submissions. • Conference papers represented a writing activity the members engaged in, mostly outside the live writing sessions. • Participants noted that they worked on other writing products as well outside the writing sessions. All respondents indicated that the community writing sessions were of benefit to completing thescholarly products noted above. The writing sessions were viewed as a community comingtogether and was meaningful beyond the writing accomplishments during the sessions.Cohort Member Reflections and Lessons LearnedWriting for Academic Job ApplicationsThe following represents reflections and lessons learned from a cohort participant whoparticipated in the academic job application portfolio preparation
established disciplinary context to new information, experiences, and ideas through a process of re-evaluating the ideas and/or approaches. 4. Evaluate the limitations imposed on any new approach or solution within a discipline to propose original contributions to problems. 5. Synthesize disparate or conflicting thoughts when evaluating questions/problems to form cohesive and collaborative solutions.The general education attributes (GEA) for learning outcomes 1 and 2 are structured through oral,writing, and reflection activities. Therefore, the developed communication module includes basicwriting and editing original contributions, writing scientific abstracts, and manuscripts, oralcommunication (speaking clearly and effectively