Charles Neuman, Queensborough Community College; David Lieberman, Queensborough Community College; Don Engelberg, Queensborough Community College; Alex Flamholz, Queensborough Community College; Paul Marchese, Queensborough Community College; George Tremberger, Queensborough Community College; Tak Cheung, Queensborough Community College
Robert Strangeway, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Edward Chandler, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Roger Brown, Chippewa Valley Technical College; Kenneth Exworthy, Northeast Wisconsin Technical College (retired); Jeffrey Fancher, Western Wisconsin Technical College; Walter Hedges, Fox Valley Technical College; Terry Fleischman, Fox Valley Technical College; Patrick Hoppe, Gateway Technical College; Richard Lokken, Milwaukee Area Technical College; Thomas Martin, Northeast Wisconsin Technical College; Daniel Merkel, Milwaukee Area Technical College (retired); Michael O'Donnell, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Terry O'Laughlin, Madison Area Technical College; Mark Porubsky, Milwaukee Area Technical College; Robert Steker, Waukesha County Technical College; Timothy Tewalt, Chippewa Valley Technical College