- Conference Session
- Track 2 - Session 1
- Collection
- 2014 ASEE International Forum
- Authors
Maria Nandadevi Cortes-Rodriguez, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Renetta G. Tull, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Miguel Alfonso Nino, Virginia Polytechnic and State University
- Tagged Topics
Faculty Development
final section was an open opportunity for participants to write any comment,thought, or idea they had after the session.Our inaugural session in 2011 was titled, “Preparing for Global Leadership: CulturalCompetence and Connections with and for International Students and Colleagues.” The panelincluded students and faculty from STEM fields across campus, with representation from thefollowing countries: Argentina, Italy, Canada, Haiti, West Africa, Mexico, China, India, andGermany. They shared experiences and answered questions regarding the following topics:• What does it mean to be culturally competent?• How does cultural competence play a part in mentoring students or relationships withprofessors in graduate school?• How can we promote cultural