AC 2008-1063: THE S&T ECO-SYSTEM: PRESSURES FROM KINDERGARTENTO GLOBALIZATIONMichael Richey, The Boeing Company Michael Richey is a Boeing Associate Technical Fellow supporting the Learning Training and Development group. Michael has 30 years experience in tool design and metrology, analyzing commercial aircraft and has developed many advanced CAD/CAM and Product Lifecycle management standards and engineering educational programs. Michael is the industry representative for the FAA AMTAS Center of Excellent at the University of Washington and is the Chair of their A&A Department's Aircraft Structures Composite and Manufacturing Certificate Programs. Michael received his B.S. in
AC 2008-2556: A COMPREHENSIVE LABORATORY CURRICULUM IN SINGLEDEGREE OF FREEDOM (S-D-F) VIBRATIONS; PHASE I – WORKING MODELEXPERIMENTSAlexander Colletti, The College of New Jersey Alexander Colletti Alex Colletti is a senior mechanical engineering major at The College of New Jersey (TCNJ). He has been involved in TCNJ’s Mini-Baja SAE project and Society of Automotive Engineers (where he was secretary). He is also a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). After graduation Alex plans to go on to graduate school to obtain a PhD in the field of energy and heat transfer. He is working on the forced response system of the apparatus.Joseph Monaghan, The College of New Jersey
Rugarcia, “The Future of Engineering Education II. Teaching Methods that Work,” Chem. Eng. Ed., 34(1), 26-39 (2000).2. Moor, S. S. and P. R. Piergiovanni, “Experiments in the Classroom: Examples of Inductive Learning with Classroom-Friendly Laboratory Kits,” Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Nashville, TN, (June 2003).3. Kolb, D., Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development, Prentice-Hall (1984). Page 13.280.114. Birol, G, A.F. McKenna, H. Smith, T. Giorgio and S. Brophy, (2007). “Development of challenge based
AC 2008-2031: "...A GOOD IMAGINATION AND A PILE OF JUNK"Shawn Jordan, Purdue Univeristy SHAWN JORDAN is a doctoral student in the School of Engineering Education at Purdue University, where he is studying geographically distributed design teams. He has appeared on many television shows with Rube Goldberg machines, including Jimmy Kimmel LIVE and Master of Champions on ABC, and has won two National Rube Goldberg Machine Contest championships.Robin Adams, Purdue University Robin S. Adams is an Assistant Professor in the School of Engineering Education at Purdue University. She also led the Institute for Scholarship on Engineering Education (ISEE) as part of the Center for the
. 19(1): p. 31.5. Khan, M.R., S. Harlock, and G. Leaf, Computer simulation of production systems for woven fabric manufacture. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 1999: p. 37745-756.6. Buxton, B. and E. Nielsen, How to be lean, mean and green. Financial Executive, 1995. 11(4): p. 29-33.7. King, A.A. and M.J. Lenox, Lean and green? An empirical examination of the relationship between lean production and environmental performance. Production and Operations Management, 2001.8. Florida, R., Lean and Green: The Move To Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing. California Management Review, 1996. 39(1): p. 80-105.9. Sutherland, J.W. and K.L. Gunter, eds. Environmental Attributes of Manufacturing Processes
AC 2008-611: THE NEW AND IMPROVED CIVIL ENGINEERING BODY OFKNOWLEDGERichard Anderson, Somat Engineering, Inc.Stuart Walesh, S. G. Walesh ConsultingKenneth Fridley, University of Alabama Page 13.1249.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2008 The New and Improved Civil Engineering Body of KnowledgeAbstractIn January 2004 the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) published the CivilEngineering Body of Knowledge for the 21st Century report (BOK1)1. Based on the favorablereception of the BOK1 in the civil engineering community, ASCE embarked on a revision of theBOK to take advantage of the comments received and the lessons learned in earlyimplementation of the
, 2005, Monte de Caparica, Portugal.4. Nirva H. Kapadia, Jose A. Firtes, and Marks S. Lundstromm. “The Purdue University Network-Computing Hubs: Running Unmodified Simulation Tools via the WWW.” ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, Vol. 10, No. 1, January 2000, Pages 39–57.5. accessed on January 15, 2008. Page 13.694.15
Manufacturing.Amir Javaheri, Virginia State University Amir Javaheri is an Associate Professor of Manufacturing Engineering and a member of graduate faculty at Virginia State University. He received his M.S. degree in Operations Management from Case Western University and a PH.D. in Industrial Engineering from University of Cincinnati. His current research interests are primarily in the assessment of student learning in various stages of program objectives, program outcomes and course learning outcomes.Stephen S. Tompkins, Virgina State University Stephen S. Tompkins – Currently an associate professor in Manufacturing Engineering at VSU. Areas of major interest are solid mechanics, materials and thermal
AC 2008-378: AN EVALUATION OF INDIAN INTERNATIONAL GRADUATESTUDENTS’ EXPECTATIONS AND EXPERIENCESRajesh Bachu, University of Bridgeport Rajesh G. Bachu is Graduate Assistant in Electrical Engineering at the University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT. He is pursuing his Masters of science, Electrical Engineering at the University of Bridgeport, CT.Deepak S. Deepawale, University of Bridgeport Deepak S. Deepawale is Graduate Assistant in Electrical Engineering at the University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT. He is pursuing his Masters of science, Electrical Engineering at the University of Bridgeport, CT.Buket Barkana, University of Bridgeport Buket D. Barkana is a Visiting Assistant
AC 2008-1802: ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING EDUCATION IN INDIA:ANOTHER LOOKRajeswari Sundararajan, College of Technology - Purdue UniversityDaniel Dangelo, Intelkishore N.K., IIT KaragpurHaritha Mogilisetti, IntelSundhasarath Somasundaram, Valliammai College of Engineeringumadevi S., highwaysRobert Nowlin, retired Page 13.478.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2008 Electrical Engineering Education in India: Another lookAbstract:With outsourcing and globalization, India has become an important pool for the outsourcing ofservice and information technology work in the US and other industrialized countries. Inaddition to software development and call centers
Robotics as a tool for immersive, hands-on freshmen engineering instruction AbstractH a n d s
- On Space Systems Project Experiences on Career Choices Abstract S e v e r a l r e p o r t s
the Power Electronics Course AbstractA n e x e r c i s e t o
. A s s i g n m e n t g
allows the student to view both root locus andBode information. Unlike the GUI in this paper, the built in design tools are not based on theunified design procedures of the author’s previous work.9,10 Consequently, it does not providethe same seamless integration for the students as they transition from simple classroom exercisesto more complicated lab and design projects.Compensator DesignThe integrated design procedure using time or frequency domain plant data requires ageneralization of the angle criterion from root locus design. The standard closed-loop system isshown in Figure 1 where K is the control gain, Gc (s) is the compensator and G p ( s ) representsthe plant dynamics. R ( s
AC 2008-1616: INTEGRATING ENGINEERING ETHICS EDUCATION INTO AMULTI-DISCIPLINARY SEMINAR COURSE: MAKING THE “SOFT”OUTCOMES RELEVANTDavid Cottrell, University of North Carolina at Charlotte DR. DAVID S. COTTRELL is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering Technology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1978 and retired in 2000 after more than 22 years of service with the US Army Corps of Engineers. Studies at Texas A&M University resulted in an MS Degree in Civil Engineering in 1987 and a PhD in 1995. He is a registered Professional Engineer and has taught courses in statics, dynamics, mechanics of materials, graphic
18 Ph M ys at ic h s 1 1
the pedagogicalpuzzle. This feedback is used to refine and optimize the course for the student to get the mostfrom the experience. This optimization is heavily based upon the premise that students haveresponded to the best of their ability using their own work.When this premise is found to fail, a common response by the instructor is to reduce the courseweight of the component(s) where academic integrity may be questioned (e.g. computerprogramming laboratories). While this appears to limit the gains of the dishonest student, it willalso demotivate the honest students by: 1) Placing less emphasis on core aspects of the course building blocks, and 2) Continuing to reward questionable methods with high marks.In the effort to limit the
visit. The department, as a whole, had information fromalumni and employer surveys, which we were able to use for some outcomes assessment. Thedepartment did not have any real hard data to present regarding student(s) learning outcomes,course accomplishments with respect to the student(s) and, obviously, therefore could not assesscourse outcomes or individual program outcomes. Nor could the department/program evenbegin to look at closing the loop of making changes to improve a course or program for thestudents. What was the view from the trenches at this point? We were in the middle of a neverending downpour and the trench was filling up fast. As a department there was not a clear sense of what TAC-ABET was looking for andwhat the
. 2) The absence property is also known as alarm. Existence (P ) 1) Event or condition P holds at least once within the states defined by the scope of interest. 2) The existence property is also known as eventually. U niversality (P ) 1) Event or condition P holds in every state of the scope of interest. 2) The universality property is also known as safety or invariant. (S) P recedes(P ) 1) S holds before P holds, where S and P are events or conditions 2) S may hold several times before P holds 3) P does not hold before S holds 4) P may hold at the same state as S holds 5) If S holds, then
Page 13.713.2faculty members that universities are working hardest to recruit and retain.In Fall 2005, Boise State University administered a Campus Climate Survey to faculty, staff andstudents. The results from the faculty portion of the survey are allowing the university to beginthe process of cultural transformation. Science and engineering (S&E) faculty at the universityare taking a key leadership role in addressing these issues for S&E faculty from underrepresentedgroups, with the long term goal of incorporating the gains they have made into the university as awhole for faculty, staff, and students. They have forged a coalition of key faculty and staff acrosscampus who exercise responsibility for, and interest in, equity issues
overview of the experimental setup) andthe local video (zooming in on the analyzed airfoil) are streamed in real time and/or saved to afile. A camera with pan, tilt and zoom functions was chosen such that the students can adjust thecamera view based on their requirements and preferences. The GUI was implemented usingASP.NET25 in conjunction with the Visual Studio .NET Development Environment26. Page 13.949.8 Figure 11: GUI of real-time wind tunnel remote experimentsIn the laboratory assignment used in the undergraduate course on fluid mechanics at SIT, thestudents are given the values for the planform area S of the airfoil and
Society for Engineering Education, 2008 Service-Learning Projects in 35 Core Undergraduate Engineering CoursesAbstractThe College of Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML) has integratedservice-learning (S-L) into many of its core required undergraduate courses over the last threeyears. Projects that meet real community needs and that help students achieve academicobjectives in the courses are difficult to create. Projects for 35 different undergraduate requiredcourses are summarized to help faculty, staff, and students develop S-L projects for their owncourses. Faculty at UML were encouraged to “start small rather than not at all.” Courses andprojects include, for example: first-year introduction to engineering with 340
Page 13.507.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2008 Engineering Faculty Attitudes toward Service-LearningAbstractSLICE is a multi-year initiative at the University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML) that isdesigned to embed service-learning opportunities for students throughout the undergraduatecurriculum in the College of Engineering, with the ultimate goal that each student would have atleast one course every semester with a service-learning project. Since it began in 2004, thirty-seven full-time faculty members in the engineering college at UML have tried service-learning(S-L) in at least one of their courses over the last three years, out of an average of 70 facultymembers who taught undergraduate courses. In 2003
13.271.7Bibliography 1. Larminie, J.; Dicks, A. Fuel Cell Systems Explained, 2nd Edition, Wiley, West Sussex, England, 2003. 2. Los Alamos National Laboratory fuel cell website,, accessed February 2008. 3. J. M. Keith, “A Student-Driven Enterprise in Fuel Cells and Alternative Fuels,” ASEE Conference Proceedings, 2004. 4. J. M. Keith, K. C. Opella, M. G. Miller, J. A. King, G. D. Gwaltney, C. A. Green, J. S. Meldrum, and S. A. Bradley, “Engineering Education in Alternative Energy,” ASEE Conference Proceedings, 2006. 5. J. S. Meldrum, C. A. Green, G. D. Gwaltney, S. A. Bradley, J. M. Keith, and T. F. Podlesak, “Fuel Cell Powered Unmanned
. U n i v e r s i t y K a t e G l e a s o n C o l l e g e o f E
the smallest size drive, rated at230 volts and 1 hp. The current price for these drives is $235,which meant we could buy drives for all eight workstations forless than the price of a single “name brand” drive. The drives arepulse-width-modulated, IGBT drives and are fully-featuredincluding simple volts/hz control, sensorless vector control withautotune, and adjustable acceleration/deceleration ramps withlinear and S-curves, among others. The drive has an RS485 portfor communications that can be configured for ethernetcommunication with an optional interface. The drive is relativelycompact, measuring less than 5" wide, 7" tall, and 6.5" deep.The drive can be configured using the human interface module(HIM), which is mounted at the top, right
create accuratemathematical plots on-the-fly, and dynamically manipulate graphical content to emphasizepoints of discussion.This paper is about realizing that potential for the purpose of teaching the relationships betweencontinuous-time (C-T) and discrete-time (D-T) systems. This is an area that requires a teacher topresent several different types of plots – time-domain response plots, frequency-response (e.g.,Bode) plots, and pole/zero maps in the s-plane and z-plane – and to discuss their inter- Page 13.1030.2relatedness.Certainly, there are problems using computers to create plots “on-the-fly” in the classroom, e.g.: ‚ delays resulting from