- Conference Session
- Track 2 - Session II - Curriculum Development
- Collection
- 2013 ASEE International Forum
- Authors
Claudia María Zea Restrepo P.E., Universidad EAFIT; Alejandra J. Magana, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Juan Guillermo Lalinde-Pulido, Universidad EAFIT; Alberto Rodriguez P.E., Universidad EAFIT; Natalia Andrea Bueno Pizarro, Universidad EAFIT
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Curriculum Development
permanentlysupport research and innovation processes. One of the proposed spaces is Thematic Cafes (CafésTemáticos), which is a methodology for knowledge management through knowledgedissemination, collaborative work and socialization experiences. In this way, both spaces notonly enabled permanent collaborative work, but also promoted constant reflection, update andmonitoring of the different educational research, and management of permanent renewal of thecurriculum.Our proposal was also coupled with curricular, educational, methodological and assessmentstrategies, allowing not only to transform classroom practices and academic programs, but alsothe processes of curriculum management, teaching, research and management of an institution.These strategies
- Conference Session
- Track 2 - Session II - Curriculum Development
- Collection
- 2013 ASEE International Forum
- Authors
Brad Rogers, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Kiril D Hristovski, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Nalini Chhetri, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; Benjamin L. Ruddell, Arizona State University; Mark R Henderson, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; John H Takamura Jr, Arizona State University
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Curriculum Development
skills, talents and aspirations ofpoor people living at the BoP, and the output from the system is a successful enterprise thatgenerates economic growth and improves people’s lives. Page 21.6.5The GlobalResolve MethodologyIn order to define and develop the enterprise based approach to poverty reduction as a recognizedacademic discipline the skill sets that are required of graduates must be established. Thisrequires defining a methodology that reflects successful practice and establishing where theevolving body of knowledge fits within the larger human body of knowledge. (More specifically:Is an enterprise-based approach to poverty reduction a
- Conference Session
- Track 2 - Session II - Curriculum Development
- Collection
- 2013 ASEE International Forum
- Authors
Cheryl Matherly, The University of Tulsa; Sarah R. Phillips, Rice University ; Junichiro Kono, Rice University
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Curriculum Development
a ‘product’ at the conclusion of their summerinternships. Page 21.55.54Re-entry and career education program: The re-entry program is designed specific to the needsof young career scientists. In addition to examining issues associated with re-entry to the US,students participate in career decision making activities that help them evaluate their experiencein Japan as preparation for graduate school and identify next academic, international, or otherexperiential programs that can advance their personal and professional goals.Cross-cultural training: Throughout the summer, students engage in activities that are promptintentional reflections on
- Conference Session
- Track 2 - Session II - Curriculum Development
- Collection
- 2013 ASEE International Forum
- Authors
Imin Kao, Stony Brook University (SUNY); Yacov A. Shamash, Stony Brook University; ChoonHo Kim, SUNY Korea
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Curriculum Development
research in a globalized world will play a significant role in the 21st century to prepare global engineers. In a global campus, students and faculty are thrust into a cross-cultural environment that challenges intellectually the modes of being and the ways of learning. A global engineer often has to face such cross-cultural tension when interacting with people under the context of globalization. Stony Brook University (SBU) in New York has established a global campus, called SUNY Korea, in Songdo, Republic of Korea, which serves as a venue for the preparation of global engineers. With a diverse student body and faculty, SUNY Korea reflects the spirit of globalization in offering an education that requires students to learn not