒❱✽❊❤✕❱❨❙❯❙❯❚❩❳❞❑❢❱❨❬♠❳❩▲◆❜❪❘❶❻❚❩❝❘❱❢②❧❳❞❯✇✒❱✽❪♠❪❫❳❩✇◆❯▼❖❝❘❊❬♠❪✰❬❵❡❯❱❨❬❁❪❫❝❘❝❘▼ ❪♠▲✽▼✒❝✍✉❿❡❻❱❨❬✫❛❜❳❩❪♠❑✪▲◆❯❯❝✪❑✪❬♠❝❘❛✤⑧➅➄✰❜❭➆▲✽❣❫❬❵❴❜❻❱❨❬❵❝✪❚❞❤✽❶❇❬❵❡❯❝✞②◆❝✪❣❫❤❼❚❲❱✽❑♣♦➇▲✽❭❁❴❯❯❛❯❝✪❣♠❪❫❬❵❱✽❯❛❯❳❞❯✇❥r❊❤s❪❫❬♠❴❯❛❯❝❘❊❬♠❪⑦❬❵❡❻❱⑥❬ ❙❯❣❫▲◆▼✒❙❧❬❵❝❘❛✖❪❫❴❯❑♣❡✕❱❨r
1998 Annual Conference
Bahman Motlagh; Alireza Rahrooh
rather long learning time. In order to reduce this time, a linearneuron is used in the outer layer and sigmoid neurons are used in hidden layers, respectively. Figure1 shows such a network (S is sigmoid neuron, and L is linear neuron). The required learning time isconsiderably reduced by accelerating the convergence rate and reducing the initial value of the norm Page 3.422.1of the error vector. To further improve the performance of the network the momentum algorithm is 12used in the network structure . This will smoothen the behavior of the network and will prepare itto tackle the effects of error bursting
Conference Session
Circuits & Systems Education II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel Raviv, Florida Atlantic University; Paul Benedict Caballo Reyes, Florida Atlantic University; George Roskovich, Florida Atlantic University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
controllers, and successfullypass the class. The observations made on this paper are based on our multiple years ofexperience in teaching the topics as well as several informal discussions with professors in otheruniversities. It appears that some students miss the basic understanding that a controller (whetheranalog or digital) represents a transfer function (in the S-Domain or the Z-Domain) or adifferential/difference equation so that, together with the dynamics of the plant and the rest of thesystem, it allows for desired closed loop behavior.This problem can be partially alleviated during laboratory experiments when students notice thata controller’s transfer function in the S-Domain can be practically implemented using hardware,which includes op
Conference Session
Issues of Diversity
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Fonda Swimmer, Northern Arizona University; Karen Jarratt-Ziemski, Ft. Lewis College
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
relevance of this for female recruitment and retention towards STEM disciplines will also bediscussed. In addition, practical information regarding the scoping, development, trial and error,and full implementation will be discussed.In addition, this paper will address possibilities for the future of recruitment and retention offemale engineering and science students at Northern Arizona University and the sustainability ofthe existing program.IntroductionDespite two decades of advancement of women in the areas of science, technology, engineeringand math (STEM), women are still sorely underrepresented both in academia and in industrywhen compared to their male counterparts. Women in science and engineering (S & E) haveexperienced some gains in
2015 Public Policy Colloquium
Matt Hourihan, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
&D in the FY16 Budget percent change from FY15, constant dollars NIST NOAA Transportation DOE Energy Programs Agriculture US Geological Survey DOD Other Environ Protection Agency Veterans Affairs National Science Foundation DOE Science National Institutes of Health NASA DOE Defense DOD S&T Homeland Security
Conference Session
Commercialization and IP
2016 EDI
Amit Shah, Artiman
Conference Session
NSF Grantees: Diversity 3
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Susan M. Lord, University of San Diego; Catherine Mobley, Clemson University; Catherine E. Brawner, Research Triangle Educational Consultants; Joyce B. Main, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
evaluation work includes evaluating teamwork models, broadening participation initiatives, and S-STEM and LSAMP programs.Dr. Joyce B. Main, Purdue University-Main Campus, West Lafayette (College of Engineering) Joyce B. Main is Associate Professor of Engineering Education at Purdue University. She holds a Ph.D. in Learning, Teaching, and Social Policy from Cornell University, and an Ed.M. in Administration, Planning, and Social Policy from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Military Veteran Students’ Pathways in Engineering Education (Year 6)AbstractThis National Science Foundation (NSF) Research in Engineering Education (REE)-fundedproject
Conference Session
New Ideas for the ChemE Core
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Fabiana Manzo, University of Houston (CoE); Vassilios Tzouanas, University of Houston, Downtown; Enrique Barbieri, University of North Texas
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
manner. These empirical modelswere first order or second order plus time delay models. An example model which relates thereflux to the benzene benzene composition of the distillate product of the first column is given below, belowalong with its equivalent using Pade approximation: approxim e −36s (ss − 0.0556) GR11D1 (s) = 0.1291 1291 10 −4 = −1.559x10 828s +1 208x10 −3 )(s
Conference Session
Computers in Education Poster Session
2004 Annual Conference
Paul Coyne
to the Work Folder under theMATLAB™ directory. Open the file called DirectForm_I. In this window, under theSimulation Menu, choose start to run the simulation. Double click the scope to reveal y(t),shown in the plot below. After having successfully replicated the simulation scope display; youshould make a prediction of y(t), by hand, using Laplace Transform techniques. First computethe system transfer function, H(s), directly from the original differential equation, dividing “Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Page 9.98.2