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2021 ASEE St. Lawrence Section Conference
Chelsea Q Linvill, United States Military Academy Department of Geography & Environmental Engineering; Benjamin Michael Wallen P.E., United States Military Academy; Andrew Ross Pfluger, United States Military Academy; Michael A. Butkus P.E., United States Military Academy
. Each class (or “section”) includes typically no more than 16 studentsenabling high levels of student engagement. For example, in the Spring 2020 semester, studentsenrolled in EV350 were distributed among 13 sections taught by six instructors. During thatsemester, one lab, one field trip, and 20 lessons were transitioned from in-person learning to anonline platform, Blackboard Collaborate. During the pivot, all lessons, labs, and field trips, wereprerecorded using existing materials (e.g., slideshows and handouts). Lessons learned duringSpring 2020 were immediately refined and the entire course (40-lessons) was transitioned to100% remote for a summer course offering. To do so, an additional lab, field trip, and the first 20lessons of the course