. Adam Maltese, Indiana University, Bloomington Professor of Science EducationDr. Kelli Paul, Indiana University, Bloomington Dr. Kelli Paul is an Assistant Research Scientist at the Center for Research on Learning and Technology at Indiana University where her research focuses on the development of STEM interests, identity, and career aspirations in children and adolescents.Lauren Penney, Indiana University, Bloomington ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Failure in Focus: Unpacking the Impact of Video-Based Reflections on Museum Educator PracticesIntroductionWhile the term 'failure' often has negative associations [1], there is a current focus on failure
Paper ID #43265Board 356: Providing and Implementing Inclusive Practices in EngineeringClassrooms: Final Reflections from Three Partner InstitutionsMiss Jessica Moriah Vaden, University of Pittsburgh Miss Jessica Vaden is a PhD Candidate in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh where she is a STRIVE Scholar. She received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) in Chemical Engineering where she was a Meyerhoff Scholar (M26). Jessica’s research spans a number of different areas including sustainable engineering, empowering communities about air quality
Paper ID #41861Board 189: A Mentor’s Reflection on Challenges of Practice in a ScholarshipProgram for Lower-Income Computing StudentsMrs. Tiana Solis, Florida International University Tiana Solis is an instructor and a part-time Ph.D. student at Florida International University. She received her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Computer Science from SUNY (State University of New York) Polytechnic Institute in Utica, New York. Her research and instructional interests include student access and success in computing, Diversity Equity, and Inclusion in Higher Education.Dr. Stephen Secules, Florida International University
Paper ID #41933Board 261: Engineering Technology, Anthropology, and Business: Reflectionsof Graduate Student Researchers in the Pursuit of Transdisciplinary LearningDeana Lucas, Purdue University, West LafayetteRebecca Martinez, Purdue Polytechnic Graduate Programs ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Engineering Technology, Anthropology, and Business: Reflections of Graduate Student Researchers in the Pursuit of Transdisciplinary LearningAbstract Two graduate student researchers, with specializations in engineering and technologyeducation and anthropology, collaborated on a National Science Foundation (NSF
Paper ID #42754Board 360: Reflections from Graduates on the Impact of Engineers WithoutBorders USA Experiences on Professional PreparationLazlo Stepback, Purdue University, West Lafayette Lazlo Stepback is a PhD student in Engineering Education at Purdue University. His current research interests focus on engineering ethics, the connections between personal morals and professional ethics, and how students ethically develop as engineers. He earned a B.S. in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines (Golden, CO) in 2020.Paul A. Leidig P.E., Purdue University, West Lafayette Paul A. Leidig works in
Paper ID #41116Board 343: Outcomes from Metacognition Support in a Fluid MechanicsFlipped ClassroomDr. Renee M Clark, University of Pittsburgh Renee Clark is Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering, Data Engineer for the Swanson School, and Director of Assessment for the Engineering Education Research Center (EERC). She uses data analytics to study techniques and approaches in engineering education, with a focus on active learning techniques and the professional formation of engineers. Current NSF-funded research includes the use of adaptive learning in the flipped classroom and systematic reflection and metacognitive
doing' approach where actions are taken first, Each PALAR component was adapted to fit the engineering Exploring the innovative application of the Participatory Action This project spans multiple institutions and disciplines, engaging followed by reflection. This cycle enhances problem-solving skills and context, focusing on structured yet adaptable processes suitable Learning and Action Research (PALAR) framework in undergraduate, graduate, and faculty participants in a collaborative research practical application in real-world settings. for complex educational environments. engineering education, this research addresses complex effort. Communication
individualreflections to understand the process of ISE formation. Pre-post comparisons of the quantitativesurvey items will be conducted for individual students in the test and control courses. Team andindividual reflections from the test course will be analyzed after the course. Potentialdemographic differences in ISE will be explored. Potential team-level influences will also beevaluated to understand the impact of a team’s ISE score on enhancing an individual teammember’s ISE gain. Focus groups and individual interviews with students who participated in thetest course will take place in spring 2024. The ISE, INT, and IW of environmental engineeringstudents will be further assessed in spring 2024 through the ISE survey in the environmentalengineering
use in K-12classrooms. A new course model was created that utilized a hybrid community of practice wherestudents learned about engineering education and worked together to support local K-12 schoolsby engaging in service learning. This project explored the ways in which participation in thiscourse impacted pre-service teachers’ perceptions of engineering and engineering teaching self-efficacy. We first administered a survey designed to measure engineering teaching self-efficacyto pre-service teachers at the beginning and end of the course. In addition, pre-service teachersalso completed reflective journals throughout the course in which they were asked to reflect onhow specific aspects of the course impacted their understanding of the nature
studentteam leader and held to co-develop the process, deliverables, timeline and implementation plans.Students complete bi-weekly personal journal reflections to unpack their experience throughoutthe term. Projects are presented at the end of the term with agency representatives attending. Peerevaluations are conducted, as well as periodic surveys and focus groups to understand theefficacy of the experiences for both students and community partners. Students report highsatisfaction with the experience, pointing to several gains: deeper understanding of the plight ofcommunities in need (e.g., homeless, seniors, underprivileged kids), skills they honed during theproject (e.g., essential skills such as organizational, communication, presentation
indicated thatstudents were successfully able to use integration to determine the area of the plate (see Fig.1)but were unable to find its centroid. Common reasons given by the participants for this inabilitywere the lack of applications of centroids being taught or reinforced within the curriculum afterthey were initially taught. Student participants also displayed novice or rote approaches tosolving the problem rather than following what might be considered a more logical,“engineering” problem solving approach grounded in fundamental theory and governingequations. Both the faculty participants (n=2), as well as the single student (male, sophomore)who came closest to the correct answer, displayed significant reflective practices in evaluatingtheir
junioryear in undergrad through the completion of a master's degree or through the completion of theirqualifying exam within a Ph.D. program, the program provides opportunities throughout todeeply engage students in reflecting on social issues. The goal of the program is to foster theprofessional development of S-STEM scholars to develop socially conscious engineers andengineering faculty who support students and come up with innovative solutions that meet thediverse needs of different populations.Socially Conscious ProgrammingUML’s S-STEM Program is halfway through the second cohort’s first year. The programmingdescribed was offered in the first year for the first cohort and is being offered to the secondcohort during their first year in the
students experience.” Such data can contextualize the design and the delivery ofthe intervention. To examine FOI, an LR-LS fidelity rubric was developed by the research teamto score faculty on five “critical components” [1] of the LR-LS framework: 1) STEM/academicliteracy, 2) affordances for student interaction, 3) orientations to student learning, 4) reflectivepractice, and 5) faculty leadership. Our FOI rubric was intended to capture the extent to whichLR-LS components were enacted during lesson study (quality measure). The five LR-LScomponents were measured using a four-point scale. A score of “0” means the component wasnot present, “1” reflects minimal implementation, “2” reflects moderate implementation, and “3”reflects strong
screening survey. Approximately 70instructor survey respondents have shared their personal experience and perceptions around non-traditional modes of teaching over a series of three semi-structured interviews. Specifically,participants were prompted to reflect on contextual barriers and affordances that impact theirdecision-making processes around active student engagement in the classroom. The second effortconsists of a mentoring component in which participating faculty are continuously engaged inthe innovation and development processes tied to EBIP-implementation in the classroom. Thiscollaborative development has created a supportive space in which faculty are encouraged to testnew EBIPs in their courses and reflect on the challenges and
Paper ID #42666Board 362: Reimagining Civil Engineering Graduate Programs: A Research-to-PracticeApproach for Shaping Future Transportation EngineersMrs. Brittany Lynn Butler-Morton, Rowan UniversityDarby Rose Riley, Rowan University Darby Riley is a doctoral student of engineering education at Rowan University. She has a special interest in issues of diversity and inclusion, especially as they relate to disability and accessibility of education. Her current research is focused on the adoption of pedagogy innovations by instructors, specifically the use of reflections and application of the entrepreneurial mindset. Her
modeling and design activities with authentic engineering contexts; the design and implementation of learning objective-based grading for transparent and fair assessment; and the integration of reflection to develop self-directed learners.Kyungki Kim, University of Nebraska, LincolnProf. Catherine Armwood-Gordon, Tennessee State University Dr. Catherine Armwood is Interim Chair and Associate Professor of Civil and Architectural Engineering at Tennessee State University. She is passionate in Engineering Education and Workforce Development of Underrepresented Minorities. She also conducts research in cementitious materials and structural resilience under extreme loading. ©American Society for
construct definitions that reflect more than just our own perspectives on makerspaces. Thepurpose of these definitions is to guide the creation of survey items and interpret the results ofthese items as they coalesce into factors.The second phase of our project, Item Generation and Judging, is focused on writing andrevising survey items with different sources of feedback. First, taking the construct definitionsgenerated in the previous phase, we will create a set of survey items associated with each of theconstructs we wish to measure. Second, we will ask experts in makerspaces and experts ininstrument development to review our preliminary items in terms of their alignment with theconstructs and their writing. With the expert feedback in hand, we
Deweyan Pragmatist who focuses on student-centered teaching and reflection. She also is working toward making higher education a more socially just and safe space for all and uses writing, speaking, and research to address each of these important aspects of her academic career. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Research Initiation in Engineering Formation: Literature Review and Research Plan for an Engineering Specific Empathy ScaleAbstract Engineers are societal caregivers, solving problems for the betterment of society.However, both practitioners and students of engineering struggle to make concrete connectionsbetween empathy and their role as engineers. While
engineering work. For each ofthe three narratives, students were required to: (1) listen to the narrative, (2) respond to five focusquestions, (3) engage with the responses of at least two of their peers, and (4) reflect on theoverall experience of discussing the narrative with their peers. The focus questions used in thepilot study were as follows: 1. What are the main ethical questions at play in this particular story? 2. Which actions made by the story's characters struck you as totally "unethical"? 3. Which actions by the different characters raise ethical questions that are not entirely clear cut? In other words, which actions might be considered to fall within a so-called "grey area"? 4. Does this story raise any issues or
using student data in project development, including identifying relevantquestions that the student data can help answer and with a focus on the latest S-STEMsolicitation requirements; and c) drafting a plan for requesting student data from theirInstitutional Research and Financial Aid offices including IRB considerations.Workshop Development and ImplementationThe workshops were developed using systems thinking and evidence-based approaches to buildcapacity in the participants’ recognition of the value of data to their S-STEM project goals andincrease their confidence to gather and use student data. The three-part workshop and participanthour sessions incorporated inquiry, reflection, hands-on activities, and practical strategies to bothmeet
engineering students taking gateway or introduction toengineering classes. In this in-situ interdisciplinary intervention method, so far, we have engagedone of two cohorts of university freshman engineering students (16 students/cohort): one withActive Learning (AL) (with a culture of inclusion through video-based activity/interaction) andthe other with AL and creative video projects (CVP) activities in a 2-semester enrichment program.Our intervention investigated a new 100% (AL) method that combines video-based interactionamong student-faculty and group CVP (for ex., self-reflective biography of scientists) to inspire,motivate, and improve the retention rate within TAMIU’s engineering program, promoting aculture of inclusion. The CVP was created
projects and the definition ofanalogy intervention points for self-transformation.2023 Spring Pilot ImplementationDuring the 2023 Spring semester, two sections UNIV 1301 and MECE 1101 were selected toparticipate in the pilot study, in which a total of 8 instructors were involved. In the firstimplementation, each instructor followed the subsequent project guidelines: 1) MECE 1101sections used Arduino controllers for projects, 2) MANE 1101 section utilized a catapult kit and3D printing, 3) CIVE 1101 section used a paper tower project, and 4) UNIV 1301 sections usedjournaling, reflection, and guest talks. In this initial implementation, the faculty learned valuablelessons to improve their implementation. This effort to implement dual projects in UNIV
to the scripts of Whitenesswithin engineering environments. The CAE approach adopts a collaborative stance towardcritical self-reflection and can manifest in diverse forms, such as gathering personal memory data(e.g., through journaling), conducting mutual interviews, fostering deliberate dialogue, orobserving one another (e.g., in educational settings). It's important to note that CAE doesn'tunfold in a linear fashion; rather, it necessitates an ongoing dialogue involving conversations,negotiations, or even disagreements among team members over an extended period, spanningmonths if not years. Leveraging our distinct positionalities and years of collective experience,our discussions were fruitful, allowing us to scrutinize how Whiteness
their students to consider advanced manufacturing careers.This work-in-progress paper provides an overview of the establishment of the RET framework and theexperience of the first cohort within the program. Specifically, it outlines the activities within the firstcohort’s experience, the evaluation framework and initial results related to teachers’ self confidence indiscussing manufacturing changed during the program, changes that will be implemented between the firstand second cohort, and reflections of the RET leadership team on the benefits and challenges facilitating aresearch program for teachers versus undergraduates on a research campus.OverviewBetween 2023- 2025, this RET site will host will 30 high school teachers in three
, constructing one’s sense of self throughconstant development and self-reflection [5]. It includes the traits and characteristics, socialrelations, roles, and social group memberships that define who a person is within a particularsetting. Engineering identity, especially for students, reflects their acceptance of and recognitionas part of the engineering field, influencing their decision to enter and persist in the field [6].When students possess a strong engineering identity, they tend to perceive themselves as futureengineers, fostering their commitment to their pursuit of an engineering career [7]. This identitycontinues to impact their learning, serving as a guiding force throughout their studies [8]. Morelock synthesized the disperse
data sets anddevelop equity-focused projects. This approach is designed to simultaneously teach computingtechnical skills while integrating social, economic, and political dimensions into engineeringwork. The course redesign includes three main components: 1. Small group and whole-class discussions led by the instructor and supported by Equity Learning Assistants (ELAs), who are trained in equity pedagogy. These activities, typically once a week during a lab session, aim to make students aware of the societal implications of their engineering decisions and encourage them to critically evaluate data and technology within broader sociopolitical contexts. Each lab is followed by a reading and reflection assignment to
are the teachers’ and their students’ perspectives on the efficacy of the Research–Practice Partnership (RPPs) professional development model for computer scienceeducation in Indigenous-serving schools?1.2 Literature reviewResearch–practice partnerships or RPPs offer a useful strategy for education and closing the gapbetween research and practice (Datnow et al., 2023). Research partnership is a non-traditionalapproach to help joint reflection and reciprocal learning between professionals (Eisen, 2001).Partnership with teachers for professional development has been found beneficial as it can allowcollaborative work in the classroom to be relevant to practice (Jung & Brady, 2016). This couldbe particularly useful for teaching in rural areas
Award for Employee Recognition, and induction into the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, placing her among the top 10% of Purdue Graduate students. Her academic journey reflects a commitment to advancing knowledge and contributing to technological innovation in XR control systems. Her professional aspirations include applying for an Assistant Professor position upon completing her Ph.D. This career trajectory aligns with her desire to leverage her accumulated experience and knowledge to mentor and guide emerging talents. A central component of her vision is inspiring and supporting aspiring scholars in pursuing academic and professional excellence, facilitating impactful change within our field.Dr. Farid Breidi
promoting pedagogicalchange and improving student writing. Here, we report on faculty participation and presence orabsence of pedagogical changes as basic metrics of program effectiveness. We also reflect onwhat types of changes are being made and which writing studies concepts have appeared to bemore difficult to take up and/or incorporate into STEM classes. In keeping with the iterative andintertwined TDAR approach, these results continually feed into our on-going interventions.Data collection and analysisCollected data include video- and audio-recording of mentoring sessions, course materials overthe course of mentoring, texts from workshops (e.g., field notes of discussions, free writingexercises, chalkboard writing), observations of classes
with decisions and specifications rooted in that context [21]. Storiesand reflection have been used to develop engineering literacy through contextual awareness forsociotechnical problem solving [22], [23], [24] and creative engineering skill building morelargely [25], [26]. Given this, having stories that are useful for students, faculty, and evenpractitioners to reflect on barriers and promoters of divergent thinking in engineering may helpfoster encouraging environments, provide contextualized support and resources, and be aneducational tool for more creative outcomes.MethodsThe goal of this work was to describe in depth and contextualize barriers and facilitators ofdivergent thinking for one engineering student. We selected one student to