core values, the institution can prioritize the skills and knowledge thatare most important to them and their audience, and design microcredentials that reflect thosepriorities. For example, if an institution values innovation and cutting-edge technology, itsmicrocredentials should reflect that by incorporating the latest trends and technologies in the fieldof data science. If the institution values hands-on, experiential learning, its microcredentials shouldinclude opportunities for learners to apply their knowledge and skills in real-world scenarios.Defining core values can also help to ensure consistency and coherence across differentmicrocredentials offered by the institution. Without a clear understanding of the core values andmission of
sources togather education benefits that are available to them at different times of their military service[22]. The significance of appreciating the various education funding streams and their limitationsis straightforward. First, it will allow higher education institutions and stakeholder communitiesto reflect on which support systems and policies meet the needs and characteristics of theseindividuals. Second, such reflection and assessment may guide the next steps in policy andpractice that address thematic barriers to college attendance and attainment for this population.Future work may include an examination of active duty and student veteran graduate students.There has been a growing body of work with a focus on undergraduate student
work may lead to important insights on how to betterimprove military student support across multiple institutions.This study will continue to generate data from institutional agents working with militarystudents, especially those working within the college of engineering, to better define thedifference in awareness and gaps in support for military students pursuing an undergraduateengineering degree.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.2045634. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of National Science foundation