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Conference Session
Best Zone Paper Competition
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dan Budny P.E., University of Pittsburgh
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review for focus,cohesion, coherence, style, grammar and format chairs and co-chairs concentrate on thequality and precision of technical explanation and documentation. The peer review allows Page 22.340.10students to see, first-hand, how other students have addressed structural, content, andtechnical tasks, and requires that they address their fellow students work with maturity andclarity.With 5 reviewers for each paper, students come to appreciate and understand how differentreaders respond to their writing and how to negotiate and process multiple kinds of commentsperspectives towards and optimally effective paper. Students are also further
Conference Session
Best Zone Paper Competition
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rebecca A Bates, Minnesota State University, Mankato; Andrew Petersen, University of Toronto Mississauga
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and may not be capable of identifying gaps in their own knowledge during thediscussion. To encourage individual accountability and active discussion during the exam, thestudents must follow two rules. 1. Each student must write some of the answers. 2. All students must agree on every answer submitted.When there is a “hung jury”, students can be encouraged to record the top two positions with asupporting argument for each. This becomes an answer the group can agree on.During the group exam, the instructor’s job is to facilitate discussion. As with any type ofclassroom problem solving, the instructor should move from group to group to keep students on
Conference Session
Best Zone Paper Competition
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amelito G. Enriquez, Canada College
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inintroductory courses5, alternative instructional strategies such as collaborative and interactivelearning6, summer bridge programs7,8, and academic support services such as tutoring, AcademicExcellence Workshops (AEWs), and peer mentoring9.In 2008, Cañada College, a Hispanic-Serving community college in Redwood City, CA, wasawarded a Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program (MSEIP) grant by the USDepartment of Education. The project, entitled Student On-ramp Leading to Engineering andSciences (SOLES), aims to maximize the likelihood of success among underrepresented andeducationally disadvantaged students interested in pursuing careers in STEM fields byincorporating strategies that address challenges and barriers to recruitment, retention