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1996 Annual Conference
Stephen J. Ressler; Thomas Lenox
United States Military Academy, and the Director of USMA’s Civil Engineering Program. He holds leadership positions in the CE Division, the Mech Division, and the Middle-Atlantic Section of ASEE. Page 1.482.6. . . ?&ii’-’} 1996 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings ‘?.,~yy’: .
1996 Annual Conference
Stephen J. Ressler; Thomas Lenox
, reinforced concrete design, and design of structural systems.COLONEL THOMAS A. LENOXCOL Thomas A. Lenox is a Professor of Civil Engineering at the United States Military Academy, and theDirector of USMA’s Civil Engineering Program. He holds leadership positions in the CE Division, the MechDivision, and the Middle-Atlantic Section of ASEE. Page 1.38.6 $iil’ } 1996 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings ‘ ,y ! < O
1996 Annual Conference
Jerry W. Samples; C. Conley; Thomas Lenox
Engineering Division in the department. During 11years in leadership roles at USMA, he has supervised 9 teacher training workshops and 2 design workshops. Heis also a regular presenter at the International Society for Exploring Teaching Alternatives.COL THOMAS A. LENOX is the Director of the Civil Engineering Division in the department. He has taughtcourses in Statics & Dynamics, Strength of Materials, Vibration Engineering, Structural Mechanics, StructuralAnalysis, Matrix Structural Analysis, Design of Steel Structures, and Design of Structural Systems. COL Lenoxis an active member of ASEE -- holding leadership positions in the Civil Engineering Division, the MechanicsDivision, and the Middle-Atlantic Section. He has written and presented many