driveinnovation and progress in manufacturing practices worldwide.AcknowledgementsThank you to the assistance of all the members of the SME MEAC, the ASEEManufacturing Division, ASEE Annual Conference Four Pillars Workshop attendees,ATMAE Conference Four Pillars Workshop attendees, NAMRI SME Board of Directorsand NAMR - SME Conference attendees for their assistance reviewing and providedvaluable inputs.References[1] Jack, H., Mott., R, Raju, V., Conkol, G., Stratton, M., Waldrop, P., Wosczyna-Birch,K., Bates, S. (June 2011) “Curricula 2015; A Four Year Strategic Plan for ManufacturingEducation”, Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME). Accessed from[2] Mott, R. L., & Jack, H. (2011, June), What is Curricula 2015? Paper presented
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balanced strategy for success. While it may be evident to develop short-termtechnological solutions, it is equally crucial to incorporate long-term structural and functional solutions intothe planning process. This holistic approach ensures a more robust and sustainable outcome for the project[2].Based on Gibson et al.'s analysis of data from Anderson Consulting (1993) [1], the goal developmentrepresents a small part of the total lifetime cost of a system (less than 1% in a typical software system), yet"it results in a critical commitment of recourses." When the first 8% of the project budget is spent, 80% ofthe cost of the project/system is determined.Competitiveness in professional practice requires engineers to participate in and accomplish
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depend on the flow type. The current problem is transient, incompressible, laminar, and isothermal flow whose physics is governed by Eq. (1) and (2). Also the fluid properties (density and viscosity), initial conditions (the initial velocity field of a fluid domain), and boundary conditions need to be prescribed. The boundary conditions used for the current problem are given in Fig. 4. The velocity of 2.8 × 10−4 m/s at the inlet and zero velocity at the cylinder surface were assigned. The slip condition was used at the top and bottom of the domain and zero stress was assigned to the outflow. Figure 4: Boundary conditions• Step 4. Discretize the governing equations to obtain solutions. In FEM, the governing
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investigatethe intersectionality of neurodiverse students with gender and first-generation status. Researcherscould also evaluate how women and men’s perceived importance of technical and non-technicalskills differ by major.References[1] J. Redford, and K.M. Hoyer, “First generation and continuing-generation college students: Acomparison of high school and postsecondary experiences, “National Center for EducationStatistics, U. S. Department of Education, U. S. Government Printing Office (NCES 2018–009),September 2017. Available:[2] J. King Jr., L. Mahaffie, J.T. Minor and L. Byrd-Johnson, “Fast facts report for the studentsupport services program”, U.S. Department of Education, Jan. 2016. [Online]. Available:http
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faculty, students,and university services.AcknowledgmentThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grantnumber 2028005 within the SSTEM program. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Science Foundation.ReferencesAljohani, O. (2016). A Comprehensive Review of the Major Studies and Theoretical Models ofStudent Retention in Higher Education. Higher Education Studies, 6(2). Canadian Center ofScience and Education.Bean, J., & Metzner, B. (1985). A Conceptual Model of Non-traditional Undergraduate StudentAttrition. Review of educational research, 55(4), 485-540.
Evolutionary Biology. My expertise is in teaching and learning in STEM, peer education, international programs, assessment, and building networks and collaborations.Dr. Lisa Schneider-Bentley, Cornell University Lisa Schneider-Bentley has been the Director of Engineering Learning Initiatives in Cornell Univer- sityˆ C™s College of Engineering since 2002. Learning Initiativesˆ C™ programs enhance the educa- a a tional environment of the College by facilitating opportunitie ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 WIP: Peer led collaborative courses develop a sense of belonging and community for undergraduate
discussions that followed the presentations ofpapers, I drew on notes that I took or, for the sessions I was not able to attend, obtained from themoderator or organizer (or both). Using this method, I created discussion notes for all technicalsessions. Each set of notes begins with a brief synopsis of the general theme(s) of that session.Most of the content of the notes is questions posed by the papers and discussion that might be thesubject of further research in the broad range of areas addressed within LEES scholarship. Notesfor all 13 sessions appear as appendices to this paper. Figure 1 below provides illustrativeexcerpts from the discussion notes for session U434B: Diversity and Inclusion: Concepts, MentalModels, and Interventions. U434B
existingschema to better fit incoming stimuli. The accommodation process represents a change in aperson’s thinking. S/he adjusts to new experiences or objects by revising an earlier method ofinformation processing. In other words, when there is a discrepancy between what a person expectsand what happens (a discrepancy between expectations and experiences), there is a temporarydisequilibration, followed by the process of accommodation. Engineers as problem solvers mustexpect to be disrupted or disequilibrated on a regular basis. They must be able to continually absorbthe new stimuli posed by the problems to be solved by recreating and adjusting their existingschema. We believe that engineering education therefore must include training that
developed by Cabrera and Cabrera [39] because their framework helpsdevelop a mental model needed to practice systems thinking [36]. Further, their framework haspreviously been used in educational contexts and is universally applicable to individuals withvarying disciplinary backgrounds [36]. Cabrera and Cabrera [39] defined systems thinking as afour-part cognitive skill consisting of tenets like making distinctions (D), organizing the system(S) into parts and wholes, recognizing relationships (R) between parts and wholes of the system,and taking multiple perspectives (P). Taken together, this four-part skill helps develop a holisticapproach to designing a solution to a problem.In the context of threat modeling, the systems thinking approach
-group interaction-process quality during the murder mystery. Theexperiment ended with informing the participants about the experiment`s background andanswering their questions.3.2. Measures3.2.1. DemographicsThe demographic survey consisted of 17 items to assess the participants’ age, gender, enrolleddegree program, semesters spent in higher education, the degree of familiarity in each small-group, the participants’ personality traits, and the device used during the experiment. Thedemographic variables were used (a) to describe the sample in detail and (b) to ensure theinternal validity [24] of the experimental approach by capturing possible systematic participantrelated differences between the sub-samples of the three experimental conditions
, and D. S. Thomas, “An roi comparison of initiatives designed to attract diverse students to technology careers,” Journal of Information Systems Education, vol. 27, no. 2, p. 105, 2016. [8] M. K. Ponton, J. H. Edmister, L. S. Ukeiley, and J. M. Seiner, “Understanding the role of self-efficacy in engineering education,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 90, no. 2, p. 247, 04 2001, copyright - Copyright American Society for Engineering Education Apr 2001; Last updated - 2023-02-15; CODEN - JEEDEQ. [Online]. Available: understanding-role-self-efficacy-engineering/docview/217958437/se-2 [9] C. Pannier, C. Berry, M. Morris, and X
. Someinstitutions (20%) have design courses throughout the curriculum in addition to the capstonedesign sequence, but more programs (40%) have design projects within non-design coursesthroughout the curriculum. The course or courses in the capstone design sequence are primarilyoffered only once a year (78%) with a slight edge to the spring semester/winter quarter (80%)over the fall semester/quarter (72%). Most institutions (78%) include instruction in software orprogramming as part of the course(s). The culminating design project is most often a theoreticaldesign (68%) as opposed to one based on experiments (3%) or resulting in a prototype (7%), andmost institutions do not use the AIChE Design Competition problems (70%). Professional skillsare mainly
Mississippi State University. As a 2015 recipient of the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program, Hall obtained her Ph.D. in Engineering Education from Virginia Tech.Hannah Glisson American c Society for Engineering Education, 2022In this session we will think about the latter stages of a transfer student’s journey. Much research has focused on pre‐transfer and the first semester post‐transfer, but in this session we will think about students’ experiences beyond that initial semester. We will be drawing on a set of interviews with transfer students who participated in an NSF‐funded S‐STEM program.The project is a collaboration between Virginia Tech
Ethics,, accessed 16 January 2023.[2] E.A. Cech, "Culture of disengagement in engineering education?" Sci., Tech. Human Values, vol. 39[1], pp. 42-72, 2014.[3] S. Niles, S. Contreras, S. Roudbari, J. Kaminsky, and J.L. Harrison, “Resisting and assisting engagement with public welfare in engineering education,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 109, pp. 491–507, 2020.[4] K. Litchfield and A. Javernick-Will, "'‘I am an engineer AND': A mixed methods study of socially engaged engineers," J. Eng. Educ., vol. 104, pp. 393-416, 2015.[5] D.S. Schiff, E. Logevall, J. Borenstein, W. Newstetter, C. Potts, and E. Zegura, "Linking personal and professional social responsibility development to
suitable measuring procedure given available devices and fixtures; they thenproceed with measurement basic GD&T features on provided samples (Figs. 2a-e). Each group isfree to choose combination of contact-type metrology device, tool, and fixture for their group.During this stage, the TA only helps to clarify the part requirement and usage of metrologydevice without showing the solutions. After 30-45 minutes, each team takes turn presenting to their classmates how they set upand measure a feature, showing the measured data, and concluding if the part is accepted orrejected. The TA then comments on the approach, selection of tooling and fixture, and maysuggests alternative ways to constrain datum(s). Common mistakes are observed when
; Beddoes, K. (2013). Team effectiveness theory from industrialand organizational psychology applied to engineering student project teams: A research review. Journalof Engineering Education, 102(4), 472-512.Cardador, M. T., & Caza, B. B. (2018). The subtle stressors making women want to leave engineering.Harvard Business Review:, S. (2021). Hiring and intra-occupational gender segregation in software engineering. AmericanSociological Review, 86(1), 60-92.Crenshaw, K. (1989). Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique ofAntidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory, and Antiracist Politics. University of
some cases, a single essay is all the evidence an institution canaccess to plan DEI interventions and improve academic programming. Our recommendation foraddressing the STEM pipeline leak is to create a system to track students that fall out of formalSTEM pipelines. The system can assist the student to return to the pipeline if the student desires.The system will support the student to secure employment in the engineering discipline.References[1] L. L. Crumpton-Young, S. Etemadi, G. E. Little, and T. D. Carter, “Supportive practices used with underrepre- sented minority graduate students,” in 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, no. 10.18260/p.25979. New Orleans, Louisiana: ASEE Conferences, June 2016,