conceptual design in Deliv-erable 1, they were required to write a minimum one-page literature review on developments inAV technology related to their deployment on roads, with a specific requirement to cite five ormore references, which could be articles in magazines/websites, peer-reviewed journal articles,articles from conference proceedings, reports, or any other source. Successful completion of thistask would expose students to the variety of thoughts and approaches being used in research forAVs and setup a general set of assumptions that they would make about the performance of AVson roads. While wider public consultations was not possible within the limitations of this course,this task would also equip students to use feedback from such
peer evaluation or students are quite uncommon. At Farmingdale construction studentsare able to evaluate their peers in terms of their input for successful assignment completion. It is not onlythe peers’ capability or their understanding of the subject matter but also their role of helping otherstudents to learn. So, such assessment says more about validity of cooperative learning than justevaluating individuals.Self-Assessment in Group EnvironmentIn any course students are likely to learn more if they are capable of clearly articulating their goals andmaking connections between those and course goals and requirements1 . Self-assessment is crucial tolearning progress. Most students do have learning goals, although they may find it difficult to
submissions for the quizzes, but they were required to earn agrade of 80% in order to obtain credit for completion. Each of the four modules also required anindividual post-module reflection and a peer review in which students rated themselves and theirteammates.Teams were provided resources and guidance through a series of online videos and postedmaterial on the design process. Upper classmen mentoring was a critical aspect of the supportsystem [17], [18]. Not only were teams mentored during their Thursday sessions, each studentwas also emailed at least twice during the week to check if there were follow-up questions and toremind students about upcoming deadlines. Peer-instruction was an essential component of theproject since these topics were
module’s activities were shared. Each senior was required to present a brief (3-5 minute),informal update on their consulting project with a minimum of three (3) PowerPoint slides addressingtheir progress/status against milestones with the subset of seniors participating in the is modulefortnightly. The assignments included an initial presentation of the project scope, deliverables, andtimeline (Gantt chart) for all key project milestones. These regular activities assured that the clientneeds would be well understood by not only the consultant involved, but all of the seniors participatingin the module. They were then able to gauge how well they were progressing compared with theircolleagues. The peer to peer interaction was encouraged and
progressing in the practice of civil engineering disciplines. Withinthis Body of Knowledge, communication is identified as one of the professional outcomesnecessary for successful civil engineering practice.Of course, developing communication skills begins as early as K-12 education. Once studentsenter their collegiate course of study, academia, industry, and the students themselves must seekout and integrate communication study and practice into their engineering training [2]. Althougheffective communication is critical to the practice of civil engineering, it has been identified as askill missing from engineering curricula in general [3]. Communication skills are not onlynecessary for the tasks of writing reports and giving presentations: effective
Architecture peers. Bycomparison, this is one year longer than engineering technology graduates pursuing a ProfessionalEngineering (PE) license. This time lag places BSc Architectural Engineering Technologygraduates who plan to pursue architectural licensure at a disadvantage, and may affect theenrollment, retention, and graduation rates for this type of program. The objective of this paper isto compare course offerings of a four-year B.Sc. Architectural Engineering Technology Programto NAAB-accredited five-year Bachelor of Architecture programs, examine qualitative feedbackfrom students regarding the Architectural Engineering Technology Program and their career goals,and assess the continuing viability of the architectural engineering technician
the College is the Chemistry for Engineers course, a science course concernedwith topics for professional development. GenEd is the University core requirement whichsatisfies the social sciences and humanities requirement. The common freshman year curriculumfor the BSE EME and EPE programs is as follows: First Semester Second Semester Calculus I Calculus II Chemistry for Engineers, Chemistry Lab Elementary Classical Physics I Introduction to Engineering Intro to Engineering Problem Solving GenEd Analytical Reading and Writing Engineering Computation
Martin (2005;2007) presented above. In this case adaptive expertise was assessed in terms of knowledge,conceptual understanding, and ability to transfer knowledge. Three class problems were used in apre/post study that examined these dimensions. Students who received instruction based on theSTAR Legacy format showed improved conceptual understanding and improved ability totransfer knowledge relative to peers taught in a non-challenge-based approach.Design Engineering: Design scenarios have been successfully used as a method to facilitate thedevelopment of adaptive expertise in engineering students (Walker, 2006). These scenarios,representing a form of problem-based instruction, are offered to students who are then left totackle the problem
the many civil engineering concepts that are related to a sitedevelopment project. As currently structured, four class meetings throughout the semester arededicated solely to the Core Project. Two classes are project working sessions where studentteams can collaborate with each other and ask the instructor questions during class time, whilestudent presentations for each part of the project use an additional two class meetings.For this first iteration with a small enrollment of 14 students, there are two groups of five andone group of four. Students chose their own group, work with the same group throughout thesemester, and complete peer evaluations after each project submittal. In future offerings, the goalis still to restrict group size to