Paper ID #18835Designing a Course for Peer Educators in Undergraduate Engineering De-sign CoursesMs. Gina Marie Quan, University of Maryland, College Park Gina Quan is a doctoral candidate in Physics Education Research at the University of Maryland, College Park. She graduated in 2012 with a B.A. in Physics from the University of California, Berkeley. Her research interests include understanding community and identity formation, unpacking students’ relation- ships to design, and cultivating institutional change. Ms. Quan is also a founding member of the Access Network, a research-practice community dedicated to
) What does writing look like in engineering? • Increase peer and instructor dialogue in feedback [Chong 2012] Theory of situated cognition:* Written, oral, and visual communication exercises: 2) Which skills do engineering students
included writing code,designing software architecture, and teaching corporate education. His writing in industryincluded design documentation, test plans, proposals, standards documents, process documents,user documentation, and some business documentation. His audience for these documents wasgenerally his peers, and the documentation was intended to be informative, used for training andoccasionally for decision-making. He said that in his industry experience, “everyone assumesyou must already know how to write” because of being a university graduate. He also mentionedthat he modified his writing based on the audience, including their preferences for format, anddiscussed the issue of length and level of detail. In his experience, design documents
Multidisciplinary Vertically Integrated Teams: Social Network Analysis of Peer Evaluations for Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Program TeamsAbstractTwenty-two colleges and universities have implemented the Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP)model, which consists of multidisciplinary teams, long-term large-scale projects led by faculty,the enrollment of students from different academic ranks, and the ability for students toparticipate for multiple years. At Georgia Institute of Technology, analysis of university exitsurveys found VIP participation correlated with a meaningful effect size on three questions: thedegree to which students’ education contributed to their ability to work in a multidisciplinaryteam; their
traditional,descriptive ones. Furthermore, as new technologies continue to progress rapidly and coursecontent and laboratory instrumentation continue to evolve in order to keep pace, laboratorymanuals will also have to be revised frequently in order to stay relevant and effective. A laboratory manual revision process was developed in this study in order to supportthese new types of laboratory classes. It is a four-step process, which includes: 1) CollectingAudience Responses, 2) Scaffolding the Class Project, 3) Project Report Writing Requirementand 4) Peer-Review and Reflection. This development was carried out based upon the technicalwriting framework, as it is believed that technical writing can promote critical thinking andactive learning
%)and illustrates effective targeting toward their peer audience.The infographic assignment has been implemented winter quarter 2017 in two sections of theIntroduction to Engineering course (total of 90 students placed in 30 teams) and also in onesection of a Critical Thinking and Writing course (~20 students). The Introduction toEngineering course repeated the assignment and both draft and final rubric assessments wererecorded. The full rubric results are available in Appendix E with summarized results availablein Table 3. The infographic platform chosen by student teams again favored Piktochart (57%)with other platforms chosen including Venngage, Google Slides, MS Word, and various Adobesoftware. The top vote earning infographic posters from
Science Majors at alarge HSI. The approaches included the use of: (1) Collaborative, team-based and pairedprogramming, active learning, in-class exercises, as well as additional external assignments; (2)Active learning classroom environment whereby the physical space enhances and encouragescollaborative, small group interactions; and (3) In-class Peer Learning Assistants(undergraduates) that have undergone specialized training to facilitate discussion and interactionwith students in an active learning classroom setting. We conducted a study in a Programming Ifor Computer Science Majors (CS1) course to test the efficacy of the 3-pronged approachdescribed above. The control group (lecture based) pass rates were found to be 71%, whereas
learning. This coursetypically has 59-120 sophomore and junior level mechanical engineering students enrolled andhas been taught in a flipped format, using the SCALE-UP model (Beichner, 2008), for severalsemesters. By design, the course relies heavily on peer-to-peer instruction through cooperativelearning, and beginning in the semester of Spring 2016, the instructor aimed to move fromcooperative groups to high performing teams using principles of team-based learning (L. K.Michaelsen, Knight, & Fink, 2002). Three primary research questions were examined: 1) whateffect does the implementation of TBL have on individual student learning, compared to anoffering of the course prior to implementation; 2) what effect does the implementation of
Paper ID #18296Stepping out of the Comfort Zone - and the Country: Facilitating In-DepthStudent Learning through Nontraditional Communication AssignmentsMr. David Bowles, Louisiana State University David ”Boz” Bowles is a technical communication instructor and Engineering Communication Studio coordinator in the Chevron Center for Engineering Education at Louisiana State University. He earned a baccalaureate degree in English and a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Virginia Common- wealth University.Ms. Paige Davis, Louisiana State University Paige Davis has 22 years of experience in the College of Engineering at
of team based collaborative learning. In addition to theshort-term knowledge gain acquired through peer instruction, we also measured long-termretention of final exam material four months’ post-final. On both the final exam and the fourmonth post-final retest, students scored significantly higher on material taught through TBL.Thus, team based learning, which includes a combination of reading, writing, kinesthetic andaural methods of learning, demonstrated significant short- and long-term gains in contentretention.BackgroundThe Johns Hopkins University Biomedical Engineering (BME) course Molecules and Cells is amandatory class for BME majors, primarily taught during fall of their sophomore year. Inaddition, approximately ten percent of the
practiced at developing objectives and outcomes. The project objectives andlearning outcomes for the summer immersion experience using the LLP methodology follow theprogram objectives and outcomes guidelines set by ABET [5]. Our program objectives andoutcomes are designed to support the overall goal of engaging students through innovativeengineering design and experiential learning.The specific objectives for the workshop are that students will be able to: 1. Conceptualize, analyze, design, implement, and evaluate engineering solutions; 2. Work effectively as a team member; 3. Communicate effectively through speaking, writing, and the use of presentation tools; 4. Adapt to technological changes and innovations to gain efficiencies in cost
assist ASD students, however somestudents will sign up for this assistance, while others do not. Beyond the college resources theinstructor must fill in the gaps to ensure student success. First, the instructor must recognize theASD student’s learning style. The needs of the student and the learning styles vary by individual.For freshman year instructors it may be difficult to determine these needs in a timely manner,since most students do not self-disclose their disability. Observation and communication with thestudent are key in this step. Many first year engineering courses utilize individual and groupwork with both written assignments and “hands-on” projects including writing, drawing,problem solving, scheduling, budgeting, and craftsmanship
as in AppendixTable A1. The original research at the East Carolina University in the US included 20 scenarios.For the German study, the last scenario (the use of online solution manuals or solution servicessuch as was dropped as analogous resources are not known to exist in Germanlanguage sources. It should also be noted that the translation was conducted without additionaloversight or verification of validity. Two of the instrument items are not dishonest actions andwere included as a kind of negative control on the pooled responses: Scenario 3:Writing-quotedwith citation and Scenario 14:YouTube to study. The remainder are designed to present gradationsof similar situations. This list includes shortened descriptor phrases to
curriculum materials to create a learning environment where all students canfully participate in engineering design? What kinds of classroom norms do we need to establishfor productive engineering work to take place? These questions may be especially important inschools where students do not frequently have opportunities to engage with their peers in thekind of collaborative decision-making required by engineering design. To begin to answer these important questions, we are conducting a multi-year design-basedresearch project investigating engineering language and literacy demands, resources, andsupports in economically disadvantaged urban U.S. elementary classrooms using the EiEcurriculum. This work involves identifying more and less
their load distribution, students applied these concepts to theirexamination of a basic Warren truss bridge. Finally, students participated in a Technical Writingseminar and workshop in which they learned how to revise their writing and how to make asuccessful oral presentation. Before the final program presentations, the students performedpractice versions of these demonstrations for their classmates. A scoring rubric was employed inorder for the students to benefit from peer evaluations of their classmates’ work.Each Friday, the speakers from the industrial seminar and workshop sessions introduced studentsto real-world engineering systems, and they provided them with the opportunity to work withengineering principles in a hands-on environment
Academic faculty members in your department on research/programmatic experiences projects that align you’re your research/career interests. They should participate in professional activities that are common for people who have completed their doctorate. - For example, do some peer reviewing, give conference talks, contribute chapters to books, demos, write or assist your advisor in writing grant proposals; take charge in planning a seminar, meeting, workshop within the department or outside; teach some classes in a course.3) Access to Mentors Some graduate
module. The students are required to write a short reflection covering thefollowing three questions: What are the main points?, How is the material useful to you?, Whatmore information do you think should be included?.LaboratoryThe three-hour laboratory each week developes a diversity of hands-on skills covering the basicsof each discipline and associates the lecture and laboratory exercises toward the guided designproject, a physical prototype of a medical research device. Laboratory topics were developedthrough interactions with and input from our student advisory committee (BSAC), studentsurveys, industry including co-op and employer surveys and the external advisory board. Theskills that were utilized most frequently by students in their
’ development, achievement, and persistence through encouraging the integration of social and academic lives within a college or university and its programs, and through quality interaction with peers, faculty members, and the campus environment5. (pp. 49–50)Learning communities help students to make friends right away so that they can then settle inand focus on academics. Johnson et al8, wrote about how using cooperative learning in learningteam environments helps to reduce anxiety, helps to increase motivation, and promotesemotional bonding. In the learning teams, the first year seminar course, and the academicstrategies course students are asked to reflect and write about their experiences. Research asshown the importance of
report on the benchmarks and outcomes serving as key indicators of success.MethodsAll relevant literature about PFF programs was searched; beginning with the implementation ofthe first PFF Program initiatives as sponsored by the AAC&U and CGS. Four databases (ISIWeb of Science, Engineering Index, ERIC—Education Resources Information Center, andAcademic Search Complete) were searched using a combination of search terms, including“preparing future faculty,” “engineering,” “faculty development,” “teacher education,” “faculty,”and “program effectiveness” for publications appearing from 1993 to present. Searches usingGoogle and Google Scholar were also considered for those publications not included in oursearch engines or not submitted for peer
research fields.Dr. Nicholas Andres Brake, Lamar University Nicholas Brake is currently an Assistant Professor in the civil and environmental department at Lamar University. He received his B.S. (2005), M.S. (2008), and Ph.D. (2012) from Michigan State University. His area of expertise is in cementitious composites which includes: fracture and fatigue mechanics of quasi-brittle materials, recycled concrete, conductive concrete, reinforced concrete, pervious concrete, geopolymer, and structural dynamics. He currently teaches a wide array of courses that includes statics, reinforced concrete design, structural analysis, and materials engineering. Dr. Brake actively integrates project based and peer assisted learning
undergraduate core curriculum. This allowed us to consider the characteristicsof the students who enrolled in a freshman-level CS course (N=31 students) to identify assetsthey bring from their diverse life experiences that we might build upon in teaching them. Wesought student perceptions of existing curricular modules, in terms of ownership and creativity.Students completed pre-course surveys about their CS interests, beliefs, prior knowledge andexperiences, along with demographics. They completed a brief survey to evaluate some of themodules. We examined descriptive statistics, then conducted tests of difference to identifystudents’ assets. We explored contrasts between 1) first-generation college students and theirtraditional peers; and 2) students
peers.Five FG engineering students with high quantitative belongingness were selected for aninterview. A semi-structured interview protocol based in interpretive phenomenological analysiswas used to elucidate the students’ experiences that fostered belongingness. Separate themesfrom each student were created from coding and then overarching themes unified a sharedexperience.The following overarching themes were prevalent among the participants: similarity toclassmates, recognition as an engineer by peers, limited questioning of belongingness, andbelongingness is a state of mind. The results depict that elements of engineering identity play apart in making students feel they belong (e.g., recognition), but in some cases, belongingness isdistinct from
a competency gap between graduates’ soft skills (social,leadership, workplace diversity) and what is needed by employers. Students have the content andtechnical knowledge, but they lack the skills and experience to share that knowledge in anaccessible way, with diverse groups and in multiple modes as dictated by the nature of theproject or workplace. Jollands, Jolly and Molyneaux’s 2012 research on engineering curriculumthat requires multiple technical writing, presentation and communication opportunities, thatincludes peer and faculty feedback, better prepares their graduates for the workplace. AnEconomist Intelligence Unit Report, Driving the Skills Agenda: Preparing Students for theFuture (2015), states that the most highly sought after
challenging but foundationalcourses. In particular, we wanted to demonstrate the benefit of SI workshops in a majority first-generation, underrepresented minority, predominantly academically unprepared studentpopulation. The peer-led workshops are mandatory for FYrE@ECST students and designed topromote inquiry-based and collaborative learning environment and increase students’mathematics self-efficacy. Supplemental Instruction was assessed using self-efficacy surveys,physics and math grades, pre- and post-tests, and focus groups. FYrE@ECST students werecompared to concurrent (CG-2) and historical (CG-3) control groups. The math average GPA forFYrE@ECST students at the end of the first year was 2.9, compared to 2.2 and 2.45 for CG-2and CG-3
of Arizona Amee Hennig has her B.S. in physics and creative writing from the University of Arkansas as well as her M.A. in professional writing from Northern Arizona University. She oversees the education and outreach activities for the Center for Integrated Access Networks based out of the College of Optical Sciences at the University of Arizona. At the University of Arizona she manages a number of summer programs for Native American students and educators.Daniel Lamoreaux M.A., University of Arizona Daniel Lamoreaux is a current doctoral candidate in the University of Arizona’s School Psychology pro- gram. While working as a graduate assistant for the education office of the Center for Integrated Access
learning, expressed in the student reflections (LS), can instructors assess from individual assignments? Question 3: Do students whose reflections on doing are assessed to be more insightful focus on different “doings” than their peers? What can we infer by text mining the data about the ways that ‘insightful’ students write their LS? We anticipate certain patterns to emerge, given our intentional effort to tie eachassignment to successive POED over the course of the design process; see Figure 1. We are alsointerested in the degree to which the evolving focus in the course design is reflected in thestudent learning. Based on our prior work, we expect both team formation, concept
my academic “pulse” comes simply and solelyfrom a heart of curiosity and desire for knowledge. In terms of identity development, Iexperienced the same curriculum as my peers but may have received them differently due to mydiffering motivations. It is with this background and initial sense of self that I approached the writing of thethree narratives that follow. Within each narrative there is analysis that comes from myimmediate processing of the experience. After each narrative, I provide further analysis whichhelps to connect the narratives and place them in the larger context of personal-professionalidentity alignment. At the end of the paper, I present a final analysis of how my experiencesmight be useful in thinking more broadly
research university in the American Southwest. Students worked in pairs onhomework assignments to support peer learning. We replaced one question from each of the sixhomework assignments with design challenge deliverables. Students worked in subteams on oneof the three algal production phases (i.e., growth, harvest, extraction). They also developedindividual accountability through jigsaw sessions in which they explained their subteam’s workto students from other production phases. They built whole-class consensus through “parley”sessions that involved decision matrices.We describe the design challenge and our study, in which we investigated how a designchallenge threaded through a sophomore course might provide students with a picture ofauthentic
using the Fink Model of Backwards Design10 we focused on helping faculty tothink differently about course design and instruction by going to the end of instruction, settingoutcomes, and working backwards to design the course. This faculty development workshop alsoincluded the component of social aspect of learning with other faculty in a learning community,21where they learned new content and strategies, observed demonstrations of new strategies andthen integrated what they learned, and taught a brief excerpt of a lesson to their peers andreceived feedback from the community of learners. Also used as an assessment tool for thisworkshop is an instrument called the Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM),22,23 to measurehow workshop participants
piece of information onthe bottom of the card as shown in Figure 1.They then had to use solely oralcommunication – no drawing or writing – toexplain the symbols on their card and gatherfeedback on what their card was meant torepresent. This meant that they had to listenclosely to their peers to ensure that they weregetting the description of a symbol theyneeded. They also had to be careful in how Figure 1. Sample ROYGBIV game cardthey described their symbol so that it wouldnot be misinterpreted. To get the necessary information to solve their code, students needed tospeak to a lot of different students in the class, not just their peer group as each student was onlyprovided with the one piece of information at the bottom of their card