reported their confidence in each answer both pre- and post-comicon a 1-4 Likert scale. In all cases, average student confidence increased with the second time they answeredthe ConcepTest questions as presented in Table 6, which would again reflect the general self-reportedimprovement in confidence as measured in the additional survey questions. The greatest confidence bothpre- and post-comic were expressed by students who answered correctly pre-comic and then stayed withtheir same correct answer. The lowest confidence were expressed by students who were incorrect pre-comic and changed their answer to another incorrect option.Table 6. Average student reported confidence in their ConcepTest answers from pre-comic to post-comic,for each combination
1understanding (or the lack thereof) of a science concept, using a rubric to identify strengths andweaknesses in one's persuasive essay, writing reflective journal entries, and so on” .So, what is self-assessment? Two key definitions of self-assessment that guided this study werethose of Brown and Harris [5] and Panadero et. al [6]. Brown and Harris [5] defined self-assessment as a “descriptive and evaluative act carried out by the student concerning his or herown work and academic abilities”. Panadero et. al [6] went a step further to include themechanisms and techniques involved in performing the self-assessment work. They defined self-assessment as a “wide variety of mechanisms and techniques through which students describe(i.e., assess) and possibly
lacking.The goal of this work-in-progress is to establish methods that foster the development of effectiveteaching teams through the creation of upper-level senior/graduate BME courses. The authorsdeveloped a series of six virtual workshops to facilitate collaborative design of five BME coursesand the co-creation of team competencies and values, with the goal of fostering effectivelearning and team teaching outcomes. By the end of the collaborative course design program,teaching teams submitted their course syllabi for college approval, drafted an orientation for newteam members, and added a reflection of the team teaching to the post-delivery course evaluationprocess. The aim of sharing the process as well as the results of the workshop series
students read, reflect, and discuss various equity and justice-themedarticles. The second is four weeklong projects over the semester that require a sociotechnicalperspective to complete. Lastly, students complete an open-ended final project that requiresattention to equity dimensions in each project step. This paper will examine the students’responses to the weekly discussion reading on environmental racism.In this study, we focus on one week in which students read and reflected on two articles. Onewas an article from The Atlantic, titled “A New EPA Report Shows that Environmental Racismis Real” (Newkirk II, 2018). The other was an article from Vox titled, “There’s a clear fix tohelping Black communities fight pollution” (Ramirez, 2021). The
example, a Building Information Model [8]. High schoolstudents need to primarily learn 2D geometry, but 3D geometry can be used as motivation and aneventual goal. Besides standard motions (translations and rotations), the virtual model can beused to study scaling (dilations), reflections and shears which are not possible with the physicalmodel. For example, a 2D reflection can be implemented by lifting a triangle up out of the 2Dplane into 3D space, flipping it over and putting it down again in the plane [9]. From aneducational technology design and development perspective, the team’s general theoreticalcontext and learning sciences framework includes several key components, which havecollectively demonstrated effectiveness during previous NSF
(WIED) at ASEE convened a panel of current graduate students andpostdoctoral scholars to discuss visions of gender equity in engineering 130 years from now, whereall gender identities feel respected, experience gender equity, and are able to maintain a healthywork-life balance. The panelists reflected on their experiences on advancing womxn and genderequity in engineering, envisioned the progress that should be made in the coming 130 years, andshared ideas on how to achieve those visions, focusing on how dualistic thinking around genderand cis-normativity serve to marginalize womxn in engineering’s learning environments andworkplaces, as well as the critical ways that racial identity and gender intersect in womxn of colors’experiences
HurricaneKatrina and (3) the student selected research project on an engineered system that negativelyimpacted their local community. For each case, we discuss the learning goals of the givenactivity, how the activity was enacted for the class, and finally draw connections between theactivity and the theories of power it emphasized. After presenting the details of each case weshare our reflections on each of them as instructors. Our reflections explore what went well witheach activity, what challenges it had, and what we might change for future implementations.Study ContextThe three cases reported here all happened in a year-long senior capstone course for a multipledisciplinary engineering degree at a Mid Atlantic University with a large engineering
participants. Our poster will present anoverview of our: 1) conceptual model informing our data collection; 2) workshop developmentand implementation; and 3) instrument revision and piloting.Project OverviewThis project is a multi-case study with three phases in the research plan and two phases in theeducation plan. The project is guided by a conceptual model developed during Years 1 and 2 ofthe project. Phase 1 of the research plan is a single case study, which involves data collection atthe PI’s home institution, which is the current stage of the project. Part 1 of the education planrelated to developing and implementing Situational Judgment Inventories is currently underwayas well.Before we began collecting data, we reflected on the research
contexts [3]. Thesecontinual changes make T&E education unique from many content areas in that it is rapidlyevolving to provide students with the latest design thinking skills, technical skills, and manyother competencies. The name changes reflect a shift in the focus of the field to keep up withemerging societal needs and educational initiatives. While early manual arts and industrial artsprograms primarily focused on developing technical skills in students (predominantly males), thefield shifted toward a focus on the application of skills related to various technologies andimplementing design-based thinking to help all students become more technologically andengineering literate citizens and consumers. These name changes reflect the
was used when asking about theirdefinition of assessment. “...using this analogy, driving a car, I would like someone to be able to start the car, and drive around town, and do a couple basic tasks, without hurting someone, without hurting themselves…"By using this metaphor, we can see that this participant used assessment to assess whether or notstudents can perform a desired task, as opposed to, for example, assessing student understandingor knowledge.The participant then used the metaphor multiple times when explaining how they created theirtest questions. “Whether this particular aspect of a problem, I focused enough or not, that will reflect my current lecture. Did I pay too much attention in this
were devoted to design thinkingusing papercraft and rough prototyping materials. Fellows were provided with user bios and arough outline detailing how to structure the afternoons. During fellows’ practice, PL facilitatorsobserved and provided feedback.For the last stage of their fellowship, fellows developed a lesson plan integrating design thinkinginto their classroom instruction. After testing out lessons in their own classrooms, fellowsprovided NOVA with a copy of their lesson plans and a brief reflection explaining how theirlesson went and what advice they would give another educator who wanted to use their ideas.Results. Fellows completed a presurvey asking them whether they have past experienceintegrating design thinking / digital
of their degree, the intent behind course sequencing, and how they are developingthe necessary breadth and depth to be proficient in their future professional realms.Need for a Shared Advising ModelFaculty are one of the best resources for advising on topics related to their discipline and thetechnical curriculum. Most faculty do not have a background in student development theories,educational psychology, and/or experience in student affairs settings, making them ill-positioned(and often not comfortable) in helping students navigate the social and emotional landscape ofcollege life, reflect on personal development as they transition into adulthood, explore the non-technical aspects of their undergraduate experience, and interpret university
Advisor to the leadership at Sisters in STEM. Sreyoshi frequently collaborates on several National Science Foundation projects in the engineering education realm, researching engineering career trajectories, student motivation, and learning. Sreyoshi has been recognized as a Fellow at the Academy for Teaching Excellence at Virginia Tech (VTGrATE) and a Fellow at the Global Perspectives Program (GPP) and was inducted to the Yale Bouchet Honor Society during her time at Virginia Tech. She has also been honored as an Engaged Ad- vocate in 2022 and an Emerging Leader in Technology (New ELiTE) in 2021 by the Society of Women Engineers. Views expressed in this paper are the author’s own, and do not necessarily reflect those
, theUnited States passed the Innovation and Competition Act, which increased funding forSTEM education. In other words, the development of engineering education is closely relatedto national expansion, industrial structure, and global political changes, and may become akey power field and colonial tool. Although Taiwan and South Korea play important roles inthe global high-tech industry chain and geopolitics, their comprehensive thinking onengineering education is far from enough. As STS scholars and engineering educators in EastAsia, we have a moral obligation to assume these responsibilities, and to examine thehistorical facts behind the impact of technology on geopolitics and society, in order to furtheranalyze and reflect on what engineering
and communicate across a variety of disciplines,which might include product design and development, installation, testing, operation, andmaintenance [2].All of these signs reflect a growing awareness of the need for an educational model that willrespond to rapidly evolving challenges. The National Academy of Sciences has raised theconcern that the current educational model should better align existing engineering models withsuch emerging challenges, broadening the context through an increased number of thematic callsand engaging with a wider range of users. In addition, academic literature on Science,Technology, and Society has called for a move towards a heightened awareness of the contextand factors that influence engineering decision
, reflectiveobservation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation, created by contextualdemands. Thus, ELT's implications for the course's design consisted of guiding learners throughrecursive processes of experiencing, reflecting, thinking, and acting to respond to the learningsituation. That is, "immediate or concrete experiences are the basis for observations andreflections. These reflections are assimilated and distilled into abstract concepts from which newimplications for action can be drawn. These implications can be actively tested and serve asguides in creating new experiences" [5]. Specifics of how ELT guided the course implementationare described in the section below.3. The CourseThe course titled Industrial IoT Implementation for Smart
contributing to the team’s work, keeping the team on track, expecting quality,having relevant knowledge and skills, and interacting with teammates. The survey questionsrooted in conflict research (Gonzalez & Hernández, 2014, and Harrison & Klein, 2007) wereused to probe three types of conflicts: task, process, and relationship. We used the termsdisagreement and conflict interchangeably in this paper.The survey also collected demographic data. The sample demographics reflected the gender andracial distribution of the engineering student population at our institution, of which 13% werefemale, one third identified as Hispanic, one third as Asian, 16% as White, 6% as AfricanAmerican, and the rest as either mixed race, Native American, Native
been no exception in engineering ethicseducation. To evaluate the effectiveness of engineering ethics interventions, engineeringeducators have utilized various assessment strategies. Based on their review of the literature,Hess and Fore [2] identified that engineering educators have utilized both quantitative andqualitative strategies to evaluate the effectiveness of their educational interventions: Somecommon quantitative assessment strategies included collecting student perceptions of theeffectiveness of the educational interventions through course evaluation surveys. Some commonqualitative assessment strategies included collecting students’ course evaluations which havetheir reflections on learning gains.However, although there have been
thinking processes YES or NO Does the course include attention to principles of universal design of learning, including access and accommodation? Ex. Consider use of visuals designed to include colorblind students or laboratories that accommodate students with visual or physical impairments YES or NO Does the course include attention to highlighting the contributions of diverse exemplars of engineers? Ex. Tell the full story of the origins of engineered designs, like including the role of Lewis Latimer in the development of the light bulbWizard Outcome 4 - Character4a: Learning activities: YES or NO Does the course include opportunities for students to reflect on
careers atcommunity colleges. These workshops respond to the need for professional development ofgraduate students pertaining to potential faculty career paths. The workshops also provideparticipating students with a career reflection from a community college faculty and a paneldiscussion regarding aspects of faculty responsibilities, student populations, and the overallenvironment at community colleges.At the end of the workshop, prospective students are asked to sign up for a follow-up experience.A select number of students who participated in the workshop are paired with faculty mentors forclassroom observation visits. The mentors provide support by scheduling meetings before andafter the observations along with adequate resources and
insight into the effectiveness of theassignment and which parts are most difficult for students to understand. Students alsoresponded to the reflection prompt “What was the most surprising or interesting part of thisactivity.” The responses were analyzed for common themes, which were the usefulness ofvisualizing memory in understanding the concepts of stack frames and buffer overflow, theprevalence of buffer overflow vulnerabilities in publicly available code, and how easy it is toexploit a buffer overflow vulnerability. Thus, this assignment shows promise in helping studentsto understand a difficult concept, and in emphasizing the importance of avoiding buffer overflowvulnerabilities.IntroductionSoftware vulnerabilities in commercial products
viewpoint that identityusually arises in the learning process within the interdisciplinary teaching system andperforms the bridging function in boundary crossing. In this study, we consider theinterdisciplinary teaching system as a tool for developing interdisciplinary identity. Morethan simply the sum of knowledge reflected through a curriculum design or class syllabi, theinterdisciplinary teaching system represents a comprehensive curriculum of study or trainingthat structures students’awareness of learning. By providing multiple interpretiveperspectives across disciplines and creating an experiential teaching environment for real andcomplex issues, situational interests in interdisciplinary learning can be stimulated andpromote the formation of
Inclusive Teaching: An Exploratory Approach to Evaluate Faculty PerceptionsAbstract:This study describes an exploratory approach to evaluate faculty perception of the peerobservation practice aimed to enhance inclusive teaching.The quality of teaching is a part of the evaluation criteria for Promotion, Tenure andReappointment (PTR) process for university faculty. The student-based evaluation of teaching isknown to have several limitations and hence cannot be the sole basis for instructor evaluation.Peer observation, self-reflection, and assessment of teaching portfolios can be employed asholistic evaluation practices. The Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) department at theUniversity of Connecticut (UConn) adopted a calibrated
experiences and ideas [24]), and other areas in which learning occur over time[25]. While there is a wide range of developmental models, I will highlight one here that offers auseful framework for charting changes in thinking and reasoning over time: Baxter Magolda’sEpistemological Reflection Model (ERM) [26].Baxter Magolda’s ERM describes cognitive development in terms of the ways individuals makesense of, evaluate, interact with, and understand knowledge. This model is derived from Perry’sintellectual development framework [27] and addresses salient dimensions of college learningenvironments. The categories, called “ways of knowing”, range from Absolute to Contextual.Absolute Knowing corresponds to an overarching belief system where knowledge is
. Tofurther complement their product design education, interested students can also take a seniorelective course that places a strong emphasis on design thinking.This paper describes in detail the multi-pronged approach used at South Dakota Mines’mechanical engineering undergraduate program to provide students a comprehensive educationin product design and development. The product design process selected as the commonreference is presented, the product design and development topics covered in each course of thesequence are given, and examples of key learning activities that take place in each course areprovided. Reflections from faculty teaching the courses are also shared.Faculty members from other educational institutions may find the information
education with focus on engineering design, problem-based learning, co-curricular involvement and its impact on professional formation, and the role of reflection practices in supporting engineering undergraduates as they transition from student to professional. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Validation of a Measure of Design Framing AgencyAbstractIn this research paper, we investigate the structure and validity of survey data related to students’framing agency. In order to promote increased opportunities for students to engage in and learnto frame design problems that are innovative and empathetic, there is a need for instruments thatcan provide information about
submitting a knowledge inventory and remediation plan. Students create a glossary of termsand concepts from the class and rank them by their level of understanding. Recent iterations ofthe remediation plan also include reflections on emotions and support networks.In February 2023, the project team will scale the interventions to freshman-level IntroductoryProgramming, which has 400 students and the college’s highest fail/withdrawal rate. The largesample size will enable more robust statistics to correlate exam scores, intervention rubric items,and surveys on assignment effectiveness. Piloting interventions in various environments andclasses will establish best pedagogical practices that minimize instructors’ workload and decisionfatigue. The
: (i) architectural history as a background to discuss the relationship betweenthe changes in society and the architectural developments from the first industrial revolution topost-modernism and (ii) recent technological and societal changes to reflect on the foreseeablefuture challenges. The present paper describes our experience developing and deploying thiscourse for the first time. We start by presenting the motivation behind this new course, the learningobjectives, the schedule of topics, and assessments. Following, the instructors provide lessonslearned from the course's first iteration. Finally, we conclude by making suggestions for improvingfuture iterations of the course. These suggestions can also be relevant to others considering
engagement, and academic integrity as Assistant Dean since 2014. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023Preparing for Student Success in Global Competency and AwarenessEngineering student global awareness is qualitatively and quantitatively assessed in anengineering-specific preparation course through the undergraduate global engagement office at alarge land-grant university. This course was designed to introduce students to globalcompetencies, reflective practice, and foreign language for non-English speaking destinations.Data captured from several semesters indicates a positive trend of student satisfaction andincreased competencies. This data is corroborated by identifying important connections
groups from countries where travel outof the country may be difficult, mean that virtual conferences and presentations are goingto continue to happen in some capacity[4]. In the post-pandemic age, pre-recordedscientific presentations have become more commonplace, including at biomedicalengineering related conferences, including the Biomedical Engineering Society AnnualConference. Presenting virtually and preparing pre-recoded presentations requires adifferent skill set than in-person presentations, and therefore educators should considerimplementing them in the classroom to help students develop these skills early on. Additionally, pre-recorded presentations allow the student to reflect on and self-assess their presentation skills by