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- Track 3 - Session 2
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- 2014 ASEE International Forum
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Cheryl Matherly, The University of Tulsa; Sarah R. Phillips, Rice University ; Junichiro Kono, Rice University; Shane M Curtis, University of Tulsa
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. papers published in 2012 with internationalcoauthors was 35.9% in engineering and 45.8% in physics.2,3 In its 2006–2011 fiscal year strategicreport, the NSF acknowledged the importance of international research collaboration and identifiedas a key performance goal the need to “keep the United States at the frontiers of knowledge byincreasing international partnerships and collaborations.” The strategic plan went on to say, “Asscience and engineering (S&E) expertise and infrastructure advance across the globe, it is expectedthat the United States will increasingly benefit from international collaborations and a globallyengaged workforce leading to transformational S&E breakthroughs.”4 However, as the number ofscience and engineering
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- 2014 ASEE International Forum
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Maya A Trotz, University of South Florida; Joniqua Howard, University of Texas Arlington; Ken Darrie Thomas, Auburn University, Biosystems Engineering & The Honors College; Helen Muga, University of Mount Union; Jeanese Christine Badenock, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill; Sheena A Francis, University of Technology, Jamaica 235 Old Hope Rd Kgn 6. Jamaica
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Student Development
Belize. Using Downey et al.’s (2006) categorizations for global competency pathways, the case studies represent an integrated class experience and an international field trip. Sagicor Visionaries Challenge The Sagicor Visionaries Challenge aims to promote sustainable Caribbean communities through innovation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). It asks secondary school students to: 1. Identify a challenge facing their school and or community, 2. Propose a sustainable and innovative solution, and 3. Show how that solution uses STEM In 2013, this challenge was implemented in the
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- 2014 ASEE International Forum
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Pradeep Kashinath Waychal, Pune Innovation Centre; Gautam Akiwate, University of California, San Diego; Ayano OHSAKI P.E., nnovation Center for Engineering Education, Tottori University
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Engineering, D.Hurley (ed.), Volume 4, pp. 37-70, (1995). [9] M. Viljan, “Capstone Course on Agile Software Development Using Scrum,” IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 55, no. 14, p. 99, 2012. [10] Lakhanpal, B., `Understanding the Factors Influencing the Performance of Software Development Groups: An Exploratory Grou-Level Analysis,' Information and Software Technology, 35(8), (1993), 468-471. [11] Bendifallah, S. and W. Scacchi, `Work Structures and Shifts: An Empirical Analysis of Software Specification Teamwork', Proc. 11th. Intern. Conf. Soft. Engr., IEEE Computer Society, (1989), 345-357. [12] G. M. Weinberg, ThePsychology of Computer Programming, 1971. [13] E. S. Raymond, The Cathedral and the Bazaar, 1999
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- Track 3 - Session 1
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- 2014 ASEE International Forum
- Authors
Arnold Neville Pears, Uppsala University; Mats Daniels, Uppsala University; Åsa Sofia Cajander
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projects as a pedagogical strategy for developing skills in global collaboration. International journal of engineering education, 2010.[10] Grandin, J., and Hirleman, E. Educating engineers as global citizens: A call for action. Report of the National Summit Meeting on the Globalization of Engineering Education, March 2009. URL http://globalhub.org/resources/799.[11] Hundley, S., et al. "Attributes of a Global Engineer: Field-Informed Perspectives, Recommendations, and Implications." American Society for Engineering Education. American Society for Engineering Education, 2012.[11] Johnson, D. W., and Johnson. R. T., Energizing learning: The instructional power of
- Conference Session
- Track 3 - Session 1
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- 2014 ASEE International Forum
- Authors
Rami Jubrail Haddad, Georgia Southern University; Youakim Kalaani, Georgia Southern University
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Bulletin, 3, 4-5. [4] Cox, B., & Ramirez, M., III (1981). “Cognitive styles: Implications for multiethnic education”. In J. Banks (Ed.), Education in the 80's. Washington, DC: National Education Association. [5] Dunn, R. (1997). “The goals and track record of multicultural education”. Educational leadership: 54(7), 74-77. [6] Altinyelken, H.K. (2010) “Pedagogical renewal in sub-Saharan Africa: the case of Uganda”. Comparative Education, 46:2, 151-171. [7] Baer, M., Kocher, M., & Wyss, C. (2009). “Can teaching be learned?--Acquiring teaching competencies during teacher training and first year in training”. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. [8
- Conference Session
- Track 3 - Session 2
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- 2014 ASEE International Forum
- Authors
Matthew E Verbyla, University of South Florida; Colleen Claire Naughton; Allan Feldman, University of South Florida; Vanessa Vernaza-Hernandez , University of South Florida ; Marilyn E Brandt, University of the Virgin Islands; Maya A Trotz, University of South Florida; E. Christian Wells, University of South Florida; James R. Mihelcic, University of South Florida
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Student Development
., Mihelcic, J.R. 2009. Non-Traditional University Research Partners that Facilitate Service Learning and Graduate Research for Sustainable Development. Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, S. Starrett, ed., American Society of Civil Engineers, Kansas City, MO, 2038–2048.2. Hokanson, D.R., Phillips, L.D., Mihelcic, J.R. 2007. Educating Engineers in the Sustainable Futures Model with a Global Perspective: Education, Research and Diversity Initiatives. International Journal of Engineering Education, 23(2), 254-265.3. Bielefeldt, A.R., Paterson, K., Swan, C. 2010. Measuring the Value Added from Service Learning in Project- Based Engineering Education. International Journal of Engineering
- Conference Session
- Track 3 - Session 1
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- 2014 ASEE International Forum
- Authors
Morgan M. Bakies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Karen Seliah Lamb, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
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Student Development
, community, andinternationally in order for it to succeed.ConclusionTo bridge classroom learning and real-world business applications, Junior Enterprise offersuniversity students technical consulting projects with international networking and professionaldevelopment opportunities. Junior Enterprise advances university students’ ability to compete ina global job market due to their increased intercultural competencies and entrepreneurial skills.Universities interested in starting a Junior Enterprise are encouraged to use this case study as abasis, with particular focus on the recommendations provided.References1. Baxter, P., & Jack, S. (2008). Qualitative case study methodology: Study design and implementation for noviceresearchers. The Quality