different platforms. Most hands-on exercises can be donelocally without Internet connection.Compared to the centralized remote lab, the virtual lab is very portable, inexpensive, can be runon the students’ computers, anywhere, and at any time. We have experimented with virtualmachines in a number of labs with a high degree of success. Feedback from students indicatedsatisfaction.1. IntroductionInformation and computer technology programs are plagued by several major challenges. First,computing technologies are evolving at a rapid pace, making it difficult for schools to maintainup-to-date technologies in physical labs due to budget constraints. Second, lab exercisesdeveloped by faculty have short life span and need to be updated to reflect new
standard (omitting detailedpenetration analyses, as noted below). The course also covers roughly 80% of the core andelective learning outcomes of the Information Technology computing curriculum proposed in2005 by the Association for Computing Machinery2.2. Boundaries and FlowsThese two concepts were chosen as the organizing concepts or “themes” of the course.A boundary separates two elements of a system and may thereby provide a degree of protection.As stated in the US government’s Information Assurance Technical Framework (the IATF),“Information assets exist in physical and logical locations, and boundaries exist between theselocations”8. This statement reflects the fact that students must consider a system’s physical aswell as logical elements
documents, mailing lists, and electronic data interchange forms from vendors andcustomers, social security numbers, and credit card numbers6,16,17,18,19. These critical data andinformation reported in the literature provide and initial understanding to the question addressedin this research.Research Methodology: Focus GroupThis section discusses the methodology used in this research, namely a focus group discussion,and demonstrates its appropriateness for addressing the research questions. The value of thismethodology lies not only in the individual responses of the participants but also in thediscussions that arise among the respondents that reflect a shared, social understanding of aparticular topic. Additionally the opportunity exists for
support team projects. • Selecting appropriate tools. • Learning to use tools effectively. • Assessment and reflection.2. OSS ToolsOSS tools can support specific team activities. However, teams usually perform a variety ofactivities, which could benefit from different tools. Teams can approach this situation in twoways. First, they can use a tool that provides multiple functions, and try to adapt it to multipleactivities. Second, they can use multiple tools, and try to make the tools work well together. Thefollowing sections describe some specific functions and tools, and then ways of combining them.2.1. Version ControlTeam members need reliable access to the most current version of a document, and they mayalso need access to
protocol, wireless distribution system, and the classic wirednetwork.1. IntroductionThe introduction of wireless networking has allowed people the freedom to access networks,including the Internet, from almost any location. This fact has been reflected, in part, by a surgein laptop sales over the recent years. Vice president of Gartner’s worldwide computingplatforms, Charles Smulders, states that “Consumers are flocking to notebooks because of lowerprices, better performance, and an increased appreciation for wireless technologies.”5 Theincreased appreciation here stems from the transparently bridging technologies. According to anengineer at Qualcomm, “One of the fundamental design goals for 802.11 is to provide servicesthat are consistent
many students as opposed to Java or C++. Therefore, it was used in two coreprogramming courses (CIT 225 and CIT 320).Figure 2 shows the adopted sequence of courses from the second to the fourth year of thecurriculum. The levels in problem solving and critical thinking increase with the course contentand this is reflected by the change in color in the diagram that lists the sequence.Each course shows the leaning outcome that is associated with it and the master course syllabusclearly identifies that outcome.The master course syllabus is a critical component of the IT curriculum that addresses theintegration of desired learning outcomes into various courses of the curriculum. A master coursesyllabus was developed for all core and elective
changesin the system dynamics 28. A self-tuning scheme is initially implemented using the poleassignment technique with JBC control. The hybrid collocated and non-collocated controlscheme is then realized with an adaptive JBC position controller and an inverse end-point-modelvibration controller. A recursive least squares algorithm is utilized to obtain an inverse model ofthe plant in parametric form. The problem of controller instability arising from the non-minimum phase characteristics exhibited in the plant model is resolved by reflecting the non-invertible zeros into the stability region. The performances of both schemes are investigatedwithin a flexible manipulator simulation facility. An alternative to the parametric approach described