- Conference Session
- Pre-K12 Track - Technical Session II
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- 2018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity Conference
- Authors
Jacqueline Handley, University of Michigan; Elizabeth Birr Moje
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Diversity, Pre K-12 Education
experiencescontributed to understanding how we might think to make the teaching of engineering, andspecifically problem definition, in K-12 settings more inclusive. Overall, these findings add tothe growing conversation inclusive classroom environments, that make more explicit connectionbetween youths’ out of school knowledge and practices in school settings.Works Cited[1] S. Sismondo, An Introduction to Science and Technology Studies, 2 edition. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. ; Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.[2] G. Goggin, Cell Phone Culture: Mobile Technology in Everyday Life. Routledge, 2012.[3] B. Latour and S. Woolgar, Laboratory Life: The Social Construction of Scientific Facts. Sage, 1986.[4] C. L. Dym, A. M. Agogino, O. Eris, D. D. Frey, and L
- Conference Session
- Pre-K12 Track - Technical Session II
- Collection
- 2018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity Conference
- Authors
Ardice Hartry, University of California, Berkeley; Maia Werner-Avidon, MWA Insights; Sherry Hsi, Concord Consortium; Ariel J. Ortiz, Lawrence Hall of Science; Kathryn Chong Quigley, Lawrence Hall of Science
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Diversity, Pre K-12 Education
into the teamthat most interested them. Youth thrived on having a specific goal and a set of team members towork with. “The valuable components that were important to me was [sic] having a specificgroup, which was the media team, because that is what I wanted more experience with. I feltmore comfortable being with that team since I already had some experience as a film editor.”This focus did mean, however, that youth had limited opportunities to learn skills not within theirtrack. One said s/he wished they had the chance to work more with the general visiting public atthe Hall while another wished for more time to explore computer programming
- Conference Session
- Pre K-12 Track - Technical Session V
- Collection
- 2018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity Conference
- Authors
Michael Frye, University of the Incarnate Word; Chaoyi Wang, University of the Incarnate Word; Sreerenjini C. Nair, University of the Incarnate Word; Yvonne Calvo Burns, Camp Program Coordinator
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Pre K-12 Education
Neutral Disagree1 I plan to go to college when I 25 2 4.93 finish high school.2 My parents/guardians are 23 4 4.85 encouraging me to go to college.3 My friends plan on going to 18 6 2 4.80 college.4 I enjoy school. 18 6 2 4.805 My teacher(s)/counselor(s) care if 23 2 1 4.85 I go to college.6 I am interested in a specific 14
- Conference Session
- Pre K-12 Track - Technical Session VI
- Collection
- 2018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity Conference
- Authors
Suzanne Sontgerath, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Ryan Nicole Meadows, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
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Diversity, Pre K-12 Education
outreach programs at WPI including Camp Reach and several other summer and academic year programs for students and parents.Mrs. Ryan Nicole Meadows, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Ryan Meadows holds a B.S. in Mathematics and Business from Fitchburg State University and an M.A. in Teaching from Sacred Heart University. She is currently the Associate Director of Pre-collegiate Outreach Programs at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Meadows works with K-12 S STEM outreach programs during the summer and academic year. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 A Comparison of Changes in Science Interest and Identity and 21st Century Learning Skills in a Mixed-Gender and Single-Gender Robotics
- Conference Session
- Pre K-12 Track - Technical Session V
- Collection
- 2018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity Conference
- Authors
Kayla R. Maxey, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Jessica Rush Leeker, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Monica E. Cardella, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Morgan M. Hynes, Purdue University, West Lafayette
- Tagged Topics
Diversity, Pre K-12 Education
4MessagesaboutEngineering Somegroupsofstudents aremorelikelytobe interestedinengineeringif theyareabletoseehow engineeringcanmakea positiveimpactonour worldPersonalinterests arethecharacteristicsofapersonthatinfluencehisorherengagementininteractionswiththesocialornonsocialenvironments.Situationalinterests istheinterestingnessofthesocialornonsocialenvironmentsthatevokeorencourageinteractionswithpeopleorobjects.Krapp,A.,Hidi,S.,&Renninger,K.A.(1992).Interest,Learning,andDevelopment.InK.A.Renninger,S.Hidi&A.Krapp (Eds.),Theroleofinterestinlearninganddevelopment.Hillsdale,NJ:LawrenceErlbaumAssociates.ResearchQuestion:Whatisthealignmentbetweenthepersonalinterestsofchildrenin3rd- 5th
- Conference Session
- PreK-12 Track -. Technical Session III
- Collection
- 2018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity Conference
- Authors
Laura Bottomley, North Carolina State University
- Tagged Topics
Pre K-12 Education
boysexclusively makes no sense, and a part of the diversification of an over- all population should bedifferent populations working together. Engineering outreach programs have been around for quite some time, with a casual survey indicating that the late 1990’s saw an uptick in the number of programs, perhaps due toincreased NSF funding. In the same time period, efforts to recruit more women to engineeringwere languishing. The nationwide percentage of women has hovered in the vicinity of 18% forover 20 years [1]. Coincident with these phenomena, research emerged providing good insightinto characteristics of educational programming that appeal to girls. SciGirls published theSciGirls Seven [2] strategies for engaging girls. They advise providing
- Conference Session
- PreK-12 Track -. Technical Session III
- Collection
- 2018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity Conference
- Authors
Bhumi Mevawala, Engineers on Wheels; Angelique Tucker, Engineers on Wheels; Amanda Rose Basantis, Engineers on Wheels; Elizabeth Beatty, Engineers on Wheels; Joseph Egan, Engineers on Wheels; Kauser Jahan, Rowan University
- Tagged Topics
Pre K-12 Education
program is that it is Beginning in the early 1990’s, the implementation of done completely by collegians that want to teach others whatSTEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) has they love learning about. For the college studentsincreased greatly in grade schools from K-12. Many participating with EOW, nothing is more satisfying thanresearchers have found “that when engineering is part of hearing a 5th or 6th grade student that knew nothing aboutelementary instruction, students become more aware of the engineering saying they want to become an engineer when they grow up