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Conference Session
Labs and Experiential Learning
2021 Illinois-Indiana Regional Conference
Abdussalam Alawini, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Peilin Rao, UIUC; Leyao Zhou, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Lujia Kang; PING-CHE HO, PureStorage
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Labs and experiential learning
a relation (table) in the relational database. Figure 3: The Neo4J (graph) version of the university database presented in Section 2.1Figure 4 shows the Cypher query for Q1 and Q2 . The Cypher version of Q1 (Figure 4(a)) issimilar to Q1 ’s SQL version. We first find the Student nodes and use the WHERE clause toselect students with the name ‘James Smith’. Then, we RETURN (output) the Major property ofthe student. Figure 4(b) shows the Cypher query equivalent to Q2 and demonstrates Neo4J’spower in querying interconnected data. The graph pattern matching clause shown in the MATCHfinds all Students measuring ECE and taking a class (represented by the relationship Has). TheRETURN clause group the result by course name and COUNT student
Conference Session
Labs and Experiential Learning
2021 Illinois-Indiana Regional Conference
David Olawale, R.B. Annis School of Engineering, University of Indianapolis; Payton Ashby Staman, University of Indianapolis; James T Emery II, University of Indianapolis
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Labs and experiential learning
add to US small businesses, particularlyduring product development and prototyping. The use of university students, professors and technicalstaff can help US small businesses to significantly lower the cost of product development which can helpthem to be competitive against their global counterparts. It will also enable them to access world classfacilities and personnel to develop innovative and competitive products in term s of quality and price. Onthe other hand, universities will benefit from such collaborations by providing their students with real lifeindustry-based projects that will enhance their graduates’ professional and technical skills. Theirgraduates will stand out and be competitive in the market place. Such industry-academia
Conference Session
Labs and Experiential Learning
2021 Illinois-Indiana Regional Conference
Rustin Webster, Purdue University, New Albany
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Labs and experiential learning
,and no method was viewed as a one size fits all solution. For example, completely eliminating alab(s) would increase free time; however, learning would most likely decrease. Filming the labswould require a significant amount of effort from the instructor and/or staff and there was noevidence that learning would increase. Finally, identifying available online multimedia proved tobe difficult for many of the remaining course topics, time-consuming, and costly for mass access;however, some forms of online multimedia promoted remote, individualized, and self-pacedlearning. This paper discusses the challenge of creating an ad hoc individual remote lab experience toenforce and expand upon additive manufacturing knowledge gained from assigned
Conference Session
Labs and Experiential Learning
2021 Illinois-Indiana Regional Conference
Gurcan Comert; Zulfikar Berk, University of South Carolina; Robert Petrulis; Balaji Iyangar; Esmail M Abuhdima, Benedict college; Negash Begashaw, Benedict College
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Diversity, Labs and experiential learning
Oceanography with Comics. In AGU Fall Meeting 2020. AGU.Chin, S. M. (2020). An REU Experience Around the Globe. Matter, 3(5), 1387-1388.Comert, G., & Pierce, C. E., & Berk, Z., & Huynh, N. N., & Petrulis, R., & Uddin, M. (2020, June), Delivering Contextual Knowledge and Critical Skills of Disruptive Technologies through Problem- based Learning in a Research Experiences for Undergraduates Setting Paper presented at 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, Virtual On line . 10.18260/1-2—34377Dalbotten, D., Watts, N., Geraghty Ward, E., & Berthelote, A. (2020). The REU on Sustainable Land and Water Resources 2020: a (Virtual) Tribal and Community-Based Participatory Research Experience.Pierce, C
Conference Session
Labs and Experiential Learning
2021 Illinois-Indiana Regional Conference
Benjamin D McPheron, Anderson University; Kenneth Michael Parson, Thor Motor Coach
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Labs and experiential learning
, 2001.[4] B. Sukumaran, J. Chen, Y. Mehta, D. Mirchandani, K. Hollar, “A sustained effort for education students about sustainable development,” Proceedings of the 2004 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2004.[5] S. Badjou, “Implementation of an integrated project-based approach within an established and EAC-of- ABET accredited interdisciplinary electromechanical/biomedical engineering program,” Proceedings of the 2011 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2011.[6] J. Pan, A. Liddicoat, J. Harris, D. Dalbello, “A project-based electronics manufacturing laboratory course for lower division engineering students,” Proceedings of the 2008 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2008
Conference Session
Labs and Experiential Learning
2021 Illinois-Indiana Regional Conference
Benjamin D McPheron, Anderson University; Kenneth M Parson, Thor Motor Coach; Matthew Stein, Roger Williams University
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Labs and experiential learning
. Stein, “Combatting ad hoc fabrication in a senior level mechatronics course,” 2016 ASEE Northeast Section Annual Conference, 2016.[3] J.G. Cherng, B. Q. Li and N. Natarajan, “Development of a senior mechatronics course for mechanical engineering student,” Proceedings of the 2013 ASEE Annual Conference, 2013.[4] S. Shooter and M. McNeil, “Interdisciplinary collaborative learning in mechatronics at Bucknell University,” Journal of Engineering Education, July 2002.[5] O. Harrison and R. Edwards, “Enhancing engineering problem solving skills in a mechatronics course,” Proceedings of the 2013 ASEE Annual Conference, 2013.[6] M. Lobaugh and R. Edwards, “Mechatronics for non-electrical engineers