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Conference Session
Track 1 - Session II - Student Development
2013 ASEE International Forum
Patrick D Ulrich, Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences; Chad D Vecitis; Jason Dyett, Harvard University, DRCLAS; Monica F A Porto, USP
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Student Development
withinternational peers. It is increasingly important for engineering students to develop a globalprofessional perspective during their training, and an international educational experience is anexceptional way to allow students to gain an understanding of engineering within the context ofanother culture. This paper describes the fourth edition of the annual SEAS/Poli-USPCollaborative Field Course, a joint program of Harvard's School of Engineering and AppliedSciences (SEAS), the Escola Politécnica of the Universidade de São Paulo (Poli-USP), andHarvard’s David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies (DRCLAS). This innovativecourse, which brought together 13 students from Harvard and 15 students from USP, was held inBrazil in January 2013 and focused