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2020 Northeast Section Meeting
Ashkan Vakil
. Nanotubes are composed of sp2 each sublattices. Unit cell is shown in figure 5hybridization i.e. the bonding of one s-orbital with twop-orbital. Three of four valance electrons are bondedbetween s and p orbitals. The free electron, called π –electron give CNT its exceptional electrical propertiesand stimulated a surge of interest in the applications ofCNT in engineering [33-36]. Despite recentadvancement in nanoscale fabrication and reportedsuccess in using DNA as a template to guide theassembly [12, 37], designing CNT based nanoscalespiral structures remains a challenge. In this section, wewill analyze CNT conductivity and further present themathematical model of a spiral CNT base Nantenna. Surface of CNT has a lattice honeycomb
2020 Northeast Section Meeting
Aditi Deokar
- 0.899 ± 0.784 ± 1.000 ± 0.880 ± 0.734 ± 0.947 ± 0.944 ± 0.987 ±ROC score 0.021 0.025 0.000 0.058 0.038 0.008 0.014 0.005 Ye et al. had also found that gradient boosting was the best machine learning model, as measured by AUC-ROC score (0.709), but their logistic regression model was their best predictor (0.7351). However, we found that our gradient boosting model (0.864) outperformed both our logistic regression model (0.753) and Ye et al.’s logistic regression model in AUC-ROC score. Our gradient boosting model also slightly outperformed Artzi et al.’s gradient boosting model (0.85 AUC-ROC score), created based on electronic health records
2020 Northeast Section Meeting
Seth Pearl, SUNY New Paltz; Rachmadian Wulandana, SUNY New Paltz
exchangers [11], transmission cables [12], Frequency Drive (VFD). The VFD allows the flowing fluid totowering chimneys [13], and radio antennas [14] that are be controlled either manually or automatically at frequenciesexposed to flowing air. Interestingly, recent investigation ranging from 20 Hz to 55 Hz. The maximum average flowsuggests that when the large lateral oscillations can be well speed that can be achieved is approximately 60 cm/s. Acontrolled and utilized, useful energy harvesting of such converging chamber was designed at the entrance of themechanisms becomes possible. The Vortex Induced observation chamber to reduce the complexity of the flow andVibration Aquatic
2020 Northeast Section Meeting
James Flanagan; Smeet Patel; Matthew Prescott; Alya Abd Aziz; Bala Maheswaran
and was measured at 0.002000various frequencies (69Hz, 70Hz, and 74Hz).The voltage produced by the model is very 0.001500slight due to its small scale and the fact that 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00the sound used to test does not contain very 0.001000 Time (s)much energy. Therefore, the OpAmp circuitwas necessary to measure it with the Figure 6b: Voltage measured at 70 Hz.Redboard. The operational amplifier used is 0.002000the MCP6002. This circuit was tested
2020 Northeast Section Meeting
Anurag Arasan; McCain Boonma; Rachel Fox; Kat Francis; Matt Goffin; Alya Abd Aziz; Bala Maheswaran
Independence.” Indiegogo, 29, Oct.challenge, as a large amount of space was 2018,required to fit the motor, power source, board, etc. Thus, our design is not regain-hand-function-and-easily scalable to accommodate multiple independence#/fingers. Given the opportunity to redesign 5. Nowogrodzki, A. (2015, July 13). “Athe product, perhaps the model could be Robot That Lets Your Hands Do thesimplified altogether by replacing the Grasping.” Retrieved fromelectronic actuation with a mechanical system. Such a design would not 1/soft-robotic-glove-could-put-daily-require