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2023 Fall Mid Atlantic Conference: Meeting our students where they are and getting them where they need to be
Samaneh Gholitabar, New York City College of Technology, City University of New York
. Seo, D., and D. Mangra. 2017. “Project-Based Learning of Digital Logic Circuit Design ”. Fall 2017 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, October 6-7 – Penn State Berks.7. López-Querol, S., S. Sánchez-Cambronero, A. Rivas, M. Garmendia. 2014. “Improving Civil Engineering Education: Transportation Geotechnics Taught through Project-Based Learning Methodologies.” Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice. Volume 141, Issue 1.8. Krathwohl, D.R., 2002. A revision of Bloom's taxonomy: An overview. Theory Into Practice, 41(4), pp.212-218.9. Ahn, Y. H., R. Pearce Annie, H. Kwon. 2012. “Key Competencies for U.S. Construction Graduates: Industry Perspective.” Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and
2023 Fall Mid Atlantic Conference: Meeting our students where they are and getting them where they need to be
Guozhen Tony An, Queensborough Community College; Dugwon Seo; David Mannes, City University of New York, Queensborough Community College; Raymond K.F. Lam, City University of New York, Queensborough Community College
Reflecting Apprenticeship and Industry Need. 2022ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Fall Conference, Penn State, Harrisburg, PA.[4] Krutsch, E. (2022, December). Computer Science Education Week: Explore In-Demand ITJobs. Computer Science Education Week: Explore In-Demand IT Jobs | U.S. Department ofLabor Blog ([5] Jarvis, D. (2023 August). Tech Talent Is Still Hard To Find, Despite Layoffs In The Sector.Deloitte Insights. Tech talent gap | Deloitte Insights[6] Lave, J. & Wenger, E. (1991). Situated Leaning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation.Cambridge University Press.[7] Lave, J. (2011). Apprenticeships in Critical Ethnographic Practice. University of ChicagoPress.Appendix ICompany A - Production Support Analyst Degree MapTerm: Fall 1 Course