Vancouver, BC
June 26, 2011
June 26, 2011
June 29, 2011
Computer Science and Information Technology in K-12 Engineering
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
22.63.1 - 22.63.17
Laura LeMire, an alumna of the University of Maryland at College Park with a B.S. and Masters in Geotechnical Engineering, started her career at Baltimore Gas and Electric (BGE). During her career there, she was responsible for substation and transmission construction projects, relocation and installation of BGE facilities for Oriole Park at Camden Yards and for a new Light Rail system, and for improving service reliability. After obtaining her M.B.A., Laura became the Director of Corporate Purchasing and was also a financial analyst handling investor relations. Laura left the utility to become the Director of Women’s Sports at STX, Inc., a sporting goods manufacturer, where she became the holder of four patents. Returning to the classroom once again, Laura obtained a Masters in Environmental Engineering from UMBC and became an Affiliate Professor for Project Lead The Way. Now the Engineering Coordinator at the Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC), Laura is endeavoring to grow the engineering transfer program and the new engineering technology program by stimulating interest in high school students and seeking funding to help students cope with the expense of college. As a resident of Catonsville, MD, Laura participates in a variety of athletics, spends whatever free time she can find in her garden, and travels the world.
A Model for Enhancing Project Lead The Way Teacher Knowledge in Software Applications A Maryland model for providing ongoing professional development training to ProjectLead The Way (PLTW) teachers is being replicated in other states. The model was developed byXXX working in partnership with XXX, with support and funding from the Maryland StateDepartment of Education, public school systems from ten jurisdictions, and the TIME Center, aNational Science Foundation (NSF) funded ATE Center. In response to requests by PLTWteachers and school administrators for additional training, professional development sessionswere conducted for Maryland and District of Columbia PLTW teachers two to three times a yearover the three-year period spanning Fall 2007 to Spring 2010. The training was designed toreinforce and supplement the intense two-week summer core training program the teachersattended to receive certification in specific PLTW courses. The goals were to build teacherconfidence and increase their knowledge of Autodesk Inventor, the fischertechnik educationalbuilding system (including RoboPro), Autodesk Revit, MD Solids, and civil engineering topicscovered in the PLTW Civil Engineering and Architecture curriculum. Using input from theprofessors and Master Teachers who conducted the professional development training, datagathered from knowledge-based assessments, and feedback from the 54 PLTW teachers whoattended the training, the model was refined to further enhance teacher knowledge andcompetence using PLTW-required software and the civil engineering curriculum. With additional funding from NSF, a train-the-trainer program has been designed and putin place to implement the Maryland professional development training model in other states tobetter prepare teachers across the country to teach the PLTW engineering curriculum. For the2010-2011 academic school year, the Maryland instruction team, comprised of a coordinator anda Master Teacher or professor for each of the topic areas (Inventor, fischertechnik, Revit andcivil engineering), is working with the New York and Ohio PLTW Affiliate Universities toreplicate the model in their respective states. Materials developed by the Maryland training teamwere shared with their counterparts from the Affiliate Universities. Meetings were then held toobtain input and feedback on the lesson plans and assessments, discuss the structure andfrequency of the training, address past challenges and successes, and prepare the new teams forimplementation of the professional development model. The first round of training sessions wasconducted during October 2010 for approximately 100 teachers, and was met with high teachersatisfaction and a documented increase in teacher knowledge.
LeMire, L. E. (2011, June), A Model for Enhancing Project Lead The Way Teacher Knowledge in Software Applications Paper presented at 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, BC. 10.18260/1-2--17345
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