Indianapolis, Indiana
June 15, 2014
June 15, 2014
June 18, 2014
24.77.1 - 24.77.12
Dr. Juan Song is Corporate Account Executive in Alamo College at San Antonio, TX. She oversees secondary and post-secondary training in manufacutring and liaison between Alamo College and manufacture partners. She is also the coordinator for Toyota Advanced Manufacturing Technology(AMT) Program and the AMTEC-ATE liaison.
A New Educational Paradigm to Train Skilled Workers With RealWorld PracticeJuan Song1, Maurice Salazar2, Mary Batch2, Colin Nichols1 and Federico Zaragoza11. Corporate College, Alamo Community College, San Antonio TX 782112. Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Texas, Inc. San Antonio TX 78264Skilled labor is at crisis-level shortages both at home and abroad, with over 10 million skilledlabor jobs remaining vacant worldwide. This shortage is not likely to abate in the near term, butrather get significantly worse. A global study by McKinsey & Company predicts a need for 95million skilled workers by 2020. Currently, studies showed that more than 80% of manufacturersin the U.S. struggle to find qualified multi-skilled workers. Due to rapid technology developmentand decreased engagement between our education system and manufacturers, the college system is not providing globally competitive technicians. These technicianslack both state-of-the-art practical experiences in manufacturing and a foundation inmanufacturing education. With the engagement of one the largest automotive manufacturers inthe world, Toyota, our Advanced Manufacturing Technician (AMT) program provides a newparadigm to redefine the relationship of students, higher-education and the manufacturingindustry. Our program focuses on training the “technician” (the person) in addition to the“technology”-- though there is more technology involved than most traditional programs. Inpartnership with Toyota, we established a special “manufacturing area” to provide a morerealistic workplace environment. Our curriculum has been designed to help students obtain atwo-year Associate Technical Degree that combines cutting-edge manufacturing technology,paid working experience and hands-on education. In addition students learn business principlesand best practices from a world class manufacturer known to deliver products high in safety andquality. This program will ensure a sustainable supply of skilled workers to maintain a globallycompetitive workforce in the U. S. manufacturing industry.
Song, J. (2014, June), A New Educational Paradigm to Train Skilled Workers With Real World Practice Paper presented at 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Indianapolis, Indiana. 10.18260/1-2--19969
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