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Conference Session
BME Course and Curriculum Development
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Aston, East Tennessee State University; William H. Blanton, East Tennessee State University
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instructors that the book is essential. Also, thank you very much for saving me the expense of buying a text for one of my classes. It helped tremendously. (K) I did enjoy the book and found it useful. (L) No answer given (M) The primary benefit of this book was the cost itself. But even without having to pay for it, it was not lacking in detail as one might expect from a free textbook N) Appreciate the use of this E-book (O) the textbook was very good over all. It could have used more examples of the calculations and more descriptions of where the information came from. (P) Add an index. (Q) No answer givenReferences1. Aston, R. “Engineering E-Book Generation” ASEE Mid-Atlantic Fall Conference 2008