ETD 345 Examining the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on S-STEM Financially Supported Students’ Change-Readiness and Self-Efficacy Sarah (Yin Yin) Tan and John L. Irwin Michigan Technological University1. IntroductionS-STEM financially supported students: ETS-IMPRESS (The Engineering Technology Scholars –IMProving REtention and Student Success) participate in the Honors College Pathway Program(HCPP), where they write reflections frequently. All reflections are written and follow a “What/SoWhat/Now What” format that instructors also describe as “Present, Analyze
on the increase of student involvement in the CUREprojects.ReferencesAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers. (2012). ASME Code of Ethics.Anderson, L. W., & Krathwohl, D. (2001). A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing : a revision of Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives.Ballen, C. J., Blum, J. E., Brownell, S., Hebert, S., Hewlett, J., Klein, J. R., McDonald, E. A., Monti, D. L., Nold, S. C., Slemmons, K. E., Soneral, P. A. G., & Cotner, S. (2017). A call to develop course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) for Nonmajors courses. CBE Life Sciences Education, 16(2), 1–7., D., & Dunning, D. (2005). What you don’t know: The role played by
Copyright ©2023, American Society for Engineering Education ETD 545course prepares the students for the relevant jobs including but not limited to solar PV projectdeveloper, solar PV field technician, and solar PV installer.AcknowledgmentThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (AdvancedTechnological Education program) under Grant No. 1902442.The author would like to thank the external evaluator, Dr. Barbara Moskal, for her valuablecomments and continuous support; and the external advisory committee, Dr. Saeed Kamalinia(S&C Electric Company), Dr. Iman Naziri (Energy Vault), and Dr. Amir Kazemi (GE Power),for
3 higher; EGR 2600. Co-requisite(s): EGR 2710 EM 2900 - Advanced Machining (*) 3 MET 2800 EM 3100 - Additive Manufacturing Processes (*) 3 EM 2900 EM 3200 - Advanced Additive Manufacturing (*) 3 EM 3100 Total Credits Required 18 (*) New coursesThe courses EGR 1710, EGR 2710 and MET 2800 are currently part of the MechanicalEngineering Technology program and they will lay the foundation needed for students toprogress towards more complex subjects. The courses EM 2900, EM 3100 and EM 3200 are newand will be focused on advanced manufacturing
ETD 515 VARiETy: Using Virtual and Augmented Reality in Engineering Technology to Improve Academic Success of African American Males and Females in Engineering Technology Programs at Augusta Technical College Kim Gaines, Caleb Allen, Johnica Mitchell, Shirley Walker-Herrington Augusta Technical CollegeAbstractVARiETy work-in-progress explores Augusta Technical College’s U. S. Department of EducationPredominantly Black Institutions (PBI) Formula grant initiative to incorporate the immersive technology ofvirtual and augmented reality into introductory
=Bv2YQnT6pSo[7] S. M. Byars, Business Ethics. Open Stax, 2022. ethics[8] M. F. Young, L. Bassett, D. D. Burkey, S. Streiner, and J. B. Reed, “Let’s play! Gamifying engineering ethics education through the development of competitive and collaborative activities,” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, Jul. 2021. G. BOOK is a professor at Pittsburg State University. She has taught in the Plastics EngineeringTechnology Program for 25 years. Her undergraduate degree is in Plastics Engineering Technology from PittsburgState University and her master’s degree is in Engineering Management from the University of Colorado, Boulder,Colorado. Rebeca worked in industry
mechanism; diameter of thedriven wheel at left is 3 inches.Exploring Standards Access and Education in Engineering Technology ProgramsPaul B. McPherson and Margaret Phillips, Purdue UniversityBackgroundAccessing and using technical standards is crucial for engineering technology students.Standards impact the design, testing, manufacture, and maintenance of products and systemsacross all industries. The significance of standards in ET education is evident in ABETEngineering Technology Accreditation Commission’s (ETAC) Criterion 5 (the curriculum must“include design considerations appropriate to the discipline ... such as: industry and engineeringstandards and codes…”) and several of the ETAC program criteria, such as‘Electrical/Electronic(s
ETD 335 University-Industry Partnerships to Enhance Engineering Education Maged B. Mikhail and Hassan S. Hayajneh Purdue University NorthwestAbstractEngineering education is facing a lot of challenges nowadays due to the COVID-19 pandemicand low enrollment issues that caused lowered funding opportunities and administrative budgetreductions. Engineering educators are required to play vital leadership roles to face thesechallenges. Combining efforts and collaborating with other programs and external partners,including community colleges, industry personnel
Framework for the Elderly Healthcare Services Using Digital Twin,” IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 49088–49101, 2019, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2909828.[3] C. Boje, A. Guerriero, S. Kubicki, and Y. Rezgui, “Towards a semantic Construction Digital Twin: Directions for future research,” Automation in Construction, vol. 114. Elsevier B.V., Jun. 01, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.autcon.2020.103179.[4] F. Tao, J. Cheng, Q. Qi, M. Zhang, H. Zhang, and F. Sui, “Digital twin-driven product design, manufacturing and service with big data,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 94, no. 9–12, pp. 3563–3576, Feb. 2018, doi: 10.1007/s00170-017-0233-1.[5] G. Garg, V. Kuts, and G. Anbarjafari, “Digital twin for
ETD 365 Innovation and Design in Academic Work through Industry Partnership Maged B. Mikhail and Hassan S. Hayajneh Purdue University NorthwestAbstractThere are many benefits of university-industry partnerships and collaborations (UIPC). Thestrength of university programs depends on staying relevant to innovative technology and currentmarket trends, not only regionally but globally. Having strong industry partnerships allowsstudents and university stakeholders to learn about current and future technology. Thecollaboration between LinMot Inc. USA and Purdue University Northwest (PNW
Murfreesboro Electric.In 2019, the MTSU Solar Boat Team participated in all the events and the members wereenthusiastic about their achieved results. In 2020, the Solar Splash Challenge was canceled dueto the COVID-19 pandemic, but the team has used this time to implement all the previouslymentioned improvements and the boat and will be attending next year’s competition todemonstrate the finished result.References[1] Solar Splash Event. Web. Accessed 4 August 2020.[2] Foroudastan, S. & Zuniga, S. “Experimental Vehicles Program Improves Student Performance through Energy Conversion and Conservation with Hands-on Learning”. Proceedings of the 2019 ASEE Conference. Assessed 4 August
. MATLAB and Comments 𝑣1 = 40 𝐾𝑚 ; 𝑇𝑑 = 3 ℎ >> beta=1.5; D=500; v1=40; ℎ 𝐾𝑚 >> roots([1+beta^2 -6*beta^2 9*beta^2- 𝛽 = 1.5; 𝑣2 = 60 ; 𝐷 = 500 𝐾𝑚 ℎ (D/v1)^2]) ans = 8.8710 -4.7172 The negative root is not admissible ⇒ 𝑇 = 8.87 ℎ which means Car #1 travels 8.87 h (8 h, 52 m, 12 s) and Car #2 travels 3 hours
decade. These areengineering technology (ENGT) and industrial, systems, and manufacturing engineering (ISME).In the late 2010s, the ISME Department added professional certifications as a condition forgraduation [21]. However, only in courses specifically taught by one of the authors were studentsable to gain certifications during the same semester of the courses.1.3.2 ISME. Within ISME, a systems engineering course launched initiatives to align withprofessional certification requirements. It aligned with the International Council of SystemsEngineers (INCOSE)’s Body of Knowledge (BOK) since 2016. Research shows that courses thatinclude both the theory of a topic and application exercises are preferred. When the applicationof knowledge is enabled
students towards real-world applications (i.e., case Proceedings of the 2023 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration Copyright ©2023, American Society for Engineering Education ETD 455studies) that have big social-economic impact and motivate them to move towards higher levelsof learning according to Bloom’s Taxonomy (Bloom 1956) and form life-long learning mindset.Nowadays more and more students in IHEs are classified as “non-traditional” — those who arenot entering university right after their high school graduation and needing to work part- or full-time job(s) to pay for their higher education. Most of the
and belonging in them making them want to stay involved, or inother words, it supports the retention of students in their STEM programs and the university.While SotR was initially developed as a peer-to-peer mentor activity for students in STEMfields, it has evolved into an outstanding recruitment and retention activity for advancing STEMawareness and engagement in the community for Purdue University Northwest. Proceedings of the 2023 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration Copyright ©2023, American Society for Engineering Education ETD 345References[1] S. Davari, S. Perkins-Hall, and K
, IN USA, Jun 2014 [10] Han-Way Huang, and Nannan He, “Experience of Teaching Embedded System Design using FPGAs,” in proc. of 2013 ASEE North Midwest Sec. Conf., Fargo, North Dakota, Oct 17-18, 2013 [11] Chacon, S., & Moges, M., “Project-Based Learning in Telecommunications: An Approach to Teaching New Technologies” in proc of 2008 ASEE GSW conf., Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA Mar. 26-28, 2008 [12] W. J. Shyr, “Teaching mechatronics: An innovative group project-based approach,” Comp. Appl. Eng. Edu., vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 93-102, Mar. 2012 [13] “Digikey Electronics,” (accessed Sept. 16, 2022) [14] “Mouser Electronics,” (accessed Sept. 16, 2022) [15] “Educational Boosterpack MKII
in Ind., vol. 100, pp. 244-257, Sep. 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.compind.2018.04.006.[2] A. Spieske, and H. Birkel, “Improving supply chain resilience through industry 4.0: a systematic literature review under the impressions of the COVID-19 pandemic,” Computers & Ind. Engineering, vol. 158, pp. 1- 22, Aug. 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.cie.2021.107452[3] Iowa State University Center for Industrial Research and Service (CIRAS), “Iowa Manufacturing Needs Assessment 2021-2022,” Accessed: Aug. 26, 2022 [Online]. Available: 2022_Iowa_Manufacturing_Needs_Assessment_Report.pdf[4] A. G. Frank, L. S. Dalenogare, and N. F. Ayala, “Industry 4.0 technologies
connection") } } //Couple the button to the commandFunction when clicked commandButton.addEventListener("click",commandFunction)Fig. 3. Javascript code examples demonstrating the read/write operations from/to the Webbrowser.4. Prototype Implementation: Real-Time Control of Virtual Bottle Filling Process Trainer Unit with ArduinoFor prototype implementation of the approach presented in this paper, a bottle filling processtrainer shown in Figure 4 was chosen as a case study. The trainer is composed of 4 differentstages, namely: flavor selection, filling, capping and labeling. Two automated conveyor belts anda turntable are used to transport bottle(s) between the stages. The process starts with selection ofa flavor from the three available
this course. The authors would also like to thank VincentHornbach for his help with the editing of the lecture videos as well as assuring the accessibilityof those videos.References[1] R. S. Sutton and A. G. Barto, Reinforcement learning: An introduction, MIT Press, 2018, p. 2.[2] “OpenCV modules,” OpenCV. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 28-Sep-2022].[3] Raspberry Pi Foundation, “Teach, learn, and make with the Raspberry Pi Foundation,” Raspberry Pi Foundation. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 28-Sep-2022].[4] H. Lasi, P. Fettke, H.G. Kemper, et al. Industrie 4.0. Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2014, 56, pp. 261–264.[5] S.B. Block, G.A. Hirt, and B.R. Danielsen, Foundations of Financial
, [Online]. Available: and-fees-increase-63-percent-since-january-2006.htm. [Accessed 25 September 2022].[5] C. Nagle and K. Vitez, "Fixing the Broken Textbook Market," U.S. PIRG Education Fund, 2020.[6] OER Commons, "Open Educational Resources," [Online]. Available:[7] T. J. Bliss and M. Smith, "A Brief History of Open Educational Resources. In: Jhangiani, R S and Biswas- Diener, R. (eds.) Open: The Philosophy and Practices that are Revolutionizing Education and Science.," London, Ubiquity Press. DOI: License: CC-BY 4.0, 2017, pp. 9-27.[8] Wikibooks, Open Education Handbook/History of the OER movement, 2021.[9] N. B
projects. This framework will appeal toyounger generations and help transform the learning of construction topics more effectively. Thedocumented results of the evaluation from this project will provide a clear guideline to easilytransfer and replicate the proposed approach to other programs at other institutions.References[1] BLS (2020). Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Construction Managers, (Retrieved June 19, 2022).[2] Bowen, S., (2005). Engaged Learning: Are We All on the Same Page?, Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), 7(2),[3] Young, M. R. (2010). The art and science of fostering engaged
, which will zero initial force and displacement.i) Start rotating the crank clockwise, the cross head will be driven by the power screw to move upward, adding tensile force to the specimen.j) Since the machine is hand operated, the speed needs to be in the range of 10 to 20 mm/s for good data resolution.k) Break the specimen, and click “record” again to end data logging.l) Initialize data analysis in the template to calculate modulus of elasticity, and compare with reference for initial verification.m) Export as Excel format for future analysis.Figure 3 shows the force in the load cell vs position of the crosshead, which represent theelongation of the specimen. Fig. 3. Force vs position (elongation of the specimen
residents sued the company in 1918, winning asmall settlement. In the 1920s, Webster farmers sued again, claiming damage to livestock,poultry, and crops [21]. U. S. Steel fought back by aggressively launching lengthy legalproceedings and postponed upgrades to the smelter [27].Despite these obvious signs of environmental damage and human suffering, the Zinc Workscontinued to operate, belching forth noxious fumes 24 hours a day, seven days a week, weekafter week. The plant was vital for the economic well-being of the town’s residents, primarilyimmigrants from Russia, Germany, and Central Europe, all of whom worked for one of the mills Proceedings of the 2023 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration
Education 4.0?, by S. Das, D. Kleinke, & D. Pistrui, Proceedings of the 2019 American Society of Engineering Educators Annual Conference and Exposition, Tampa, Florida.17. Same as Ref. 118. See See See See The Future of Electric Vehicles & e-Mobility, by Carla Bailo – CAR President & CEO, CAAT Conference, September 30, 2022, Warren, MI23. See Teaching the Internet of Things, by Gary J. Mullett, Paper presented at the 2022 ASEE CIEC