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Conference Session
New Research & Trends for Minorities in Engineering
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Maria M. Larrondo Petrie, Florida Atlantic University; Ivan Esparragoza, Pennsylvania State University
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Minorities in Engineering
AC 2010-1208: MIND LINKS 2010: RESOURCES TO MOTIVATE MINORITIESTO STUDY AND SUCCEED IN ENGINEERINGMaria M. Larrondo Petrie, Florida Atlantic University Dr. Maria M. Larrondo Petrie is Associate Dean and Professor in the College of Engineering at Florida Atlantic University. She is on the Board of the ASEE Minorities in Engineering Division (MIND), and ASEE International Division. She is Executive Director of LACCEI, the Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, and is Vice President of IFEES, the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies.Ivan Esparragoza, Pennsylvania State University Dr. Ivan Esparragoza is an Associate Professor at Pennsylvania State