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A Personal Account on Implementing Reflective Practices

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2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Indianapolis, Indiana

Publication Date

June 15, 2014

Start Date

June 15, 2014

End Date

June 18, 2014



Conference Session

Models of community engagement practices

Tagged Division

Community Engagement Division

Page Count


Page Numbers

24.82.1 - 24.82.18



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Paper Authors


Tiago R. Forin Purdue University, West Lafayette

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Tiago Forin is a Ph.D. student in Purdue University's School of Engineering Education. He is an active researcher in cross disciplinary practices in Dr. Robin Adams' XRoads Research Group. He is also in charge of developing assessments for Purdue's Global Engineering Program. His background is in Civil and Environmental Engineering where he received a BS from Florida State University and a MS from Purdue University.

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A Personal Account on Implementing Reflective PracticesHave you ever attempted to integrate reflective practices into your service learning experience?Did you find it difficult to get support and buy-in from your students and colleagues? Do youfeel that the struggle to integrate reflective practices overshadow the benefits? If you’vepondered these questions, I would like to take you along on a personal journey I had withintegrating reflective practices with engineering work. While working with the GlobalEngineering Program at Purdue, I began a pilot study that attempted to implement reflectivepractices as a way to look into student development when engaged in service learning projects.The implementation of the pilot study proved difficult due to student and faculty resistance toreflective practices. As I tried to overcome that resistance, I learned some important lessons inusing reflective practices in service learning projects. I would like to share my experiences with alarger audience because I believe that learning how to integrate different practices in engineeringis an important tool for any educator that wishes to utilize new methods to aid studentdevelopment. This paper will take readers on a journey that shows how literature on reflectivepractices influenced my choices on how to structure my pilot study as well as what myexperiences were with implementation and the lessons I learned that would help me better utilizereflective practices in future service learning experiences.

Forin, T. R. (2014, June), A Personal Account on Implementing Reflective Practices Paper presented at 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Indianapolis, Indiana. 10.18260/1-2--19974

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