areas that thecapstone team and their peers had faced when taking the control systems course; namelyabstractness and continuity. As mentioned before, the architecture of the education tool features anoverarching real-world example of a system the student user is hoping to control. The real-worldexamples ultimately used in the tool are reflective of the engineering concentrations of the capstoneteam. The biomedical track used an example of controlling the glucose level within a human body;and the mechanical track used an example of controlling car speed. Figure 1. Screen capture of the track selection page Proceedings of the 2021 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference
improvedstudent performance. In addition, the widely available digital course will prove most beneficialto the underserved populations with previously limited access to much of the knowledge andskills incorporated into this pre-college course.Included in this paper is a framework of concepts to be addressed in the course. ContentStudent skill and knowledge deficiencies are often observed in both academic preparedness andcollegiate life readiness through instructor observations and student self-reflections. As such,items in these areas need to be part of a college prep program to ensure that students are readiedon all fronts.Radcliffe and Bos re-inforce that “key dimensions for building college readiness
. Students were provided with a spreadsheet,shown in Figure 3 below, which they used to track their time (and other parameters) on varioustasks. Analyses of these data included: (i) identifying up to three aspects of their daily lives thatthe student wanted to focus on to look for any trends in the data or correlations between differentparameters; and (ii) interpretations of the weekly trends in the data. At the end of each week,students were required to write a one-page reflection on their usage of time, quality of time spenton various activities, and their analysis. Students were also encouraged to reflect on theirstrengths and weaknesses and strategies they would adopt to make changes or improvements. Proceedings of the 2021
diversity and equity, reflected in her publications, research, teaching, service, and mentoring. More at and Karan Watson P.E., Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi Karan L. Watson, Ph.D., P.E., is currently a Regents Senior Professor of Electrical and Computer Engi- neering, having joined the faculty at Texas A&M University in 1983 as an Assistant Professor. She is also serving as the C0-Director of the Institute for Engineering Education and Innovation. She has served in numerous roles at Texas A&M University, including: Provost and Executive Vice President(2009-2017), Vice Provost (2009), Dean of Faculties and Associate Provost (2002-2009), Interim VP for Diversity
© 2021, American Society for Engineering Education Session XXXXWe also had direct data from students experiences through weekly memoranda that students were requiredto write. The in-course purpose of the memoranda was for students to reflect on what they did each week,what they learned, and what goals they set for subsequent weeks. Examining these memoranda (Table 3)over the semester illuminates student experiences.Going through the timeline (weeks 1 through 15), themes do emerge. In weeks 1-3, the beginning of theproject period, students visited the temporary homeless camp. That camp could never become a permanentlocation due to poor road