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Conference Session
Miscellaneous Mechanics: Covid and Free Body Diagrams
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew R. Sloboda, Bucknell University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanics Division (MECHS)
, “The effect of context on student performance on a homework-styleproblem,” Proceedings of ASEE Mid-Atlantic, Online, 2021.[11] J. Sweller, “Cognitive Load During Problem Solving: Effects on Learning,” Cognitive Science,vol. 12, pp. 257-285, 1988.[12] J. Sweller, P. Chandler, P. Tierney and M. Cooper, “Cognitive Load as a Factor in theStructuring of Technical Material,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, vol. 119, no. 2,pp. 176-192, 1990.Appendix: All Survey InstrumentsFBD Survey AThe rectangle is supported as shown in the figure. It has a weight W that acts through the center of gravityat G.Q1: Draw a free body diagram of the rectangle. Do NOT solve the problem, only draw the diagram.Q2: How confident are you about the completeness