(4) recognized major civil engineering areas: structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, transportation engineering, water resources engineering; (Assessed Outcome) An ability to apply knowledge of sustainability to civil engineering practice.Assessment matrices were developed for all three assessed outcomes. The subsequent sub-sections discuss the evaluation methods for each of these.Outcome: Ability to Function in Multidisciplinary TeamsThe evaluation of a a multidisciplinary team is a challengingproblem from an .Ireview system was chosen. After review of various peer review procedures, the web-basedevaluation system called Comprehensive Assessment of Team Member
methods are crucial to make students participate, getmore involved at learning in a significant way, that will last their lifetime. Keywords: excellence in engineering education, interactive teaching methods, hands-on, just in time teaching, peer teaching, clicker, Connect, Jeopardy, CramsterIntroductionDuring the last decade of teaching engineering, the quantity of information to learn hasincreased and the time to acquire this knowledge stayed the same. Maybe the solution tothis problem would be to follow the field of medicine, where they now need to have aBachelor’s degree before starting their doctors program. Skills that used to be part of thebasic formal education of engineers are gone and replaced by new primordial skills
how to use an online tool to complete cost estimates so somebasic guidance was provided. In addition to a final report, the students were asked to develop afive to ten minute presentation summarizing their work that was presented in front of the class.Their peers were then allowed to ask questions.Project 1 ResultsSome samples of student work are shown in Table 1 and Figure 1. Table 1 shows how a typicaldecision matrix for the project was created. The three different sites were evaluated over a rangeof categories, with each category assigned a weight to allow for varying importance. Figure 1shows a typical schematic drawing of the floor plan. These drawings are used for other parts ofthe project as well, including determining the LEED credits
more or less formulated by Kolb the experientiallearning [8], Schön the reflective practitioner [9], and Cowan the reflective learner [10].The Aalborg (AAU) PBL model i ba ed on he idea ha den mo i a ion and engagemen isupported when students get an active role in the acquisition and creation of knowledge. Furthermore he eache ole in he lea ning oce ha o be ini ia o and facili a o in a collabo a i e oce ofknowledge development and knowledge transfer. The organization of the students learning process isbased on group work which means that peer-learning is becoming vital in the shared educationalprocess of the project group [8].The characteristics in PBL at Aalborg University, faculty of Engineering and Science are described