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A Coastal/Ocean Engineering Graduate Project: Evaluation of Hurricane Protection Concept

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2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Indianapolis, Indiana

Publication Date

June 15, 2014

Start Date

June 15, 2014

End Date

June 18, 2014



Conference Session

Ocean and Marine Division Technical Session 1

Tagged Division

Ocean and Marine

Page Count


Page Numbers

24.25.1 - 24.25.15



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Paper Authors


Robert W. Whalin Jackson State University

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Robert W. Whalin, Ph.D., P.E. is Professor of Civil Engineering College of Science, Engineering, and Technology, Jackson State University. He serves as Director, Coastal Hazards Center of Excellence, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Dr. Whalin led the new School of Engineering through a highly successful accreditation evaluation by the ABET. He oversaw completion of design, construction and occupation (in 2009) of a new 90,000,000 square foot Engineering Building. He is Director Emeritus of the Engineer Research and Development Center.
Dr. Whalin completed 36 years of exemplary civilian service in the Department of Army including 20 years in the Senior Executive Service as Director, Army Research Laboratory (ARL); Director, USACE* Waterways Experiment Station; and Technical Director, USACE Coastal Engineering Research Center. The ARL program exceeded $1,100,000,000 and had a 2,200 person workforce at six primary locations throughout the United States plus small groups in Japan and the United Kingdom. Dr. Whalin was the recipient of the Distinguished Presidential Rank Award, two Meritorious Presidential Rank Awards, Exceptional Civilian Service Award, three Meritorious Civilian Service Awards, two Department of Army Awards for Outstanding Achievement in Equal Employment Opportunity and the Silver Order of the DeFleury Medal.
A registered professional engineer, Dr. Whalin holds a BS degree in Physics from the University of Kentucky, a MS degree in Physics from the University of Illinois and a PhD in Oceanography from Texas A & M University. Prior to his service with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, he worked six years in Southern California for Tetra Tech Inc., National Engineering Science Co., Interstate Electronics Corporation and Hughes Aircraft Co.
Dr. Whalin is a renowned Coastal Engineer, widely recognized for pioneering experimental research of wave transformations in convergene zones and for innovative coastal models of long waves and non-linear wave transformations in harbors, bays, lagoons and estuaries. He has authored/co-authored over a hundred journal, conference, or symposia publications and technical reports.
*USACE is United States Army Corps of Engineers

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Thomas William Richardson Coastal Hazards Center of Excellence

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Mr. Richardson is Deputy Director of the Department of Homeland Security’s Coastal Hazards Center of Excellence at Jackson State University. The Center is co-led by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Mr. Richardson is an engineering graduate of The Citadel, the University of Miami, and the International Institute for Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering in Delft, The Netherlands. His career has focused on managing and performing applied research in coastal and hydraulic engineering. In 2009, he retired as Director of the Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory of the Engineer Research and Development Center and began work at his current position.

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Himangshu Shekhar Das Jackson State University

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Dr. Himangshu Das has 15 years experience in conducting coastal and oceanographic hydrodynamic, sediment transport and water quality studies, feasibility studies and design analysis. His modeling experience includes surge modeling, sediment transport, coastal zone transport including inlet and surf zone dynamics, TMDL development, groundwater transport. He has conducted numerous hydrodynamic and morphodynamic studies in river and tidally and wind dominated coastal regions along the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf coasts. This work has required expertise in physical oceanography, beach dynamics, coastal and estuary processes, sediment dynamics and water quality. he has also developed and applied hydrodynamic models for circulation, sediment transport, water quality studies, surf zone transport, inlet dynamics, and storm surge analysis. Dr. Das has authored or coauthored more 20 technical publications on coastal and near-shore processes and ocean engineering.

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Donald L Hendon

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Mr. Donald L. Hendon, Mississippi Department of Transportation
Mr. Hendon is an engineer in the Bridge Division of the Mississippi Department of Transportation and a graduate student in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Jackson State University, JSU. Mr. Hendon is pursuing a MS Engineering degree under scholarship from the Coastal Hazards Center of Excellence at JSU sponsored by the Office of University Programs, Department of Homeland Security.

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A Coastal/Ocean Engineering Graduate Project: Evaluation of a Hurricane Protection ConceptThe Galveston Hurricane of 1900 was the most devastating hurricane to impact the United Statescoastal areas of the Gulf of Mexico with respect to loss of life (8,000-10,000). Half theGalveston buildings were destroyed as a 15.5 foot surge inundated the island. Island elevationswere only 3-8 feet above sea level. The engineering feats comprising recovery of the island overthe next six years were truly amazing. Every building standing was raised to an elevation of 17feet above sea level by hydraulic fill. A concrete seawall was constructed to serve as a hurricanebarrier (now approximately 10.04 miles long with extensions) for the downtown Galveston area.Rapid growth of the Houston/Galveston area and Hurricane Ike in 2005 have made the citizens,local governments, and industries aware that a category 5 severe hurricane surge perhaps 20-30feet in elevation such as Katrina or Camile could pose unacceptable threats to life and theeconomy. A hurricane protection concept called the IKE DIKE has been thrust forward as ameans of protecting Galveston Island and the greater Houston metropolitan area from acatastrophic hurricane surge. This paper illustrates documents exploration of this concept withrespect to reducing hurricane surge inundation from a catastrophic hurricane to an acceptablelevel. A graduate student project was performed to investigate surge levels with and without theconceptual project. Results from the systematic computational investigations of surge levelreduction are highly encouraging. More detailed computations are needed for final design of theproject once a consensus is reached among the stakeholders on project parameters.

Whalin, R. W., & Richardson, T. W., & Das, H. S., & Hendon, D. L. (2014, June), A Coastal/Ocean Engineering Graduate Project: Evaluation of Hurricane Protection Concept Paper presented at 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Indianapolis, Indiana. 10.18260/1-2--19917

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