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Displaying all 3 results
Conference Session
Influence of Race and Culture
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Leslie Wilkins, Maui Economic Development Board; Sheryl Hom, isisHawaii and Women in Technology; Jenilynne Gaskin, Maui Economic Development Board; Kawailehua Kuluhiwa, Maui Economic Development Board, Inc.; Christine Andrews, Maui Eco Dev Board
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Minorities in Engineering
Conference Session
Influence of Race and Culture
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Tony Mitchell, North Carolina State University; John F. Flannigan, III, III, Sloan Construction Company; Renee M. Wooten, SAS Institute, Inc.; Eric P. Pearson, Northrop Grumman Corporation; Angelitha Daniel, North Carolina State University
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Minorities in Engineering
Conference Session
Influence of Race and Culture
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Shonda Bernadin, Georgia Southern University; Frank Atuahene, Ph.D
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Minorities in Engineering