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2023 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Leslie Hopkinson, West Virginia University
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. The presentation was assessed based on completeness, organization, visuals, writing mechanics, and presentation length. • Project 2: Structural and cultural barriers In support of course learning outcome #2, students completed an annotated bibliography and infographic related to one of the structural or cultural barriers women in engineering fields face. Students were required to review at least three primary sources and summarize information in an infographic. They shared their work with classmates in a gallery walk3. Annotated reviews were assessed primarily by source type and quality (i.e., peer reviewed), summary points, reflection response, and format. The infographics were
2023 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Carmen Cioc, The University of Toledo; Noela A. Haughton, The University of Toledo; Sorin Cioc
, fasteners, etc.Two new exercises and associated assessments were introduced in a Mechanical Designcurriculum during the fall 2021 semester. The first assignment asked the students to design aconveyor system shaft, including drawing the shear and moment diagrams, and selection ofmaterials. The students were asked to submit their work as an excel “simulator” and toinvestigate the effect of the shaft speed on the overall calculations. The second assignment askedthe students to independently research on a new tribology-related topic and to make apresentation to the class based on their assigned topic. The topic was chosen by the instructorfrom the Handbook of Tribology. In all instances, the students were asked to evaluate and gradeall their peers
2023 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Diane L Peters P.E., Kettering University
orwith peers, as well as any type of advising done by faculty or alumni of the school. The term“Social” includes recreational activities as well as cohort-building and team-building activities.“Professional Skills” includes any interactions designed to build students’ knowledge of industryor their preparation for it, such as tours or resume-writing, and “College Knowledge”encompasses any non-class related activities designed to prepare students for success as collegestudents. Note that some activities, as described in papers, may be ambiguous, as there can beoverlap between Advising and College Knowledge, for example. It is also noted that programsmay include components that were not noted in the papers, as they were not a focus of
2023 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Xinyu Zhang, West Virginia University; Jeremy G. Roberts; Amanda Parrish
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the help of PASCO kits, whichwere all signs of better engagement. More difficult criteria and competition mechanism areneeded in the future to bring more challenges to the project and better distinguish the winningteam. Second, the technical report and poster presentation (both the poster and elevator pitch)were in better quality because (1) the report writing and poster design were broken into multiplerevision cycle with feedback from instructor and peer teams given before the final version due,(2) in-class writing practice improved the report quality, and (3) elevator pitch practice sessionhelped students to prepare for the poster presentation. 80% of students reported themultidisciplinary judge panel during the Poster Expo had a positive
2023 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Mohammed Ferdjallah, Marshall University; Asad Salem
and prevention, medical records, comparative outcomes research, and biomedical sciences. He has successfully published several peer-reviewed articles in biomedical sciences, physical medicine and rehabilitation, modeling and simulation of physiological signals, motion analysis, and engineering.Asad Salem ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Emerging Innovations and Global Challenges on Curriculum Design: Case Study of Teaching Security in Embedded System Design Mohammed Ferdjallah1, Asad Salem2 1 Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
2023 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Mohammed Ferdjallah, Marshall University
, comparative outcomes research, and biomedical sciences. He has successfully published several peer-reviewed articles in biomedical sciences, physical medicine and rehabilitation, modeling and simulation of physiological signals, motion analysis, and engineering. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 A New Synthesis Procedure for Designing Digital Filters Based on Optical Fiber Structures Mohammed Ferdjallah Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Marshall University Huntington, WV 25705
2023 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Chad S. Korach, University of Mount Union; Margo Miller, University of Mount Union
engineering and art designpractices. Others have reported and discussed the challenges inherent with teachinginterdisciplinary design.5,6 Though instructors who primarily teach in general education coursesmay be familiar with these challenges, the inclusion of co-teaching with an instructor out ofone’s discipline makes this a unique course design to provide general background to non-engineering and art students while continuing to emphasize the art and engineering designintersection.The general education capstone course is a culminating course, which requires students to workin an interdisciplinary theme on a project. Reflection, writing, and presentations are requiredlearning objective areas in the general education capstone course, though each
2023 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Aneesha Gogineni, Saginaw Valley State University
upper-level energy related courses. A strongfoundation in design concepts should be introduced early in the course which can help students performwell in the senior level courses. This study recommends breaking down various topics and test student’sknowledge in those areas [8]. Project based learning is limited to few design applications and hencestudent’s understanding levels of the core concepts are still unknown.Active LearningActive learning is described in different ways and some of them include: a) actively engaging students withthings and giving students an opportunity to think about the things, b) Learn content through reading andlistening and reciprocating content, ideas and issues through talking and writing, c) increase